Saturday, June 30, 2007

Guerrilla Law - Suing the Illegal Alien and the Incorporated Traitor Who Hires Him

As I . . . threatened, let’s say – “promised” sounds like you were waiting with baited breath – we’ll continue with my “guerrilla law” tactics discussion. First, let me clear up a couple of things concerning the court system – stipulating first, and again, that I am not a licensed attorney. There’s nothing the government would like better than to have an opening as obvious as that one. This is, after all, not called “guerilla law,” and I the “guerrilla lawyer,” for nothing.

This is historical and actual fact, and I discuss it in that manner only. You could look up – Google – it all. Having done that, you’d have learned that the civil – as opposed to criminal – courts once called civil courts and courts of equity are now lumped into what are called “trial courts.” Equity courts were those wherein – nice, legal, word that – disputes of the kind I mention were settled. “Adjudicated” was the term, meaning literally “judged.” Both courts, together with marine Law courts – marine law is a special kind of contract law – are now “trial” courts. When you are a government or a lawyer, always do whatever you can to confuse as many people as you can. The enumeration, taxonomy, and stratification of the courts system can be found in scores of places on the Internet – here’s one:

Courts, all of them, nowadays have acquired – everything in a nation like this is because the people let it happen – sweeping powers, powers they really don’t like to have discussed in public. One pull, the whole house of cards would come tumbling down, or require buttressing from men with guns. That, you may have noticed, has become the tactic much preferred in the Land of the Free with literally hundred of people being shot to death every year by cops with search and arrest warrants issued by courts. A Cato Institute researcher has found more than three dozen cases wherein totally innocent people were killed by police and FBI Hostage Rescue Team para-military troopers in mistaken raids. In twenty more instances cases, nonviolent and unarmed offenders have been killed; and, finally, more than a dozen police officers have been killed by suspects or mistakenly targeted civilians who thought police storming their homes were criminal intruders (big surprise, that – what would anyone think?).

In the majority of these matters, a simple phone call from the sheriff (the method used by all the law enforcement agencies with which I was associated as a police officer and private detective), police, FBI, or other authority would have brought the “subject” – the word preferred by police in the Land of the Free – to the appointed place without trouble. I mention it all in order to candidly say what we’re up against – George W. Bush isn’t the only nut case in authority these days.

When you sue someone, as the Nolo Press books I recommend will also tell you, what is called a “summons and complaint” is issued by the court. You write the complaint, the court stamps it and returns it to you with the summons for the defendant – the guy you’re suing. You have the sheriff or someone older than twenty-one not a relative or associate serve both the summons and the complaint on the defendant. You can’t serve it yourself, for what might be obvious reasons. In small claims cases, you simple go to the court house and small claims clerk, get the forms to fill out, then have them served or serve them yourself by certified mail. Always, the rules for service are published in what are called Rules of Civil Procedure, and these may be different from court to court or jurisdiction to jurisdiction (the area, subject matter, and amount of money over which the court has authority). There are, in that regard, several levels of court – generally municipal, country, state, and federal.

The federal courts are the Supreme Court, the Courts of Appeals, the District Courts, and the Bankruptcy Courts, and each state has a court system that exists independent from the federal ones. State court systems have trial courts at the bottom level and appellate courts at the top. It might be useful here to point out that more than ninety-five percent of the nation’s legal disputes are settled or “decided” in state or local courts.

Some states have two appeals – “appellate” court levels, others only a single appellate court. Variation in the way the courts are organized and named is just what you’d expect of a legal system designed for self-protection and confusion of the public they supposedly serve. “Family” courts, for instance, settle divorce and child-custody disputes, and “probate” courts handle the settlement of estates – property of persons deceased. Below the specialized “trial” – remember? - courts are more trial courts, called magistrate courts, justice of the peace courts, and what have you. Courts at this level handle a variety of minor cases, like traffic offenses, and usually do not use a jury.

Cases decided in state courts can be appealed to a federal court if a federal issue is involved and usually only after all avenues of appeal in the state courts have been tried.

Okay. For the practice of guerrilla law, the courts we’re most interested in are the small claims courts. The routine collection of small debts forms a large portion of the cases brought to small claims courts, together with things like evictions and landlord - tenant disputes. While it’s true that the business and jurisdiction of the small claims courts encompass small and private disputes where large amounts of money are not at stake, the potential power of the small claims court where guerrilla law having to do with illegal immigration, for instance, is immense.

As I said earlier, imagine getting summons and complaint from five hundred people demanding a small claims court limit – ten thousand dollars (the usual limit), let’s say. Five million dollars (five hundred times ten thousand) is not “small.”

When you sue in small claims court, you will probably waive any right to claim more than the court can award. In some jurisdictions, a party who loses in a small claims court can proceed to a totally new – “de novo” - trial in a court with higher monetary authority and “jurisdiction,” one with more formal procedures.

The Rules of (Civil) Procedure I mentioned a minute ago, together with the Rules of Evidence are sometimes – usually, in fact, - simplified. Among the reasons for that is making costs of procedures economically reasible. A guiding principle of the small claims courts is that rules and procedures should make it possible for individuals to conduct their own cases and represent themselves without recourse to a lawyer. Expensive court procedures such as interrogatories and depositions are usually not allowed in small claims court. In some small claims jurisdictions, though, corporations must appear represented by a lawyer. “Rules of Pleading – those papers and what you have to say in them - are likewise simplified in small claims court, and in many courts systems, no formal – written and filed with the clerk - answer is required of the defendant.

Failing to answer – or, as it is called, “appear” (while one can actually show up, it just means answer the complaint) – results in what is called “default” and “default judgment” – the court finds in favor of the plaintiff. “Judgment” is the court’s ruling that the defendant owes whatever was asked – sometimes called “prayed” – for. Practically all matters filed in small claims court are set by the court (the “Clerk of Court” does that) for trial. Trial by jury is seldom – just about never - conducted in small claims courts, something set by law establishing the court, and “remedies” - things like injunctions – an order by a court against something being done, including protective orders - are seldom available from small claims courts.

We don’t care about it here, but most states don’t allow “domestic relations” – family law and disputes - to be heard in small claims court.

To bring any lawsuit requires what is called a “cause of action.” That’s what is called a tort. A tort, by one definition, is “the breach of a civil duty owed to another that results in injury, and requires a response in damages.” Coming to the United States illegally, then obtaining under illegally and or under otherwise false pretenses a job, is a “tort.” Against you, the “plaintiff.” “Injury” means damage to your property or your person, and, basically, costing you money (disfigurement, pain, and that sort of thing may not cost money but they, too, are “injury” – requiring payment in “damages”). “Damages,’ means the expense of restoring whatever has been injured or damaged. Illegal immigration is a tort, it results in “injury” and it requires a response in “damages.”

