Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Speech, Aruba, Iraq; and connections

In news that is definitely not news, the big media confides that our wondrous Transportation Security Administration is a thief. Surprise! Thousands of taxpayer bucks for twenty gallons of coffee (well, we do have to stay wide awake . . .). Fifteen hundred for an extension cord (no mention if that bought, rented, or leased the thing). And on and on into the small-change-for-a-bureaucrat millions. For all the Sean Hannity-Fox News types: the federal government is a conspiracy of criminals—what else do you call this kind of thing?

Which brings me to The Speech. Discussing crap like this reminds me of my morning walk. The complex here has a number of dumpsters, the use of which no one seems to have mastered. Each morning, I have to close the damned covers against the neighborhood's marauding raccoons, cats, and the rest. If I don't, I have to take my walk through the garbage strewn about. It's about ninety-five degrees here every day . . . Does this remind anybody of the way "Americans" conduct their national security?

WELL, anyway: Fearless leader—you know, the chicken become a hawk who roosted with the national guard when there was a chance to "defend America" in Vietnam--now exhorts us—and our kids—to fight to the death in Iraq. What do you say about a— Shit, you fill in a word. I'm just not up to describing this guy anymore. Besides, I might pick a word that's illegal, treasonous, you know.

The Speech, Hal, the speech. Okay, I'll bet it was easy to write this sucker. Everybody with an IQ higher than seventy knew what he would say, how he would say it, and the facial expressions he would use. He didn't lie about the reasons he got us there? Did you listen to what he said in the damned speech? If you're no better at detecting a liar than to believe what this guy says, stop answering the phone. Somebody will sure as hell sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. Or the Arctic Ice Pack.

The man is a liar. For the die-hards who somehow still argue the point, I remind you of his sober report about Cuba and the sex trade. That was a bald-faced lie, he got caught at it when the supposed author of the study he lied about repudiated his statements, and it's a FACT that he lied. So don't tell me he isn't a liar. READ MY LIPS: George Bush, President of the United States, is a liar. His speech. Well, I have to pick stuff like that up every morning, and put it back in the dumpster. And folks, the longer you leave garbage in the heat - like Iraq- the more it stinks. Which reminds me that people just don't seem to know what to do with garbage.

Last thing, for those who still want to talk about Aruba, Natalee, and all that: Hey—take advantage. Learn from it. The kind of lynch mob fervor you hear on Fox "News" (my god, Van Susteren is actually trying to solve the case!) and the rest is the same kind of nitwit nonsense that got us into Iraq. Sure. Saddam was last seen with . . . no actually, he wasn't. But the CIA said he was. Well, god damn, it, SOMEBODY (better make it a nation—you can't spend three hundred billion or so chasing down just a few guys) attacked the World Trade Center, and we need to nail somebody. Get out the rubber hoses (how long do you think it will be before O'Reilly demands that?)! Oops, I mean Tomahawk missiles. Wait a minute, I was talking about Aruba. Or was I? What the hell, we want either our girl back or somebody in the gas chamber (or whatever). Nuke the bastards!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Natalee Holloway and those incompetent Arubans

Maybe someone should remind Bill O'Reilly and the crew at Fox (not that I hold the rest of the media in any greater esteem) that the U.S. legal system is a hideous mess. We imprison more of our citizens that the former Soviet Union and Red China combined. While we imprison 760 of every 100,000, nations like German jail 75. Cuba, whose "human rights abuses" our government an media rail, rant, and rave about almost daily, imprisons 109. Six and two-thirds million people are in jail or on probation in the Land of the Free, one in every 32 citizens. We imprison for rape more than fifty times as many men as any other nation on the planet, literally hundreds of them innocent. It is a statistically incontrovertible and unavoidable fact that we frequently execute - that's murder, folks - innocent men.

It has always been a source of abject astonishment to me that a nation whose government screws up just about everything it touches - take Iraq, for instance - still clamors to give that same government the power of the death penalty. Good Grief.

And now we have the stupendous arrogance and pecksniffian criticism of people like Fox news. My God. Aruba needs to give us a scapegoat, like our government does. The last person - hell, persons, if necessary - to be seen with Natalee is good enough. What more do you need? That puts people in jail here. Why not in a little jerkwater like Aruba?!

