Sunday, May 04, 2008

"Relative" - If It Happened in China, or Cuba . . ."

Rambling last night and the day before through the bimbo-babble and metrosexual male posturing that is today’s television news, and doing my usual sweep of the various big-name Internet “blogs,” I may have gained useful insight into the nation’s malaise. Not from the “news,” mind you – that’s all structured by state-of-the-propaganda-art professionals in order to prevent any such understanding – but from the manner in which it is delivered, the people who deliver it, and the way it is structured.

Concerning that last, for instance, we have the New York Times revelation that the Department of Defense (read that “the military industrial complex”) ran an elaborate "psy-op" against the American people when it was selling the invasion of Iraq. The New York Times' David Barstow, we’re told, wrote front-page story on Sunday, a supposed report based upon “thousands of newly released Pentagon emails.”

“Like everything else Iraq-related,” one analyst wrote, “we learned that it is far worse than even the most cynical among us expected.”

Oh, my! As I wrote on the Huffington Post blogsite a minute ago, “Remarkable! The White House and the Pentagon in cahoots with the media to have generals and other army officers spread deception. WOW! The MOCKINGBIRD media has finally caught on to the MOCKINGBIRD media. Either that or they've been reading my Mongoose Trick Opinion Page ( blog since the war started. Folks, it's another deception known in CIA tradecraft as a ‘limited hangout.’ You should look it up.”

The fact, of course, is that the White House propaganda machine has been throwing away parts for some time now. Remember Armstrong Williams, the guy who was paid something like a quarter of a million to pimp for the No Child Left Behind Act – legislation Williams had previously spoken out against? How about those stalwarts of media integrity Maggie Gallagher and Michael McManus? In case you’ve forgotten, those were the people’s watchdogs on the government who were being paid tens of thousands of dollars to pimp for the three hundred million dollar Bush “Healthy Marriage Initiative.” Then there was the saga of the false flag operation set up by the White House, a phony reporter planted in the White House Press Corp in order to let the President’s Press Secretary control news conferences.

Were it not for what it says about the integrity of the government and the media, the bungling and pratfalling incompetence of the Bush League and its administration would make it all low comedy.

And it goes on and on. On television the other night, the Lou Dobbs show, a politician blabbered that “American ingenuity will save the day” (by making gasoline of coal). That’s after the next morning all the networks reported still another survey demonstrating the cretin stupidity of the public (half of Americans didn’t read a single book last year, the report said). On the same show – or another; I wear out the remote dodging commercials, lose track in the process of where I was watching - media pundits discuss how “Americans” “relate” to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain.

You might as well ask how the nation’s glue-sniffing, pill-popping, pierced-like-a-pin-cushion, mentally-challenged drop-out teenager relates to the latest hip-hop sensation.

Either somebody’s not paying attention or it’s more deception and deceit. Television personalities – which is what they are; no one but a fool takes these characters for newsmen, journalists, or the expert analysts they pretend to be – talk so far over the heads of the Kellie Pickler public (that was the woman who didn’t know France was a country, thought Europe was, and that people in Budapest speak French) as to make themselves look just as stupid.

“Never try to teach a pig to sing,” Science Fiction writer Robert Heinlein once advised, “it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”

Why the media doesn’t just bring out the strippers and have them wear initially a costume with “vote for . . .” sewn or stenciled on it is beyond me. Come to think of it, what we have is actually pretty close to that, isn’t it?

Whatever. And nevertheless, anyone truly desirous – and capable - of understanding and knowing the truth about the faux socialist state that is the United States need only to watch things the latest bailout of the rich by the rich at the expense of the poor – the subprime mortgage crisis. Anyone remember the Savings and Loan bailout of a few years back (strange, isn’t it, that little or no mention of that can be heard on the major media of late?)? The U.S. Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s was the reported – I stress that: this is the time of the MOCKINGBIRD media, let us not forget - failure of several savings and loan associations in the United States. More than a thousand savings and loan institutions – “S&Ls,” so called - failed in what one apparently honest economist called "the largest and costliest venture in public misfeasance, malfeasance and larceny of all time."

