SITREP continued 9/22/08
SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS! In a nation that trumpets to the world its “free market,” its “entrepreneurs” have, like their role models the banditos in the movie “The Magnificent Seven,” ridden down from the mountain of Wall Street to raid the villagers.
Except there are no Magnificent Seven left in the land of feminism.
Still once more, I’m reminded of that quote from J.S. Mill: “A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes -- will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished; and that the perfection of machinery to which it has sacrificed everything, will in the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish.”
We’re in for it now, and I have mixed emotions. A couple of days ago, I added this to the home page of the Knight Errant website: “I want to see happen to the government and people of the United States what they caused to happen to me - simple justice. What happened to me made me come back far, far stronger than before, and I want that for my country, too. I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm, however. You deserve it (justice, again).”
That photo, incidentally, is the wound inflicted by a federal sniper shooting at me from ambush October 6, 1986. I thought that little dose of "land of the free" reality appropriate here.
It’s hard to feel sorry for a damned fool paying the price of his foolishness. In fact, it’s wrong. You do what you can to assure his folly isn’t fatal, but you know that for some, as a grandfather used to say, “The school of hard knocks is a damned poor place to learn, but a fool won’t learn in any other.” This fool will either learn from its pain, or it will die.
The odds provided by history indicated that the United States won’t die; they are actually, after all, a union of fifty nations whose loss of power over their own destinies was lost by way of perverted federalism (the “federal” government of today is the antithesis of the original theory of federalism) to a cabal of self-serving and therefore traitorous industrialists in the aftermath of two great wars. Avaricious and rapacious in a manner unprecedented in human history, the industrialists fat with the power provided by World War Two profits served what should have been notice to a nation made wise by the hardship of war, the notice that was their creation of an agency of government enable by law to spend without restraint even in the form of an accounting.
That, of course, was the CIA, in turn creator of a new war demanding continued spending, the “Cold War.” That no one, even today, seems to have realized what was occurring can only be attributed to another CIA operation, that of MOCKINGBIRD – co-option and eventual take-over and control of the nation’s thought processes otherwise known as the news and information media.
Included, of course, in the national hypnosis and resulting stupor was the federal operation that both gained control of education by politically-controlled financial means and infiltrated the school system at all levels. With foment of supposed movements like feminism, the takeover was completed and the nation effectively castrated. More and more, the Home of the Brave began to act for all the world like a female suffering premenstrual syndrome, a condition made no more apparent than by today’s Gracie Allen Checkbook economic practices.
Gracie Allen, some of us will recall, was the Vaudeville partner and wife of George Burns, and used to baffle her husband and delight audiences with her insistence that as long as her check book contained checks, her checking account must have money.
Neither can anything but feminism and effeminate humanism explain undeclared, cautious and restrained, “humane” wars like Korea, Vietnam, and “Desert Storm. “Now we have “Iraqi Freedom,” the ultimate demonstration of strategic and tactical military strategy degraded by emotion-governed female reasoning. Watching the U.S and its forces in Iraq is like watching a spastic wrestler, more likely to be defeated by his own inability to co-ordinate his limbs than by the strength and skill of his opponent.
And now, of course, this. Nearly eight thousand dollars for every individual taxpayer in the nation. That on top of an almost identically jaw-dropping figure for costs thus far of the war in Iraq. Both figures, of course, require multiplication by an operator taught by history concerning anything the federal government of the United States says. In instances like these, that multiplier is one, point three, meaning that the total cost of this latest swindle, together with the earlier one, will be 1.4 X 1012 times 1.3 ($1,400,000,000,000 times 1.3), which is: 1.82 X 1012 ($1,820,000,000,000) – One trillion, eight hundred twenty billion.
If there are, as IRS reports, 130,000,000 (one hundred, thirty million) individual taxpayers in the nation, that number representing this latest embezzlement and the cost of the Iraqi debacle means a cost for each taxpayer of fourteen thousand ($14,000), dollars. Anyone capable of accounting for a budget and faced with the costs of similar swindles like that being run presently by the oil company side of the industrial military complex corporate plutocracy, together with the staggering costs of illegal immigration being born by the consumer, and what it means for cost of living otherwise can see what is happening and an impossible future. In the same manner that robber corporations take control of a company, then gut it of finances and assets to cheat the company’s stockholders, the corporate interests who created the CIA and current federal government have gutted the United States of America and cheated its citizens.
But historians of the future will say that the U.S public has brought it all down upon themselves. I grew up among people who taught me that people who loaned money and the practice of borrowing money were inherently evil. The stock market was a swindle designed to bilk the wage-earner and productive person of his earned wealth.