Hey, we need "closure." People like Fox are already hinting that we should do to Aruba what we've done to Cuba. Sure. Make us a bigger horse's butt with the world community than we already are. Has it ever occured to any of you that the rest of the world doesn't make money the be-all and end-all of everything? Maybe they'll just tell us to take our money and shove it. Now THAT would be interesting. Real news, too.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"Anti-American" opinions, people alergic to truth, and killing the messenger

June 21, 2005:
To Walt in Alabama: So you're a patriot. So what? Who needs a patriot who's an ignorant moron? The fact is that Wade Churchill is right, and it's logically incontrovertible, a matter of historical record. The further fact - once boasted about, now "best not talked about" - is that black slaves were lynched and murdered by the thousands, publicly and without protest from the populace, and with the law's tacit approval. The nation was built on genocide and murder. Churchill reasoned that anyone who behaves like we do in the world of nations ought expect reprisal, and his remark to the effect that anyone who supports that kind of foreign policy and behavior shouldn't act shocked if and when he gets in the way of retaliation is also reasonable. I'm reminded of the parallel represented by Waco and the Murrah Building. The trouble is you, and people like you, don't want to deal with the truth, so you want to kill the messenger who brings it. You'd lynch the little boy who said the king with his wonderful clothes was naked.

And as to our role as "leader of the free world," why in hell would any other nation trust us with the world's economy, the environment, world peace, or anything else? They should trust us—selfless and trustworthy good neighbor that we are? Wise and reasonable, too? Sure. You don't think the people overseas our multi-billion dollar corporations are paying wages like fifty cents a day know that the same corporation pays people here several hundred dollars? You don't think they know they're being had? Their children, too? Pull your head out (you know, I've always wanted to be there to see one of your sort put his head up your ass in the first place—that must be quite a sight . . .). Reasonable? Today, the premier of "Communist Vietnam" is here to talk business. We're eager (they just discovered a big wad of oil there—what a coincidence!). U.S. citizens are free to travel to Vietnam. Funny about "Communist Cuba," isn't it?

And Sue, in Missouri, it's like pornography: if you can't handle it, don't look. I said right up front my website serves up truth in massive doses. If you can prove I'm wrong, I'll say I'm wrong and thank the one who showed me. That's what truth is all about. The science of fact and factual knowledge—"epistemology," it's called—is well advanced. So are the rules of evidence practiced by lawyers and courts. When you're wrong, it can usually be demonstrated logically and scientifically. And the truth is rarely just "a matter of opinion." Sorry, babe. That's just nonsense.

And, Bill O'Reilly, "that's a memo."

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Reply to the "Unco Guid"

June 19, 2005:

One, last word to the politically correct, the euphemizers, and their ilk generally. "To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treasonous to virtue." That quote, from eighteenth century British statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke, is among the opening quotations in my book, "Letters to Aaron-the Hal Luebbert Story." You should read it. The government of the United States, is in fact—published, proven, incontrovertible fact—a conspiracy of criminals. Their actions and behavior is so obviously criminal that the further fact of it beggars description. Only a professional historian would know where to start. You might start with my own story. Read the book. You might start with something like the Iran-Contra Affair, so called. Look up Barry Seals, Terry Reed, Felix Rodriguez (did you know he still wears Che Guevara's wrist watch?), Admiral Poindexter, and the rest—to pick one instance of outright gangster criminality of which I happen to know personally (in recovering one of the stolen planes, and inferring the rest, I was among the first to know what was going on). The conspiracy part is a matter of definition. Look it up. For every outright crook in government, doing things that are plainly against the law, they are twenty more who know what's going on, and for one reason or the other—all but invariably self-serving ("it's my job")—do nothing, go along. That's conspiracy. "Subornation" is the nice, esoteric legal term.
For Brooks: I don't apologize for the terms "Fuehrer" and "Reichsfuehrer," either. In the first place, I said "wannabe." That Bush, Cheney and their crew want to be dictators in the Nazi character is everywhere evident. They are fairly bellowing it to the wide world. Governments in this country are all but always criminal conspiracies. That's because the public, people like you, are charged by the Constitution and the Founding Fathers with keeping government honest. You don't. You rationalize and euphemize, the better to do nothing. What do you call what government officials and bureaucrats did to me and my family? Name something that was done that was legal, even under tax law and their own rules of procedure then. Read my book, then tell me how what was done to Robert Smiley and the others was legal. Read the quote from famed (and may his tribe increase) attorney Gerry Spence leading Chapter Four. Not one of the people who murdered Sammy and Vicki Weaver were punished.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're damned right—I DO keep bringing that up. Waco, too. Each time, the conspiracy covered for its co-conspirators. You people . . . I started to say, "make me sick." No, not sick. You piss me off. You piss me off because you're co-conspirators, too—like the government employees who say nothing in order to protect their miserable jobs. Like the passersby that day when the eight-passenger bus hits what ostensibly is an old man, then de-busses driver and passengers who kick and otherwise assault their victim as he lies stunned and bleeding on the street. Pleaded with to get the names of witnesses, these public-spirited citizens get in their cars and leave, to allow malfeasant cops who show up all the lee-way necessary to protect the attackers. The driver of a bus that hits a pedestrian in a signal-protected cross-walk, leaves eighty-four feet of skid marks, hurls the pedestrian's body sixty-one feet from the cross-walk, receives no citation for traffic violation. The police report is fabricated to omit the names of principals (except the pedestrian. Not a conspiracy?! You'd better be careful: some day you might respond to another set of circumstances like that with an opinion like that, and they'll put you in a rubber room. That's schizoid—separated from reality.
You're a moribund, my country, a nation dying of neglect, neglect of the principles and people who made you great. You treat the Bill of Rights like asswipe (your young people don't even know what it is). You've got three-hundreds of billions for camouflaged adventurism in Iraq, and peanuts for the poor and the elderly of "The Greatest Generation"—which includes men who fought and died for you, men like the 101st Airborne's Band of Brothers." You let your young women and children be stolen away to be made slaves by perverts around the sick part of the world—and you know damned good and well who that is—and you do nothing to stop the torrent of their kind pouring into the country. And that's rationalized by for a myriad of contemptible reasons, the worst of which is that it's "politically correct."
You're dying. Hurry up—when you're dead, people like those who founded you in the first place will pick up the pieces and start all over start again. This time, though, they'll take steps to assure that what happened to you doesn't happen again. They'll restrict government to the tiny number of things it can do better than individuals and small groups themselves. They'll keep their money and the power it brings at home, where it belongs. Resolutely and with relentless attention. Hurry up and die. The planet and its people can't stand much more of you.
From my website