And what happened? Why, just what’s going to happen now, and the ultimate cost of the crisis was estimated to have cost the taxpayer – the vast majority of whom had no other interest whatever in the confidence scheme – paid through the teeth, to the tune of something (don’t forget the MOCKINGBIRD nature of the reporters) like a hundred thirty billion dollars.

That’s billion, with a “B” – not million, with an “M.”

And it worked like a charm once, why not run it by the suckers again.

Oops! --Bill O’Reilly is (again – it’s a recurring theme with him) talking indignantly about having to give half his “earnings” to the government in taxes. Maybe a better example of the surreal, virtual only, reality being created by the MOCKINGBIRD media has just been handed me. People like Bill O’Reilly earn the kind of money they get like a semi-literate in baggy shorts running up and down a hardwood floor and throwing a big ball through a hoop “earns” millions of dollars; or the way an equally mentally-challenged “rock star” with a voice range of one and a half octaves “earns” millions for howling piteously while going pelvic thrusts on a stage.

These people “earn” the way a poker player earns, and that’s while men and women serving the country in its uniform are paid comparatively small change to kill and maim or be killed and maimed EARN? Somehow, there’s been a change in definition.

Now – another channel, I think – New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (the guy I’d for whom I’d have voted, incidentally) is saying, “We have a problem with race.”

Yes, governor, you’re damned right we have; and the “problem” is that we can’t talk about it. It’s a lot like sex.

Then there’s the dreary news from San Angelo, Texas.

First, though, isn’t it curious that no one seems to connect the San Angelo, Texas Church of Latter Day Saints raid by state authorities with what is provided for in the Bush League’s “Patriot Act?” The hideous affair began with what now appears to have been a totally unsubstantiated (just the word of government officials – people whose record for convenient lying beggars recitation) telephone complaint, then a paramilitary – as far as we yet know – raid that would have done credit to SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny. Like cattle, literally hundreds of women and children were herded into captivity.

Mind you, now – it was all to protect the children. That doesn’t remind you of the way we are “protecting” the people of Iraq? Maybe we need a new definition here, too.

But there it is: the government needs only to say someone called them on the phone (indubitably, the president would have said a voice came from out of a cloud), and you are legally the object of a full scale military operation. With a claim of terrorism and invoking of the War Powers Act, an individual citizen could be the target of anything up to and including a nuclear strike. That, you should take notice, includes a MOVE Compound, Randy Weaver Family at Ruby Ridge, Branch Davidians at Waco siege. It also includes an Amadou Diallo, Dr. Sal Culosi, or Sean Bell (the bridegroom killed by NYPD cops at his bachelor party?).

One “no knock” warrant, bought with official perjury, and you can be treated to some of that U.S. Government “shock and awe.”

Welcome to the new Land of the Free Nation of Laws. Think about it. And all they had to do was let a few Moslem nut cases highjack airliners and fly them into a building. The Kellie Pickler public handed over yours and my Constitutional rights like they were yesterday’s meatloaf. “George wouldn’t lie to us because he looked so cool in his flight suit on that aircraft carrier under that big 'mission accomplished' sign.”

It’s a lot like having your life and affairs controlled by the local school for the retarded.

It’s also like living in some kind of time-space, reality warp (for an object lesson, read some of the U.S. Tax Code; just pick anywhere at random – it’s all alike where this is concerned). In my question of the day segment here (click), for instance, I ask once again, when will Crystal Mangum be called to account for her false charges of rape against the Duke University Lacrosse Team? When, I also want to know, will the scores of women who made positive identifications that sent men to jail for rape be called to account? Why, more to the point, was the centuries-old doctrine of jurisprudence, “unus testis, nullus testis” – one witness, no witness – abandoned in the first place?

How could we possibly have come to be in so asinine a state?

Of course, we all know the answer to that one, and it is repeated again and again, and again and again, in the feminist literature of the past forty years. Ask the question I ask about Crystal Mangum on any of the feminists websites; the answers you get will tell you all you need to know in that regard.

And they are the reason for insanity - reality warped - like this:

“CARROLLTON, Texas — After spending nearly 27 years buried in the vast Texas prison system for a crime he did not commit, Charles Chatman's first weeks of freedom have been overwhelming . . .