Research by a number of concerns suggest that as much as fifty percent of wage-loss to low-skilled and laboring citizens of the U.S. is due to illegal immigration. Native U.S. workers lose not just wages but their jobs through illegal immigrant competition. One research group has estimated that nearly two million U.S. workers lose their jobs every year by immigration; and the cost for providing welfare and assistance to these people is more than fifteen million dollars a year. The National Research Council, part of the National Academy of Sciences, found that in one year, 1997 that the average illegal immigrant who hasn’t completed high school of the Mexican equivalent imposes a net fiscal burden on our economy of eighty-nine thousand dollars during his or her lifetime here. The average immigrant with a high school education creates a lifetime fiscal burden of thirty-one thousand dollars. Your taxes pay the bill.

And that’s a small part of what Illegal aliens in this country cost you. Medical services for aliens have cost the U.S. taxpayer millions of dollars. Dozens of hospitals in Texas, New Mexico Arizona, and California, have been – are being - forced to close or face bankruptcy because of federally-mandated programs requiring free emergency room services to illegal aliens. More, the U.S. taxpayer pays his share of the half-a-billion dollars per year required in order to incarcerate illegal alien criminals who another study says cross the border at the rate of a hundred twenty a day.

The illegal alien, as we’ve already stated, isn’t the only one “breaching a civil duty to you.” Corporate interests reap the benefits of cheap labor, while taxpayers – not the corporations - pay the infrastructural cost. Research says the net annual cost of illegal immigration from Mexico is between sixty seven and eighty seven billion a year. The National Academy of Sciences found that the net fiscal drain on U.S. taxpayers is between a hundred sixty-six and two hundred twenty six dollars a year per U.S. household. Even people who claim overall economic gain for the U.S. have had to admit that any gain is outweighed by the staggering fifteen to twenty billion dollar cost to U.S. taxpayers.

Illegal aliens in the U.S. send home to Mexico as much as fourteen billion dollars, a massive transfer of wealth taken for all practical purposes from the displace working poor among U.S. citizens.

In a recent year, the total K-12 school expenditures for illegal immigrants cost U.S. states seven billion, four hundred million dollars annually. That’s enough to buy books and supplies, even a computer, for every junior high school student in the country.

And it goes on. “Anchor babies” cost YOU. An illegal alien mother only has to say she is "undocumented" in order to receive immediate - and free - medical care. When the hospital can’t collect from momma, it collects from you – you don’t really think they eat the cost, do you? I’ve already mentioned here what happened when my wife’s fall at work resulted in my reading signs at the hospital emergency room blatantly (in Spanish, of course) telling illegal aliens that triage costs could not be denied them; but payment for the same was dutifully demanded of us – because we weren’t illegal aliens. When I said we were Hispanic – Rita and I both speak Spanish – and illegal, it drew a furious and indignant response from the Hispanic hospital official.

Not long ago, it was revealed that Mexican ambulance drivers were – still are - driving their hospital patients who can't pay for medical care in Mexico to facilities in the United States (right across the border, under the authorities noses!), knowing that the federal Emergency Medical Act mandates that U.S. hospitals with emergency-room services must treat anyone who requires care, including illegal aliens. Meanwhile, you and I are supposed to believe that hospitals absorb the more than two hundred million in un-reimbursed costs to treat the illegal aliens. Sure - that’s why health costs never rise, and the public in the U.S. is regaled daily about all the people who have no health care insurance, and the broken health care system in general. Sure. Even at that, one has to believe that some emergency rooms have shut down because they simply can’t afford to stay open, meaning that local, tax-paying citizens are either denied medical care or have to wait in long lines for service as the illegal aliens flood medical facilities.

These costs are also staggering; and they have to be paid somewhere, by somebody. Guess who. Some time ago, while making a trip to San Diego, a Phoenix newspaper reported that the Cochise County, Arizona Health Department spends as much as thirty percent of its annual nine million dollar budget on illegal aliens. Other hospitals – Bisbee and Tucson, for instance – report similar straits. In Colorado, the state’s Medicaid program paid thirty million dollars in one year, delivery costs for six thousand illegal immigrant mothers. In Georgia, one hospital system established a thirty-four million dollar reserve in order to cover its anticipated outlay for illegal aliens in the year two thousand and three. In two thousand and three, the federal General Accounting Office studied the impact of illegal immigrants on Arizona and other border states health care systems. Just three hospitals, those in Cochise County, AZ again, paid more than a million dollars in un-reimbursed health care costs. The Florida Hospital Association survey of twenty-eight hospitals revealed health care for illegal aliens totaled forty million dollars.

Oh, you have “damages,” all right. These figures were obtained from an online website:

*Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002.

* Among the largest federal costs: Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).

* If illegal aliens were legalized and began to pay taxes and use services like legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual fiscal deficit at the federal level would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total federal deficit of $29 billion.

* Although they create a net drain on the federal government, the average illegal household pays more than $4,200 a year in federal taxes, for a total of nearly $16 billion. However, they impose annual costs of more than $26.3 billion, or about $6,950 per illegal household.

“ Immigration causes average wage decline among U.S. citizens of $1,700 (my estimates are higher, but let’s go with that one).

Two decades' growth in the supply of immigrant workers cost native-born U.S. men an average $1,700 in annual wages by the year 2000, a top economist has concluded.

The task of proving tort here is pretty simple and easy, the proof having been made repeatedly and for years, in the media. What will require a little more effort is damages. Those last two figures there should do the trick. Multiply seventeen hundred dollars a year by whatever number of years are appropriate, and your action is ready to file. All that is required is a means of introducing the numbers into evidence, either an economics professor or other expert who knows how to do the calculations all the people I have cited here have done. In small claims court, you may remember, that isn’t necessary. You just have to cite the figures here. I’m researching other methods of proof, too, and – provided I don’t have to practice law to do it – I will explain them here.

Meanwhile, winning in small claims court doesn’t automatically ensure payment of damages, incidentally. If the defendant is insured – as a company hiring illegal aliens, for instance, might very well be - collecting might be easy, but that’s not going to be the case with a illegal alien. He’s going to flee – for guess where? And, yup, he’ll be right back as soon as he thinks the heat’s off. Then, you have to chase him down, file a lien against whatever he owns – his car, for instance.

But, you are now a better deterrent to illegal immigration than anybody – even the police; even the feds. Once you have a lien on the alien’s car – voila! It’s yours for the repossession, same as if you’re the bank with a lien on a car. When Jose learns that his wheels are subject to being seized at any time, guess where he’s going to go, and stay.

Next in the guerrilla lawyer’s bag of tricks is a simple one, as simple as a letter. We’ll get to that next time – this is already to long.

Let’s, for instance say that you publish in the local paper an add or article that announces the formation of a citizen’s committee.

And, parenthetically, yes, you’re damned right that means you’re a “vigilante.” It isn’t – no matter what you may think and what anybody tells you – to be a vigilante. Crime by a vigilante is no different than crime by anyone else – somebody who isn’t vigilant and doesn’t give a damn about his country, for instance – but being watching out for crime and criminals isn’t a crime, it’s a civic duty. Neighborhood Watches, for instance, are by definition “vigilance committees” – the derivation of the word “vigilante” – and the aren’t against the law. Sometimes the bullshit being spewed by the media is past credibility (unless you stop to think who’s purposes if serves, that is) like the Harvard Law School Graduate the other day who said on CNN that people who watched while doing nothing a ninety-on year old man being beaten senseless by the thug stealing his car were doing the right thing. To intervene, he implied, would be vigilantism.

