The President Must Be Impeached; Anything Else is Illegal

"Carthago delenda est." Publius Cornelius Scipio - "Scipio Africanus," once he had succeeded. It means "Carthage is history" (actually, it's most often translated as "must be destroyed," but Latin's ablative absolute voice was a device by which a speaker made it sound as though what he proposed was an accomplished fact).
Why do I mention it here? Well, Carthage was Rome's arch enemy, the bone of contention was the Mediterranean Sea, and the price of failure was the demise of Rome. Momentous. Two days ago, I heard news that shook me as nothing ever in my lifetime has since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was announced. I'll never forget it. To the five year old I was then, it was like hearing of the impending end of the world. Shocking, and the principle reason that history became the principle interest and guiding light of my life. Scipio ended each and every address to the Roman Senate and people with the expression "Carthago delenda est." From here on, I will do the same with the expression "George W. Bush must be impeached." Here are my reasons.
Two days ago, the President of the United States announced publicly that he had deliberately violated his oath of office. Specifically, he said that he had ordered persons under his command to violate the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution he is sworn to preserve, protect and defend. Just for the record, in case we have forgotten, I will recite that oath again here:
"I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
There is therefore no question concerning the facts. The crime is admitted, and there is an agency of government as big as the National Security Agency as witness to the fact of the crime having been carried out in presumably thousands of instances. On the home page here, I stress the word "must," because to do anything other than impeach the president is a crime in itself, that of subornation or misprision. That means that for the "Nation of Laws" to fail to impeach the president makes it a nation of criminals. Nothing else is legal. There is no legal alternative.
Of course, we will witness again in the days to come yet another vindication of the charges I've made in my book "Letters to Aaron." It will demonstrate yet another time the truth of what I said on the capitol steps in Denver, Colorado all these years ago (1987). I promised that day to avail myself of Colorado's then infamous "make my day law," and to kill anyone I caught in the burglary of my house, home, or office. Turning to agents of the federal government standing above me on the capitol steps that day, I said directly, "If I catch you in my house, I will kill you there." In my book, the second edition of which is soon to be published, I tell of a decades long war with a government who did repeatedly what the president has admitted doing and arrogantly defended.
For years, beginning in 1977, the federal government of the U.S. violated my constitutional right to "be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures . . ." at will. They "seized" (stole) everything they happened to take a fancy to - even pictures of my wife in the nude. They stole things as legally meaningless to an official purpose as a World War Two German medal. Whatever purpose was officially stated, another was obvious - deliberately so. That was to demonstrate to me that I was helpless before their power, nothing. They were wrong. They were wrong because they made their assessment of my strength on the basis of their own corrupted concept of strength. They have no real understanding of freedom, its price or exercise, you see.
Therefore, Mr. President, I will repeat myself here: If I catch you in the illegal invasion of my house, I will kill you there. If I catch you tapping my telephone, or reading my mail - email or otherwise - you will pay the most severe price I can legally exact. If you or your criminal agents harass or assault me publicly, I will smash the hand or hands that touch me. Inasmuch as I still respect the law you hold in public contempt, I will also deliver the criminals to a magistrate. Go to my home page here and read the motto. I am not some rabbit you hold in a cage; I am a free man, and I will stay free or die in the effort.
I suggest further that you consider how long now, and how many times, I have proved that.
For my country, whom I would teach the discipline of freedom and free men, we are at a turning point in the history of our nation. As I have been saying here (see my essay), our government has been taken over in a covert and largely silent coup d'etat. Steadily, the military industrial complex and its owners have chiseled away pieces of our hard-won and much-cherished freedoms. To be sure, we have invited them. We've invited them by following the path taken by the Athenians as described by the historian Gibbons. Let me again remind you:
“In the end, more than freedom, the Athenians wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all - security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.”
