"Support Our Troops" and Phony Rhetoric Designed to Cop Out of Responsibility

December 12, 2005:
If there's anything that tires my septuagenarian ass more than still another remake of "Titanic," King Kong," or today's crop of sorry "entertainers" (why doesn't somebody tell them there are other things in the world besides mindless violence - choreographed, of course - and adolescent, also choreographed, sex?!), it's the "Support Our Troops" propaganda being promoted by the people who have sent them to yet another Vietnam-like death. For Christ's Sake, people, this isn't a damned high school pep rally, and it's not a football or basketball game. Don't you understand (hell no, you don't - because it's not your son or daughter)? Our young people are dying by the dozens every week, young people who had their entire lives to live.
It's time, high time to fish or cut bait. It's time to knock off the idiotic bickering between "Liberal" and "Conservative" and the moronic name-calling from either polarized side, and do something one way or the other. It's time for the critics of our mendacious president to either impeach this sorry son of a bitch, or just shut the hell up. It's time for the power brokers and lobbyists, for the media like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity (to name only a couple of the same despicable pack), who shill for the White House to stop yelling "treason" and "traitor" every time somebody points out what has become obvious - namely, that we were lied into this incredibly stupid adventure by a president bought and paid for by those same military industrialists who are alone profiting (immensely), from the Iraq war.
When the truth has become bad for the troops morale, something is damned, awfully wrong.
So, aware that the people of this country have nothing like the integrity and courage to simply leave Iraq, it is time to first define what we mean by "victory," then do whatever it takes to achieve it. To do anything else is immoral ( and I say that aware that in the nation we have become, it may also be necessary to define "morality" ). When General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur said, "There is no substitute for victory," he was talking about the morality of war. When he died, someone - Stewart Alsop, I think - observed that the last of the humane generals had died. Human generals, the columnist said, are those who wage war so as to end it as quickly as possible.
You may want to compare that tactical doctrine with the Bush League's version of the same - assuming they have one.
It is therefore time for the public and their congressional representatives - and everyone else with the moral fiber necessary - to demand an all-out effort to destroy all opposition to what we profess to be doing. That's democracy, of course, at least on the surface. That the world knows what it's really about - oil and domination of Iraq's oil industry - need not be a factor.
It's either-or time. We either dial the steering wheels, turn around, and leave Iraq, or we send as many troops, tanks, guns, ships, and planes as it takes to hunt down and destroy all the people opposing us. If that means 500,000 troops, or 1,000,000, then so be it - with the O'Reillys and the Hannitys in the first wave. ANYTHING ELSE IS DESPICABLY IMMORAL! The fact that the nation and public keep avoiding the issue by engaging in petty, venomous, vicious, and partisan rhetoric while some few of our families pay the price is contemptible. No, it's beneath contempt.
In only a few years, the self-surfeiting and decadent "American" public - all of it - will demand access and control of the world's oil, anyway.
Let's cut out the Pecksniffian and phony values selection of the prominent media pundits and political party bosses. It's all just rhetoric designed to ignore whatever might imperil their position, their own loved ones, or their already staggering wealth, anyway. Let's stop avoiding the issue.
The Howard Stern Nation should cut out the f------ hypocrisy, in other words.
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