“He jests at scars, who never felt a wound.”
"For the greatest enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, pervasive, and unrealistic." John Kennedy, war hero and President of the United States, said that in a speech, on June 11, 1962. Read it; read it a couple of times, then think about it.
Think about the culture, the society, and nation we live in today. Where can you find, in all of your experience (and I speak here to people old enough to have lived during a time when honesty, integrity, and honor were not scorned and scoffed at), a culture, society, and nation more dedicated to mythology and falsehood like this one? Today, I digress to a degree again from my discussion of guerrilla law related citizens arrest tactics, that due the discussion I encounter repeatedly on websites, especially those frequented by the distaff side of society.
In that regard, scientific integrity requires mention that Internet research of the kind I have been doing suggests that women are far more often liberal in political persuasion than men. More, women are seldom moderates, all but invariably tending to one political point of view or the other. Rosie O’Donnell and Ann Coulter aren’t alone in their extremism. Neither do women hide their preference for emotion as a basis for deliberation – especially where political “issues” are concerned.
To suggest that society ought consider that in making its governmental decisions, however, is something now become “politically incorrect.” Anyone, moreover, who chooses to notice the connection between what is politically incorrect and the tenets of the feminism is in danger of losing any audience he might have gathered. The truly awesome power of feminism is everywhere evident these days, and unless one stops there, he is in danger of lynching – probably by males now referred to as “metrosexual.”
At any rate, any viewing of television “info-tainment” news nowadays must steel himself for the barrage of “news” concerning “women’s issues.” I trust I do not have to recite the wearying list of things like the disappearance and/or rape of the week, lost child of the week, beached whale (or the equivalent) of the week, and any other tear-jerker incident or matter the purveyors of today’s “news” can find or contrive with which to distract the viewing audience from things weightier like the ravages of illegal immigration and the Iraq War.
In the “dumbed-down” nation, lacking in emotion and appeal to emotion means boring, and the electronic news media – to whom number of viewers is critical - must not be boring. News without “human interest” – one who studies these things comes soon to understand that that means female interest – is capitalistic anathema. So, we have feminized news. We have a feminized – effeminate – nation. Everybody’s happy. We must be - it’s what we wanted, after all. We voted for it – that’s how it became “politically correct,” the same reason the news has become what it is. Everything is just great. But is it?
Let’s see. Several weeks ago, I started talking about issues like that of illegal immigration, the carnage in Iraq, and the appalling state of our federal government. I suggested that in order to change it all, it would be necessary to change the latter - the government responsible for it all. That, I said, would require what I called “guerrilla law” – lateral thinking and effective activism by the public.
This, I noted also, wasn’t the first time I have done that. I related how in 1989, my public call for the public to take back control of their country by availing themselves of the four powers given them by the nation’s founders (quick, dear reader – what are they?) sent shock waves through the bureaucracy and congress. I also recollected how when I had called “charge” and turned to see who was following my lead, I found no one. Not a soul seized the opportunity offered by my intensive and thorough infiltrations of the cesspool that is federal government, that despite my having discovered and made public corruption still being slowly – tactically so – revealed to the “dumb-down” society. Oh, there was much talk – I was for a time the darling of the radio talk shows and the underground press – but one did anything.
Except the government. In the decade that followed, I was hounded relentlessly and across the country by the nation’s police, stopped more than five score times on the streets and highways. My residences and offices were burglarized as many as a hundred times. I was run down by motor vehicles repeatedly, attacked by street thugs even more often, shot at, and threatened continually by police “sting” operations. Provocation by law enforcement agencies reached outrageous proportions, including near gunfights.
Even that could not stir the public into action. In a scenario now so familiar, the public stood by idly, watching and ruminating calmly as the war went on. No matter the crime being committed as they watched, no one took any action. Except to “get the hell out of there.” Several times, crowds of people watched indolently as I fought multiple assailants far younger that I, survived being chased and run down by motor vehicles, and being wounded by a sniper. Even when I lay on a street surface after having been blasted from my bicycle in a protected crosswalk by a speeding (it left eighty-one feet of skid marks) vehicle having “blown” the stop light, being kicked and punched by driver and occupants of the van, dozens of rush hour passersby and spectators did absolutely nothing.
