Okay, Now That the "American Dream" Has Come Down to a Question of Survival . . .

Again responding to e-mail and other requests from persons aware of my more than twenty-three year struggle to survive the merciless machinations of the U.S. Government, this will begin a series of lessons in survival, both wilderness and urban. Soon, I will begin a webpage here, one specific to the subject. For today, however, we will begin with the tactical necessities where survival against an enemy like the U.S. Government itself are concerned, together with the likewise tactical understanding necessary to survive the results of government "policy" and practice.
First, the bedrock of any defense (or offense): Know your enemy. Like the ace fighter pilot, learn as the best possible early warning device to recognize an enemy. Study it. Most citizens of the super-sated, decadent United States exist in a perpetual state of "fat, dumb, and happy," gunfighter Colonel (now deceased) Jeff Cooper's "Condition White."
Next, learn again to learn. A large and decisive factor in the stupidity of the U.S. public is the individual's refusal to make any effort whatever toward learning. Few things worth learning, you know, can be learned in the now infamous "thirty days." Learn, too, to recognize a teacher. Propaganda - today's Operation MOCKINGBIRD media - is designed and wielded in order to behaviorally condition - not teach. And, to quote author Orson Scott Card, "There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will ever tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
Inasmuch as the primary enemy here is the U.S. Government, the first line of that Orson Scott Card quote is pointed and profitable here, too: "I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you." Here, just accept as fact that the enemy has resources beyond, even, what you can imagine. If recent and current history hasn't taught you that, it may be that any effort to learn survival is fruitless - you're too far gone to save. Look around, begin to let the enemy teach you.
For instance, as I type this the U.S. Congress is sneaking through legislation to give amnesty to the twenty million illegal aliens - also your enemy - already in the U.S. The legislation is included - i.e., deceitfully hidden - in legislation intended to provide more funding for the war in Iraq (which, in turn, is styled in such a manner as to make it appear the all the funds will go for support of our troops). That is your enemy. Learn from him.
Further as example, the U.S. Border with Mexico remains essentially wide open, in virtually the same state as it was on September 11, 2001. With only deliberately misplaced and misdesigned "fences" - "fences" whose only real purpose is to mislead the public - "fences" (what does it mean, to "fence?") standing in the way of the torrent of vicious and sociopath criminals (murder, rape, kidnapping, and illegal drug production and sales are major Mexican industries, with drug lords ruling large portions of the nation) pouring in from Mexico, those sworn to protect and defend us dither endlessly (you don't see the delaying tactic which will permit more millions of enslave-able amnesty-seekers to infiltrate?). More, increased coverage by the nation's news and information media concerning the paltry number of arrests of illegal immigrants and those who hire them (as yet, no arrests of those aiding and abetting the crime are being made) deliberately conveys the cynical message that an effort is being made, and something being done.
Think about that - learn from you enemy - it's how the people representing you in government actually view your welfare and safety (to say nothing of their oaths of office).
So, the border - a nineteen hundred and sixty-nine mile wide doorway - remains open; this while the Bush League Administration savages the U.S. Constitution and the civil rights of U.S. citizens in the name of national security. Cynical? Yeah. Deceitful? Yes, of course. Take a few days - skip a few days of hypnosis by that mind-warping mechanism in your living room (well, hell, actually they're everywhere), give up your golf game, your computer games, or whatever child's play diversion you do to in order to recreate (good word, and in its root meaning exactly what I'm recommending) for a couple of days and review U.S. History since World War Two. Compare the nation then and the nation now. Learn what happened, and why. Wake up, in other words.
Know your enemy!
How much more, parenthetically, do we need to know in order to decide that to vote in the forthcoming election is to aid and abet - lend credence to - the enemy destroying you and your country? THINK ABOUT IT! In almost every instance, voting for an incumbent in the U.S. Congress means voting to put a thieving, rapacious, even murdering, criminal back in office. To vote for any of the presidential candidates save Ron Paul is a vote for an individual already caught publicly in deliberate, bald-faced lying - lying for the purpose of deception and intended, therefore, to obtain under false pretenses - steal - the nation's highest office.
