Friday, May 23, 2008

Okay, Now That the "American Dream" Has Come Down to a Question of Survival . . .

Again responding to e-mail and other requests from persons aware of my more than twenty-three year struggle to survive the merciless machinations of the U.S. Government, this will begin a series of lessons in survival, both wilderness and urban. Soon, I will begin a webpage here, one specific to the subject. For today, however, we will begin with the tactical necessities where survival against an enemy like the U.S. Government itself are concerned, together with the likewise tactical understanding necessary to survive the results of government "policy" and practice.

First, the bedrock of any defense (or offense): Know your enemy. Like the ace fighter pilot, learn as the best possible early warning device to recognize an enemy. Study it. Most citizens of the super-sated, decadent United States exist in a perpetual state of "fat, dumb, and happy," gunfighter Colonel (now deceased) Jeff Cooper's "Condition White."

Next, learn again to learn. A large and decisive factor in the stupidity of the U.S. public is the individual's refusal to make any effort whatever toward learning. Few things worth learning, you know, can be learned in the now infamous "thirty days." Learn, too, to recognize a teacher. Propaganda - today's Operation MOCKINGBIRD media - is designed and wielded in order to behaviorally condition - not teach. And, to quote author Orson Scott Card, "There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will ever tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."

Inasmuch as the primary enemy here is the U.S. Government, the first line of that Orson Scott Card quote is pointed and profitable here, too: "I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you." Here, just accept as fact that the enemy has resources beyond, even, what you can imagine. If recent and current history hasn't taught you that, it may be that any effort to learn survival is fruitless - you're too far gone to save. Look around, begin to let the enemy teach you.

For instance, as I type this the U.S. Congress is sneaking through legislation to give amnesty to the twenty million illegal aliens - also your enemy - already in the U.S. The legislation is included - i.e., deceitfully hidden - in legislation intended to provide more funding for the war in Iraq (which, in turn, is styled in such a manner as to make it appear the all the funds will go for support of our troops). That is your enemy. Learn from him.

Further as example, the U.S. Border with Mexico remains essentially wide open, in virtually the same state as it was on September 11, 2001. With only deliberately misplaced and misdesigned "fences" - "fences" whose only real purpose is to mislead the public - "fences" (what does it mean, to "fence?") standing in the way of the torrent of vicious and sociopath criminals (murder, rape, kidnapping, and illegal drug production and sales are major Mexican industries, with drug lords ruling large portions of the nation) pouring in from Mexico, those sworn to protect and defend us dither endlessly (you don't see the delaying tactic which will permit more millions of enslave-able amnesty-seekers to infiltrate?). More, increased coverage by the nation's news and information media concerning the paltry number of arrests of illegal immigrants and those who hire them (as yet, no arrests of those aiding and abetting the crime are being made) deliberately conveys the cynical message that an effort is being made, and something being done.

Think about that - learn from you enemy - it's how the people representing you in government actually view your welfare and safety (to say nothing of their oaths of office).

So, the border - a nineteen hundred and sixty-nine mile wide doorway - remains open; this while the Bush League Administration savages the U.S. Constitution and the civil rights of U.S. citizens in the name of national security. Cynical? Yeah. Deceitful? Yes, of course. Take a few days - skip a few days of hypnosis by that mind-warping mechanism in your living room (well, hell, actually they're everywhere), give up your golf game, your computer games, or whatever child's play diversion you do to in order to recreate (good word, and in its root meaning exactly what I'm recommending) for a couple of days and review U.S. History since World War Two. Compare the nation then and the nation now. Learn what happened, and why. Wake up, in other words.

Know your enemy!

How much more, parenthetically, do we need to know in order to decide that to vote in the forthcoming election is to aid and abet - lend credence to - the enemy destroying you and your country? THINK ABOUT IT! In almost every instance, voting for an incumbent in the U.S. Congress means voting to put a thieving, rapacious, even murdering, criminal back in office. To vote for any of the presidential candidates save Ron Paul is a vote for an individual already caught publicly in deliberate, bald-faced lying - lying for the purpose of deception and intended, therefore, to obtain under false pretenses - steal - the nation's highest office.

Incidentally, the two senators responsible for the latest attempt at amnesty for illegal aliens are Dianne Feinstein and Larry Craig (yeah, that guy) of Idaho. I have written each of my senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress, and just dispatched this letter to Dianne Feinstein: Senator, while I live in Texas and am not your constituent, I want you to know of wife Rita's and my disgust with your latest attempt to obtain amnesty - to aid and abet, in other words - for illegal aliens in the U.S. That you have in so doing chosen to hold hostage funding for our troops in Iraq is a thing so despicable that we are all but speechless. Were it not for the fact that you are a politician, it would be incredible.

"While those of us here near the border live warily amidst the flood of criminals pouring into the U.S. from Mexico (only a few weeks ago, I personally overheard - I speak Spanish - and thwarted a plan by two Mexicans to find a woman here in the U.S. and rape her), people like you do all you can to increase the tidal wave of crime and other anti-social and anti-U.S. behavior. Forced to live behind a nineteen hundred mile open door opposite the nation where murder, rape, kidnapping for ransom, and an illegal drug industry unequalled anywhere in the worlds are major industries, we have persons like you suborning and misprisioning the crime.

"I want you to know that neither I nor any of my friends will do business with or in California until the state rids itself of your duplicitous and pandering representation. I will today prepare a mailing to everyone with whom I associate or do business, asking - demanding, if necessary - that they cease association with California. I will also prepare to the same effect a page on my website. I am also forwarding a letter to Governor Swartzenegger.

"Do everyone in the U.S. a favor, impeach George W. Bush then resign!"

But I digress (I'm so damned disgusted, it probably has my head screwed up - I just can't come to grips anymore with the fact of what we have as a nation become). Suffice it to say that I consider that voting today in the U.S. and for candidates seeking federal office is nothing short of an act tantamount to treason, treason in the form of selling out the nation and the public. It is that bad.

And, of course, reason for beginning to take seriously survival and the advice of one already a twenty-three year veteran of survival, survival necessitated by government misdeeds, incompetence, malfeasance and corruption.

Continuing, note that speaking generally as I do here, there is nothing I say or will say that the reader does not not already have ample reason to believe. Anyone having lived two decades in the U.S. - certainly those having lived here as long as I have - will have heard, seen, and experienced enough to recognize the truth of what I say. In many instances, the truth will have come from the mouth of government itself - you can look it up.

The U.S. Government, your enemy (if not yet now, in the near future) - does not obey the law. Forget the idea that the law will save you from government (any government, in fact). Government may arrange for passage of legislation empowering it to destroy you - taxation, for instance - but wherever the law is intended to restrain or control government - the U.S. Constitution, for instance - the government will ignore the law, and do as it pleases. It will continue so doing until you are beaten into submission or destroyed. Like David facing Goliath, you will either learn how to evade and strike at the enemy's vulnerable places or be crushed. More, unless you learn in a manner that changes what you are - more about that in a minute - the best you can get is a draw.

The U.S. Government is deceptive and deceitful (it postures, for instance, as "the Nation of Laws" - that while continually making a mockery of the law and legality), an inveterate, neurotic, and psychotic liar. "Deception is a state of mind," a CIA official once observed, "and deception is the mind of the state." Learn, therefore, never to talk to any official of government without making a record of the conversation. During my twenty-three year war and all its skirmished with the IRS and other agencies of the federal government, a tape recording kept me out of jail dozens of times. Learn never to answer a question posed by an official, especially a federal official. Learn never write to an official of the U.S. Government without keeping a copy (I have cached all over the nation and Canada thermo-fax copies, tape and video recordings of such communication).