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The "Free" Press

June 14, 2004, website:

Tuesday (had to help a friend with some plumbing). The toll of sacrifices to U.S. militarism and its military industrial complex Frankenstein Monster passed 1700 yesterday. Four more. I got the news from NPR, the media being totally occupied with Michael Jackson—whose execrable name I wouldn't know, were it not for the media that is my subject—and Jackson is a good place to start. Must be wonderful, to be forced to endure hour upon hour of Michael Jackson tripe spewed in your face as you search the cable TV for news of whether your son or daughter, husband, wife, or other loved one has been killed. First, who cares about a peculiar (very)-behaving "entertainer?" Well, the people ruled by the media care, or Michael Jackson would be Joe Blow. Who with an intellect better than a monkey cares? Yeah. And who with a brain better than a monkey believes anything fed him by the "mainstream" media? Yup. But how does anybody come to be in that benighted state? Well, he listens to people who will appeal to and exploit every mental and psychological weakness he can learn about and reach. The media.

For instance, do I have an opinion about the recent trial outcome of the Jackson matter? Nope. How could any reasonable person have an opinion? Would you risk anything expensive or critical to your well-being on the evidence provided by the media? If you would, you're among those who would be challenged by having to match wits with a chimpanzee.

To be more specific, and pointed, where my analysis of our news media and its value to the public where making decisions important to their lives is concerned (like whether to trust your son or daughters life to a clique of rich like the Bush Administration and the military industrial complex it puppets for), lets begin with the young women I mentioned in my earlier "blog" (Cripes, what a word—speaks to the surpassing erudition of the country, doesn't it?). With our young women and children disappearing in droves daily, some of them to be found later with their lifeless bodies having been raped and brutalized otherwise, why is it that our media will not discuss, even mention, the obvious and its implications?

I'm known for my penchant for coming to the point swiftly, so: let us suppose that an oil-richened Arab—you know, the people famed for the high esteem they hold women—sheik visits the U.S. Lets say he came to buy himself a race horse in Kentucky. On his jaunts about town, he notices a couple of young fillies of the human species, decides to add to his harem, and has them seized. When he has secreted them aboard his jetliner, it happens that a particularly perspicacious private eye who happens to be in town for a judo camp makes the necessary observations, draws the necessary conclusions, and calls police. What do you think will happen? Let us assume (correctly, in this case), that the sheik is a prince, scion of an Arab family close to the ruler of the most oil-rich nation on the globe. He not only wants his son to be free of the difficulties inherent to arrest and all that, he wants his son to have anything he wants. And Habib (it means love) wants those girls even more than he wants his horses.