Anyway, let’s say you announce that you will begin watching businesses and other employers for illegal aliens. Reason for watching? Lawsuits of the kind I’ve been discussing. We’ll talk about that more next time, and continue, too discussion of “proving up” damages for a small claims court or other action.

As I said, its’ time to take back our country. “Let’s Roll!”

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Death of God

Oh, man, I had another of my political, current events, rants half done when I checked my posts on TW and came across that posted by StarShadow, the classical music. Listening – having called Rita in so she could share with me while we finished our coffee – I couldn’t shut it down until I’d heard (and saved) it all.

I always do things like that – taking the grandkids home to Lubbock recently, we stopped a dozen times in order to look at the wild-flowers – and I wrote just now to “Star” to tell him of a night where I happened to come upon a friend when car on an interstate ahead suddenly pulled over. Thinking something wrong, and having pulled over ahead of the car and walked back, I found my friend Gary leaned back against the seat, listening to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

Understanding perfectly, I stood beside the car and listened with him as the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra played the powerfully evocative music. When it was through, and my friend had explained that the road noise and its interference with his listening pleasure had precipitated his sudden decision to pull over, he waved, said, “See ya,” and pulled away. We laughed about the incident for years.

When “Star’s” music had finished, I sat reflecting about a nation that seems to have lost – among so many other things – its appreciation of beauty and life, the encyclopedia of all its forms. What the hell – capitalism, of course – has happened to us? I am reminded of Markham’s poem, The “Man with a Hoe.”

“What gulfs between him and the seraphim!
Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him
Are Plato and the swing of the Pleiades?
What the long reaches of the peaks of song,
The rift of dawn, the reddening of the rose?”

Don’t we see, realize, that we are being brutalized? Racing desperately to stay ahead of a tax system supplying a military industrial complex so vast that it consumes part of everything an enslaved public earns, we have no time for anything but the “fast food,” one-liner news, entertainment, and political debate, and garbage art of life under corporate capitalism. Bombarded by mindless ideology no one has time to really consider, we accept the mediocre or less in veritably everything.

Worse, in order to survive economically – or to follow the siren call of supposed, what the corporate masters would have us believe, is success, we have cut our own children adrift, left them to fall prey to all of it. “What to them Plato and the swing of the Pleiades (quick – what IS that?); what the long reaches of the peaks of song, the rift of dawn, the reddening of the rose . . .?” For heavens sake, my friends, LOOK at your children once! Listen to the appallingly cacophonous, discordant trash they think is music, listen to what they believe a hero is, ask them what the word “honor” means (try it, I dare you – or don’t you dare ask yourself?).

I could go on, but this isn’t about that. Some years ago, while a coach at the National Judo Institute in Colorado Springs, I was taking a break and talking with one of the players when the young man’s girl friend approached. Her sinuously beautiful stride first caught my attention, then her magnificent form. Red of hair, which was long enough to reach her shoulder blades, she wore high heals and tastefully feminine apparel. The eyes she gave me when she said “Hi!” were green or greenish, and she was very, very pretty.

When she had made plans with my young team mate for meeting later, she turned to leave, and I, male as I am, watched her go – male as I am. What a beautiful thing she was!

And I said that to my young friend. “Do see how beautiful she is?”

I think I startled him a little, as perhaps I do you, now. Well, hell yes, he said – of course. But do you, really, I pressed him? For an instant, I saw him resign himself to one of “coaches” lectures, then become intent. “No,” he said, “I see what you mean – maybe I don’t.” He put his head down, looking between his feet. “Why do YOU notice?

I had to laugh at the obvious questioning inherent in his question, but I was equal to it. “Because, my friend,” I said, “THAT – nothing else – is what will makes your life worth living. If you pass through the years without seeing all the beautiful things here – and woman is the most beautiful of all, she’s the beautiful that teaches us about all the things really beautiful – you might as well have lived in a dumpster. If you let chasing medals, or property, or money, or political power make you deaf, dumb, and numb to things that are beautiful, you’ll never really know that you lived. You won’t really care, either. Even if you become president or rule or own the world, you won’t really care when it’s over. You won’t care because you will have become a corporation personified – no personality, no character, no feeling, no pleasure except the pleasure felt by a computer or ledger in having added another number. If you could see now what you would become then, you’d shoot yourself.”

His look was one of amazement. “You really mean that, don’t you?”

“You’re damned right I do,” I responded. “The next time you’re with (I said her name, which I choose not to here) her, look at her. Listen when she speaks, when she laughs. When she smiles, drink it in. Watch her walk, how she moves when she sits. And by all means, if you do nothing else, see how very, very different she is than we are. Think about why. She makes life, you know. You and I are just her wingman, we fly formation on her, cover her butt in the dogfight of living.” I laughed at the look of awe on his face. “Hell, she SITS on the one, sure thing that every man on the planet will bust his ass, fight, even die for.”

Two guys, we laughed at one another. And the truth. The funny truth.

And there’s another thing, my friends – what’s happened to the beauty of laughter? Recently, a sociologist friend of mine nodded agreement when I said I’d noticed that people laughed half or less as much as they used to. “Around forty percent less, actually,” he said. That, he said, is what the studies were saying.

You, gentle reader, look around – see what you think. The bees, the butterflies, and now the birds, aren’t the only things we are sacrificing to the corporate world and the all-mighty dollar. We’re surrendering beauty, pleasure - the quality of life itself.

But I’m a fighter now become a teacher, and I not willing to just “go gentle into that good night.” So let me, with Dylon Thomas, “rage at the dying of the light” a little. Consider what the military industrial corporations would do, should they realize one day that you have begun teaching your kids what life is really about, why and how to live it. What if they knew that you had become aware of what’s been happening? Tell me that it would be different – in the least – from what they are doing about the atmosphere, the water, the very soil and substance of the earth becoming poisonous. Tell me what you think they would do, were we to begin insisting upon learning why the bees, the butterflies, and now the birds are disappearing.

Tell me you imagine it would be any different than what they are doing, now that we are aware, however so vaguely, that the polar icepacks, the glaciers, and snow fields are vanishing. Can you really imagine that they would treat any of these “issues,” any differently than they are global warming? Tell me, while you’re at it, that you don’t understand why people corporately obsessed – remember my “you will have become a corporation personified” lecture to the young judo player – with wealth wouldn’t stop for even a minute to consider even the possibility that they – man at his most avarice-addicted – are responsible? What would the harm in that be?

Yeah, you’ve got it – the harm would be to their “bottom line.”