Expect, in other words, to be the object of the lie and lying whenever faced with any kind of official. The lie is not only the single most common tactic of officialdom, it is characteristic of all people desirous of rule, and of deciding what is best for persons other than themselves. A person who believes he knows what is good for everyone else cannot be trusted (think about it: he doesn't believe you know what is good for you - why should he bother with telling you the truth?). As Thomas Jefferson once observed, "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens . . . Power is not alluring to pure minds and is not with them the primary principle of contest."

Jefferson also noted,"Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct." Learn it!

In the U.S., the Chernobyl of capitalism, those who run for federal office do so for just two reasons - to acquire wealth or to protect wealth already acquired. Political power - the ability to exert force politically ("Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. -- George Washington) - is about money. Nothing more. Thomas Jefferson again: "Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains." If you haven't seen our corporations fulfilling and proving that one of late, you just aren't paying attention.

Most officials of government - and that's at all levels - are miserable cowards, fearful terribly of actual physical force. That's also the reason they seek position - office - from which to wield the power of politics and law. Time and again, once I had learned when and where to use my judo to thwart official oppression, I saw the swaggering bully that officialdom inevitably becomes turn into a sniveling, craven crawler. One individual actually wept; another vomited.

More, the U.S. is now not only ruled by corporations who own everything including the federal government, the nation is being run as though it were a corporation. A corporation, don't forget, exists for one purpose: to make money. It has no conscience and no morality, and - on account of the Supreme Court's ruling in Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad - the corporation has all the rights once possessed by an individual citizen; all without meaningful responsibility. The world view of the corporation can be recognized easily in the infamous Ford Pinto matter of a few years ago, in which the corporation, knowing that its Pinto exploded and burned easily on account of a poorly designed and positioned fuel tank, decided on account of costs - being more than Ford believed lawsuits brought by those burned or by the families of those burned to death - to leave the rolling firebomb as it was.

The one or two hundred people Ford expected to be burned to death didn't matter as much as their profit. How many instances of that have we seen in the past few decades? Anyone remember the tobacco corporations - cigarette smoking? As I write this, I struggle with what to do about the fact that tap water here in Port Lavaca, Texas is highly radio-active. So far this month, the dosimeter at the kitchen sink shows a reading of forty Roentgens. The reading has been as high as one hundred, twenty Roentgens. For sometime, uranium leech-mining corporations have been feigning the effort to obtain legal permission to endanger (in leeching, chemicals are pumped into the aquifer in order to release uranium into the water, the now radioactive water then extracted to be pumped back once the uranium is recovered) the Gulf Coast aquifer. Obviously, illegal mining is ongoing, and having long since learned from the enemy and bought the dosimeters as soon as moving into the area and learned of leech mining elsewhere in Texas, I know it.

The Pinto Rule, remember? That people are drinking the water and bathing in it, with the obvious consequences, will doubtlessly be dealt with in the same manner. Uranium mining is a very profitable business. Learn from your enemy.

Learn also to relate what the lessons tell you about other matters concerning government and a nation run like a corporation. You expect something other than the Pinto Rule when it came time to weight the bodies of U.S. troops - to say nothing of the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" of their families, and futures of U.S. citizens generally - against war profits for the military industrial complex? You really believe defense of a nation surrounded by huge oceans and continents, and made up of a citizenry armed to the teeth as is ours, really requires a military costing as much as the next fifteen biggest militaries combined? If you don't recognize Iraq - six hundred fifty thousand killed thus far and still counting, and lethally cancerous depleted uranium being strewn everywhere (just to assure that our presence in Iraq continues long after John McCain's "hundred years") - as another example of the Pinto Rule, you'll have no chance whatever when you are the monster that is corporate government's next meal.

"There is no teacher but the enemy." The teacher is teaching you, all right; but are you paying attention?

There should be no further need for recitation concerning the character of the enemy when it is the U.S. Government. Put yourself in the shoes of an Iraq1 citizen - whether for or against us. It makes no difference to a nation run like a corporation. If you want to learn the tactics of survival against the corporations that rule in the U.S., learn U.S. History since World War Two. That simple.

Once the survivalist has learned U.S. History - or become the living proof of the dictum that says he who won't learn history is condemned to re-live it - he must recognize the need for and learn to be alone. Only aloneness can teach you more than your enemy. That's because at first being alone is a fearsome thing, maddening for the majority of over-civilized "Americans." The fear, you see, being your enemy, teaches you. First, it teaches that loneliness is the great insulator, armor against everything. Disease, most of it, for instance, is transmitted from person to person.

So is oppression. "Democracy," Thomas Jefferson said, "is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” The Mormons at San Angelo, Texas, are learning that now. Are you paying attention? Alone, on the other hand, one obeys only law he has made himself. Alone, there is no one to fight. Alone, no one can steal from you. And alone, one is never bored (as Henry David Thoreau wrote in "Walden," "I have a great deal of company in my house, especially in the morning when nobody calls). In order for you to believe me, you'll have to live it. Loneliness will be your enemy, but it will teach you. It will teach you to survive.

In case you missed it, society and its government has taught you in such a way that you must die without it. It has taught you dependence.

Next time, more specific lessons in survival (I'm getting ready again - so should you).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

You'll Fight, All Right - Because Like Me Once, You Won't Have a Choice.

Each morning, I do a “dry-run” defense of our home against a misguided or malicious – it makes no difference, they kill you either way – S.W.A.T police raid. The place is “mined” – booby traps designed to disrupt the invaders’ otherwise practiced and machine-like assault – and readied as it is each night before bed time, as the cops pour down the lanes they’re forced into and fall prey to the devices they couldn’t possible anticipate and or avoid, I race through my own “play,” moving as planned, and killing methodically – one .45 ACP round to the upper lip of each man. It all takes about three and one-half seconds, and I’m striving for less. Even allowing for surprise, the shots require less than two seconds. I’m very good – I’ve been practicing, you see, for twenty-three years.

It was May 5, 1986 in the early morning hours when the IRS first invaded my house illegally; it was October 6, 1986 when I received my first bullet wounds from the United States. During the years that followed, the conspiracy of criminals that is my country’s government burglarized or otherwise invaded my homes and offices more (there were dozens of covert invasions before installed listening and recoding devices documented each burglary) than sixty times .

It’s a strange county, trumpeting relentlessly and endlessly as it does to the world its respect for the rights of the individual, its humanity, its peaceful intentions, and all the rest. On the other hand, it is a vicious killer, with a history of internecine savagery almost unprecedented in human history, a nation dedicated as none ever before to the design, production, building, and use of weapons, military vehicles, vessels, and aircraft. Today, it spends more on means to kill than the next fifteen largest industrialized nations together.

Behaving like a demented lunatic, it imprisons by many times more of its people than the next most cruel nation (upwards of two million, 760 for every 100,000), and keeps in poverty with its Brobdingnagian spending on weapons and making war forty million more. Reciting endlessly its devotion – leaders are sworn to protect and defend it – to its Constitution, it ruthlessly violates the human rights of more of its citizens in a single day than many countries do in a month – or in some instances, a year. Its government steals more money in a year than the entire fiscal budget of whole nations. As much as twenty percent of money derived from taxation of even the very poor is stolen by members of Congress and the bureaucracy.