Nothing, in short, I could do could cause U.S. citizens to take part in any of their civic duties. So, when I made my latest suggestion of “guerrilla law” activity, I wasn’t expecting anything to actually happen. Except, de rigueur course, talk.
Does anyone see how certain of my “spec ops,” gunfighter, mentality kind have come to view the society and nation as effeminate?
A couple of days ago, I remarked again concerning my twenty-three years war with the government behaving exactly the way it is behaving now. I refer to the immigration “issue,” the war on terror, and more – and to the manner in which the government is behaving in their regard. There isn’t any difference, in terms of motivation and behavior – or tactics – you know. Modus operandi, it’s called – method of operation. One lady responded in a manner by now stultifyingly familiar. I’ve heard the reasoning and sentiment a thousand times.
“We all have, at some point in our lives, gone through some rough times in one way or another. Let it humble us and cause us to be more sensitive towards those in need. Most just need some help getting back to that point in life where they can help themselves once again.”
As I said, that was a very, very familiar reaction. During the sixteen years that I wrote and contacted personally literally scores of congressmen, senators, journalists, television networks, magazines, and others, I heard again and again just two responses. The first, the most characteristic of the United States of America and its peculiarly cowed public was, “Unbelievable – they can’t do that!” “Just that simple,” I remarked one day to reporter and publicist Jim Frazier - “’Unbelievable’ absolves the individual of any responsibility to so much as listen further, let alone show interest or do anything.”
The second of the mantra-like, all but invariable, responses offered by the public when informed of my struggle against criminal government was that “Everybody has some trouble in their lives” sagacity.
Get over it, in other words.
So, let’s do the rest of my experiment – help me with my study. I proceed now to propose a number of solutions to “issues” much in the current news. Enumerated, they are as follows:
I. To stop illegal immigration, begin enforcing existing immigration law. Raise, however, the penalty for hiring or continuing to employ an illegal – or “undocumented” – alien to ten percent of the company’s gross income. Fine anyone aware of an illegal alien’s employment ten thousand dollars. Write or re-write the law in a manner that leaves no way out. Make the penalty for being found in the country illegally a sentence of five years, working in the crop-producing fields for only sustenance and lodging. Those already working in an agricultural profession will simply forfeit all payment (and, of course, reside in prison). Following completion of sentence, the individual may be given citizenship (I don’t imagine many will remain – do you?). Penalty for crime against a U.S. citizen by an illegal alien should be punishable by triple that committed by a citizen, and in the case all crime resulting in the death of a citizen, or rape, the penalty should be death.
2. To end the miasma of corruption in Washington, D.C., criminalize all lobbying activity. Make persuasive personal contact – attempt to affect legislation, that is – with any of the people’s representatives in the U.S. Congress a crime, punishable by heavy penalties including imprisonment.
3. To restore semblance of rational democratic rule in the nation, require a logician in attendance at all publicized – news media and the like – discussion, in order that the audience be informed of the validity of the argument being promulgated. Impose fines for deliberate lying to the public by all persons in government, bureaucrat or elected. All persons participating in political campaigning should be sworn in before debate and public statements, and deliberate and provable falsehood should constitute perjury. All speeches by those sworn into public office should be considered as being under oath, and lying perjury.
4. To conserve gasoline and reduce prices, require installation of a speed-limiting governor on all vehicles using the public highways. Enforce the law with heavy penalties for non-compliance. Limit speeds to fifty-five miles per hour.
5. To stop predatory behavior toward children, provide legally for a truly prohibitive and interdictory penalty – in the instance of repeated offense, life imprisonment or death.
