"Red Dawn" Revisited

The video tape cover for a 1984 movie says, “In our time, no foreign army has ever occupied American soil. Until now.” The movie is “Red Dawn,” and in it, Soviet & Cuban troops begin landing In Colorado, forcing a group of high school students to flee into the mountains before organizing guerrilla resistance and beginning to fight back.
Unfortunately, the macho minimalist movie is totally unrealistic, out of date. In the first place, a recent ruling by a federal judge would make the invading Soviet and Cuban troops in the movie only “undocumented aliens.” More, the court says that illegal immigration, whether by swimming or parachute, is a federal responsibility. The “Red Dawn” high school guerrillas would, therefore, be vigilantes.
There’s even more: the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection, the courts says, applies to all persons, not just citizens. The Soviet and Cuban invaders – oops, “undocumented workers” – would be, to quote federal judge James M. Munley, “not stripped immediately of all their rights because of this single illegal act.”
If an illegal alien Mexican shoots, stabs, rapes, burglarizes - or steps on your blue suede shoes, presumably – it’s a federal matter. Don’t call a cop – he has no authority. Diplomatic immunity these days, it seems, requires only that you get in the country without being caught.
Neither is that all of it. According to columnists, pundits, and apologists for illegal immigrants from Mexico – the apologists, of course, include the Mexican Government - the “Red Dawn” Soviet and Cuban troops injured in the parachute attack or by the teenage guerillas would be entitled to free, U.S. Taxpayer funded, medical care, workers compensation, and social security benefits. The teenage guerrillas, of course, being citizens – and vigilantes – would not.
And there you have it – all of it. Check this, from the New York Times:
“The presumption that the 14th Amendment can be set aside while immigrants are hunted down and punished is widespread but false. The judge wrote: ‘We cannot say clearly enough that persons who enter this country without legal authorization are not stripped immediately of all their rights because of this single illegal act.’”
“A federal judge has dealt what we can only hope is a decisive blow against a dangerous trend of freelance immigration policies by local governments,” said the Times. “Judge James M. Munley of the central Pennsylvania district, struck down ordinances in the town of Hazleton that sought to harshly punish undocumented immigrants for trying to live and work there, and employers and landlords for providing them with homes and jobs.
“The ruling was a well-earned embarrassment for Mayor Louis J. Barletta and his proclaimed goal of making Hazleton ‘one of the toughest places in the United States’ for illegal immigrants. In doing so, Judge Munley laid down basic truths that every American should remember.”
Listen, now - the Times, speaking from sedia gestitoria (the Pope, speaking from the Chair of Peter, is held by the Catholic Church to be infallible), pontificates further thusly:
“First, immigration is a federal responsibility. State and local governments have no right to usurp or upend a vast, ‘carefully drawn federal statutory scheme’ (Hal’s note: couldn’t have said it better myself – "scheme," I mean) that governs who enters the country and the conditions under which immigrants stay, study, work and naturalize. Congress may be botching the job, but it has not delegated it.”
“Botching?” Who’s kidding whom? This is as intentional as any scheming crook or anarchist ever got.
“It is not yet clear when or whether Hazleton’s vigilantism will finally be stifled. Mr. Barletta says he will appeal. He and others across the country can be expected to keep concocting ever-more-inventive strategies to deliver pain to immigrants.
“But that is a legal and moral dead end. As long as people like Mr. Barletta persist in misusing the law to serve their prejudices, they will make the immigration system an ever more incoherent muddle. They will thwart reasonable efforts to grapple with the opportunities and problems borne in with the influx of newcomers. And they will continue to dehumanize not only their victims, but themselves.”
“Incoherent muddle?” – a government ignoring and defying the law that it made is coherent?
“Mayor Barletta says he is angry at the federal failure to control immigration. Good for him; he should join the club. But he should realize that it was his side — his restrictionist (sic) soul mates in the United States Senate — that last month took the most ambitious attempt in a generation to restore lawfulness and order to immigration, loaded it with unworkable cruelties, then pushed it into a ditch. They celebrated their victory, but their shortsighted insistence on border enforcement above all else will leave places like Hazleton to grapple with a failed immigration policy for years to come.”
I’m reminded of Will Rogers, the famed “cowboy philosopher.” He said that all he did was report truthfully what Congress did every day, and the public died laughing. All one has to do these days is report what courts, the media and its totally bewildered pundits say, and anyone who has a brain better than a grape, dies laughing (or sits staring in disbelief).
What the hell, dear reader, is so hard to understand about learning that when your neighbors live like pigs (not fair, actually – pigs wouldn’t live the way many of the people I’m talking about do), act like wild animals, steal everything they can carry or haul away, lust after little children, and kill at the drop of a hat, they probably will behave the same way if they manage to break into your house and take up residence?
