Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell Out of the Way!

Certain males, my grandfather used to say, “… wouldn’t make a pimple on a real man’s ass!” I've been thinking about that, and the men who today foist themselves upon the nation as "leaders." Arrrrrrrgh!
A few days ago, I heard again what seems to me will one day be the dirge played whenever the former United States of American is remembered.
“Real men cry . . .”
And, of course, it was a woman – or several – who said it. Well, today’s “male” does cry; he blubbers like a baby, matter of fact – and about things so damned adolescent and puerile those of us old enough to be his grandfather find hard to believe. Or stomach. Today’s “real” man does a lot of things men didn’t do before the feminist revolution that was in reality little more than an attack – a neurotic one - on maleness. And, of course, the testosterone and muscle that had built the world that made their new offensive possible, or even feasible.
Today’s man not only cries, he is as emotional as an spoiled brat – meaning, among other things, he beats the hell out of his wife (and kids) whenever he feels the need to let off steam (odd, isn’t it, how the same women who rail against “spousal abuse” are also the same women who insist that real men cry).
Today’s “real” man not only cries, emotes, beats his wife, and is cruel to the dog, he suck drugs, imagines that muscles made of steroids make him tough, cheats at every damned sport he plays, and gets his kicks watching scum-sucker crap like cock-fighting and dog-fighting. He swills beer while watching such manly sports as NASCAR and pro football and basketball, and stuffs his face until he weighs four hundred pounds, all the while parroting one-liners from the latest macho-minimalist movie he saw.
Confronted by the possibility of any of the violence he would appear to crave, he melts like chocolate in a skillet.
More, use a term larger than two syllables, he pouts and postures, acts as though his semi-literacy is some kind of social award or credential. He’s as stupid as an ox, but you should include him in any deliberation having to do with the literature, science, or military tactics he doesn’t know the first thing about. He knows his rights, but can’t distinguish the first amendment from the Communist Manifesto (which he doesn’t so much as recognize by title). His highest ideal seems to be Larry the Cable Guy. In the alternative, he’s a limp-wristed panty-waist, metrosexual “girly-man” who wouldn’t make a pimple on a man’s ass.
Those or he’s a bloviating bullshitter like Fox News “line-up” of phony pundits, almost any of our pandering Senator Jack S. Phogbound (anybody remember Al Capp?) politicians, or their like. Oops – almost forgot our “celebrities?” Have you ever really looked at one of these wimps?” Jesus! – they're actors all right; poseurs is more it. And what they’re pretending to be is a MAN!
And if you think my having left out the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and dozens more who haven’t the substance of the shadows of men like the late Ed Bradley, Bill Cosby, and others their like, you’re wrong there, too. It’s just that people like Jackson and Sharpton so piss me off that I always break things before calming down.
Anyway, I hadn’t been so aware of the level to which masculinity had fallen in the general public until coming to South Texas. The astonishing rudeness of my male brethren . . . well, it astonished me. Men not only acted like boors – hats on while indoors; even at table while eating, forcing their way to the head of waiting lines, belching, farting, scratching and fifty things more obnoxious – they seemed to take a kind of perverse pride in it all. I’ve got a reputation back home, however, one for drawing a line in the sand.
A guy steps over that line when he puts his hands on me. Back when my youngest was eight or so, there was a John Wayne movie, the Shootist. Leaving the theater afterwards, Aaron said, “Hey, mom – that sounded like dad, huh?” He was referring to the line, “I won’t be wronged, I won’t be insulted, and I won’t be laid a hand on; I don’t do those things to other people, and I expect the same from them.” Several times (some of which are public record, by the way), a man availing himself of what appears to be some kind of social dispensation granted his Hispanic class and attempting to force his way into a waiting line reached out intending to shove me out of the way. That, when you think of it, is a pretty stupid thing to do when the “shove” is a two-time national champion in judo with more than a thousand organized fights on the record.
One example, excerpted in my book “Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story, it’s worth reciting for what it says about the new “real” man of America.