In a nation proclaiming equality under the law, the rich pay no taxes or fines, through the legislative magic of incorporation handing both on to the wage-earning poor who have no alternative to buying their oppressors’ products and services. Talking peace relentlessly, it wages war continually, the costs for it all born by the poor, as are the costs in human life, injury and misery. The rich – especially those urging more war or standing idly by while the president sends thousands of their countrymen to die for the supposed freedom of foreign citizens – do not send their sons and daughter, or their loved ones, to die for “American honor.”

Neither do they have any more respect for their countrymen here at home. I have already made reference to the internecine savagery of the United States toward its own, but what is strange even for a nation ideologically, even religiously, devoted to the lie, is the fact that a recent spate of police brutality seems to be happening in a vacuum. Even with the perfectly understandable anger of the black community concerning the recent murder Sean Bell, the young bridegroom who died unarmed in a hailstorm of police gunfire, no one otherwise seems to relate the startling rise in savagery by the police with the similar primitive behavior being witnessed everywhere among the populace, especially its youth. It’s as though Ruby Ridge and the murder of a child and his mother by authorities, Waco, Texas and the immolation of seventy-six women and children, and dozens of hideous outrages the like never happened.

The list of Nazi-like summary death-dealing goes on and on, matter of fact. It has been going on for decades. On May 17, 1974, for instance, a house and surrounding in Los Angeles was set ablaze by explosives, and six people incinerated. On June 3, 1983, a man named Gordon Kaul – an individual whose story would serve to let me escape a similar fate – was barbecued in what has now become typical fashion during a siege of a farmhouse in Arkansas. In Philadelphia, May 14, 1985, the MOVE compound was blasted and burned in a fire that incinerated eleven people including six children, that when a state helicopter dropped a bomb on the place. It has gone on and on, with the national news and information media making far, far more of Chandra Levy-Natalee Holloway disappearances and Nancy Grace smut-peddler “news” than the appalling slaughter of the citizenry by those supposedly hired to protect it.

Still, muck-raking is the source of big business for the media, and weekly or so we are treated to a video of the “Serve and Protect” people in action like that a couple days ago, as many as fifteen cops kicking and beating the living hell out of three men who supposedly fired shots at someone or something. You never know, because the government never punishes any of its minions – the Fairfax County, VA cop who shot to death unarmed Dr. Salvatore Culosi as he stood defenseless in his driveway a little over a year ago was punished by a three week suspension - and its official account of what happened always makes one wonder if he was hallucinatory as he watched it. The de rigueur investigation never squares with the obvious.

That last reminds of Ken Trentadue, the Oklahoma man who on August 21, 1995 was tortured and beaten to death in a federal prison in Oklahoma City (for those with a strong stomach, the links below provide photos). To date, no one has received so much as a reprimand, and while the family of the brutalized man has three times won their lawsuit for civil damages, the government continues refusing to pay.

The government won’t pay, of course. To date, the United States has four times evaded facing me in court – where the power of subpoena could prove devastating for someone as well-informed of federal criminality as I. This isn’t the country FoxNews would have you believe it is.

In fact, the toll of U.S. citizens murdered by their government would amount to nothing less than a reign of terror – were anyone able to learn through the blizzard of Operation MOCKINGBIRD media “cooking,” spin-doctoring, and outright lying. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons told Trentadue’s family that he hanged himself, but upon inspection at the funeral, injuries over his entire body were discovered - the truth of it. Since the supposed invention of the SWAT team in 1967 (another government-by-corporation lie: actually, I wrote the first paper outlining the “Special Weapons and Tactics” concept ten years earlier, calling it exactly what Los Angeles Police would one day name it), there have been an average of forty thousand police raids on private homes yearly. Forty unarmed and innocent people have been shot to death, people like Dr. Salvatore Culosi, the optometrist I mentioned (Culosi’s crime? Betting on sports!)

Ken Trentadue’s crime, incidentally, was a supposed (and minor) parole violation. Of course, in George W. Bush’s “America,” the constitutionally convenient lie has become a legal process on a par with the arrest warrant. All that is necessary for the government to take a man’s freedom is the word of a malfeasant official. Thanks largely to the feminist revolution and its mindless machinations, the ages-old rule of unus testis; nullus testis – one witness, no witness – is dead as the proverbial doornail.

In fact, the “word of an official” may very well be supplanted by the bark of a dog.

So, survivalists urban, wilderness, and jurisprudential – I have, as a matter of fact, come to be known as a “guerrilla lawyer” - like me train continually and intensively. Early on in my war with the IRS – and war with the U.S. Government inevitably means confrontation with IRS – I realized that any or all of the lawless brutality of the United States we have been observing now for decades would inevitably be directed at me.

I was right. I was meant to be at some length the victim of a SWAT raid (and, as a matter of fact, actually thwarted one – the story being in my book “Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story). The more than one hundred nine recorded times (in total, approximately a hundred twenty-five) I was stopped and harassed by police and constabulary on the nation’s streets and highways was supposed to result in one of the scores of beatings we have repeatedly witnessed by way of a video camera in the hands of a citizen (imagine, if you want to raise your “pucker factor” twenty points, the number of beatings that took place outside the view of video cameras).

Had the police succeeded in making a valid arrest, I would surely have been a Ken Trentadue (I would forego for more than a decade surgery for a double hernia inflicted when I was run down by a federal assassin in an eight-passenger van, fearful that unless I could arrange for monitors at the hospital, I would never survive anesthesia).

As it was, I was wounded by gunfire three times, suffered a broken wrist, broken ribs, and a severe facial laceration when rammed in my car by another vehicle. I escaped – outfought, then fled when he went to get a silenced pistol with which to end settle the issue – the Christmas Eve karate attack of a would-be federal killer, twice recovered from poisoning, and six times avoided or recovered from having been run down by cars while a pedestrian or riding my bicycle (use of a car finally proved to offer the government too many opportunities for the Amadou Diallo, Salvatore Culosi, Sean Bell Tactic). My vehicles were sabotaged several times with obviously murderous intent, and the RV where I lived for ten years was likewose frequently sabotaged, once obviously with arson in mind.

There’s more – this was a war that began in 1977 – but that, together with my long and intensive study of U.S. History, would suffice to confirm my understanding of my country. I’ve learned – I learned, and it’s let me be here today – the guerrilla tactics that will soon be required for survival in the Land of the Free become the Land of the Fee. I’ve learned to keep a voice recorder at hand at all times (never go out without it, and never answer the door without it). This is a nation whose officialdom lives by the lie, a fact no waking and sane person can fail to observe even daily. I do not – ever! – talk to a police or other official (friend, acquaintance or otherwise – the typical citizen of the U.S. will sell his soul in order to keep his job and/or income; public office makes it immensely worse).

Learn the tactics of deceit. The nation is run by them. Understand that to file a tax return is much like operating a motor vehicle on the nation’s streets and highways, an invitation to utter, ruinous disaster. The IRS can take everything you have, and without any kind of legal process whatever – in fact, any legal process will be entirely theirs, a mockery of legality. Traffic laws let the government stop you for any reason whatever, and to violate with impunity any and all civil and human rights protected by the U.S. Constitution (how many civil rights violations can you count in the latest police beating – and shooting unarmed men to death doesn’t violate their civil rights?). When you have been beaten, dispossessed, or raped – a favorite among the studs of the IRS, especially women who are illegal aliens and dare not retaliate against their abuser – the perpetrator will lie, and he will not be punished (something he knows, and which energizes him).

Believe me or your eyes and ears. The story of what happened to me – and what can happen to any citizen foolish enough or forced by circumstances to file a tax return - is included on my website, in the legal complaint I filed with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas more than a year and a half ago.

