Swan Song

So, we’ve all been required to invest in the stock market and banking industry, whether we like it or not and to the tune of $20,000 for each paycheck taxpayer. All of it, of course, is on account of the same thing as Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a score more before them – national security. This isn’t unprecedented, of course; there was Chrysler Corporation, and, of course, the $100,000,000,000 we invested in the oil companies by way of “oil depletion allowances” and the odious. Put those with the hundreds of billions military industrial complex corporations are permitted to steal, and you have a good idea why a home that cost $20,000 dollars in 1960 costs $200,000 today.
The stock market is climbing; of course: where’s the risk when you know the government will hold someone up in order to assure that you don’t lose. Buy whatever you choose on even bad credit – the government will make your neighbor pay what you can’t.
And right and left wing extremists alike are telling themselves this isn’t a socialist country. How blind stupid can you get?!
The two presidential candidates are promising to cut taxes (every damned election since 1960, the same litany of lies regarding taxes, and people continue voting – incredible!) by printing more fiat money and spending more, and the morons who play the children’s monopoly game of politics go on . . . is there an echo in here?
Anyway, this is my swan song to the Internet and the discussion of it all there. I started my website and conversation with the public as part of a research project having to do with a proposed socio-economic thesis (for a PhD I now realize I need like I need a new hairstyle), an effort to learn how well the U.S. public thinks, and why that might be – the effects of Operation MOCKINGBIRD, in other words. The effort, which included nationwide travel, teaching in a Texas High School, and the Internet discourse and debate to which I had reference a minute ago, has had results I couldn’t have anticipated at the outset. Together with the federal swindle to which I had reference at the outset here, it has resulted in wife Rita’s and my own determination to begin preparation for what must now come soon, the swift decay and ruin of the nation.
Operation MOCKINGBIRD, the effort of the military industrial complex brainchild that was the CIA, has succeeded eminently, probably far beyond its most hopeful imaginings at the time of its creation. Conceived as the total takeover and control of the nation’s thought processes in the form of the news and information media, MOCKINGBIRD has reduced the U.S. public to a state so reminiscent of the “proles” in George Orwell’s prophetic book, “1984,” that almost no rational and original thought can be expected. An example is an electorate that believes contradictory nonsense like that being promulgated by today’s supposed (indeed, that anyone believes real an absurd charade like the current presidential campaign is evidence of intense behavioral conditioning and resulted dementia) political parties. It will demonstrate to future historians the fact of CIA and military industrial complex coup d’etat leaders’ MKULTRA mind and opinion control science success.
An electorate supporting with its finances and vote candidates like those we have today is like a rape victim cheering on her attacker. Your government, after all, has decided that you need to assure the success of the people who have daily been stealing you blind – corporate America, Wall Street, the bankers, and the nations financiers otherwise – and the government has gone to the bank (much the way IRS did when it decided to take all of my money), and it has taken from your account $20,000.
And many of the people who have been burglarized – people so blinded and behaviorally conditioned by the nation’s Fourth Estate and their MOCKINGBIRD propagandists that they are unaware of what has happened - are cheering the burglars.
In the last several years, almost all of it during the execrable George W. Bush Administration, the U.S. public has lost most of its Constitutional rights. All telephone, computer, and private discourse is subject to governmental invasion. Across the Land of the Free turned Land of the Fee, police break into homes without warrant, summarily murdering the people there. Unarmed citizens continually go down in a blizzard fusillade of bullets, or are shot down and electrocuted in public with a hideous device called a TASER (hardly anyone would find that surprising, in a nation whose congress and chief executive foment, condone, and practice torture). Law-abiding citizens are nevertheless stopped without reason on the nation’s highways, to be given a “warning ticket” for no other reason than “snooping” by the authorities.
Under the staggering burden of taxation, both by enactment, by printing press, deficit spending inflation, by staggering corporate theft, and by outright IRS thuggery, the wage-earning citizen has been reduced to Henry David Thoreau’s “quiet desperation.” The latter, together with federally-fomented ideological movements like feminism and homosexualism, has destroyed the basic social unit which is the family, with the further result that a critical portion of our children have become mindlessly ignorant savages, uncontrollable by teachers and school authorities and terrorizing the streets of our cities.
Even more signally meaningful where the nation’s youth are concerned, perhaps, are governmentally-inflicted social programs which provide for the inclusion among normal children in our schools of the mentally deficient (“challenged”), mentally deranged, and emotionally disturbed. A story in our local paper concerning an autistic child in a high school class is an example, and a microcosm of the nation and its swiftly deteriorating societal structures.
The common occurrence of acts of savage brutality like the immolation while living or savagely beating to death of the homeless and the aged, together with the further fact that large numbers of officials nevertheless work mindlessly to disarm prospective victims of such violence, are symptomatic of a society gone utterly insane.
And, of course, there is more – much, much more. Mathematical extrapolation of data having been published during my lifetime argues incontrovertibly that the North American continent will not be fit for human habitation by the dawn of the twenty-second century. The Mexican bandit – peasant villager, Magnificent Seven drama, that is despoiling reiver corporations like Uranium Resources and Exelon versus ranchers, townspeople, and local citizens currently being acted out in the area where I live is an example of the reasons the environment will kill anyone and anything foolish enough to attempt life here.
The history of nuclear energy and related research is utterly unmistakable, a trail of misery and destruction of fearsome proportions to those who will make the effort necessary to uncover it from where it has been hidden among the camouflage arrayed by the corporate powers in question and the media they own or control. While anyone with a Geiger counter or dosimeters and willing to do the necessary travel of, for instance, the state of Texas, will realize the extent of damage to the environment done by previous uranium mining – all of it despite cynically impassioned protestations to supposed state regulators concerning “clean-up” and other environmental protections – corporate influence in a nation already ruled by corporate influence of an apathetic and/or sheep-like populace will finally prevail. Those who persist in self-defense will be beaten into submission, either by legal mayhem or otherwise.
Were the continent's inhabitants to somehow save it from fatal contamination and corruption, continuing federal governmental policy having to do with deliberate support of illegal immigration - including hundreds of thousands of hardened criminals - from Mexico means inevitably and inexorably the conversion of the U.S. into a national parallel of that paragon of national virtue, Mexico. I need not recite evidence of what Mexico thunderously is, nor is it necessary to say again that a nation is what it is on account of its people. That, too, is self-evident.
The situation nationally, together with its parallel in the recent “bailout” of corporate Wall Street, of corporate predatory lenders (housing and otherwise), and of stock market corporations generally, tells a tactician like myself everything he needs to know. The Land of the Free has inexorably become the Land of the Fee, where money and political power derived from money – money created out of thin air by the very same corporate powers – rule. It’s time to begin fighting a tactical withdrawal and rearguard action.
I have begun converting our vehicles in order to make a large proportion of their fuel hydrogen (a process with which I have experience, having done the same in 1972 and again in 1981), and I am designing a system like that with which I once made a ten acre farm completely energy independent (anyone can do this: so much for protestations concerning the need to live next to a potential nuclear bomb and on land contaminated with the waste inevitably resulted from the same bomb and operations necessary to feed it).
To those with whom I have become favorably acquainted here on the Internet, I bid fond adios. To those with whom acquaintance has been not so favorable . . . well, you will probably respond with the same mindlessly knee-jerk and programmed diatribe, invective, and ad hominem lack of logic as usual. I thank you, however – you have taught me much of what I needed to know concerning the dim future of the nation for which I once loved enough to fight, kill, and be wounded.
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