Habib, by the way, is a pervert, famed in his circles for his sexual cruelty. His father, the ruler, has his family's reputation to consider.

What do you think happens when the King calls those paragons of righteousness and virtue who rule in the Land of the Fee (oops—free), to demand that his son have both his freedom and whatever he wants? When he threatens to block all U.S. access to oil in the Middle East?

Now, it's not like no one else has realized, and thought about it. Come on! Do you know about "profiling?" You know, the kind that's illegal when used to single out Afro-Americans and Hispanics? When its suspected that an individual has committed a crime, reasonable detectives begin with considering the behavior of all individuals whose history of behavior resembles the behavior revealed in the commission of the crime. Modus operandi, for example, might be the manner used to strangle the victim. Where the victim is found to have been attacked from the air, then torn to pieces by talons, one might suspect a bird of prey.

But that can be construed to single out a group (birds of prey), so you can't do that legally in the land of the benighted free. Unless you're a private detective, one trying to trace a couple of missing women or girls. A private detective—this one, anyway—might take note of the fact that among the peoples of the earth and their cultures, two (and those culturally related closely by history) find the sexual degradation and abuse of women and children far less reprehensible than the rest of their species. In fact, kidnap, slavery, rape, even torture and mutilation of women and girls is not only common but accepted in these cultures. The PI, ergo, might start his hunt by checking the Arab and South American populace in town, especially those newly arrived and perhaps known to be leaving soon. Amazing, the chutzpah of the man!

Amazing. How is it then, that not an iota, not a scintilla of discussion of cultural propensity for that sort of thing and related motivation occurs when, for instance, the latest disappearance of a young women or child occurs? Why doesn't it occur to the great minds of punditry that the fact of enormous numbers of missing women and children occurs parallel to a similar mathematical explosion of illegal immigration by cultures with a penchant and propensity for that very sort of behavior?

I leave it to you. Far be it from me to say or think anything politically incorrect.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

"Deep Throat"

Here we go again (or still). Another four or five of our young men and women will have died in Iraq or Afghanistan, but now the bottom-feeders, our carp and suckers - scum, that is - of the media will attempt to distract us with more of the O.J. Simpson, Laci Peterson, Terri Schiavo, Michael Jackson "journalism" of today. Somewhere in hell, Josef Geobbels and his protege, Adolph, are looking at one another knowingly. This is so Brobdingnagian in its ludicrous hypocrisy that even in hell they might manage a laugh.

Damn - isn't there a stronger expression than "scumsucker?"

For literally years, decades as a matter of fact, I continually sent to US senators and congressman, television, newspapers, and even magazines like Soldier of Fortune reams of documentation including tape recordings proving incontrovertibly crime in government - namely, IRS. The crimes ran the gamut of the felony sort, from rape and extortion to commit rape to mayhem, burglary, theft for sale of identities, and wrongful conversion of property. Guess what happened? Well, did you hear about it?

The truth is that the government of the United States is replete with criminals and criminal behavior by federal and state agencies. Still, CNN today asks whether what Mark Felt did was "right." My God! Right?

The federal government of the United States is a jungle - no, a cesspool. Aside from the staggering number of outright criminals there (any competent statistical projection based on history would suggest that as many as 3,000 of them are betraying us to foreign powers as I write this - ever stop and think of that?), there are those who suborn (a legal term: when you know a crime is being committed and keep silent, you are likewise guilty of the crime) the crime. Felt was one who didn't haave the courage - and wanted to keep his cushy job - to do the right thing. The right thing - for a morally bankrupt nation that obviously doesn't know - is to speak up and lose the job if necessary. Or quit and then speak up.

At the time I infiltrated federal (mostly IRS - but the nation's Gestapo knows a lot of secrets) offices everywhere, there was little of IRS criminality that wasn't known to its rank and file. When I sometimes confronted them, I always got the same answer. "It's my job. You don't expect me to lose my job, do you?"

It won't be long now. "Democracy never last long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself." John Adams.

YOU, my country, made me your enemy all these years ago. You can't protest honestly when I tell you I enjoy seeing my enemy brought down. And there isn't much doubt about it anymore - IS there?

"Deep Throat"

Oh, hey - by the way. I read Professor Ward Churchill's hated book over the holiday. Tough stuff, all right. Infuriating. And all true—incontrovertibly so. Right out of the pages of the history books and undeniable, damned near every word. Are we reminded of T.S. Eliot? "People can't stand very much truth."? H. L. Mencken (...the man they despise most is the one who tries to tell them the truth.")?OH YEAH!