In the several instances where my covertly recorded conversation with a cop or other officer of the law proved him to be a liar, not once was the offending criminal – falsifying a police report is a crime regardless of whether the perpetrator is a civilian or an officer of the law – prosecuted or otherwise punished.

And, by the way, with what we’ve seen with our own eyes of police behavior nationally, and with the government’s obvious attitude concerning law as it applies to them (the congressman with $100,000 in his freezer, sexual abuse of congressional aides, and scores of things the like – to say nothing of the cover-up of 9-11, the falsification of reasons for invasion of Iraq, and on and on and on), how many of the persons listed as missing in the U.S., especially women, is it reasonable to assume were victims of the police and officialdom otherwise?

If Ken Trentadue’s death was made known because of the fact of his having been in prison, how likely is it that the truth would have been known, had he been found on a deserted road somewhere?

As an example and on the other hand, the fact that I made monkeys several times of cops who stopped me far from civilization and possibly prying eyes or videos cameras without the incident ever being reported should tell you something. A number of times, I tore up a traffic ticket and flipped it into the air, certain because of the recording I had just made of the cop’s remarks that he would dare do nothing. Once, in a story I reported in my book “Letters,” I actually confronted two Wyoming Highway patrolmen, and man-handled one – all with impunity provided by the fact of my having recorded their misconduct during the “stop.”

In a parking lot in Raton, New Mexico, a few days before Christmas, I confronted three officers of the law, refusing to let them search my RV, and promising to kill in its defense. Obviously well aware of my reputation with judo and the .45 1911 pistol I wore in plain sight, aware that they were entirely in the wrong and being recorded, both video and voice, there was no search and no arrest. When I continued on my way to Colorado Springs, moreover there were no more “stops.” The story is also in the book, “Letters.”

When – with no reasonable alternative - I had begun my counter-attack against crime by government by infiltrating federal (and, in a couple of instances, state and local) offices in order to plant listening devices, I often left my card behind, a taunt. Of the dozens of times I did so, only twice did the official in question report (one famously, matter of fact) that he had been compromised. Of the several IRS female officials who provided me access to their files – among other things – not one confessed her (ahem - you should pardon the expression) infidelity. A government job – with all its power and perks - is something more feverishly-protected than anything you or I can imagine. Unless you think about it.

As Thomas Jefferson noted, "Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct."

In the years after I started driving again in 2001 (shortly after 9-ll and after a six year hiatus), I planned every trip carefully, noting the address of each police station and sheriff’s office en route in order to be able to drive there slowly in the event of an attempted “stop” by a cop, highway patrolman, sheriff’s deputy or other law enforcement officer (a couple of times, even that didn’t work – a second and third car forced me off the road by blocking my way – and was obliged to resort to other means including the tape cellular phone, voice recorder and video camera were necessary).

When I had moved my RV to a RV and camper park in Corpus Christi, Texas, the first thing I did was learn the addresses of several local judges. As I related in the book “Letters,” the night I foiled a police attempt at provoking a lethal confrontation, I had among my plans for escape after the shoot-out a plan to reach the nearest judge’s residence. Nothing else would have stayed police vengeance for the killing of four (or five) cops. The confrontation with five police officers who surrounded my RV, incidentally, was all voice recorded.

The police were to retaliate a couple of days later with a phony traffic ticket written after another “stop” while I test-drove my just-repaired 80 VW Rabbit around the camper park (not, in other words, on the street or highway; and not, therefore illegal). When neither the court or the city attorney to whom the judge referred me would not look at the proof of insurance and vehicle registration that had been contained in the dashboard panel and glove box lying in my camper driveway some one hundred feet distant (the cop, a lieutenant named Vessey, would not let me go get it, preferring for some reason to write the bogus summons), and I appeared as ordered only to find no judge, no court, and no arresting officer, and a city attorney offering me a “deal” wherein I would pay a $400 fine, I told the lawyer to go to hell. Facing down two fat sheriff’s deputies summoned for the supposed purpose of intimidation, I left. Later, when the “official” notice that I had been found guilty and fined arrived by mail, I wrote across it something lewd and sent it back – together with copies of the damning insurance paper and motor vehicle registration, dates of issue high-lighted. There were no repercussions. I still have the tape recording of the “arrest.” Again, the entire series of events was voice recorded.

The United States is in rapid decay now because its citizenry submits docilely to the equivalent of being raped. It is being raped because it is too self-indulgent, too selfish, to react with outrage when one of its number is attacked and brutalized by government. It is being raped because it will not learn the law and use it as I have, because it simply pays instead of using all the devices available by which to fight and delay. It is being raped because a sufficient number of individual citizens will not withdraw from the economic system as I once did, to live off the land without money. The American public is also being raped because it will not slow down on the highways (as I also did, then in order to save my meager funds, driving forty-five miles an hour whenever and wherever I went), or turn off the engine at stop signs or other places where one normally lets the engine idle wastefully.

Pushing on the accelerator is demand, you know, and demand offers the corporations who own government an excuse and subterfuge by which to steal.

Americans are being swindled, beaten, and murdered by their government because they are too stupid, and too cowardly to make it stop. I am reminded of a couple of apropos quotes, one from a man named Martin Niemöller, the other Sir Winston Churchill (if you are the typical Kellie Pickler American, look him up). Niemöller, a pastor in Nazi Germany, said, “In Germany, they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist; and then they came for the trade unionists, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist; and then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew; and then . . . they came for me . . . and by that time there was no one left to speak up."

And Sir Winston said, “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as a slave.

Corporate capitalism is what it says it is, and what you know it is. So is government by corporate capitalist. You are seeing it all around you, and every day. As I said in a video tape made for the American Lyceum many years ago, you’ll fight all right – like they did me, they won’t give you a choice.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

"The U.S. doesn't torture;" you're joking – right?

Something I said on one of the Internet sites concerning the despicable practice of “waterboarding” has evoked from the metrosexual male petty intellectual of the Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Duke of Plaza-Toro ilk a shit-storm of the pettifogging and fulminating invective typical of their “lead from the safety of the far rear” kind.

Okay. So let’s talk about torture. First, though, let me tell you how it was that I became expert on the subject. First, I was once trained to resist torture, that by the United States of America. Secondly, having completed basic training and waiting for advanced training in special operations, I was assigned to guard soldiers who had supposedly broken under Chinese torture and were to be subjected by their own country to torture in the form of courts martial. One, a guy named Chichester, had reportedly been “brain-washed” – that according to my superiors. Chichester himself didn’t really know what had happened to him, but he didn’t have a lot of hope in things like “truth, justice, and the American way.”

Interview with these hapless individuals made clear a depressing fact of national honor (that, presumably, of any nation and its government), the fact that once its enemy has had an opportunity to torture its soldier, the soldier’s country will probably torture him should he escape and be repatriated, that in order to learn what he might have told the enemy. All of the hapless soldier’s “interrogators,” of course, will have instituted the practice on the basis of what they know they would have done in the same straits. I had a lot of time to discuss it all with these guys, and I learned a great deal.

Having trained for a time to do covert operations against the Soviet Union or Communist China, having experienced a couple of the operational fiascos typical of almost everything this country does, I realized that I might one day stand in Chichester’s boots. As I went through Special Forces and covert operations training, I thought a great deal about the dilemma of a soldier taken prisoner. I also knew that I wouldn’t be wearing the uniform that my own side considered a ticket to treatment according to the rules of war. For insight in that regard, check the U.S. Government’s latest arguments on the topic concerning prisoners at Guantanamo Bayou. When I had had occasion during a mission to protect Soviet defectors against their country to discuss the USSR’s interrogation methods, I began training myself to resist, even preclude and neutralize “coercive interrogation” - torture. My efforts included an exhaustive study of torture.

