"How Can 59,054,087 People Be So Dumb?"

&%$#@&! The telephone, that tool of the devil and the federal government - but, as Mark Twain once observed when he had suggested that someone imagine being an idiot, then that he was a member of Congress – I repeat myself, keeps ringing. Rita has not only been out of town for several days visiting her aging parents and leaving me to answer the damned thing (I often don’t, personally – but when Rita’s gone; well, “It might BE somebody!’).
Yeah! That is, until the birds and livestock learn to use the phone and give that much of a damn about what I’m doing.
Anyway, I’ve also stirred up a hornets’ nest – all those sheeple-people who never do anything about government but make phone calls and bitch over their coffee or beer. Of course, it’s only about their country being betrayed, and sold to the highest bidder. Not something sunshine patriots like they are care that much about. What a gutless, limp dick, bunch this the Home of the Brave has become!
In the interim between bloviate, balderdash, and utter nonsense from people who know almost nothing about their subject (whatever it is; when you can so determine, you’ve demonstrated the acumen verbally and logically of a Sherlock Holmes), I am preparing my Impeach by Memorial petition for mailing to the House of Representatives. For some reason only this confounded computer knows the otherwise simple process – damn, how I long for the days of the plain, old typewriter (I wonder it I can get one somewhere . . .?) is impossible.
As I do so, I ruminate concerning the latest news from Iraq. Every morning, the first thing I do is work – one has to go to foreign news sources for that kind of information – in order to learn how many casualties and deaths we have sustained. Somebody ought to care enough to do that; and, since the media can be counted upon to put on the screen anything that will get viewers, it’s obvious that damned few Americans care that much. But don’t get me started on the Anna Nicole Smith, rape-of-the-week, tabloid- sucking public again.
I not only worry about our soldiers, I also want to know the death toll of Iraqis. That, mind you, is the people who have now suffered many, many multiples of the injury, death, and destruction from which we were supposedly rescuing them. That I’m so concerned is not so much due worry; it’s much more like guilt. Jesus! – if I were an Iraqi, I’d feel about the U.S. the way I felt about the U.S. when they were “rescuing” me. By shooting at me. The old save-the-village-by-obliterating-it ploy, you’ll remember.
As my mind roams, I think about things like commentary the other night after the recent Democrat Party (there’s, after all, nothing in the least “democratic” about today’s political party processes and procedures). Anyone who listened to the “debate” – consider the meretricious fraud just that represents - and didn’t realize that the people who run for and obtain public office do not run this country must be semi-comatose. Nothing the “candidates” have ever said they would do has happened. To bring these guy’s past political pronouncements and speeches to a forum like this and read them aloud for the audience would by like having sex in the front pew or a Baptist Church service. Nothing they say they will do will happen. Nothing they say has happened did happen – not even the debate (what they did the other night is by no stretch of the imagination “debate”).
If you get on a ship or airliner that doesn’t go where it says it will, but flies for hours aimlessly or in circles only to finally land where you left, one thing you might consider immediately is that the pilots, ship’s officers, or whatever aren’t running the show that is your trip.
Where the hell are the minds of the public?! Have Americans been so insulated, so anesthetized, so removed from reality, so immersed in Hollywoodian reality all these years that they’ve lost touch with the real world – the world outside their virtual reality cocoon?
On CNN, an analyst-pundit-expert-commentator-journalist – “Operation Mockingbird Programmed Bullshit Spew-er” is the new terminology or appellation I suggest – named Peter Bergen lists “mistakes” the U.S. made in “not catching” Osama bin Laden. “Mistakes!” Anybody stupid enough to believe that must believe still in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Knighthood. That, or he’s the devil himself.
Only the kind of execrable ignorance of history that has college students identifying the Battle of Yorktown and Cornwallis’ surrender there to George Washington as having occurred during the Civil War, or Pearl Harbor as a shampoo, explains a public so incredibly “out of it” that it fails to recognize the shear and basic falseness of it all and what it must mean has happened to our nation.
Next up in my mental slide show is Tim Russert, still trying by way of the dissimulation of “limited hangout” and debate intended to create the illusion in the minds of listeners rendered quasi-comatose by similar propaganda technique and technology that war in Iraq was due CIA intelligence failure. It is as obvious as the Rocky Mountains that Russert and the people who control him consider the U.S public child-like intellectually. Not for nothing are those Jay Leno “Jaywalking” surveys done. The government watches, too.