In my entire life of seventy-two years, I purchased ONE thing on credit - my last car, that after IRS took everything I earned in my life and left me on the streets. Otherwise, I simply worked and saved until I could pay for it, and during my lifetime paid more than a million dollars in taxes - most of it spent on my mellow citizens who refused to do the same as I had done, or by pandering politicians in order to kill people elsewhere in the world.
It made me what I am today - angry, contemptuous of "our freedom," bullheaded, and nobody’s damned fool. There is a famous monologue speech in the movie Grapes of Wrath, and Bruce Springsteen paraphrased it like this:
Tom’s mother asks: “How will I know where you are? How will I know you’re okay?”
Tom said “Ma, wherever there’s a cop beatin’ a guy;
Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries;
Where there’s a fight ‘gainst the blood and hatred in the air;
Look for me Ma, I’ll be there.
Wherever there’s somebody fightin’ for a place to stand,
Or decent job or a helpin’ hand;
Wherever somebody’s strugglin’ to be free,
Look in their eyes, Ma, you’ll see me, you’ll see me.”
I never surrender - not ever, and when the nation that was the United States begins to break up, there will be many like me. Events like these of the past few years have a way of bringing to the fore leaders – real ones, rather than the bloviating, effeminate, and – to be fair to those whom age and the vicissitudes have deprived of their former strength and virility – surrogates we tolerate, even support now.
For that to happen, of course, those who will survive the maelstrom and follow will have to be forced to do so by their own cowardice, moral weakness, and fecklessness in the face of events. We are where we are because of addiction to ease and perceived security, and the decadence it has spawned and engendered. One trains to fight - as I have since life taught me during youth that to live means a fight - in order to live able to maintain respect for himself. Feminist humanism has substituted for physical, muscular and more testicular strength a new, “spiritual,” ideological, and virtual respect, one based entirely upon rhetoric and arguing that mere existence and identity is not only prideful, but deserving of respect.
So it is that the member of the most ridiculous, backward, vicious and barely civilized culture or nation may both imagine pride and demand from others respect. Even in the United States, equality under the law has come to mean equality in fact, a distortion of logic which has led to the absurdly chaotic state of national reasoning - as I said a minute ago, a nation behaving like a woman suffering PMS.
It won’t do. The nation will probably divide first along lines dictated by evolutionary forces, the same forces that have “strung the ladder of life” as history has recorded it. For anyone using probability to extrapolate the future, there is, after all, the scoreboard of upon which the past is written. Africa is Africa on account of Africans, Mexico as it is on account of Mexicans, Latin America on account of Latin Americans. Et cetera around the world. The nation that was the United States will, therefore, break up first along cultural and ethnic lines.
The fragmentation will be rancorous, of course. Washington, D.C. and its corporate plutocracy will not yield without a fight its wealth and power by purchased legislation and court rulings. More, neither nouveau riche plutocrat nor indolent welfare recipient “poor” – both of whom have availed themselves of federal political pandering to rob the productive laborer and artisan - will surrender their free lunch gladly.
On top of that, cultures both within the country and without represent fairly the macrocosm from which the individuals come. Both illegal immigrants from Mexico and their government believe and say publicly that they have a right to what has been earned by the “anglo” populations of the U.S. “Black Americans” – persons of African descent living in the U.S. – rail about discrimination, prejudice, limited opportunity, and even the slavery of their ancestors, while totally ignoring social theory, science and technology, medical advances, art and literature, and far, far more – all contributions made to mankind by white cultures, contributions from which these same black Americans draw enormous benefit.
Neither group or culture, Mexican or African, would willingly go back to whence they came, witness the fact that illegal aliens from Mexico fight with ever tool at their command to avoid going back to the nation and culture they now brazenly (and, in my own view, incomprehensibly) celebrate and vaunt from a secure distance afar.
History will not be able to ignore the irony of the racism being charged as a daily routine by Hispanic and Afro-American people, people who in their own behavior and in the behavior of the cultures from which they come demonstrate the factuality of the “prejudice” against which they rail. Actions, it is said, speak louder than words, and at the risk of repetitiveness, Mexico and Latin America are as they are because of their peoples. If white America believes it is ethnically and culturally superior, it may be because it hasn’t been permitted to ignore the weaknesses and failings of its “minority” detractors.
The most powerful impulse toward disintegration of the union once preserved by the Civil War will therefore be that of culture and race. It will be closely rivaled, however, by economic forces. One more – a “once more” repeated continually and with increasing tempo and effect since the World War Two (and before, actually, but nowhere to the degree seen now), we are seeing middle income white America being blatantly ripped off in order to satisfy and surfeit the rich and powerful who use and exploit the staggering number of aliens having come to the Land of the Free turned Land of the Fee since 1964.