What’s “torture?” Well, according to Webster’s, it’s “intense pain or suffering of body or mind; the infliction of such pain or suffering.” The word "torture" comes from the Latin verb torquere, "to twist." In Webster's New World Dictionary, the primary definition is: "The inflicting of severe pain to force information and confession, get revenge, etc." Even today, in the Twenty-first Century, all manner of vicious, “inhuman” – like the U.S. hypocrisy otherwise, I’ve always found that humorously ludicrous - cruelty is still commonplace, particularly in Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, the Middle East, and all nations inflicted with Islam (maiming and physical abuse are legal in Somalia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Sudan, and other countries that observe and obey sharia; the hands of thieves are chopped off, women convicted of adultery are often stoned to death; in Iraq, Saddam Hussein's police force burned stigma into the foreheads of thieves and deserters, and sliced off the tongues of those spoke out against the state). Governments around the world, including the United
States continue to employ rape and to terrorization of family members, including children, in order to extort confessions or information from those in captivity.

“Civilized” people everywhere readily condemn this sort of thing. Civilized “America” condemns these things – all the while their government does them. As I once wrote while still in high school, “the summation of history is that man proclaims the right, and does wrong.”

Then, however, there are “coercive methods” that some people argue, fall short of torture, things like sleep deprivation, exposure to heat or cold, the use of drugs to induce fear, confusion, or suggestibility, “abusive” (have you notice how important terminology is?) treatment such as forceful grasping, slapping, shoving, or violent shaking, forcing a prisoner to stand until collapse occurs, or forcing him to sit in painfully uncomfortable positions, and playing upon his fears for himself, his comrades, or his family. Although excruciating, this sort of thing generally leaves no evidence of injury – no wounds or scars, and – at least supposedly - does no permanent injury.

The famed Geneva Convention (it there were ever a better example of a resolution “more honored in the breach than the observance,” it’s not one known to this old soldier), incidentally, makes no distinction. The Geneva Convention bans any and all mistreatment of prisoners. Unless you are prepared to argue that simulated drowning is entertainment – therapy, perhaps - there is therefore no doubt whatever that “waterboarding” is a violation of the Geneva Convention (with his declaration of war and public admissions, therefore, the President of the U.S. is a war criminal).

That won’t do it for the Sean Hannity types, however. For them, torture is anything that isn’t “waterboarding.” Or whatever else we might do, or be doing. If the Home of the Brave is doing it, it isn’t torture, whatever - beating, breaking limbs or digits, inflicting bodily pain – whatever it is. Handy. To a wimp whose reality is all language, a guy who has never endured any kind of real world physical hardship – even the like of backache or blistered palms derived from hard manual labor – that’s truth. All that is required is a twist of terminology, or the coining of a new phrase.

In fact, the shear naiveté of persons like those who infest discussion on the Internet with their ill-informed opinion and vapid pronouncements is almost invariably traceable to the likewise vacuous commentary of purported pundits like O’Reilly and Hannity – to say nothing of their supposedly journalistic counterparts on the liberal side of their Operation MOCKINGBIRD reality.
“Americans” are monumentally ignorant of history, of course, but even one versed in very recent history knows that the simple and most salient fact concerning “waterboarding” torture is that it is highly unlikely that torture will obtain useful information. Nazi German science demonstrated long ago that there are no reliable ways to make people tell secrets. So did millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer-funded Operation MKULTRA (and others the like) experiments. More, it is a fact that everyone in the intelligence community knows that. Where have all these pundits and “analysts” been all this time?

Face it, folks you don’t “waterboard” anyone because you want information having to do with intelligence – unless you are of the character of the Nazi Gestapo or its Einsatzgruppen.

Then, too, the fact is that U.S. soldiers have already been tried and convicted of torture for having inflicted “waterboarding” on captives. After the Spanish American War, the US Army used waterboarding – it was then called the “water cure” (remember that terminology is everything these effeminate days) or “Chinese water torture.” One Major Edwin Glenn was court martialed and sentenced to ten years hard labor for waterboarding a suspected Philippine insurgent.

Let’s take further as an example of torture – this time, the torture of words and language for propaganda purposes – the term “waterboarding” and the discussion thereof: Waterboarding, the Operation MOCKINGBIRD media has succeeded in convincing the public, is among the least severe of possible “coercive interrogation” – note the innocuous-sounding euphemism – methods. By the rhetorical device of loaded question (implying, in this instance, that a question exists), the media has created its own – and its master, the federal government’s – question and resulting doubt as to definition.

Tell yourself what your worst fears are. If the fear of drowning isn’t among them, you are the rare individual. In fact, the reason that, with torture by fire, torture using water has been throughout history the method of torture most frequently employed – and successful – has to do with both the fact of man’s certain familiarity with them and with their fearsomeness. All torture, after all is directed against the mind. Not the body. Oh, sure, you hurt him, but you hurt him in order to pressure his mind, to make him want to avoid the pain anticipated or being experienced.

Not death. There are many case histories of men threatened with, even assured, execution, men who nevertheless went to their deaths implacably – even smiling or laughing. Despite stories like one I heard again and again during my military career, stories like that of a Special Forces Trooper who said to make a man talk shoot his compatriot to his left, then the one to his right. “Then you can’t shut him up.” Try that with a zealot who thinks your shooting him will give him seventy-two virgins to deflower and paradise.

Uh-uh. Torture is about fear, especially fear of pain. Its ability to inflict fear has to do with what the victim is most fearful. In Orwell’s 1984, “Winston” feared rats; and the threat of being inundated by ravening rats broke his otherwise firm resolve.

Notwithstanding all that, there is the ancipital fact that the “waterboarding” being video-demonstrated almost daily by the media, the Internet, and almost all forms of electronic media is both the sort of thing used in military training like SERE (an acronym for “Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape”) and certainly not what is being done by U.S. to its captives; more, a mealy-mouthed media of the O’Reilly, Hannity, metrosexual male ilk have no real way to recognize the torture about which they pontificate almost nightly. That, folks, is a very telling scenario, one I’ll address in a moment.

At its logical peak of severity – what anyone not a fool or one stupefied by today’s MOCKINGBIRD media propaganda must realize - “waterboarding” is in fact drowning, then reviving the victim. It is not, contrary to the general opinion among those with whom I’ve been discussing the matter, the least severe of interrogation techniques. In fact, it is among the worst.

Ask anyone who has drowned, lost consciousness, and been revived by the lifesaving technique of empting the victim’s lungs of water and providing artificial respiration. Taken to its possible extreme (you expect something less of anyone so desirous of information that he is willing to inflict “coercive interrogation?), “waterboarding” is nothing less than – intended or otherwise - repetitive drowning and resuscitation. Get the timing wrong, fail in resuscitation, the interogee dies.


To date, one hundred and twenty U.S. captives have died under U.S. “interrogation” (Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to General Colin Powell when he was US Secretary of State, said not long ago that he knew of more than seventy of what he termed "questionable” deaths among persons under US supervision as detainees, that being up to time he left office in 2002. That figure, he then added, “is now around ninety.” This, of course, is 2008.

Since the tenure of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld we have heard again and again of captured terrorist leaders has yielded "an awful lot of information" and had "made life an awful lot more difficult for an awful lot of folks." More, the media is striving mightily to make it appear that all these captured Islamic fanatics are talking their heads off. The sycophant media – most notably of course, FoxNews – has reported intelligence coup after coup like that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who supposedly sang his head off under “waterboarding” interrogation.