For an instant, I flash mentally on still another round of government effort to make the Kennedy assassination and Warren Report sound plausible. The ray of hope in that is that the public will finally see – and wonder at - how forlornly desperate it all is. There are few things as impossible as convincing a nation of gun owners and shooters that a bullet fired from behind the target blew away the same side of the target. Sooner or later, however anesthetized you might be, you notice that that’s never mentioned in all the smoke and mirrors, “limited hangout,” “discussion.”
And you might also recognize in that what’s being done when you hear today regarding things like, for instance, the CIA’s mistakes that “caused” our attack on Iraq.
Some things are galactically apparent by their absence. Not once in the now oceanic of talk and supposed analysis like this has anyone ever heard even a hint of discussion concerning Keyhole satellite and state-of-the-art surveillance technology. Space-based cameras able to read a newspaper or license plate couldn’t find factories or observe their construction? If we could detect and watch Cuba building missile sites in 1961, why couldn’t we do the same in Iraq, 2003 – especially since we were over-flying the place many times daily, even destroying Iraqi missile sites that fired at our spy planes?
Anybody who believes the utterly unbelievable White House story concerning CIA failures probably does think Pear Harbor was a shampoo. George Washington was the guy shaming Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. Hell no, I don’t believe in the Tooth Fairy (I can’t tell you why I believe in the dozens of them on TV these days running for president, but I don’t believe in the tooth fairy . . .!)
The individual who believes the CIA Failure Story won’t believe that his Tooth Fairy heroes also consider the public absolutely idiotic, incapable of thought beyond listening to the media. – no matter how obvious it becomes. They won’t believe what I’m saying here, but their stunned and stolid credence in their Tooth Fairy President explains all those people who get swindled by e-mail from Africa.
Hmmmmm . . . . Why I can’t get this download for the Impeach for Peace forms to work is beyond me . . . now, it comes, to me, the CIA, the NSA, Homeland Security, and twenty more we haven’t “discovered” yet probably know all about that. It’s getting hard to sit on the old thunder mug, when you stop to think the government is probably looking up your butt. Should Congress have passed a law taxing Iraq, the IRS would have known at what time every, single Iraqi citizen went to the toilet each morning and what he had for lunch every day.
Still ruminating as I wrestle this computer drat-fangle, I recall that the new Minimum Wage Law has been enacted. Want to assess how stupid, how simple-minded and addicted to their self-serving poppycock government and the politicians think we are? Consider that one. Tell me how you can fail to see that to force an employer to pay twenty, thirty, or forty percent more than what he can hire an illegal alien for – that’s an illegal alien protected by the White House and Congress from everything societal including competition – is to legislate you right out of a job.
You’ll still have to pay taxes the illegal alien won’t have to pay, of course; and health insurance costs, and social security taxes, and . . . Oh, never mind.
THAT’s how stupid they know you are.
Next, my wandering mind comes upon the dog-fighting story, Michael Dick or whatever. The guy who gets millions for playing what must surely be one of the most infantile games every conceived by the mind of man, and who gets his kicks – if you think this is the only way this low-life bird-brain gets his kicks is watching dogs fight, you - well you probably DO think General MacArthur won the Battle of Bull Run.
Watching DOGS fight! What kind of schmuck does that? And people pay to watch somebody of that mental caliber do anything? I’ll bet this guy thinks a football playbook is rocket science. Has anybody ever done a Jaywalking segment in the NFL? Or would that be “politically incorrect?”
It occurs to me – regularly, actually; not just today – that “minorities” – blacks, Hispanics, feminists, whatever - need to be reminded that their actions speak louder than any critic could and indictment of their race, color, creed, ism, asm, spasm, or spasm is most often made by their actions and behavior itself. Black commentators, lawyers, and apologists like those arguing last night about hip-hop’s connection with dog-fighting, for instance, don’t seem to realize that the white community’s silence on the subject is, in reality, a thunderous statement.
Do you see a lot of older white guys at a dog or cock fights? Matter of fact, I don’t know any of my race or persuasion who would take the time or trouble to walk to the nearest window in order to look out and watch in his back yard a cretin-interesting “event” like that. Behavior the likes of cavorting wildly about like drunken adolescent clowns after having scored a touchdown, hit a home run, slam-dunked (now THERE’s a feat of surpassing skill for you . . .) a basketball are infantile exercises that have been acquired by white youth only after the integration of major sports and invasion from south of the border.