6. To assure no further insanity of the kind evidenced by Iraq, and the specious war on terror, require that whenever our troops are committed to combat, ALL of the nation – I mean corporations who normally “earn” billions – contribute proportionately. Corporation profits from munitions and the like will be sold to nation and taxpayers at cost. NO profit should accrue to anyone from the making of war.
7. In criminal prosecutions, prosecutors should be chosen by lottery from the pool of those admitted to the bar in the district where the crime occurred. (If jurors should be chosen in a manner designed to assure impartiality, so should the court and its officers.) In civil lawsuits, plaintiffs who lose should be required to pay in damages to the defendant damages equal to those sought.
8. In order to end the logically and experientially absurd state wherein one who kills one or a few of his fellows is a murderer, but one who kills tens of thousands, even millions, is a politician or “leader,” the commission of troops to battle without a declaration of war by the congress should be punishable by death where combat is joined and people killed. In the event of emergency envisioned by the War Powers Act, proof of falsification of reasons for committing troops should be codified as an impeachable offense and conviction of such punishable where life is lost by death.
There are, of course, more legislative actions needed to restore our nation to health. Deliberate pollution, for instance, should have penalties on the order of lost license or right to do business. Farmers and agriculture should be permitted to participate in the markets, and sell their produce in the same manner as does the rest of industry.
Yes, of course there will be huge increases in prices. That, however, merely proves the degree to which the nation been living off the farmer and rancher for decades, while paying industry otherwise multiples of what their product was actually worth. The public who earned dividends from stock bought at the farmer and ranchers’ resulting expense would learn its lessons in the economics it refuses to teach its children.
There is nothing wrong with the U.S. that can’t be corrected. This morning, a U.S. Senator speaking in the U.S. Senate delineated how twenty million dollars was stolen by FEMA bureaucrats and truck lines for supposed delivery of ice to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. First trucked in refrigerated trucks from somewhere in the Connecticut, then to Arkansas and then to Mississippi, the ice was finally trucked back to Connecticut, then disposed of by being dumped somewhere. It was a story hideously familiar to one my age, a story repeated literally thousands of times during my lifetime.
Anyone remember the millions – or was it billions – in cash shipped to Iraq, only to mysteriously disappear?
NONE of the “issues” or problems facing our nation is difficult in solution, all being complicated only by attitudes and reactions like those I’ve described here. Rhetorical platitudes of the kind so loved by humanist, feminist, and liberal do not aid the homeless. Drowning, or being beating to death by a gang of the vicious children we are now feeding – nothing more – to adulthood, it is not your platitudes or prayers I need. With your nation in a death spiral piloted by “leaders” who sole interested in self-aggrandizement, it is not fustian pontificating and bloviating in a coffee shop or bar, at cocktail parties or in Internet chatrooms that is needed.
During the nearly ten years that I was “Knight Errant” – traveling the U.S. to offer free assistance to anyone I could find who needed it – I offered real, physical help to a number of the people being spoken of so much here on the Internet, in the media, and elsewhere. I lived among the homeless and poor, those being criminally oppressed by our execrable bureaucracy (including women being forced to submit to extortion for rape), and those being blackmailed, stalked, and, and terrorized.
In nearly ten years, all over the nation that bills itself as the most compassionate in history, I met not one of the do-gooders I am now obliged to suffer by listening.
Want – really – to stop what’s happening to our country? Stop, then, pretending that it’s necessary to listen or argue with someone likes me. Stop pretending that citizen’s arrest is some obscure idea, or that any reasonable person has any doubt as to its legality. Stop pretending that it is difficult or requires some special ability or knowledge to file a small claims court action. Stop pretending that it is difficult to find or identify illegal aliens (they frequent places where they can send money back to Mexico, they speak only Spanish, and a dozen more things obvious even to a child). No homeless person has ever been factually and physically aided by platitude or prayer, and neither has any nation. Individual or nation, the rescuer must DO something.
When Thomas Jefferson said that "people get the government they deserve," it was more than just a clever turn of phrase. It was a timeless truth.
Labels: citizens arrest, civil activism, guerrilla law
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