“As a boy, I was taught behavior and manners I still exhibit and practice today. I will not permit a man to be rude to a woman, period . . . When a friend and I happened upon one macho character as he was pummeling a woman he held pressed helplessly against a car, I answered his, ‘Who the hell are you and what gives you the right to stick your nose in my affairs’ with something that may prove instructional here. ‘I'm the guy,’ I said, ‘who's gonna kick your ass and use it to sweep this parking lot if you hit that woman again. And, mister, my ‘right’ is the same right any decent man who sees you abuse a woman has.’
“My eyes holding his . . ., I fished a business card from my pocket and handed it to the woman. ‘Ma'am,’ I said, "if he hits or abuses you again - ever, you call me and it will be my distinct pleasure to make him very, very sorry.’ I didn't hear from them again, so I have no idea – but the bull-frog bastard deflated right before my eyes like a balloon. When we came out of the store we had been headed toward, the couple was still sitting in the car talking earnestly. As we walked behind their car to our truck, the woman put her arm out the car window and waved the card. My friend and I - the lady, too, it seems - had a little laugh at Tough Man's expense.
“I do have to confess to have mellowed somewhat (don't get the idea that I've stopped training to fight or shoot, though - that could lead to error with serious effect) in my old age. After the six (or seventh - I don't really make a big thing of this) similar incident, one in a local K-Mart, it occurred to me that my penchant for kicking bully's asses might label me with local police as a provocateur. In several instances, including that of the WalMart incident, the police were called. In that instance, a burly character who pushed an elderly man and his wife aside in order to force his way into line ahead of them at the checkout counter, my armlock happened to smash his face on the conveyor belt and spray blood from his broken nose around. When the old couple and the check-out lady had explained to arriving police officers what had occurred (did I forget to say that smart-ass had attempted to give me a hard shove?), I was not arrested.”
So much for the “war stories.” I hope they make a point (other than that I’m an irascible old character who also happens to love women).
I quote this all the time lately, but I’ll do it again – it’s the ineluctable truth:
“A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes -- will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished; and that the perfection of machinery to which it has sacrificed everything, will in the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish.” -- John Stuart Mill, from On Liberty (1859)
A while ago, I posted on one of my pages here a list of questions. I said I would be adding to them as time went on. Here’s another, one asked in a recent book by Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler Corporation: Where have all the leaders gone?
There’s more: Where the hell is the public’s outrage at what the sorry pack of clueless bozos who are guiding our country to obvious catastrophic ruin? We have corporate gangsters stealing us blind, ruining the countryside, polluting and poisoning the atmosphere and environment, and making a mockery of our U.S. Constitution and law. This clusterf--- of clowns can’t so much as come to the effective aid of New Orleans after Katrina and Rita, but we let them run a war in Iraq! “Stay the course?!” With this FUBAR fraternity? You have GOT to be kidding!
In his book, Iacocca chides himself for being enraged. Well, by damn – at least I’m in good company there. The eighty-two year old stud also says something you’ve heard me say, too – if you know me or have read my “blogs.” He says that no one who isn’t outraged at what’s happening ought call himself a patriot. DAMNED RIGHT – I agree. The former CEO notes, as I have here, that the whole political “debate” has become a handy cop-out. Let me quote:
“And don’t tell me it’s all the fault of right-wing Republicans or liberal Democrats. That an intellectually lazy argument, and it’s part of the reason we’re in this stew. We’re not a nation of factions. We’re a people. We share common principles and ideals. We rise and fall together.”
When I say I couldn’t have said it better myself, I mean it – hell, it’s almost as if I DID say it!
I might add parenthetically that those who attempt apologist rationale regarding what I’ve just said are suspect of insanity in my view. There are so many proofs of federal corruption, incompetence, and contempt for the public that one could fill a volume, none more irrefutable than the fact that foreigners – even foreign governments – lobby in Washington, D.C. against the interests of the common citizen of the nation once the land of the free. No one not as corrupt as they are has any real hope of influencing the government that desecrates by its presence the city once graced by the likes of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Patrick Henry. Even illegal aliens – thieves, rapists, pedophiles, and murderers – have the ear of government, an ear not accessible to the people who must pay for it all.