A hundred thirty years ago, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that the god created by metaphysics and religion would die (in the “Die Froehliche Wissenschaft,” he said figuratively “is dead”). As anyone might imagine, the remark stirred a furor among the people to whom god was a corporate product. Were the god they created to be found out or die, you can guess what the creators and purveyors of religion thought would happen. When one recognizes that the god of the military industrial complex corporations and the oil companies is production of weapons and oil, one might understand the furor that resulted from “Die Froehliche Wissenshaft.” Or, inversely, one knowing of the furor resulted from the discovery of the connection between global warming and corporate production might understand the “god is dead” controversy.

History does repeat itself, you know; you have to be watching, however. It – Die Froehliche Wissenschaft - means “The Joyous Knowledge” (science).

But consider again the death of another god, the goddess beauty. Of course, beauty – like god – will never die. But our awareness, our “joyous knowledge” of it, seems like Nietzsche’s “god” doomed. Then, when we have killed beauty, and, made certain by looking around, we know what we have done – then what? What will life be like? Remember my poem?

“O masters, lords and rulers in all lands,
Is this the handiwork you give to God,
This monstrous thing distorted and soul-quenched?
How will you ever straighten up this shape;
Touch it again with immortality;
Give back the upward looking and the light;
Rebuild in it the music and the dream;
Make right the immemorial infamies,
Perfidious wrongs, immedicable woes?

“O masters, lords and rulers in all lands,
How will the future reckon with this Man?
How answer his brute question in that hour
When whirlwinds of rebellion shake all shores?
How will it be with kingdoms and with kings--
With those who shaped him to the thing he is--
When this dumb Terror shall rise to judge the world,
After the silence of the centuries?”

What do you think your children will do, when they realize that you killed god?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Guerrilla Law - "Let's Roll!"

This is the third or fourth time I’ve done this. In fact, in 1986, I wrote a series of “chapbooks” (seventy-five pages), discussing in an historical context the powers given citizens of this country for the purpose of controlling their government. The result of one book, “Citizens’ Arrest, Citizen Power to Control Their Government,” was that I became a target for the lawlessness typical of today’s federal totalitarianism.

The U.S. Government, you know, has been “working up” to the Bush Administration since World War Two.

In short and in fact, in order to save my own life, I fought a running gunfight with the criminal government of the “nation of laws.” It is a fact, an undeniable and quickly demonstrable one, that citizens of the United States, the Nation of Laws, are actively and passively prevented from knowing the law under which they live. Think about it – how much of the law jurisprudentially justifying control of your life and property is taught to children in the first twelve grades of public education? If you are accused of crime and prosecuted, how much of the law you are suffer under do you know? If someone sues you, meaning he demands that you surrender some, or all, of your money or property, how much of the law supposedly governing your case do you know?

Do you even know that, in fact, that the law being used, actually does govern your case?

Tell me something more ridiculous than being obliged to play in a game, a game in which you risk your life and property, whose rules are determined and decided only by your opponent. Go ahead, take some time and think about it. What is more ridiculous? And why do you play? Now, that’s really ridiculous.

The fact is, you don’t have to play. That you think you have to is due propaganda on the part of the people who stand to gain from your ignorance. The same people spend billions to assure that you stay in the state of ignorance that results in your playing a game as ridiculous as that which determines what the U.S.A of today is and will be.

Let’s just start with the real – not the Marshall McLuhan, “Medium is the message,” Operation Mockingbird, truth – but the real, what actually has happened, truth - the kind that historians of the future will recognize and shake wondering heads at.

And, parenthetically, if you want to test what I’m saying here, try to learn the truth yourself. I dare you. Begin with Freedom of Information Act attempts, then try to obtain historical material concerning how our government began, how it was originally structured and why, and what happened to it all. State records, incidentally, are not governed by FOI – state government will fight like a cornered skunk to prevent you learning what they’re doing, especially with your money. Get ready for a whole lot of trouble, too, at any rate and wherever you try to look. One of the reasons for the twenty-three years war I fought with the United States Government was my effort to find out what the hell was going on. When I sued – none of the crap you think is true about simply asking for your records is true – for my records, the U.S. District Court for Colorado ruled that they were top secret – to surrender them “would irreparably damage the tax collection system of the United States.”

The nation founded by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, and those who risked “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor” is not the one you think it is. Today’s post coup d’etat by the military industrial complex corporations government largely – any time they choose – ignores the law. They believe – frequently say so – that they ARE the law; and, moreover, our current de facto dictator has also made that very clear publicly. More, the failure of the U.S. Congress to impeach a president who in grandiose and smirking public statements both repudiates his oath of office and defiantly confesses breaking the law, makes assertions of de facto dictatorship in the Land of the Free incontrovertible. Things are what they are, not what they are called.

So, what can be done? Well, first learn the rules of the warfare game you’re playing. In fact, learn first that you are in a war. It is a dogma – one proven correct by success - of Alcoholics Anonymous that the drunk must first recognize his alcoholism. He must also recognize that his enemy is alcohol. To begin “guerrilla law” warfare against federal totalitarianism, we also must realize what has happened to us, and what, who, our enemy is.

Our enemy is greed - “the moral flabbiness born of excessive worship of the bitch goddess SUCCESS. . . with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success . . .,” as Father of American Psychology William James put it - and the people who out of a natural evolutionary mental aberration are unable to feel secure while they do not possess and control everything. The goal of the capitalist is to own everything and his life view is that of endeavor to exploit the earth and its people until he possesses and controls everything.

The embodiment of greed in the U.S. is the corporation. The corporation is a judicial fiction, one created by the U.S. Supreme Court in the now infamous case of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad. In that ruling, the court said that the fictional person, the corporation, had the same rights under the U.S. Constitution (the Fourteenth Amendment) as a living person. The corporation had come to be in 1819 when the court – Chief Justice John Marshall – upheld in the case of McCullock v. Maryland the right of the federal government to create corporations under its “implied powers.”

Lying legally fro the purpose of advancing greed was already well-advanced as a practice by 1819, you see.

The effect of the courts rulings was a Frankenstein Monster, endowed with all the rights of the individual, but unlike the individual, un-killable and invulnerable. The Frankenstein Monster had rights and powers that even the individual states of the union did not. Inevitably, the corporations moved toward the obvious – control of the government that had created them. In the late forties and early fifties, unwilling to surrender the Brobdingnagian profits they had reaped in World War Two, the military industrial corporations moved to seize power. With the Clinton and Bush Administrations, representative democracy in the Land of the Free Nation of Laws ended.

It was a process any rational and reasoning person would have anticipated, and a process I first perceived while a sophomore in high school. I wrote about it then, as a matter of fact.

Whatever. It has happened, and all there is to do now is succumb or fight. Make no mistake, you WILL fight. You’ll fight because the Frankenstein Monster that is corporate capitalism won’t let you do otherwise. That’s its nature. The question, therefore, is when you will fight – now, while you still have a chance of success, or later when you have no chance, but must fight to live. There is, as Sir Winston Churchill once observed, even a worse case.

You may fight because you would rather die than live the way the greed monster demands.

