The Righteous Right Sends a Middle-Aged Woman to Do Its Fighting

December 14, 2005:
My god, they’re calling up a forty-two year old woman for Iraq. Who in their wildest dream forty years ago would have dreamed that the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave would do anything so depraved and despicable? Of course, “men” like Neal Boortz, Bill O’Reilly, Sean (“The Great American”) Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and the crowd blowing the bugles to summon OTHERS to combat will not volunteer. They probably won’t even comment. Just for the record, I’ll publish their names again, with their illustrious records of military service. As I said earlier, you may put “did not serve” behind each and every one.
Neal Boortz
George Will
Chris Matthews
Bill O’Reilly (hid in England, from what I gather)
Paul Gigot
Bill Bennett
Pat Buchanan
Rush Limbaugh (how about that - 4-F with a ‘pilonidal cyst’ on his chicken ass!)
Michael Savage (aka Michael Alan Weiner)
Pat Robertson (claimed during 1986 campaign to be a “combat veteran.” In reality, was a “Liquor Officer.”)
Sean (“The Great American”) Hannity
Michael Medved
Charlie (you know - the redneck fiddle player?) Daniels
Ted Nugent
Phil Hendrie
Of course, it is a fact that I myself have volunteered to go, and several times. I not only have offered my services as a sniper and private security specialist (that with recommendation from an internationally known and respected bodyguard and security specialist), but I offered the United States, in letters to the President, Vice-President, Secretary of Defense, and Department of the Army, my services months before the war began. It will be remembered - it is a matter of record the government guards so zealously - of course, that I invented the tactical doctrine and methods practiced and followed by the now ubiquitous Special Operations Forces like SAS 22 Regiment, U.S. Delta Force, and U.S. Navy SEALs. With war threatening, I offered to remove Saddam Hussein, rather than have happen what I knew would happen and what, of course, is now happening. It is, as I’ve just said, a matter of record.
That this could have been done without the horrendous loss of life thus far is not a debatable question. That has been demonstrated repeatedly in the last several decades by units like the ones I just mentioned. I could have done it. We have done it; we did do it - does no one remember Manuel Noriega? Or is that too inconvenient . . .?!
Now this. A middle-aged woman. Yesterday, as with just about every day, four more killed by roadside bombs. While you, the gutless wonder public and its heroes like the those listed above, follow “news” like the Natalee Holloway affair with bated breath. When, as you soon will, you get what you deserve, let there be no pretense concerning why.
Meanwhile - while you suck more scum like the news from Aruba - New Orleans continues to listen for the cavalry. FEMA continues as fecklessly as before, a perfect example of what anyone might expect from Putrescence on the Potomac, Washington, D.C., in the event of any disaster, much less a terrorist attack of really military proportion. That, when it comes, will be your fault, too. You leave these pimps posturing as “leaders” in office. That same cabal of corrupt criminality also has just announced a massive cut-back and suspension of foodstamps. Of course. It’s bread or bullets, and the military industrial complex who runs things here reserves for itself top preference. The kids will have to resort to the garbage cans I mentioned in my last essay here.
The foreign news services continue to report efforts by foreign governments to discover and expose U.S. Torture installations in their countries. The U.S., of course, and true to it’s long ago established practice, continues to posture and deny. Like when the U-2s got caught over Russia, remember? Our Secretary of State denies that we torture prisoners, while the President refuses to rule it out, and our media repeatedly betrays the fact of our doing it. The Roll of Honor above strives to justify and make acceptable the practice, meanwhile. All while the Right Wing - folks like my friend Dr. Bruce Mick continues to insist that our President isn’t a liar. Whew! And, of course, anyone who follows the news - especially in the foreign press - knows that I could go on, and on. Like Dr. Ward Churchill, for instance.
Suffice it to say that the truth of the evil lurking behind the “Nation of Laws,” “Sweet Land of Liberty” facade maintained by “America” is, more and more, right there in our faces. Read ‘em and weep. For myself, I saw it many, many years ago - May 6, 1985, matter of fact. That’s the night I caught the “Land of the Free” burglarizing my home.
Still more meanwhile, charges I made in my book “Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story” continue to be vindicated. The “Incredible - I don’t believe it” cop-out is wearing thinner and thinner. The latest of a long list of such is National Public Radios exposé concerning CIA operatives having to take legal insurance as the result of being sold out by their employers and their government. The story says that since 1980 and the Iran Contra Affair, CIA and other federal operatives have realized that they will not be protected by their government and their employers from lawsuits and criminal charges brought against them as the result of their criminal operations. Left “out in the cold” (for those sufficiently knowledgeable to recognize the term another meaning, I apologize for the pun) by their masters, the “spooks” are trying to purchase certainty that they will be able to pay a lawyer when and if the time comes. I told you so.
The story, of course, did not mention that the U.S. has refused to be signators to the World Criminal Court (now trying Slobodan Milosevic for “crimes against humanity”), nor that it has good reason for doing so. NPR pays taxes, too. And IRS is the criminal operation the government DOES protect - and at any cost. But me? Me, I’m reminded of that confrontation between my CIA “handlers” and myself after my return from Cuba in 1961. How would they convict someone of refusing to commit a murder? What would happen, if they did - as they threatened - court martial me, and I were to take them to court? How would the nation and the world react to learning that we were actively trying to assassinate the leader of a foreign nation, that covertly and without the declaration of war demanded by all international law?
This is not the nation our Founding Fathers created, folks. Face it, this one the world will have no choice about. This one is the fat man at the table, eating everything there is, spoiling and destroying everything he can’t consume, and looking for more. As Bishop Fulton Sheen observed back there during the height of the Cold War, “You can’t co-exist with a neighbor whose idea of co-existence is to use the siding on your house to heat his. You can’t live beside a neighbor who eats your children.”
Someone else said it another way. “If there ever was in the history of humanity an enemy who was truly universal, an enemy whose acts and moves trouble the entire world, threaten the entire world, attack the entire world in one way or another, that real and really universal enemy is precisely Yankee imperialism.” That was Fidel Castro, years ago.
The sickening fact, the one staring us in the face from inches away now, is that the world has caught on. It won’t be long now.
And, as Bill O’Reilly likes to say, “That’s a memo.”
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