Hmmmmmm. If that were the case, anyone thinking about it would think, U.S. interrogation has al-Qaeda in position to be plucked for its leaders like a tree its fruit. It just happens that Mohammed, for instance, didn’t know enough to let us capture Osama Bin Laden or his supposed second in command, Aiman Al-Zawaheri. Gee, I wonder how that happens.

I also note, by the way, that about as much of what we’re being told about this matter adds up as do all the other media stories and analyses thereof. If all the supposed intelligence victories over al-Qaeda are true, then a whole lot of fanatics eager to go to Allah are suddenly changing their minds and spilling the beans all over the place, or we’re torturing a hell of a lot of people.

With the credibility of the Bush Administration what it is on the record, moreover, there is no way to corroborate anything, including all the stories of U.S. interrogation successes. What we do know is that we are still in both Iraq and Afghanistan, we are still fighting an enemy of undiminished capacity to wage ware, we have not killed or captured either Osama Bin Laden or Aiman Al-Zawaheri, and U.S. propaganda has reached levels unprecedented in our history. The Bush League in Washington, D.C. is going to say al-Qaeda leaders are caving in under questioning whether they are or aren’t (in fact, even an honest administration would probably be well-advised to do that: men like Sheikh Mohammed, and the like are heroes in the Arab world, and word that they have been broken is enormously demoralizing).

As usual, we are being treated like mushrooms – kept in the dark and fed garbage. Neither I (I did interrogations professionally for twenty-three years) nor any of my friends who happen to be in the business of tactical and strategic military intelligence puts any stock in any of these tales of interrogation success. Professionals know better, and it all smells “made for television” and people who know no better than Hollywood. If a supposed top-level al-Qaeda leader like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed talked so much, why haven’t we seen any sign of the logical results? The fact, as I said, is that no one in any competent organization knows enough to make his capture devastating to his cause. It just isn’t done that way – except, of course, in Hollywood and FoxNews.

But since the U.S. admits torture, it’s pretty certain we’re doing it. Prisoners in U.S. custody in Afghanistan have died. As many as two dozen prisoners at Guantánamo Naval Station have attempted suicide (one prisoner survived after hanging himself but remains unconscious and is not expected to revive – on the other hand, that happens to victims of “waterboarding,” too . . .). And that’s only what we know about (too bad torture doesn’t work – we could get the truth from our government).

“Waterboarding” and the Bush League “War on Terror,” however, are providing enemies of the U.S. massive intelligence. The fact that our government must sees as necessary torture is very revealing. An old combative sportsman who trained in wrestling and judo for the purpose of training for actual war-fighting, I know as does any combative sportsman that an opponent who stoops to fouling his opponent betrays critical weakness. More, “waterboarding” is in character for this fiasco of fecklessness, demonstrating as it does our inability to defeat even an enemy we outnumber overwhelmingly both in numbers and weaponry. With arms and armament in such Brobdingnagian proportions as to beggar the imagination, costing seven to eight hundred billions of dollars yearly and costing since 1948 fifteen and a half trillion dollars, we cannot defeat a tiny force armed basically with small arms and improvised explosive devices.

Yeah, I know, a man of the cloth, Jeremiah Wright said something like that the other day nearly cause certain of us a stroke. The truth is a real bitch, isn’t it? Just so you know, there are on the public record fifty-two discovered and admitted instances since 1948 of U.S. experiments using unwitting citizens as Guinea Pigs. Remember that “virtual reality” I’m continually talking about?

And, you don’t believe a government willing to “waterboard” captives is one capable of using its citizenry for experiments like those to which the Reverend Wright had reference? REALLY?

Let me tell you what I know about torturers, the stuff I realized when I was sure I might one day be their victim. Assuming for a dizzy minute that you really think you can get useful information from torture, then why not always use torture? Why bother with any other means? Why stop at FoxNews’ “bomb somewhere” or the people who know where the bomb is? Why not the people who perhaps made the explosives, or saw them, or hauled them, or might have? How about people who might have heard or seen something concerning it all? How about people who may have contributed money to the people who made the explosives? Why stop at the torture victim himself? Why not torture his family, his relatives, their relatives, their neighbors?

If the end justifies the means, where would you draw the line representing restriction upon the means?

Twenty-three years ago today, May 6, 1985, I stood and watched agents of the United States of America burglarize my home. They had no warrant, didn’t even - ever - bother to claim probable cause for one. The agents of Internal Revenue Service weren’t, in fact, interested in my tax liability, in tax collection, or in anything remotely having to do with the U.S. Tax Code. The king-size garbage bags with which the hauled away my property (law books, family photos, and papers having to nothing to do with financial records) contained nothing of forensic use in court or in prosecution of an income tax or other criminal case. The Land of the Free and its nefarious agents were interested in cruelty, in demonstrating to a recalcitrant citizen the absolute power of their office and agency. They were engaged in intimidation, the infliction of fear, just as they were months later when on the evening of October 6, 1986, their rifleman shooting from ambush wounded me three times.

In the years that followed, the more than one hundred and nine traffic stops on the streets and highways of the nation,* six motor vehicle assaults, repeated attempts at mugging and murder, attempts at arson, vehicular sabotage, poisoning (twice), more than sixty burglaries like the one already described here, and more - including wounds inflicted by gunfire, the United States had no legitimate interest in internal revenue of tax collection (totally ruined by the government’s interdiction of credit, prevented by their efforts from return to business or even gainful employment, I had no income whatever).

No, the form of “waterboarding” – strangulation – the United States employed where I was the “captive” had nothing to do with intelligence or information. It had to do with inflicted terror.

It succeeded – at least where my family was concerned. First one wife, then – when I had recovered my business and remarried – another, deserted under the merciless pressure of the government in the form of postal and telephoned threats and lies. A teenage son was driven to three attempts at suicide. All of it was done with in order to inflict the maximum amount of fear. Torture, in other words.

How do I know about torture? I know about torture the same way I know about the United States Government the torturer, because for twenty-three years I, too, underwent torture by the United States.

*Apparently the U.S. Government hoped by means of falsified public record including police reports to incite an incident like the Amadou Diallo, Sal Culosi, or Sean Bell shootings. The leg wound here was inflicted by a federal sniper on October 6, 1986.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

"Relative" - If It Happened in China, or Cuba . . ."

Rambling last night and the day before through the bimbo-babble and metrosexual male posturing that is today’s television news, and doing my usual sweep of the various big-name Internet “blogs,” I may have gained useful insight into the nation’s malaise. Not from the “news,” mind you – that’s all structured by state-of-the-propaganda-art professionals in order to prevent any such understanding – but from the manner in which it is delivered, the people who deliver it, and the way it is structured.

Concerning that last, for instance, we have the New York Times revelation that the Department of Defense (read that “the military industrial complex”) ran an elaborate "psy-op" against the American people when it was selling the invasion of Iraq. The New York Times' David Barstow, we’re told, wrote front-page story on Sunday, a supposed report based upon “thousands of newly released Pentagon emails.”

“Like everything else Iraq-related,” one analyst wrote, “we learned that it is far worse than even the most cynical among us expected.”

Oh, my! As I wrote on the Huffington Post blogsite a minute ago, “Remarkable! The White House and the Pentagon in cahoots with the media to have generals and other army officers spread deception. WOW! The MOCKINGBIRD media has finally caught on to the MOCKINGBIRD media. Either that or they've been reading my Mongoose Trick Opinion Page ( blog since the war started. Folks, it's another deception known in CIA tradecraft as a ‘limited hangout.’ You should look it up.”