So. Let’s begin with Dr. Frankenstein, the monster’s creator. The courts. A court of law under our system of government has never been more than an arbitrator. It does not have governing power, either executive – law enforcement – or enactment – legislation. A court of law has power only when given it by two or more parties, and the power is that of regulating and settling equitably – they were once called “courts of equity” – disputes. The court might, and did almost immediately, set rules by which the argument before it would proceed, but the court’s rules for proceeding do not have weight outside the courtroom.

Continue, by the way, comparing what I say here with what you think, and ask yourself how you became so benighted. Ask yourself why, too.

“Guerrilla law,” however, is little interested in the courts except as tools against government and its outrageously biased machinations favoring the nation’s Frankenstein Monster, the stupendously greedy corporations. Faced with a topic so broad and voluminous, let’s simply consider by way of concise, but exemplary illustration the illegal alien outrage which pits the government and illegal aliens its corporate masters seek to exploit against the government’s own constituency. There’s really never been anything like this before in U.S. history, a situation wherein illegal aliens from Mexico are being openly favored by the Congress and federal government over native and legally naturalized U.S. citizens.

As the public seethes in anger over the contemptuous slap in the face – both by the aliens and the U.S. Congress – the latter, caught between its corporate masters and the voters (potential or otherwise) dithers cynically, hoping for the people to be distracted by a recently-generated and colossal blizzard of prurience-oriented “news” having to do with the likes of Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton or their meretricious like.

Meanwhile, the public, convinced by conniving media and its pundits that it can do nothing but wait to vote, that despite having already been shown by Democrat Party do-nothing-ism the power of corporate lobbyists to thwart their will, waits – and goes on paying the staggering costs of illegal immigration and all it causes. Nothing can be done?

Oh, yeah? Let us suppose that citizens were to begin filing lawsuits against the illegal aliens and those who hire them – in, for instance, small claims court. Each illegal alien is costing working and tax-paying Americans real money, “damages” that can be computed and are legally as real as any other. Look it up: from medical costs hospitals and health care providers recoup by adding to the costs of treating you, the long-suffering American citizen to gasoline prices being driven higher by illegal aliens from Mexico driving on our highways at ninety miles an hour (pushing on the accelerator is demand, you know – and demand drives the price higher), the illegal alien and the corporation hiring him are costing you big bucks.

And it’s “actionable” – meaning you have the right to sue. Think it’s not a powerful tactic? Well, put yourself in the shoes of the alien. One day, he gets fifty, or a hundred (or more – there’s no legal limit) “summons and complaint” papers served on him. What would you do . . .?

Or, suppose you are Screw the Citizen, Inc – the corporation hiring illegal aliens instead of you or yours. Let’s say the limit on small claims actions in your jurisdiction is $10,000, and five hundred people sue the traitor capitalist. That’s $5,000,000 (five million dollars) – think that’ll get his attention?

You bet – and notice that there is no reason you can’t get an attorney and sue in a higher court, or learn the law (try Nolo Press – Google it – and get all the forms, procedures, and what you need) and sue pro se. If you put up with this crap, you deserve what you get. Once a number of citizens have begun this kind of “guerrilla law,” the Congress and other principals to what’s been going on – the rape of the common man by the corporate Frankenstein Monster – will get the message.

But the important thing is to served notice that we are waking up, waking up to the fact that there are many more ways to deal with government than just throw a feckless vote into a toilet being flushed by the practice of lobbying. There’s more, much more to “guerrilla law,” and in the days to come, I’ll talk about it all. There isn’t any doubt at all that we can regain control of our country, something that anybody who has made that much study of history knows, or can learn. The only question remaining is how much Operation Mockingbird and its corporate designers have succeeded in doing to you and your civic behavior.

What will you do? Knowing history, I’m pretty sure – but it’ll be interesting to watch.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Guerrilla Law" - All That's Left for Citizens of the "Nation of Laws"

The grandchildren were here for two weeks, and wife Rita and I are recovering, recovering both from the labors that children and their rearing requires and from the loss of such labor. When you love someone, the labor it makes necessary is one of life’s great pleasures. Too bad so few people ever come to understand that.

Of course, parenthetically, we have a media and an ideology – capitalism – that strives mightily to assure mis-understanding where that general fact is concerned, s-o-o-o . . . Selfish ego-centricity and self-aggrandizement are the credo and hallmark of today’s capitalism, after all. Where children are concerned, nevertheless, the rewards of self-sacrificing love are not only galacticly self-evident otherwise, but easily apparent to anyone understanding the process of evolution.

A Mother Nature who saw fit to permit parents abandonment of her children would condemn her planetary kingdom to lifelessness.

In fact, even a scintilla of understanding where nature and natural processes are concerned make obviously apparent the fact that we are here in this life for the purpose of bearing and rearing children, and how well one has lived, his true worth as a person, is measured in how well he has raised his children. Nature and Nature’s god, moreover, care not a hill of beans about rising to the rank of king, emperor, or president, about having subjugated and enslaved millions, or about having acquired colossal wealth and the political power inherent in great wealth.

Nature and her god require and exalt successful parents, and men who have husbanded and cared for a woman and her baby. That simple. For two weeks, Rita and I shared real, natural, and fulfilling exercise – that of caring for, nurturing, and teaching children. When, on Father’s Day, I was awarded a paper crown upon whose design and production the three grandchildren had collaborated, I actually felt like a king. That these aren’t my natural grandkids – we share no genes – made the coronation all that more meaningful.

But nevertheless, for me, the time was bittersweet. A natural clown, a guy taught by life to view the parts and players on its stage with a wryly jaundiced eye, I always keep kids in my charge in laughing wonderment. I love the ridiculous (one might as well: like air, it is inescapably everywhere these days) and during a twelve hour drive like that necessary to pick up and return the kids, a lot of humorous entertainment is required. We had a great time. Still, every joy and pleasure was tempered by guilt on my part, the guilt of knowing what ten year old Aidan, nine year old Mallory, and six year old Zöe will inevitably face one day upon reaching adulthood.

They’ll face a poisoned continent, under a sickening atmosphere, governed by corporate military totalitarianism. Children of the middle class that must be impoverished in order to perpetuate neo-conservative capitalism, they will live Hobbesian lives, “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” God damn you, “America!” Rather than live the disciplined lives required of the citizens of a free and democratic society – freedom is, has always been, a state demanding of its citizenry the discipline demanded in turn by self-reliance, restraint, and responsibility – you have lived merely in order to grow surfeited, grossly obese and ridiculously soft and decadent – surfeited, obese, and decadent on credit derived from the promise of your children’s indentured servitude. They have trusted you and you have abandoned them, sacrificed them to the vicious gods of corporate capitalism, to the pandering panjandrums of the military industrial complex, men like Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and their like.