Incidentally, the two senators responsible for the latest attempt at amnesty for illegal aliens are Dianne Feinstein and Larry Craig (yeah, that guy) of Idaho. I have written each of my senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress, and just dispatched this letter to Dianne Feinstein: Senator, while I live in Texas and am not your constituent, I want you to know of wife Rita's and my disgust with your latest attempt to obtain amnesty - to aid and abet, in other words - for illegal aliens in the U.S. That you have in so doing chosen to hold hostage funding for our troops in Iraq is a thing so despicable that we are all but speechless. Were it not for the fact that you are a politician, it would be incredible.
"While those of us here near the border live warily amidst the flood of criminals pouring into the U.S. from Mexico (only a few weeks ago, I personally overheard - I speak Spanish - and thwarted a plan by two Mexicans to find a woman here in the U.S. and rape her), people like you do all you can to increase the tidal wave of crime and other anti-social and anti-U.S. behavior. Forced to live behind a nineteen hundred mile open door opposite the nation where murder, rape, kidnapping for ransom, and an illegal drug industry unequalled anywhere in the worlds are major industries, we have persons like you suborning and misprisioning the crime.
"I want you to know that neither I nor any of my friends will do business with or in California until the state rids itself of your duplicitous and pandering representation. I will today prepare a mailing to everyone with whom I associate or do business, asking - demanding, if necessary - that they cease association with California. I will also prepare to the same effect a page on my website. I am also forwarding a letter to Governor Swartzenegger.
"Do everyone in the U.S. a favor, impeach George W. Bush then resign!"
But I digress (I'm so damned disgusted, it probably has my head screwed up - I just can't come to grips anymore with the fact of what we have as a nation become). Suffice it to say that I consider that voting today in the U.S. and for candidates seeking federal office is nothing short of an act tantamount to treason, treason in the form of selling out the nation and the public. It is that bad.
And, of course, reason for beginning to take seriously survival and the advice of one already a twenty-three year veteran of survival, survival necessitated by government misdeeds, incompetence, malfeasance and corruption.
Continuing, note that speaking generally as I do here, there is nothing I say or will say that the reader does not not already have ample reason to believe. Anyone having lived two decades in the U.S. - certainly those having lived here as long as I have - will have heard, seen, and experienced enough to recognize the truth of what I say. In many instances, the truth will have come from the mouth of government itself - you can look it up.
The U.S. Government, your enemy (if not yet now, in the near future) - does not obey the law. Forget the idea that the law will save you from government (any government, in fact). Government may arrange for passage of legislation empowering it to destroy you - taxation, for instance - but wherever the law is intended to restrain or control government - the U.S. Constitution, for instance - the government will ignore the law, and do as it pleases. It will continue so doing until you are beaten into submission or destroyed. Like David facing Goliath, you will either learn how to evade and strike at the enemy's vulnerable places or be crushed. More, unless you learn in a manner that changes what you are - more about that in a minute - the best you can get is a draw.
The U.S. Government is deceptive and deceitful (it postures, for instance, as "the Nation of Laws" - that while continually making a mockery of the law and legality), an inveterate, neurotic, and psychotic liar. "Deception is a state of mind," a CIA official once observed, "and deception is the mind of the state." Learn, therefore, never to talk to any official of government without making a record of the conversation. During my twenty-three year war and all its skirmished with the IRS and other agencies of the federal government, a tape recording kept me out of jail dozens of times. Learn never to answer a question posed by an official, especially a federal official. Learn never write to an official of the U.S. Government without keeping a copy (I have cached all over the nation and Canada thermo-fax copies, tape and video recordings of such communication).
Expect, in other words, to be the object of the lie and lying whenever faced with any kind of official. The lie is not only the single most common tactic of officialdom, it is characteristic of all people desirous of rule, and of deciding what is best for persons other than themselves. A person who believes he knows what is good for everyone else cannot be trusted (think about it: he doesn't believe you know what is good for you - why should he bother with telling you the truth?). As Thomas Jefferson once observed, "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens . . . Power is not alluring to pure minds and is not with them the primary principle of contest."
Jefferson also noted,"Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct." Learn it!
In the U.S., the Chernobyl of capitalism, those who run for federal office do so for just two reasons - to acquire wealth or to protect wealth already acquired. Political power - the ability to exert force politically ("Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. -- George Washington) - is about money. Nothing more. Thomas Jefferson again: "Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains." If you haven't seen our corporations fulfilling and proving that one of late, you just aren't paying attention.