These are Mexicans, for Christ’s sake! Look at Mexico – what goes on there (or don’t you know?)? What has been the history of Mexico? Do you really want for these people to come to this country, breed and multiply, vote, and take over? Create an Aztlan, then force you to pay for what results? Do you really want to have a nation, for instance, where one of the largest industries is that of kidnapping for ransom? Or drug smuggling? Murderous drug cartel, gang, and civil warfare in several places at any given time? A “Sub-comandante Marcos?” Thousands – that’s literally – of women raped, killed like they were chickens, and thrown away like garbage? Tens of thousands of little girls raped and impregnated without media, societal, or governmental reaction? Do you want to live in a nation like that wherein the military justice system does not even recognize rape as a crime?
God damn it, before you run off at your supposedly humanist, liberal, rhetorical- reality-only mouth, learn the history and truth about the nation and people of whom you’re speaking. Read their newspapers and magazines. Learn their language and listen to them. Wake up or shut up!
I’ve been writing here about guerrilla law, methods to combat the cancer eating our nation from within, destroying it and our way of life; but I need to back up, and start with essentials, basics. I mean find out what the hell is going on! What is the problem? Who is the opposition?
That means read the history of Mexico, and Latin America. Read the Mexican, and Latin American newspapers. Read the history – and learn - of the Iran-Peru Axis, the connection between Arab-Islamic history and morality and that of Spain and Latin America. Try historian Carroll Quigley (Tragedy and Hope). Until you actually know something of the topic of discussion, in other words, have the maturity to refrain from crippling any discussion with emotionally irrelevant and immaterial nonsense.
Don’t be like the vast majority of supposed – and specious – pundits and commentators on today’s media, in other words.
And don’t be their victims. None of this is rocket science. It’s all subject and understandable to and with common sense. Searching my memory for a suitable example of the kind of nonsense data the biased media and apologists for illegal immigration promulgate as fact, I recall supposedly scientific surveys like those of late pontificating to us that men are different from women. No shit. REALLY! Well, hell – I knew that.
Teenagers don’t drive as well as adults. Well I’ll be damned.
Women are more emotional than men. Do tell. Remarkable.
We should be surprised that young citizens of this country, now in the military, do not perform well; that they even commit atrocities, torture prisoners, report sick due to “combat fatigue” and “post traumatic stress” disorder, and shoot one another a lot? Excuse me – but aren’t we talking about the same young people who are in the news continually for doing exactly the same sort of thing before becoming soldiers?
The drug culture continues to take drugs after joining the military? No!
People willing to pay good money for Hip-Hop watchamahcallit, caterwauling, howling, and bawling “music” are too stupid to graduate from even our chaotic schools or acquire even the most basic of military skills? Well, what do you make of THAT? My goodness!
People who are interested in our meretricious and tawdry “celebrities” - consumers who on account of the economic pressures their mindless consumption exerts upon the nation’s pandering media and journalism receive half the attention of the same media and journalism - don’t make much of a soldier? Employee, even?
Well, mirabile dictu! I’ll be damned.
When you send to Congress or the White House the most greedy, power-mad people you can find, they tax everything made by god, then steal or blunder and bungle away the tax money, or sell out to the highest-bidding lobbyist? NO! Really? Who would have imagined it?
Corporations “earning” millions off the labor of illegal aliens they are paying peanuts lobby Congress and the state legislatures to assure a steady supply of the same illegal aliens? People representing the interests of the corporations and the illegal aliens lobby congress for a minimum wage law that lets the aliens under-bid the corporations fellow citizens? You wouldn’t expect that? Now, that’s amazing! I don’t believe it!
I’ll tell you what else I don’t believe. I don’t believe any of the “they’re just people who want to work” people. I don’t believe judges like Judge Munley in Pennsylvania or the ACLU nutcase who appeared on CNN the other night to explain that cockamamie ruling are acting in accordance with the reasoning or logic of the law. Sorry. What I do believe is this: the nation now languishes under anarchy.
Let me remind us all of something – the purpose for rule of law. As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in Olmstead v. the United States, “Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”
In fact, it becomes anarchy, and that is what we have. What remains for the people, therefore and incontrovertibly, is to restore the rule of law. More, it is high time to serve notice upon those breaking the law that we will take over and enforce it. The tactic is that of guerrilla law, and it begins – as I said in an earlier essay - with notice. We must, in short, write letters, hundreds of thousands – millions, if need be – letters. The letters must tell the U.S. Government and the corporate lobbyists controlling it that we, the people, have had all we are going to take, and it must inform them that we consider a vote for either the Democrat or Republican Party treasonous.
We must also write letters to corporations and others employing illegal aliens, warning them that we intend to sue, and/or take other economic action to make their criminal conduct unprofitable. A portion of the letters must take the form of legal papers in the form of small claims court filings. All of it will require “networking,” and help otherwise, from all the people we can muster.
The invaders are here, their fifth column of journalists, judges, and lawyers like those of the ACLU are now operating openly, and we must be the “Wolverines” of “Red Dawn.”
Labels: immigaration, malreasance, misprision, subornation