There has never been anything like it in our history, and the frequent stories on our emotion, hate-pandering, media of parents’ horrific abuse of their children are merely microcosms of a society and nation behaving in the same manner where its progeny are concerned. The children are abused – beaten and starved to death because their parents are concerned more with self than with the children they have conceived as the result of base self-indulgence rather than love. This is a sick society, but nothing shouts the fact of its sickness like the fact of its children being sold into slavery by parents interested only in self and selfish pursuits.

You are beneath contempt, “America” – and were there something beneath contempt, I would hold you there, too. Having said, “god damn you,” it occurs to me that that might be the reason for what you are.

The ride home when we had returned the children to their parents might have been a boring and lonely one, were it not for the concerned – worried almost sick, actually – conversation in which Rita and I engaged. How in the hell might just the two of us, let alone our ages, protect the little people? What might we tell their parents, and the nation of parents; and how might we convince the latter of truth so drowned and buried under relentless corporate Mockingbird-directed propaganda?

In Big Springs, Texas, stopped to re-fuel, I noticed a Neil Diamond CD and bought it. Playing it, I was soon lost in reverie. Music, songs, you see, have played a sometimes pivotal role in my life. Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band’s “Like a Rock” probably saved the United States of America a debacle that would have made the World Trade Center seem a pop-corn fart when compared to what I once considered doing (count your blessings, “America” – when your enemies get serious, start thinking instead of jumping up and down and screaming “Allah,” you’re in for veritable hell). Three thousand people from a population of three hundred million is equivalent to a broken toenail on an individual. Only the scum-sucking decadence and demented, “Princess and the Pea” surfeited-ness of a people who, one among the thirty-four nations of the hemisphere, call themselves “Americans,” could explain the uproar and outrage of a loss comparatively so small.

The “rock” that once was the United States of America is now effeminate, a physical and moral marshmallow. Directly responsible for the deaths of literally hundreds of thousands, the impoverishment, sickness and misery of millions more, among them millions of their fellows, busily and meretriciously engaged in the enslavement for profit of their own children, “Americans” found cause for outrage when a dog they had been kicking bit them.

Oh, yeah – I can hear it. The sanctimonious and pious indignation of the unco guid in the Home of the Brave. B-a-a-a-a-rf! Save the bullshit, folks - I was one of your victims. It has long been evident – thunderously so – that your idea of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” means that you should be entitled to exploit your fellow on the planet to whatever degree your life, liberty, and happiness requires. Even at home, in the Land of the Free, your “Nation of laws” means law purchased by the fabulously wealthy in order to further their exploitations and enslavement of their economically and politically less adept or otherwise fortunate fellow.

Why the hell would your corporations do otherwise with the citizens of the world’s other nations, and how in hell do you have the colossal stupidity to believe the other citizens of the planet don’t see and know that? Corporate capitalism isn’t a whisper (and the world’s citizens don’t listen to FoxNews, you know) – it’s a thunderous roar.

You’re a fraud, a fraud as obvious as the purpose of fifty-six thousand lobbyists at the seat of power – federal government – and a president who publicly flaunts the law he swore an oath to uphold; in fact, a compilation of the evidence where your fraudulent image and façade is concerned would fill volumes. You have become history’s one, greatest lie. More, the successes of your Military Industrial Complex creation, the Central Intelligence Agency and its Operation Mockingbird co-option of the press and media make you totally incompetent to assess in any meaningful way the truth of what I say, such that I have neither desire nor intent to convince you.

This, therefore, is only the warning to an opponent demanded by honor of a gentleman, not a newscast.

The music, the song, I mentioned? “I am, I said” – Neil Diamond. When your sycophant minions treated me, a native citizen of the Land of the Free – where, supposedly, men . . . “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” – like a stray dog, I remember thinking that then I said “I am . . .” And, “no one heard – not even the chair.” I was alone. I was as alone as I was the day an eight-passenger van ran me down in a cross-walk, knocked me from my bicycle into a suborbital flight that covered sixty-one feet and left an eleven feet trail of my skin, flesh, and blood on the street pavement; and when the driver and passengers of the van leapt from it to attack me as I lay squirming, I was alone despite dozens, even scores of passersby.

I was alone as I was through twenty-three years of federal crime against me and mine, crime that included relentless harassment, literally scores of burglaries, at least a dozen overt attempts at murder, and more.

I was as alone as Kitty Genovese all these years ago. Do you remember – the girl stabbed to death while dozens of the Home of the Brave’s citizens watched without so much as making a phone call? The time was 1964, and military industrial corporation power and the CIA it had created for the purpose had begun in earnest and with already palpable effect the destruction of the public’s mental coherence and resulting cohesiveness. “Deceive, confuse, and bewilder,” is how the federal wonk put it a few years later during a seminar for would-be participants in the federal program (for the desperately skeptical, look up MKULTRA, MKCHAOS, Mockingbird, and the like).

I was as alone as the scores – more than two hundred, at last count – of men convicted wrongfully of rape under mindlessly emotion-driven, politicized and corrupt laws of procedure and evidence. A decadent society, cowardily submissive to those interested only in their specialized self-interest, was oh, so eager to look the other way, as its victims were stripped of our vaunted “constitutional rights.”

Like freedom, you know, constitutional rights are subject to the rule of the mob, too.

Well-read in the history of such things, I wasn’t surprised when the public stood by idly while the government went about its relentless effort to destroy me. Of course not. I knew all too well that you were concerned with things the magnitude of Anna Nicole Smith’s sex life, the disappearance of the latest arrogantly oblivious bimbo to be kidnapped, raped, and discarded like the vapidly empty human condom she is, or the rescue of a strayed horse or beached whale. The torturing of one of your fellow “Americans” – me - was no more significant to you than was that of Moslem prisoners at Abu Graib Prison. Your character is such that television promoters and advertisers deem it necessary to intersperse vapidly lurid, tabloid nonsense like the lurid excesses of one Paris Hilton with that of the results of the appalling presidential, commander-in-chief-of-our-military pratfall in Iraq and its resultant slaughter of our troops there.

You care as much about your fellow “American” as your President – a man as perfectly representative of the nation he leads as conceivable - cares about his constituency, the common man, or his oath of office. You are a spectacle of spiritual rottenness and decadence unparalleled in history since that of Ancient Rome.

You are so rotten, so low, that you care about nothing – not even your children and grandchildren - but satisfaction of your appetites.

So spare me the sanctimoniously phony bullshit. I know you. Spare me the sorry-ass flag waving and patriotism. Save me your “support our troops” – you care for them, our children, the same way you care for their children and their children.

Still, nevertheless, I – unlike you – feel an immense responsibility, that of parent for his children; that of forbearer for progeny. Revelation – it wasn’t; I not only knew of it literally years ago, but wrote of it – that George W. Bush has spent as much of the public’s money as all the presidents of U.S. History combined spurs me again to do whatever necessary to assuage the horror we are by our despicable cowardice bearing down upon our children and grandchildren.

So, like Leonidas at the pass of Thermopylae, like Horatius at the bridge over the Tiber, forlorn in the knowledge of what you have become and what to expect, I will try nonetheless. As I’ve already intimated – maybe I said it flatly; I don’t recall – I will suggest, even begin by way of example, ways to institute a guerrilla law counter-attack against the takeover of our country by totalitarian corporate plutocrats who bill themselves as “neo-conservative.”