“Chatman was exonerated last month by DNA testing while serving a 99-year sentence for sexual assault. His release Jan. 3 marked the 15th such exoneration in Dallas County during the past five years, the most of any county in the nation. Aside from New York and Illinois, Dallas County also has produced more exonerations than any state.

“As DNA technology and investigations identify a mounting number of wrongful convictions, the urgency to find others like Chatman is increasing. From Virginia to California, local prosecutors, law students and defense attorneys are combing through hundreds of thousands of old files in search of flawed convictions.

“Last week, two men were cleared of separate murder convictions in Mississippi after new DNA testing led authorities to another man now charged in both slayings. It was the first time post-conviction DNA testing had led to exoneration in Mississippi, one of eight states that does not have a law allowing for such testing. Lawyers with the Innocence Project pushed the state to move forward with the testing.

“Since 1989, there have been 213 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the USA. Of those, 149 came in the past seven years, according to the Innocence Project, the parent organization of a far-flung network that helps prisoners obtain DNA testing or other evidence that could prove their innocence.

Gee, that’s great, isn’t it? Uh-uh - not so great. Consider this:

In Virginia, officials are conducting a sweeping examination of more than 534,000 criminal case files, the largest such review in U.S. history. Three years and five exonerations after the effort began, authorities have identified 2,215 more cases they say are worthy of scrutiny.

That’s one state. I leave it to the reader to recognize that the truth is fifty times more hideous. How did it all happen? Well, let me first remind everyone who knows me that from 1976, when I first began getting into prosecutors’ cases for rape like a bear gets in a garbage can, I have written literally scores of letters concerning the outrageous state of our criminal justice system, specifically as it has to do with the crime of rape. For years – decades, in fact – I was as alone as a skunk at a picnic.

A couple of decades ago, when the hysterical feminist Marilyn French made the brilliantly scientific and rational asseveration, “All men are rapists, and that’s all they are,” I suggested whimsically that while she should be charged with inciting to riot, her obvious insanity made a legally impenetrable defense.

“They rape us with their eyes, their laws, and their codes,” that great apologist for females said (with apologists like that, who needs detractors?). French wasn’t alone. For two decades, one could hardly read a newspaper or watch television for a week without having slammed in his face the latest diatribe from the distaff wing of society. Remember these?

"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman .... "You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs."

That was Catharine MacKinnon, a supposed scholar – that’s what the effeminate media called her – at the University of Michigan and Yale (and they call that “higher learning - how "high" do you suppose she was?).

It wasn’t a time of intellectual brilliance, that’s sure, but you would soon have to pretend that anything a woman said was somehow rational. Try to do that with this one:

"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig"....."Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman." ...."for a woman, the home is the most dangerous place in the world!" .... "The traditional flowers of courtship are the traditional flowers of the grave, delivered to the victim before the kill. The cadaver is dressed up and made up and laid down and ritually violated and consecrated to an eternity of being used." .... "Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies."

That, of course – for those who paid attention to things other than Hollywood and television’s already vacuous entertainment was a feminist intellectual – an oxymoron, surely – named Andrea Dworkin. For a walk in the asylum of other-worldness, look her up on the World Wide Web (do it – it’ll explain do many of today’s “issues,” you’ll think you’re an historical scholar; people, after all, were forced legally to accept and believe this crap.

It went on, and on. Freed by men of the rigors imposed for aeons by Mother (ooh, I’ll be that one smarted) Nature, females had a field day at the expense of their liberators, and gossip became science – and law.

"To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo." --Scum Manifesto, by one Valerie Solanas

"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men..." Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "One Woman, One Vote", Wheeler, p.58

"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage." --Sheila Cronan, 1988 Houston National Organization for Women Conference for Women.

"We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." –Robin Moran, Sisterhood Is Powerful

"Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." --Vivian Gornick, "The Daily Illini," April 25, 1981.

"In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them." --Dr. Mary Jo Bane, assistant professor of education at Wellesley College and associate director of the school's Center for Research on Woman.