None of my people were ever much for torturing animals, either. It’s on the order of eating garbage – or worse.
You’re not only known by the people you hang out with, you’re known by whom and what it is you will tolerate.
Speaking of intolerance (yes, ladies and laddies, you’re damned right I am: the son of a bitch who abuses animals, is in a fashion worse than the son of a bitch who abuses children, a son of a bitch I wouldn’t urinate on if he were on fire), there’s the Ward Churchill matter (no, damn it, not “issues;” I have issues when I go to the bathroom, and . . . well, never mind). The land of the free, where free speech is guaranteed, has blind-sided – no, stabbed in the back while he slept is more like it – Professor Ward Churchill.
Now, I don’t know Ward Churchill, and before his name made the news, I wouldn’t have known him from Adam. That I care at all has to do with what happened to him, not what he said – or even did. It is beyond me why American can’t get through their thick heads . . . no, strike that; any body so stupid that in the aftermath of the 35W bridge collapse he calls in to ask where the Mississippi is stupid enough . . . to not recognize that anything done to anyone else, no matter who, what, why, where, and when, is being done to him. It took a lot longer to get Ward Churchill than it took to get Don Imus, of course. But I knew the Land of Free Speech as Long as It’s Speech That’s Politically Correct would get him. I said so. Several times. Here.
And notice that Churchill’s detractors have yet to refute what he said. Damned few will have so much as read it (which, I, of course, in my Spockian-ly contemptibly way, have). It doesn’t work that way. Not in the “Land of the Free,” and “Nation of Laws.” Uh-uh.
Of course, what Churchill did was – reminding ourselves that we are Christian nation (of course, we all think his name was Christ and he was a Christian, too) - unforgivable. He said the victims of the World Trade Center were “little Eichmans.” Is that against the law, civilly actionable? No, it’s not. Does that make any difference? Not to a Christian nation like this one. All those Christians who got Churchill are the same people who stood idly by and watched like Michael Vicks at a dogfight as their government savaged me, too.
They all “love their country,” believe in law, and their government. And they love Jesus; NASCAR, too. Football. Damned betcha!
Oh, and by the way, the monumentally less than circumspect (a guy whose “Roosting Chickens” writing was so meticulously accurate and researched didn’t know how the U.S. public would act when he used the epithet “little Eichmans?”) professor was discharged by the University of Colorado for alleged plagiarism – somebody else’s. If there’s a cheaper cheap-shot, I’d sure enjoy to hear about it.
And if there has ever been a more transparent abuse of procedures governing such matters, I‘d really like to hear about that, too. And we’re all so worried about vigilantes on the border with Mexico. Sheeeeesh!
It looks like I’m gonna have to type up these forms myself . . . Oh, well.
Let’s see, where was I? Was I impeaching Bush, or . . .
No. No, I was wondering, now that Durham County, North Carolina District Attorney Mike Nifong has been disbarred, the lives of the Duke Lacrosse players mauled and sullied for all time, and the legal system held up for the disrepute it so richly deserves, when will charges be brought against Crystal Gail Mangum, the woman who lied to start it all in the first place . . .?
Don’t hold your breath. We’re about to learn another lesson about the public’s indignation. Their love of “truth, justice, and the American Way.” Tell me, all you staunch lovers of liberty, who did us all more damage – Don Imus, Ward Churchill, Mike Nifong, or Crystal Gail Mangum?
How about Michael Vick?
If I suggest that the rest of the world sees us as having the most FUBAR priorities and moral code in the history of the race, I have to be right – or the world is the biggest looney-bin possible. And you wonder, dear reader, about why they distrust, fear, even hate us? Lord! – wake the hell up!
Pearl Harbor was an attack by the Empire of Japan on a place in Hawaii by that name. 1941. The Battle of Yorktown decided the Revolutionary War (google it). Not the Civil war. A civil war is a war fought between or among (yes, I know our president doesn’t seem to understand that, but he’s an admitted mediocrity mentally) citizens of the same country.
Oh, and to impeach the president, go to these websites. I’m apparently too ham-fisted to get you the forms. As soon as I do, though, I myself will sign and mail them.
If we don’t impeach these clowns, our kids and grandkids will pay the hideous price. And, when they hate us like the rest of the world does now, it’ll be richly deserved.
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