For the sake of security, to be free of fear, want, illness, and the necessity for development of the character that made us great in the first place, we have handed over more and more of our responsibility to and for self to government. The male republic, as Plato warned, gave way to the female democracy, and the effeminate democracy would not tolerate those who wanted to remain free of the seemingly protective and comfortable social prison provided by resultingly bigger and bigger government.
Now this. The effeminate nation, dominate politically by women and effeminate, metrosexual males chose a bumbling and bungling incompetent whose one apparent life accomplishment has been having escaped incipient alcoholism; and those same, effeminate people somehow decided that Mr. Bush's bellicose speeches would mean safety from a bugaboo enemy, one created largely by both the limp-wristed bungling of his predecessor (another feminist favorite, need I remind you?) and that of the incompetent in question during his first term.
The astonishing stupidity of having put back on guard duty the guard who slept during the new enemy's first sneak commando attack will leave history's head shaking for the rest of time. Only the female proclivity - utterly atavistic need, as a matter of fact - for convolute, malapropping, euphemistic and reality-evading language can explain anything so irrational and un-male. Whatever. All I will accomplish with that is more idiotic rhetoric and polemics. "Let's talk." Suffice it to say that we have come from a time when "Americans" (I continue to remind you that there are thirty-four other nations in this hemisphere) concept of freedom was expressed thusly,
"Those who would trade safety for freedom deserve neither.” -Thomas Jefferson
“Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for temporal safety deserve neither to be safe or free.” -Benjamin Franklin
“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -Samuel Adams
“Why stand we here idle? What is that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what the course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” -Patrick Henry
to a time where a public official dares the latest outrage by the Bush Administration (if, by the way, you think me too harsh in my remarks concerning feminism and the new male equivalent, consider and compare the public remarks of women in the Congress today).
Oh, I can hear it already. It's Sunday morning, and were I not here typing (and could I stomach it), I could go downstairs and listen to the sycophant apologists for their cynical and sneering hero president. I'm not "into" one-liners, but this one is a slam-dunk. The end will justify the means. If the Bush League puts us in a big, continental-wide prison, we'll be safe. Maybe we should remind them again concerning how well federal protection worked in New Orleans. But there is a greater danger, even, than the sometimes (can anybody really be this stupid, or are they up to something . . .?) incredible incompetence of federal government. In the next few days, we will decided before the world whether we are in fact, that "Nation of Laws" so vaunted to the world, or just another criminal oligarchy run by the criminally avaricious, acquisitive, and concupiscent rich. CAN THE GOVERNMENT VIOLATE THE LAW WITH IMPUNITY? QUIS CUSTODET IPSOS CUSTODES - WHO WILL WATCH THE WATCHMEN?
So we decide. For those who need to convince us that we are winning the latest war foisted upon them by the people who sell war like a pimp sells sex, those who say they must win at all cost the "War on Terror," let me point out that if you let a president get away with what this one has done, you are losing. The enemy has accomplished a very important mission, to destroy the very thing this president himself has proclaimed "they hate - our freedom."
Let me, finally, remind the feminist females and the disgusting male willing to pander for their favor of something: That is that during my adult life, I have never experienced any real difficulty with the common or even corporate criminal. Just too strong and too smart - made that way by "the animating contest for freedom." But I have struggled to survive against the overwhelming and ruthless power of the criminal in federal government. In "Letters," I tell of the street bullies who once made my life a nightmare. I tell how I learned from them, too, however. I learned to recognize one of their kind at five hundred yards, just from the way he moved and walked. I learned to read his face, his eyes, his hands. George W. Bush is an arrogant bully. You let him get away with this, and you will have repeated the mistake made by so many like the Alabama National Guard, the Texas Rangers, and a host of others. Remember how he got to where he is. He'll keep going. When the inch this time has become the mile it inevitably will, you'll have learned the lesson the bullies of my boyhood taught me. You'll have learned the lesson the Athenians learned.
Fortunately for me, I learned the lesson before it was too late. In your case we're about to see.
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