The Quantum World of George W. Bush

December 8, 2005, postscript to my last:
Listening to our president's speech day before yesterday, I had an epiphany. I've been studying Dr. Hugh Everett and cosmology's Many Worlds Interpretation recently, and it suddenly occurred to me that we have in our government and its seemingly schizoid machinations a metaphor of MWI. That might explain why this man Bush and his bucolically stolid followers never seem to be in the same world with the rest of us. More, the extreme Left and extreme Right don't seem to be talking about the same reality, either. Everything with this administration is a variation on the old, "well, are you going to believe me or your eyes?" joke. With this cockamamie administration ("administration?!" Man, that's more of the same - isn't it?), there doesn't seem to be any way to distinguish between what is real and what is unreal, or any way to decide what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.
Everything is quantum physics. Schroedinger's cat, both dead and alive. We won the war - "Mission accomplished!" (remember?) - but the guys we beat are still kicking hell out of us. Everything is going to plan, too. Excuse me?! Where is Heisenberg, he of the famous Uncertainty Principle, when we need him?
But listening to Bush's speech, something hit me. Damn! Maybe this guy does believe what he says. Maybe he did believe all the crap his advisers and "intelligence" told him. Hell, he gets the news about the same way the rest of us do. As just about every single person in the country knows, the justification for the invasion of Iraq was that Saddam Hussein had a highly dangerous arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, most or all of which could be unleashed in minutes to bring about hideous destruction and death. We were assured again and again that was true. Word of honor (that, right there, should have told us something).
Well, it wasn't true. Surprise. If that weren't enough, we were told that Iraq had a relationship with Al Qa'ida and shared responsibility for the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. We were assured that was true, too. Word of honor.
It was not true.
When it obviously wasn't true, we were told that Saddam's Iraq threatened the security of the world, anyway. We were assured it was true. Word of honor.
That wasn't true, either.
Now we keep hearing explosions, shooting, and horrendous casualty figures. It sure as hell sounds like a war to most people. But Mr. President says it's just an "insurgency." Nothing to worry about. We've held elections, Saddam is on trial, the Iraqi economy is booming, and there's lots and lots of "positive" news (just ask Fox). It isn't what it appears to be.
Now, friends, individual the president or administration and government, what we have here is either a liar leading a pack of liars or a cuckoo bird leading a flock of cuckoo birds like him - a lunacy of loons, to coin a collective noun. This government must live in another world, another space time continuum, even. How else do you explain all this?
I don't really care, anymore, about whether this clown and his cockamamie cohort are liars. Hell, facing the obvious alternative, I wish they were. I'd rather believe the people in Washington, D.C. are just thieves trying to steal anything they can as usual than believe they're what they've obviously become - a bedlam of psychotic nitwits living in another world.
Neither am I only worried about the government. It's the nation of damned fools who have somehow become so biased, so incapable of cogent consideration as to pretend this is all real and sane.
My god, now we're talking about "Exit Strategy!" EXIT STRATEGY?! That goes into the ludicrous lexicon of lunacy right along with "abortion," "women's reproductive rights," "separation of church and state," "holiday trees," "gay marriage," and fifty more examples of rhetoric become reality for the mentally meandering. If there's one thing I don't want this putrescence of politicos on the Potomac deciding, it's exit strategy in Iraq. Let's not forget how their exit strategy for New Orleans in the even of a hurricane turned out.
We won and now we can't figure our how to leave . . . That makes sense to you?
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