"I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it." (Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan)

"Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release." (Germaine Greer) "Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." (Catherine Comin, Vassar College. Assistant Dean of Students).

"The incest taboo can be destroyed only by destroying the nuclear family as the primary institution of the culture. The nuclear family is the school of values in a sexist, sexually repressed society... The alternative to the nuclear family at the moment is the extended family or the tribe. The growth of tribe is part of the process of destroying particularized roles and fixed erotic identity. As people develop fluid androgynous identity, they will also develop the forms of community appropriate to it. We cannot really imagine what those forms will be." (Shulamith Firestone - The Dialectics of Sex)

"The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men... All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft." ("The Declaration of Feminism," November 1971). "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." (Gloria Steinhem, former editor of 'MS' magazine.)

“The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it." (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in "Women and the New Rage," p.67.)

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." (Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor)

"The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist." (Sheila Cronan, National NOW Times, Jan.1988)

Consider that last one for a minute. It’s self-evident that National Organization for Women (if you think it’s any women but themselves they’re talking about, you haven’t been paying attention) wanted (wants?) to make lesbians as many women as possible. Inasmuch as the feminists here also seem to have had as a goal destruction of the family, the basic, sine qua non, unit of society and nation, it’s pretty clear that what was intended here was re-ordering – i.e., destruction - of the society and nation.

That’s treason, of course; but in the new, effeminate nation with its female rationality and rules, it’s how you say it that determines what it is.

It’s damned clear, too, however, that N.O.W. and militant feminists had little or no concern for seeking equal rights for women. They hated heterosexuality, they hated men, they hated society, and they hated the nation, but none of it had anything to do with equal rights for women. It isn’t about that now, either.

And it all relates. How will historians explain things like a deliberate campaign by government and the media it by way of Operation MOCKINGBIRD controls to deceive and confuse the public they supposedly serve? How will they assess a news and information media dedicated to disinformation rather than information and complicit in such a plot?

How will the future view a government, its media, and educational system that purposefully “dumbed down” the nation, cynically replacing journalists with “personalities,” and teachers with misogamistic, misandric, anti-social zealots like the “feminists” I quote here, and an educational system prostituted and co-opted by politics and politicians instead of teaching children?

How will they explain a society willing to pay athletes, entertainers (same thing, when you think of it), actors, and the like millions - while paying others upon whom their very lives depend – soldiers, for but one instance – comparative peanuts? If a basketball player or singer who entertains your kids is worth millions, what is a teacher worth?

What will history say of a nation founded, built, and brought to greatness by a certain – Germanic – culture, a nation ruled on the basis of a Constitution derived from that Germanic culture’s unique view of the individual, a nation that repudiated it all in favor of the kind of stupidity, misplaced (arrogant?) ethnic pride, twisted reasoning, logic, ethics, and ideological drivel such as that of feminism?

Yes, it all relates, all right. But a nation of people too stupid to recognize in the latest “housing crisis” the same old “Savings and Loan” swindle, who doesn’t in the raid at the San Angelo, Texas Mormon compound recognize the raid on the Randy Weaver family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, or the murders of Amadou Diallo, Sal Culosi, and Sean Bell, and the attack on Iraq, will not recognize in the egocentric and maniacal ideology and behavior of the feminists I quote here the malaise destroying their country.

The United States, in short is dying of an excess of what once made it, the politization of everything critical to the cultural wisdom, the reason and science that, in turn, elevated it above all other nations. Everything – right and wrong, fact or falsehood, even personality itself, are now decided by rule of the majority, by politics. Everything must therefore be simplified to the level at which a nation of bubble-headed Kellie Picklers can understand it. Even sex – and, of course, rape - the most fundamentally known and understood of things, must now be described and recognized by politically decided means (I am reminded still again of the young woman whose rape charge sent four young men to prison; asked why men who knew they had committed rape would have willingly, even eagerly, provided their victim information with which to find them, she said, “Maybe they didn’t know it was rape . . . that’s up to the woman, isn’t it?”)

A great deal is now "up to the woman" - the fate of the nation included. And, as Santayana said, “Those who will not learn for history are condemned to relive it.”


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