Same-O, Same-Oh: "I Did It For Your Own Good," "The Check's in the Mail," "Sure, I'll Respect You in The Morning," etc.

December 29, 2005:
Recently (a couple of days, as nearly as I can remember - I caught a cold so scary I thought might be the avian flu), FoxNews military analyst Colonel David Hunt commented on a recent demonstration of how poorly a Homeland Security Agency exercise had gone. Asked by the host why the agency - and by obvious implication, I thought, the federal government in general - fails so miserably, the colonel said, "Nobody gets fired."
Bingo! And nobody gets fired because a public mostly dead between the ears doesn't demand it. That's due a number of things, none more effective than the relentless mind-control and behavioral conditioning science wielded by a fourth estate that has been co-opted by the very government it is supposed to oversee. There are hundreds of recent examples, but the latest revelation of crime by Emperor Bush, that of ignoring the Fourth Amendment, is easily the most revealing and probative. This is, in fact, probably the most concerted damage-control effort ever brought to bear in U.S. History. In my six decades of watching the news, I have never seen or heard more downright asinine and bizarre defenses raised by White House supporters, nor commentary by supposed opponents as inept and feckless. This is so obvious that as proof of theories having to do with the "dumbing down" of nation it is absolutely conclusive. Anyone who doesn't see this as the forensic and polemic equivalent of pro wrestling is braindead.
The media assault on the public's right to know and sanity reached its zenith last night (or the night before - like I said, I've been out of it for days) with Fox Business (anybody who takes this guy's financial advice doesn't have both oars in the water, that's sure) Analyst Stuart Varney's belligerent and bewildered insistence that persons who reported that the President had committed a crime should be prosecuted for having done so.
That, my dear sir, turns the concept of law and order on its head. A crime to report a crime! Good grief! How Uriah Heepian can you get? How "un-American?"
"Nobody gets fired." There you have it. No matter what people in government do, they are never held accountable. Operate any other organization, any business, or group endeavor like that and you will have what we have in Washington, D.C. Spastic confusion. Remember this?
“At Ruby Ridge, federal agents shot in the back and killed a child’s dog, shot in the back and killed the fleeing child as well, and then blew off the head of that child’s mother . . . even after a cover-up was discovered, the federal government refused to prosecute the killers. At Waco, the government . . . roasted twenty-two children like wieners on a spit and cremated more than fifty adults in the same inferno. Yet no federal officers were prosecuted.” Gerry Spence, Esq. –“Give me Liberty”
Of course, that's a quote from "Letters," my book, and it represents only a small sample of what I'm talking about. And FoxNews' White House toady Varney is a microcosm of the public that has brought us to this sorry state. More about that tomorrow. I'm bushed, still not over this cold (I hope). Oh, before I quit, here's a quote from Mark Twain that comes to mind having listened to the pundits lately:
“There never was a just war, never an honorable one, on the part of the instigator of the war. Statesman will invent cheap lies, putting the blame on the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities . . ., and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.”
See you tomorrow . . .
December 30, 2005:
Whew! If this isn't the bird flu, it's the King Kong of colds. Murder. Me, a guy who does the U.S. Army Ranger PT Test once a week, had a chore in coming upstairs to the office where I type. Funny, now that I think of it - if I called the government right now to say I was being attacked by the bird flu, there would be help coming from all over the place. When I called to say I was being attacked by the disease known as IRS, I couldn't get even a lawyer to help. Maybe you can tell yourself what the difference is.
Try the definition of "hypocrite."
Which brings me back to George W. Bush, who obviously has an idea entirely different from the rest of us about what it means to be President of the United States. His excuse for repudiating the oath of office he took is that it's for our good. It's to protect the public. Sure. "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you." Just the fact that the man doesn't seem to understand how that sounds to all of us reveals how "out of it" he is. Another president, Reagan, said those were the ten most fearful words in the English language. They're usually included in other examples of cynically meaningless blabber, stuff like "Sure, I'll still respect you in the morning," "The check's in the mail," and "I love my country." Just useless noise, but they're what our wannabe emperor comes up with to justify attacking what a Supreme Court Justice (Brandeis) called the fundamental freedom. George, if you can't stand guard without peeking in the bedroom window, find another line of work.
I used the present tense back there a minute ago. You don't really think that just because they got caught they've stopped, do you? Why would they stop doing what they've been doing since the Nixon Administration? "Nobody gets fired." Ever. You name it, they get away with it. The result is a nation whose daily news sounds like a reading of Uncle Remus. There is no kind of chicanery we don't endure - and pay for. Our Constitution, under relentless assault by federal government since the Korean War, has now been made a mockery. Once a bulwark against tyranny, it is now its weapon. People, this is ridiculous!
The answer? WE, THE PEOPLE, HAVE TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF OUR NATION! How? First, any regulatory law that doesn't provide for penalties is like a watchdog without teeth. Emperor Bush will go on violating the Constitution as long as he likes, in other words, certain that his handlers in the Military Industrial Complex will buy as many Senators as is necessary to avoid impeachment. Write you congressman? Sure. That's more of that "I'll respect you in the morning" crap. In my book "Letters," I tell about it. Literally hundreds of letters, about blatant crime by government - not one response (one Senator, Phil Gramm, thanked me for my interest in the "Savings and Loan Crises;" I wrote to him about a burglary and filing a false official report by a federal officer).
The Constitution is the people's document, and the People's Courts - that's a Grand Jury elected by the people - should try any federal officer who violates it. For one federal official to try another federal official is plainly absurd; more, it's the sole reason "nobody gets fired." The fine upon conviction of violation of the Constitution by a federal official should be life in prison. No exceptions. No time off for good behavior, no paroles - straight hard time, until death. We are talking, after all, about the most precious thing there is here, as precious as life itself. Liberty.
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." – Patrick Henry, Virginia's Ratification convention, 1788
That's how serious this is. We are about to piss away the greatest nation, the most important experiment in government every attempted. I say this again and again, because it bears repeating: If we give up our rights, our children and grandchildren will desecrate our graves. And we're doing it (what follows is from my books, "Letters to Aaron," and from "The Four Freedoms - Citizen Power to Control Government"). Among the critical liberties we have left derelict to state and federal courts is that of the petit jury. We need to free the jury of twelve from tampering by the court. What we have is absurd, a blatant encroachment on the Sixth Amendment by the government. If you think my use of the word "absurd" to strong, listen to what one of the greatest of us once said.
"It would be an absurdity for jurors to be required to accept the judge's view of the law, against their own opinion, judgment, and conscience." -- John Adams
Compare that to a " jury charge" typical of those given these days in the "Land of Laws." This is California:
"It becomes my duty as judge to instruct you concerning the law applicable to this case, and it is your duty as jurors to follow the law as I shall state it to you ... You are to be governed solely by the evidence introduced in this trial and the law as stated to you by me."
Can you find a better microcosm, or parallel to what government has done to our Constitution and rights? Thomas Jefferson said, "I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution." That we have what we have - almost total loss of control of government and our freedoms - could not be better proof that he was right. I could go on, because there is more, much more. Obviously, we need a better way to select our government, one free of corruption by money and the super rich. "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." -- Thomas Jefferson. Emperor Bush is obviously a product and member of the "small elite."
We need a way to avoid the rise to power of his kind, and I suggest, as does the great attorney, Gerry Spence, a lottery.
In fact, I intend to reprise the "Citizen Powers" series, and quote extensively from it here. In view of the way things are going with this latest federal outrage against our rights, is seems to me high time you knew what your rights - and responsibilities - are, and just how bad things really are. But this will do for today. Meanwhile, here are some sites you ought to check out: