Response to Criticism of My Last Essay.
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty."
Responding to the several persons who, having read my last essay, question it, I answer this:
First, anyone who has been paying attention knows that all the provisions and mechanism necessary for declaration and imposition of martial law in the United States are in place. The president has, in fact, issued an executive decree that arrogates to himself power that can only be called dictatorial, powers he may assume simply by his own declaration of national emergency. There is no denying that; it is a published fact.
Neither is there any doubt (I have visited several) that there exists in the U.S. a vast network of internment camps. Located across the length and breadth of the U.S., these camps stand waiting for anyone who might raise objections to whatever Reichstag Fire “emergency” our wannabe Fuehrer might (and almost certainly will) declare. None of this is made up on my part; it is all verifiable by way of research or simple reason.
To avoid any of it, especially the reasoning aspect, one must trust a man who has already demonstrated himself to have little respect for the truth – or the public trust. Consider his oath of office, and how he has fulfilled it.
Next consider the state to which the Operation Mockingbird media have reduced the public. Look around. Consider events of just the past several weeks. Tell me you see nothing of the mindless acceptance for authoritarian excesses of government – whether by the president or the congress – is all represents. You don’t see that? REALLY?
Obviously, you’ve neither read George Orwell or know anything of the old Soviet Union, or Nazi Germany.
Get a copy of Nazi Reichsminister Josef Goebbels’ writings and introduce yourself to your government’s Operation Mockingbird methods.
You might, too, ask yourself why you don’t recognize in today’s right-wing television, the tawdrily specious presidential “debates” and “campaigning” anything of Leni Riefenstahl production, Nuremburg Rallies, and Sieg-Heiling, the “cut and run, stay the course” speeches concerning Iraq. You might also ask yourself why, probably, you don’t recognize anything of what I just spoke. Look it up – your life; certainly those of your children and grandchildren - may depend on what you learn.
In 1946, a man – one of the most brilliant scientists in history – tried to argue to a judge at his citizenship hearing that what had happened to Germany could happen in the United States. Kurt Goedel had seen and been part of the dementing of the German people. He had seen military industrialists take over power by marginalizing religious leaders, encouraging and developing right-wing radio and entertainment in order to alienate and play off, one against the other, the nation’s ethnic groups. He, along with his countrymen, felt what happened when entertainment and news media played upon the right-leaning public’s feelings of powerlessness against the elitist liberal rich and powerful.
Read it. Read it, and you’ll see that all of it was rigged by the corporate capitalism of Germany at the time. Railing against the nation’s liberals, they divided a stultified and stupefied populace against itself, gave it nowhere to turn but a savior named Adolf Hitler.
It wasn’t as if no one knew what was coming. Adolf Hitler had warned Germany long before in his book Mein Kampf what he would do, were he to come to power. You don’t see that happening today? REALLY? Neo-conservative corporate capitalism has been preaching its dogma for literally decades, since having emerged as a supposed rejection of liberalism and what then newly created Operation Mockingbird media identified as “the New Left” counter-culture of the sixties. You recognize in this none of Soviet and German history?
Coallescing and un-masking itself during the Reagan and Bush administrations, it not only represented a total metamorphosis of the nation’s world view and geo-politics, it determined to complete its silent coup d’etat by ending democracy.
Ask yourself how it all could have happened without your knowing. You will not only share the surprise of Germans who were awakened one morning by the thunder of goose-stepping SS jack-boots when you do, you’ll look around to find your countrymen eagerly accepting it all. You’ll also have to admit that, like Germans of the time, most of the nation’s citizenry today have been trained from birth to adapt to and serve the military industrial corporate structure established immediately after World War Two. You’ll recognize, too, the way Americans, held in thrall by Mockingbird-corrupted mass media distraction, shun any kind of critical thinking or questioning.
I keep saying “read.” Therein lies another Shakespearean “rub.” The fact is that Americans have all but ceased to read. Think about THAT one, and ask why. Admit that what that means is that the public has no way to see, know, or understand the truth of anything I say here. “Whoever controls the public record, controls the people’s truth,” Vladimir Lenin preached to his followers.
Tell me that all but all of your information, including that concerning history relevant to our discussion, doesn’t comes to you through media controlled by the government. Of what does that remind you . . . ?
Of course, I again assume you know something of the history of the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany. It is highly unlikely, in the scheme of things today, in a nation of people who know so little of their own history that college students put the Battle of Yorktown in the Civil War, that you know anything at all of history critical to your recognition of our straits. Combine that fact with the fact that you seek no information outside that available without so much as the effort required to hold a book, then add the downright hostility toward any kind of personal introspection held by our people and it becomes evident that the present state of disaster has been building for a long time. And make, no mistake, it will get worse - much worse.