First, though, I invite you to read my page having to do with Operation Mockingbird. I also encourage you to research the Operation Mockingbird project and its history. It’s all there, more than enough to convince all but the stultified, stupefied, and brain-dead of far right and far left political persuasion (those, in other words, already lost to Mockingbird federal propaganda).

I wish I could think of a rallying cry (make no mistake, people with trillions as stake will not take this lying down – this means war). This, perhaps will do: in the words of Mexican reformer and revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”

And remember this: I don’t care about how you live; I care about how your children, and their children, live.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Fifth Profession, the Samurai, and the Guerrilla Lawyer - Society's REAL Protectors

As I type, a Cuban expatriate demands by way of the “fair and balanced” media that no matter what might benefit his new country - the one to which he speciously professes undying loyalty – that it do whatever is necessary to satisfy his hatred of Fidel Castro (and, incontrovertibly, everyone else in Cuba). He demands – ever wonder where the hell people like him think they get the right to do that? – that the United States continue its economic blockade of the country and people to whom he once presumably also professed undyingly loyal. Do you have any doubt that inasmuch as he has great political clout these days, and many lobbyists in Washington among the sleeze of politicians there, he will get anything of your property and life he demands?

Yeah, I know you are a native citizen, and that you have been paying taxes all your life – but born not so long ago of humanism, feminism, and liberalism, this is the sort of thing that controls our nation, now.

I’ve just finished reading Al Gore’s latest, “The Assault on Reason.” I’ve just finished reading George Tenets, “At the Center of the Storm,” and before that, I read Gerry Spence’s “Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious Pimps of Power.” A Before those two, I read Bob Woodward’s “State of Denial.” It’s hype-able, money-making stuff, but for a guy who said it all years – that’s years – before, more, it’s little more than annoying.

Let me repeat that: I’ve been saying all this for literally years. As a matter of fact, I said decades ago something I will say here in a minute, and it had the same result. Nothing.

Parenthetically, what is usually the Paula Zahn Show features two (or three) “experts” or “analysts” who are of such stature and credibility that they both (or all – who the hell can tell) talk at the same time, babble like six-graders of marginal intellect, and set up a cacophony interesting only to a psychologist interested in deviant or retarded child behavior. This is the Big Leagues of public discourse in the Land of the Free Press, folks. From these people, the public opinion which supposedly decides the fate of us all, citizens of the United States, and the world, is formed.

We could also, of course, decide to vote and determine the proper course of the nation by divination on the movements of Britney Spears (did I spell that right?) belly button. Don’t laugh – a considerable portion of our political opinions are so determined. Danny Glover’s view of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is currently deciding much of U.S. public opinion regarding that matter (whatever it is).

Also tonight, we saw still (my god – this rivals the capitalistic, Christmas-time promotion orgy exploiting the death of Princess Diana) another “documentary” on the assassination of President John Kennedy. Still thunderously – hydrogen bomb blast thunderously – obvious by its absence is any of the otherwise de rigueur “re-creations” that might show how you can blow off the back of a man’s head with a gunshot from the same side.

You’ll see that the same day you see an object fall to the ceiling or sky.

But you’ll see the rest of the speciously tawdry “facts” and “analysis” (by those geniuses of the media known as “expert analysts”) again and again, at strategically determined intervals, on television. You’ll see it whenever the government and the military industrial establishment corporations who own it need to distract public attention from something like Iraq and the massive lie now being revealed concerning the national budget (that’s the fact that the corporations stole five hundred thousand, five hundred dollars from each U.S. household last year – five hundred thousand, five hundred more than they’ve admitted stealing).

Have you never wondered why it is that when the government or one of its “officials” steals, even billions, it is something less than a crime? In a nation where a woman who writes a bad check for a hundred dollars in order to feed her kids can – and often does – go to jail for ten years, while a plenipotentiary in SleezeWorld on the Potomac who steals millions not only goes to jail seldom, he often gets re-elected. That makes sense? Yeah, in the Land of the Free, it does.

Al Gore’s book is specifically about my favorite topic of the past four years, the spastic, self-defeating, and totally feckless state of the public discourse. It’s entitled “Assault on Reason,” and if you don’t recognize in that what I’ve been saying, you haven’t been paying attention. The former Vice-President and popular vote for President winner in 2001 cites in his new tome everything we have discussed here months – indeed, years – ago. It has wife Rita is repeating her assertion, “These guys have to be reading your “blogs, Hal. What are the odds against anyone duplicating at random and word for word as many as three consecutive sentences?”

Well, I tell her – at least it wouldn’t be the first time.

It all happens at the same time, and a discussion on Internet website TagWorld demonstrates the degree to which that same public mind has been addled and incapacitated. It also demonstrates the overwhelming success of a 1950s program called Operation Mockingbird.” Mockingbird’s stated mission, in case you are among the typically un-informed of the Land of Guaranteed Free Press, was nothing less than to co-opt and take over the information media of the United States. Using a dictum first promulgated by Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels, then wielded mightily by Russian Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, the Central Intelligence Agency made its mission nothing less than control of the nation’s mind. More, and representing literally millions of his kind, one TagWorld man has demonstrate there the anaesthetized state characterizing victims of Operation Mockingbird-addled media. Living in a supposed republic, a guy name Scott demands of the public that it accept everything being told them by the media and its federal overseers. Anything less, he implies, is treasonous. “Why,” referring to the incredible-to-anyone-awake-and-rational blunder (to give the liar who lied to get us inextricably involved the benefit of “innocent until proven guilty”), he asks, “don’t you just cheer?”
You tell me how much more biased an attitude or opinion can be.

Despite its obvious psychological implications, Scott sees no contradiction in his asseverations. Were he to do the same regarding his family, his property, bank account, or the like, he could easily be committed by his family, found by a court of law incompetent. That his tormented mental processes (face it, this country has become a great treadmill, wherein people labor desperately and hopelessly to stay ahead of corporate slave-masters who demand more and more exploitable effort from them) might decide the fate of a nation is something else again, and while protected by the Constitution, is evidence of the a segment of the people becoming more and more dangerous.

The rats in this cage are beginning to show all the classic signs of stress.

This guy isn’t the only one playing with a deck short several cards, either. Gore’s latest book explores the near-paralyzed state of our national reasoning. There isn’t any rational or reasonable doubt about the truth of what he says. The question remaining has to do with what to do about it.

During a recent polemical exchange on TagWord, I said that I had several times before attempted to do what is the only logical way to avert the disaster now looming before the United States. “Guerrilla Law,” a term coined by a friend and one time publicist, James Frazier, avails the public of the Four Powers given the public for control of their government. It’s our last hope.