The fact, of course, is that the White House propaganda machine has been throwing away parts for some time now. Remember Armstrong Williams, the guy who was paid something like a quarter of a million to pimp for the No Child Left Behind Act – legislation Williams had previously spoken out against? How about those stalwarts of media integrity Maggie Gallagher and Michael McManus? In case you’ve forgotten, those were the people’s watchdogs on the government who were being paid tens of thousands of dollars to pimp for the three hundred million dollar Bush “Healthy Marriage Initiative.” Then there was the saga of the false flag operation set up by the White House, a phony reporter planted in the White House Press Corp in order to let the President’s Press Secretary control news conferences.

Were it not for what it says about the integrity of the government and the media, the bungling and pratfalling incompetence of the Bush League and its administration would make it all low comedy.

And it goes on and on. On television the other night, the Lou Dobbs show, a politician blabbered that “American ingenuity will save the day” (by making gasoline of coal). That’s after the next morning all the networks reported still another survey demonstrating the cretin stupidity of the public (half of Americans didn’t read a single book last year, the report said). On the same show – or another; I wear out the remote dodging commercials, lose track in the process of where I was watching - media pundits discuss how “Americans” “relate” to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain.

You might as well ask how the nation’s glue-sniffing, pill-popping, pierced-like-a-pin-cushion, mentally-challenged drop-out teenager relates to the latest hip-hop sensation.

Either somebody’s not paying attention or it’s more deception and deceit. Television personalities – which is what they are; no one but a fool takes these characters for newsmen, journalists, or the expert analysts they pretend to be – talk so far over the heads of the Kellie Pickler public (that was the woman who didn’t know France was a country, thought Europe was, and that people in Budapest speak French) as to make themselves look just as stupid.

“Never try to teach a pig to sing,” Science Fiction writer Robert Heinlein once advised, “it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”

Why the media doesn’t just bring out the strippers and have them wear initially a costume with “vote for . . .” sewn or stenciled on it is beyond me. Come to think of it, what we have is actually pretty close to that, isn’t it?

Whatever. And nevertheless, anyone truly desirous – and capable - of understanding and knowing the truth about the faux socialist state that is the United States need only to watch things the latest bailout of the rich by the rich at the expense of the poor – the subprime mortgage crisis. Anyone remember the Savings and Loan bailout of a few years back (strange, isn’t it, that little or no mention of that can be heard on the major media of late?)? The U.S. Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s was the reported – I stress that: this is the time of the MOCKINGBIRD media, let us not forget - failure of several savings and loan associations in the United States. More than a thousand savings and loan institutions – “S&Ls,” so called - failed in what one apparently honest economist called "the largest and costliest venture in public misfeasance, malfeasance and larceny of all time."

And what happened? Why, just what’s going to happen now, and the ultimate cost of the crisis was estimated to have cost the taxpayer – the vast majority of whom had no other interest whatever in the confidence scheme – paid through the teeth, to the tune of something (don’t forget the MOCKINGBIRD nature of the reporters) like a hundred thirty billion dollars.

That’s billion, with a “B” – not million, with an “M.”

And it worked like a charm once, why not run it by the suckers again.

Oops! --Bill O’Reilly is (again – it’s a recurring theme with him) talking indignantly about having to give half his “earnings” to the government in taxes. Maybe a better example of the surreal, virtual only, reality being created by the MOCKINGBIRD media has just been handed me. People like Bill O’Reilly earn the kind of money they get like a semi-literate in baggy shorts running up and down a hardwood floor and throwing a big ball through a hoop “earns” millions of dollars; or the way an equally mentally-challenged “rock star” with a voice range of one and a half octaves “earns” millions for howling piteously while going pelvic thrusts on a stage.

These people “earn” the way a poker player earns, and that’s while men and women serving the country in its uniform are paid comparatively small change to kill and maim or be killed and maimed EARN? Somehow, there’s been a change in definition.

Now – another channel, I think – New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (the guy I’d for whom I’d have voted, incidentally) is saying, “We have a problem with race.”

Yes, governor, you’re damned right we have; and the “problem” is that we can’t talk about it. It’s a lot like sex.

Then there’s the dreary news from San Angelo, Texas.

First, though, isn’t it curious that no one seems to connect the San Angelo, Texas Church of Latter Day Saints raid by state authorities with what is provided for in the Bush League’s “Patriot Act?” The hideous affair began with what now appears to have been a totally unsubstantiated (just the word of government officials – people whose record for convenient lying beggars recitation) telephone complaint, then a paramilitary – as far as we yet know – raid that would have done credit to SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny. Like cattle, literally hundreds of women and children were herded into captivity.

Mind you, now – it was all to protect the children. That doesn’t remind you of the way we are “protecting” the people of Iraq? Maybe we need a new definition here, too.

But there it is: the government needs only to say someone called them on the phone (indubitably, the president would have said a voice came from out of a cloud), and you are legally the object of a full scale military operation. With a claim of terrorism and invoking of the War Powers Act, an individual citizen could be the target of anything up to and including a nuclear strike. That, you should take notice, includes a MOVE Compound, Randy Weaver Family at Ruby Ridge, Branch Davidians at Waco siege. It also includes an Amadou Diallo, Dr. Sal Culosi, or Sean Bell (the bridegroom killed by NYPD cops at his bachelor party?).

One “no knock” warrant, bought with official perjury, and you can be treated to some of that U.S. Government “shock and awe.”

Welcome to the new Land of the Free Nation of Laws. Think about it. And all they had to do was let a few Moslem nut cases highjack airliners and fly them into a building. The Kellie Pickler public handed over yours and my Constitutional rights like they were yesterday’s meatloaf. “George wouldn’t lie to us because he looked so cool in his flight suit on that aircraft carrier under that big 'mission accomplished' sign.”

It’s a lot like having your life and affairs controlled by the local school for the retarded.

It’s also like living in some kind of time-space, reality warp (for an object lesson, read some of the U.S. Tax Code; just pick anywhere at random – it’s all alike where this is concerned). In my question of the day segment here (click), for instance, I ask once again, when will Crystal Mangum be called to account for her false charges of rape against the Duke University Lacrosse Team? When, I also want to know, will the scores of women who made positive identifications that sent men to jail for rape be called to account? Why, more to the point, was the centuries-old doctrine of jurisprudence, “unus testis, nullus testis” – one witness, no witness – abandoned in the first place?

How could we possibly have come to be in so asinine a state?

Of course, we all know the answer to that one, and it is repeated again and again, and again and again, in the feminist literature of the past forty years. Ask the question I ask about Crystal Mangum on any of the feminists websites; the answers you get will tell you all you need to know in that regard.

And they are the reason for insanity - reality warped - like this:

“CARROLLTON, Texas — After spending nearly 27 years buried in the vast Texas prison system for a crime he did not commit, Charles Chatman's first weeks of freedom have been overwhelming . . .

“Chatman was exonerated last month by DNA testing while serving a 99-year sentence for sexual assault. His release Jan. 3 marked the 15th such exoneration in Dallas County during the past five years, the most of any county in the nation. Aside from New York and Illinois, Dallas County also has produced more exonerations than any state.

“As DNA technology and investigations identify a mounting number of wrongful convictions, the urgency to find others like Chatman is increasing. From Virginia to California, local prosecutors, law students and defense attorneys are combing through hundreds of thousands of old files in search of flawed convictions.