Prior to that time, the United States was overwhelmingly composed of white people of European descent – eighty-nine percent in 1965, with the only minority being Afro-American citizens (ten percent). It is incontrovertibly fair to say that these people made the U.S. what it was then. With enactment of the Hart-Cellar, INS Act of 1965, national origin quotas were abolished; and, you should pardon the expression, the proverbial shit hit the fan. The influx of aliens both legal and illegal has paralleled the decline of the nation, to put my homely phrase another way.
The latest swindle being called a “bailout” is a scam so patently obvious as to be laughable under any other circumstances. More, this form of corporate financier bunco has been repeated again and again since its first success with formation of the Federal Reserve. The money lenders, using the formation of the fed and earlier “bailouts” like that of Chrysler Corporation and the Savings and Loans for precedent, make as many bad loans as they can – an orgy of purported largesse and all in the name of race relations, gender equality, political correctness, and the demagogue-ing like – knowing full well that the working-class, productive taxpayers of the nation will ultimately be required to pay off the bad mortgages.
The infuriatingly insulting character of it all is stupefying. Everybody, we are always told, is served and should be happy; every body has benefited. Millions of illegal aliens, millions of the uneducated and poor, millions of Afro-Americans, and others who could otherwise never have hoped to own a house, car, and more are being assured “the American Dream” (strange how that expression always makes me want to puke). And, of course, the lending institutions (which include insurance companies, by the way) have been made healthy again – the better to serve “America.” They made billions, in other words.
Just one segment of “America” is unhappy – those left holding the proverbial bag.
Perhaps, parenthetically, I should have said “unhappy or should be” – most of those left holding the bag for this the latest “bailout will be too stupid and/or ignorant to realize what has happened. Betrayed, bewildered - behaviorally conditioned and addled, that is - by decades of state-of-the-art corporate propagandist television and information media, many of the taxpayers being enslaved won’t know it until the inevitable result of it all comes down upon them like an avalanche. Wall Street and financier U.S.A has thrown a decades long, sumptuous and Brobdingnagian party, and white, middle class U.S.A. are the ones who will pay the bill.
But they, the Germanic, Nordic, and Celtic people, will realize eventually. Don’t forget, gentle reader, that I’ve already been through it all. When IRS and the federal government took everything from me in order to hand it over to the same people who will now to be recipient of the new “bailout” money, realization came like a lightning bolt. While my fellows today will need longer to convince themselves that they have been robbed and raped, the realization when it comes will come like that same lightning bolt. They’ll be livid – angry like I once was.
And they will, I think, do the same thing – drop out. After a certain number of repetitions of the same insult, you know, the individual – especially the Germanic individual – knows outrage. “Fool me once, shame on thee; fool me twice, shame on me.” The form of rape in question here is a degrading, and humiliating one. To play the game that is the so-called “American Dream,” toiling the majority of one’s life – only to have everything taken virtually at the stroke of a pen – is, once realization comes, infuriating.
Realizing further that their representation in government holds them in the contempt this latest bailout trumpets to the wide world, they will withdraw. First to go will be the states most heavily peopled by Germans, the Nordic, and Celtic people – the Midwestern and middle states, that is. It may be that states whose populations are nearly as German and still ingrained with the famed Protestant Work Ethic of the Northern Europeans - the ranching states of the Rockies Front Range, that is - will go with them, leaving the populous, welfare-sucking states of the coasts east and west and their economic black hole cities to fend for themselves.
The Little Red Hen will have made her last cakes.
Those who have for nearly three-quarters of a century been segregated from the free market and forced to take instead penny-ante subsidies and what the purchasing public for their produce, the farm and ranch people will stop producing for anyone but themselves. It must be singularly galling to see an industry that was built largely on their backs and has lived off them now given hugely preferential treatment denied them in the same circumstances.
What will happen to the perennially stiff-necked southern states is another matter, driven by different dynamics. This is too long already, and we’ll talk about the “solid South” next time.
Assuming, that is, there is time. Events of late have occurred so swiftly – it is important when staging robbery and similar crime to attack with swiftness – that I have trouble writing fast enough to stay abreast of events I predicted years, even decades, ago. Watch out for the health care and energy matters: what worked for the financiers and mortgage lenders this time will work for the health care insurers and the energy people – I refer to the supposed (when you know a Jesse James government will steal for you what you need to recoup any losses you may have, one can hardly call you entrepreneurial) entrepreneurs who will ostensibly develop new sources of energy.
To be continued . . .
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