The series of four “chapbook” pamphlets were once an underground best-seller; and as I noted on TW, they once made me the target of federal snipers. The industrial military complex corporations who rule in the Land of the Free want you to believe that the only way you can legally do anything about your government, things like the children of the poor being cruelly shanghaied into military “service” designed to enrich the governing rich and their corporations, is to vote in its cynically rigged elections. To vote for one of two sons of the ruling plutocracy is promulgated – and by the propagandized accepted – as democracy.

Frankly, you amaze me. Nobody, psychologically, sociologically, anthropologically, is that stupid. Only scientific intervention in the form of propaganda can explain that kind of self-defeating, self-injurious, irrational and nonsensical behavior.

Yes, I’ve already attempted to teach the public “guerrilla law.” While nothing about it is debatable in fact, those determined that the United States should again become politically a European-style democracy or plutocracy will insist that to do what is eminently legal under actual and existing constitutional law is anarchy. Legally, we should, they asseverate, elect what amounts to a dictator every four years, then shut the hell up. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth.

The first of the Four Powers provided our system of government is that of access to the courts. You are, of course, expected – it is demanded of you; everything else is “vigilante” action – to believe that only by hiring an attorney (licensed to represent you by the government you might sue) and paying the staggeringly prohibitive costs of the same can you petition the courts to protect your rights against the government. You sue the king and make your case against the king in a court where the judge is . . . the king.

That, when the government is your oppressor, may even mean that all the funds you must have to hire a lawyer have been seized by the government oppressing you. When the governing law is that of the U.S. Tax Code, that’s fair. “Legal.”

Hopeless? No, that’s where the “guerrilla law” comes in. A case I prosecuted a number of years ago may illustrate. This was among the first of those Eminent Domain affairs; the filthy rich corporation – maybe one guy, but fat financially enough to be a corporation – decides that, like Al Capp’s General Bullmoose, whatever is good for him is good for the nation. He wants to force you to sell your property for ten cents on the dollar (capitalism, after all, is about making money and the capitalist makes money by exploiting – that’s impoverishing - other people).

In this case, the public circulated a petition – think about how convenient that is for people who own the law, lock, stock and well-lobbied barrel – intended to stop the corporate government take-over of their property. When number of signatures required by the law had been obtained and handed over to the recording government authority, the government authority blithely – “they looked suspect” - disallowed thirty percent of them, just enough to make the “initiative” by the public invalid under the law. On a radio talk show a few nights later, I answered one caller’s question by asking what she thought would happen, should the petitioners on the now deceased petition have signed instead a small claims court action. Since a small claims action in that jurisdiction was limited to ten thousand dollars, I asked, what did she suppose would have been the effect of the same number of signatures required on the petition had they been on small claims court forms? Fifty thousand (the number of signatures required on the now dead petition drive forms) times ten thousand is $500,000,000. – five hundred million dollars. Did she think that would get the government entrepreneurs’ attention?

The host on the talk show nearly fell off his chair.

In the weeks that followed, I also published my intention to avail myself of the citizen’s right and duty to arrest anyone caught in the act of crime. A government that is essentially a criminal conspiracy reacted as anyone rational might expect. The story is that told in my book, “Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story.”

No, there is no doubt that the public’s right and duty to control their government has been prepared and lies waiting to be used. Several times, including that during the time of formation of the Colorado Militia and arrest of FBI agents seeking by way of entrapment to bring about its ruin, I was able to demonstrate the power of just one of these rights – that of citizens arrest.

But that isn’t all. Imagine what would happen, were every citizen who knew of an illegal alien having been hired by a corporate entity in his town or county, enlisted the aid of all persons affected personally and financially by the hire, and filed a small claims court action against the alien and his deceitful, slave-master employer. Multiply the ten thousand – or whatever the limit is in your jurisdiction – by the number of suits. Imagine the result of your action.

And, no, you can’t be sued for having filed your suit. The worst the court can do is dismiss as “frivolous” your action. Neither can you be sued or prosecuted for false arrest of anyone caught in violation of the law. You merely have to be able to swear or testify that you saw a crime being committed. That is any crime in some states, felony crime in others. The standard for determination of what is a serious – felony – crime is that of a reasonable person. Would, in other words, a reasonable person believe what happened was a serious crime.

The incident recently – I wrote about it here – wherein a ninety-one year old man was being beaten by a man stealing the old man’s car is a classic example of a crime whose perpetrator a citizen not only may arrest but has a duty to do so. I should be forgiven a parenthetical digression to point out that nothing, perhaps, more suggests the root causes for our national decline than a public willing to stand idly – and cravenly by – watching heinous crime being committed. How can such a people pretend to respect the rule of law and the order it purports to maintain? It can’t. That’s “let-somebody-else-do-it” nonsense, and when only the government enforces the law and maintains order, the tyranny is the inevitable result. In fact, it is a reasonable definition of tyranny.

Oh, I can hear it now – I’ve been hearing it for years. “What can I do?” Now, I am not licensed anywhere to practice law. The government would love for me to stick my testicles in a vice like that. But I can tell you what I have done, how I did, it, and what the result was, and I have practices pro se (for oneself) law for decades, appeared in court again and again, and kicked the government’s ass from pillar to post (that’s why they started shooting, something else any reasonable person would expect of thugs like those who rule in the Nation of Laws). I suggest you read, as I have, Flast v. Cohen, 392 U.S. 83 (1968). Just Google it, and read it. If you don’t see what I’m talking about, and get the idea, nothing can save you (which wouldn’t surprise me, either).

The biggest criminal element in the United States, let us not forget – and this is a matter of relentless fact, reported daily (even if in its immensely and deliberately diminished and under reported form) by the nation’s media. When have we not had one or the other embezzlement, bribery, corruption, or other similar scandal in Washington, D.C.? What do you suppose more than fifty-five thousand pandering camp-follower lobbyists do there? And are you really so naïve that you believe the crime being reported by the IRS-controlled media is all of it? Be serious!

Let’s not forget, either, that during the decades that I infiltrated federal offices everywhere I not only uncovered literally hundreds of crimes by our “public servants,” I forwarded incontrovertible proof of the crime to U.S. Senators, Congressmen, and all the major news media. Absolutely nothing happened, and it’s what any reasonable human being would expect. When you hire the most greedy and power-mad people you can find, you have to expect them to do what they wanted to do once in control of the nation’s money and in power. Anything else is utter nonsense.

For some reason, I’m reminded again of the priest’s flabby ass pumping up and down as he cannonaded the wife of my home town’s leading citizen in the sacristy of St Peter’s Catholic Church all these years ago. Maybe I’m just cynical. On the other hand, it might be what any of us should expect (at least, the good father was screwing an adult female, not a boy like all those were would one day learn of). You might say that I expect little of people given power without restraint, and as the French essayist Michel De Montaigne once observed, societies invariably have the government they deserve. A people that will not avail themselves of the power granted them by the right and duty of Citizens Arrest, to say nothing of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution, in order to maintain law and order have what they deserve.

Keep watching, folks - I’ll tell you what I wrote in my book, you won’t even have to buy a copy, and you might even save your county. How can you beat a deal like that?