Most officials of government - and that's at all levels - are miserable cowards, fearful terribly of actual physical force. That's also the reason they seek position - office - from which to wield the power of politics and law. Time and again, once I had learned when and where to use my judo to thwart official oppression, I saw the swaggering bully that officialdom inevitably becomes turn into a sniveling, craven crawler. One individual actually wept; another vomited.
More, the U.S. is now not only ruled by corporations who own everything including the federal government, the nation is being run as though it were a corporation. A corporation, don't forget, exists for one purpose: to make money. It has no conscience and no morality, and - on account of the Supreme Court's ruling in Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad - the corporation has all the rights once possessed by an individual citizen; all without meaningful responsibility. The world view of the corporation can be recognized easily in the infamous Ford Pinto matter of a few years ago, in which the corporation, knowing that its Pinto exploded and burned easily on account of a poorly designed and positioned fuel tank, decided on account of costs - being more than Ford believed lawsuits brought by those burned or by the families of those burned to death - to leave the rolling firebomb as it was.
The one or two hundred people Ford expected to be burned to death didn't matter as much as their profit. How many instances of that have we seen in the past few decades? Anyone remember the tobacco corporations - cigarette smoking? As I write this, I struggle with what to do about the fact that tap water here in Port Lavaca, Texas is highly radio-active. So far this month, the dosimeter at the kitchen sink shows a reading of forty Roentgens. The reading has been as high as one hundred, twenty Roentgens. For sometime, uranium leech-mining corporations have been feigning the effort to obtain legal permission to endanger (in leeching, chemicals are pumped into the aquifer in order to release uranium into the water, the now radioactive water then extracted to be pumped back once the uranium is recovered) the Gulf Coast aquifer. Obviously, illegal mining is ongoing, and having long since learned from the enemy and bought the dosimeters as soon as moving into the area and learned of leech mining elsewhere in Texas, I know it.
The Pinto Rule, remember? That people are drinking the water and bathing in it, with the obvious consequences, will doubtlessly be dealt with in the same manner. Uranium mining is a very profitable business. Learn from your enemy.
Learn also to relate what the lessons tell you about other matters concerning government and a nation run like a corporation. You expect something other than the Pinto Rule when it came time to weight the bodies of U.S. troops - to say nothing of the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" of their families, and futures of U.S. citizens generally - against war profits for the military industrial complex? You really believe defense of a nation surrounded by huge oceans and continents, and made up of a citizenry armed to the teeth as is ours, really requires a military costing as much as the next fifteen biggest militaries combined? If you don't recognize Iraq - six hundred fifty thousand killed thus far and still counting, and lethally cancerous depleted uranium being strewn everywhere (just to assure that our presence in Iraq continues long after John McCain's "hundred years") - as another example of the Pinto Rule, you'll have no chance whatever when you are the monster that is corporate government's next meal.
"There is no teacher but the enemy." The teacher is teaching you, all right; but are you paying attention?
There should be no further need for recitation concerning the character of the enemy when it is the U.S. Government. Put yourself in the shoes of an Iraq1 citizen - whether for or against us. It makes no difference to a nation run like a corporation. If you want to learn the tactics of survival against the corporations that rule in the U.S., learn U.S. History since World War Two. That simple.
Once the survivalist has learned U.S. History - or become the living proof of the dictum that says he who won't learn history is condemned to re-live it - he must recognize the need for and learn to be alone. Only aloneness can teach you more than your enemy. That's because at first being alone is a fearsome thing, maddening for the majority of over-civilized "Americans." The fear, you see, being your enemy, teaches you. First, it teaches that loneliness is the great insulator, armor against everything. Disease, most of it, for instance, is transmitted from person to person.
So is oppression. "Democracy," Thomas Jefferson said, "is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” The Mormons at San Angelo, Texas, are learning that now. Are you paying attention? Alone, on the other hand, one obeys only law he has made himself. Alone, there is no one to fight. Alone, no one can steal from you. And alone, one is never bored (as Henry David Thoreau wrote in "Walden," "I have a great deal of company in my house, especially in the morning when nobody calls). In order for you to believe me, you'll have to live it. Loneliness will be your enemy, but it will teach you. It will teach you to survive.
In case you missed it, society and its government has taught you in such a way that you must die without it. It has taught you dependence.
Next time, more specific lessons in survival (I'm getting ready again - so should you).
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