Consider the insidious nature of today’s Mockingbird media. “Divide and conquer” was a military and political tactic of Ancient Rome; but it is also a tactic essential to the propagandist who would control a nation and its people today. In keeping with the diabolical practice, we are taught on the one hand that passivity is for losers, especially economically. Yet, on the other hand, we find ourselves today nearly powerless before the military industrial corporation police state. Totally divided by cynical media pundits and “analysts” (my god – do you ever actually listen to these people?), we distractedly and mindlessly scream slogans at one another like parrots.
In this way, additionally distracted by tawdry and meretricious tabloid “celebrity” news, and lurid, rape of the week “national news;” we listen to fundamentalist Christian preachers rail on concerning Armageddon, play insanely nonsensical and violent video games, watch the empty spectacle of steroid-powered sports and their hype, digest appallingly primitive and nitwit “music” and lurid, sex-oriented advertisement, drug-induced fantasy, and other appeals to the most base of our human nature. In so doing, simply put, we serve our corporate masters, handing over to them control of congress and the government. And our lives.
And everywhere, the people express feelings of utter emptiness. Among our young, the word “boredom” has become a mantra. Anything, even mass murder, is sought in order to relieve the perceived ennui of a culture all but devoid of effort, discipline, or any kind of pursuit of virtue. Among adults, one finds more of the same, any kind of banal excitement or play, Sturm and Drang with which to penetrate the walls of the climate-controlled, hothouse world in which they languish unfulfilled.
All of it is all too familiar to sociologists and those who study people living under authoritarian rule. The climate-controlled hothouse is also a pressure-cooker prison. Psychologists have warned for years of people to be wary of people of, people who live with a feeling of inner emptiness. The thousand yard stare of the World War Two combat infantrymen is everywhere these days. Of course, those empty yearn to be filled – with sex and violence.
But with their hearts deadened by having watched relentless sex and violence, their minds sealed shut by Mockingbird behaviorist propaganda, their climate controlled prison nation has become deafeningly loud, thunderously stupid, and totalitarian vicious – indoctrinated, trained, and conditioned to worship power. In the words of H.L. Mencken, “The common people love a despot. They loved to be dictated to. The goose-step is their natural gait.”
And here were are, 2007. The public has become a tiger upon which the government and its corporate elite masters ride. What is needed is a feat of political legerdemain unlike none every accomplished since the banking industry and industrialists turned five hundred million turn of the century dollars debt into assets with the Federal Reserve Act and Sixteenth Amendment.
Now, having lived for more than a half century on credit, the house of cards built from cards like those that are the real estate market, jobs being taken by foreigners in both the form of businesses moved overseas and illegal aliens imported into the country, corporate and congressional corruption in staggering amounts (including presidential complicity therein to the tune of what seems likely to exceed a trillion dollars), and a public languishing on an income that leaves the individual a paycheck or two from ruin.
What it comes down to is the Second Law of Thermodynamics – “maximum entropy.” That’s confusion. Said another way, the shit is about to hit the fan.
Everything points to a declaration of martial law in the United States, and, as I said last time, the end of democracy. But you, the people once known as the Home of the Brave, won’t do a damned thing. You’ll do what you’ve always – during my lifetime, and having lost the honor and élan always referred to everywhere on the planet as the “Spirit of the Yankee” (hell, unread, unschooled, and uncaring as you are, you have no idea what I mean) – done. NOTHING!
You’ll pray. You’ll stick yellow ribbons to you car. You’ll declaim furiously over coffee at the coffee shop. Male, you’ll pontificate and bloviate masterfully as you watch pro football, and vicariously “hit” the opposing lineman or “sack” the opposing quarterback. Vicariously.
You’ll take vicarious minuteman part in the revolution your country needs so desperately. Needs in order to survive. You’ll run off at your f------ effeminate mouth.
And you’ll pray. God – I love that! I’m drowning – your country is drowning – and you pray. You’ll vote, in other words (in the United States today, government is god, and politics its religion . . . .)
Imagine that you are drowning. Imagine that your country is drowning. On shore, the typically effeminate “American” is striding back and forth, listening to your cries for help. What does he – this staunch patriot, this defender of women, of all things good and just - do?
Why, he talks. He prays to the good god – government (this is real, don’t forget). He calls nine one one. He calls the police, the fire department, the church. He calls every do-gooder he can think of. He calls.
And when you have drowned and are floating, he tells arriving police or fire department responders that he did everything he could do.
He wouldn’t want to become a vigilante.
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