“Last week, two men were cleared of separate murder convictions in Mississippi after new DNA testing led authorities to another man now charged in both slayings. It was the first time post-conviction DNA testing had led to exoneration in Mississippi, one of eight states that does not have a law allowing for such testing. Lawyers with the Innocence Project pushed the state to move forward with the testing.

“Since 1989, there have been 213 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the USA. Of those, 149 came in the past seven years, according to the Innocence Project, the parent organization of a far-flung network that helps prisoners obtain DNA testing or other evidence that could prove their innocence.

Gee, that’s great, isn’t it? Uh-uh - not so great. Consider this:

In Virginia, officials are conducting a sweeping examination of more than 534,000 criminal case files, the largest such review in U.S. history. Three years and five exonerations after the effort began, authorities have identified 2,215 more cases they say are worthy of scrutiny.

That’s one state. I leave it to the reader to recognize that the truth is fifty times more hideous. How did it all happen? Well, let me first remind everyone who knows me that from 1976, when I first began getting into prosecutors’ cases for rape like a bear gets in a garbage can, I have written literally scores of letters concerning the outrageous state of our criminal justice system, specifically as it has to do with the crime of rape. For years – decades, in fact – I was as alone as a skunk at a picnic.

A couple of decades ago, when the hysterical feminist Marilyn French made the brilliantly scientific and rational asseveration, “All men are rapists, and that’s all they are,” I suggested whimsically that while she should be charged with inciting to riot, her obvious insanity made a legally impenetrable defense.

“They rape us with their eyes, their laws, and their codes,” that great apologist for females said (with apologists like that, who needs detractors?). French wasn’t alone. For two decades, one could hardly read a newspaper or watch television for a week without having slammed in his face the latest diatribe from the distaff wing of society. Remember these?

"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman .... "You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs."

That was Catharine MacKinnon, a supposed scholar – that’s what the effeminate media called her – at the University of Michigan and Yale (and they call that “higher learning - how "high" do you suppose she was?).

It wasn’t a time of intellectual brilliance, that’s sure, but you would soon have to pretend that anything a woman said was somehow rational. Try to do that with this one:

"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig"....."Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman." ...."for a woman, the home is the most dangerous place in the world!" .... "The traditional flowers of courtship are the traditional flowers of the grave, delivered to the victim before the kill. The cadaver is dressed up and made up and laid down and ritually violated and consecrated to an eternity of being used." .... "Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies."

That, of course – for those who paid attention to things other than Hollywood and television’s already vacuous entertainment was a feminist intellectual – an oxymoron, surely – named Andrea Dworkin. For a walk in the asylum of other-worldness, look her up on the World Wide Web (do it – it’ll explain do many of today’s “issues,” you’ll think you’re an historical scholar; people, after all, were forced legally to accept and believe this crap.

It went on, and on. Freed by men of the rigors imposed for aeons by Mother (ooh, I’ll be that one smarted) Nature, females had a field day at the expense of their liberators, and gossip became science – and law.

"To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo." --Scum Manifesto, by one Valerie Solanas

"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men..." Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "One Woman, One Vote", Wheeler, p.58

"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage." --Sheila Cronan, 1988 Houston National Organization for Women Conference for Women.

"We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." –Robin Moran, Sisterhood Is Powerful

"Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." --Vivian Gornick, "The Daily Illini," April 25, 1981.

"In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them." --Dr. Mary Jo Bane, assistant professor of education at Wellesley College and associate director of the school's Center for Research on Woman.

"I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it." (Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan)

"Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release." (Germaine Greer) "Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." (Catherine Comin, Vassar College. Assistant Dean of Students).

"The incest taboo can be destroyed only by destroying the nuclear family as the primary institution of the culture. The nuclear family is the school of values in a sexist, sexually repressed society... The alternative to the nuclear family at the moment is the extended family or the tribe. The growth of tribe is part of the process of destroying particularized roles and fixed erotic identity. As people develop fluid androgynous identity, they will also develop the forms of community appropriate to it. We cannot really imagine what those forms will be." (Shulamith Firestone - The Dialectics of Sex)

"The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men... All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft." ("The Declaration of Feminism," November 1971). "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." (Gloria Steinhem, former editor of 'MS' magazine.)

“The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it." (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in "Women and the New Rage," p.67.)

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." (Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor)

"The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist." (Sheila Cronan, National NOW Times, Jan.1988)

Consider that last one for a minute. It’s self-evident that National Organization for Women (if you think it’s any women but themselves they’re talking about, you haven’t been paying attention) wanted (wants?) to make lesbians as many women as possible. Inasmuch as the feminists here also seem to have had as a goal destruction of the family, the basic, sine qua non, unit of society and nation, it’s pretty clear that what was intended here was re-ordering – i.e., destruction - of the society and nation.

That’s treason, of course; but in the new, effeminate nation with its female rationality and rules, it’s how you say it that determines what it is.

It’s damned clear, too, however, that N.O.W. and militant feminists had little or no concern for seeking equal rights for women. They hated heterosexuality, they hated men, they hated society, and they hated the nation, but none of it had anything to do with equal rights for women. It isn’t about that now, either.

And it all relates. How will historians explain things like a deliberate campaign by government and the media it by way of Operation MOCKINGBIRD controls to deceive and confuse the public they supposedly serve? How will they assess a news and information media dedicated to disinformation rather than information and complicit in such a plot?

How will the future view a government, its media, and educational system that purposefully “dumbed down” the nation, cynically replacing journalists with “personalities,” and teachers with misogamistic, misandric, anti-social zealots like the “feminists” I quote here, and an educational system prostituted and co-opted by politics and politicians instead of teaching children?

How will they explain a society willing to pay athletes, entertainers (same thing, when you think of it), actors, and the like millions - while paying others upon whom their very lives depend – soldiers, for but one instance – comparative peanuts? If a basketball player or singer who entertains your kids is worth millions, what is a teacher worth?

What will history say of a nation founded, built, and brought to greatness by a certain – Germanic – culture, a nation ruled on the basis of a Constitution derived from that Germanic culture’s unique view of the individual, a nation that repudiated it all in favor of the kind of stupidity, misplaced (arrogant?) ethnic pride, twisted reasoning, logic, ethics, and ideological drivel such as that of feminism?

Yes, it all relates, all right. But a nation of people too stupid to recognize in the latest “housing crisis” the same old “Savings and Loan” swindle, who doesn’t in the raid at the San Angelo, Texas Mormon compound recognize the raid on the Randy Weaver family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, or the murders of Amadou Diallo, Sal Culosi, and Sean Bell, and the attack on Iraq, will not recognize in the egocentric and maniacal ideology and behavior of the feminists I quote here the malaise destroying their country.

The United States, in short is dying of an excess of what once made it, the politization of everything critical to the cultural wisdom, the reason and science that, in turn, elevated it above all other nations. Everything – right and wrong, fact or falsehood, even personality itself, are now decided by rule of the majority, by politics. Everything must therefore be simplified to the level at which a nation of bubble-headed Kellie Picklers can understand it. Even sex – and, of course, rape - the most fundamentally known and understood of things, must now be described and recognized by politically decided means (I am reminded still again of the young woman whose rape charge sent four young men to prison; asked why men who knew they had committed rape would have willingly, even eagerly, provided their victim information with which to find them, she said, “Maybe they didn’t know it was rape . . . that’s up to the woman, isn’t it?”)

A great deal is now "up to the woman" - the fate of the nation included. And, as Santayana said, “Those who will not learn for history are condemned to relive it.”