I’ll tell you something else, something historians will one day say: We have no leaders today because the society that would otherwise have produced them no longer exists.
“It’s okay for men to cry . . .” The fact is that the women saying that haven’t the faintest idea of what they speak. How many men do they know? Even their knowledge and familiarity with history is invariably so little that they have no real idea of what made its great men. The historical and sociological truth is that women have always had a major role in determining what a society and nation’s men are, because a man will always in some degree be whatever his woman demands. She is the prize in the great and eternal mating game, after all – what everything he strives for IS for. If a man can be a weakling and still have her, why would he strive for more?
Have another look, dear reader, at that quote from J. S. Mill.
I have some more questions, for the women who think real men cry, and the “real” men who do:
1. What happens to the self-esteem of a nation whose male leaders cry, whose leaders male and female practice the equivalent cowardice of lying? How do you get leaders from a society of men who blubber and weep? What happens to the spirit of self-reliance and independence that once defined us as a nation?
2. How have we brought down – ladies – the proud middle class male to a majority that this as impotent and feckless as what is now called the “little man?” You expect a George Washington, a Thomas Jefferson, an Abraham Lincoln, a George Patton, a Chester Nimitz, a Dwight Eisenhower, a Douglas MacArthur from “little men?”
3. Why are we no longer capable of raising our children to be real men? What are we doing to our boys? Why is it that these “real” men can do nothing – often, as a matter of fact, don’t even care about their children being mentally degraded, reduced to idiot consumers for the mere sake of consumption, their talent, creativity, and spirits inundated in the utter garbage being foisted upon them as food and drink, music, entertainment, sports – even sex. Why is it that “real” men seem powerless to do anything, either, about a nation so self-serving and conceited that they have become willing to feed their children poison, and let all the rest happen.
Were you paying no attention when feminism, the legislatures, and the courts exalted the “single-parent” family, making the male redundant, un-necessary, and without parental rights? I wasn’t. And my on the record prediction – pooh-poohed, of course by just about all the distaff side of society - concerning what would happen as a result is now daily news.
4. How is it that “real” men seem able to have no voice when it comes to responsible dissent? How can a nation continue as a democracy when its society has no real fear of or respect for genuine and honorable male anger? What government, what foreign enemy fears a nation of wimps?
5. Why would a nation of one hundred fifty million naturally powerful males, trained and educated in weapons and manly pursuits as males once were, feel it necessary to build billions and billions – hundreds of billions – of dollars worth of high-tech, push-button, and plush guns, tanks, bombs, planes, ships, submarines, rockets, and on and on – weapons all designed in the final analysis to somehow make a wimp a warrior? How is it that in Vietnam and wars since our “real” men, armed with every gee-whiz, Buck Rogers weapon the mind and science of man can devise, could not defeat an enemy essentially armed with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades?
Yeah, I know. The truth hurts. Dealing with it used to be a thing men did – no tears.
6. Why is a nation with all these “real” men so afraid? Why so depressed? Why so (fecklessly) angry?
7. Why do all these “real” men tolerate the veritable avalanche of hideous crime by government and government by the corporations? What kind of men have stood and still stand idly and passively by while corporate crime in America has reached, and now reaches even more staggeringly epidemic proportions; all while almost no criminal outrage is not tolerated by those pandering to the criminal corporations and their lobbyists in the Potomac capitol? What kind of men suffer under and tolerate a federal tax structure like ours, one that provides corporations like Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and literally thousands more advantage - total ascendancy in the cases of the “Marts” – over struggling small businesses in the U.S.
And on and on, and on and on. “Real men.” Men who cry. You bet – instead of doing something, he can cry. That’ll fix it. Make him feel better. I have a lot more questions, but just one more, for today:
What kind of woman respects that kind of “man” . . . ?
Labels: federal crime, feminism, Iraq, progaganda