Guerrilla Law - "Let's Roll!"

This is the third or fourth time I’ve done this. In fact, in 1986, I wrote a series of “chapbooks” (seventy-five pages), discussing in an historical context the powers given citizens of this country for the purpose of controlling their government. The result of one book, “Citizens’ Arrest, Citizen Power to Control Their Government,” was that I became a target for the lawlessness typical of today’s federal totalitarianism.
The U.S. Government, you know, has been “working up” to the Bush Administration since World War Two.
In short and in fact, in order to save my own life, I fought a running gunfight with the criminal government of the “nation of laws.” It is a fact, an undeniable and quickly demonstrable one, that citizens of the United States, the Nation of Laws, are actively and passively prevented from knowing the law under which they live. Think about it – how much of the law jurisprudentially justifying control of your life and property is taught to children in the first twelve grades of public education? If you are accused of crime and prosecuted, how much of the law you are suffer under do you know? If someone sues you, meaning he demands that you surrender some, or all, of your money or property, how much of the law supposedly governing your case do you know?
Do you even know that, in fact, that the law being used, actually does govern your case?
Tell me something more ridiculous than being obliged to play in a game, a game in which you risk your life and property, whose rules are determined and decided only by your opponent. Go ahead, take some time and think about it. What is more ridiculous? And why do you play? Now, that’s really ridiculous.
The fact is, you don’t have to play. That you think you have to is due propaganda on the part of the people who stand to gain from your ignorance. The same people spend billions to assure that you stay in the state of ignorance that results in your playing a game as ridiculous as that which determines what the U.S.A of today is and will be.
Let’s just start with the real – not the Marshall McLuhan, “Medium is the message,” Operation Mockingbird, truth – but the real, what actually has happened, truth - the kind that historians of the future will recognize and shake wondering heads at.
And, parenthetically, if you want to test what I’m saying here, try to learn the truth yourself. I dare you. Begin with Freedom of Information Act attempts, then try to obtain historical material concerning how our government began, how it was originally structured and why, and what happened to it all. State records, incidentally, are not governed by FOI – state government will fight like a cornered skunk to prevent you learning what they’re doing, especially with your money. Get ready for a whole lot of trouble, too, at any rate and wherever you try to look. One of the reasons for the twenty-three years war I fought with the United States Government was my effort to find out what the hell was going on. When I sued – none of the crap you think is true about simply asking for your records is true – for my records, the U.S. District Court for Colorado ruled that they were top secret – to surrender them “would irreparably damage the tax collection system of the United States.”
The nation founded by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, and those who risked “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor” is not the one you think it is. Today’s post coup d’etat by the military industrial complex corporations government largely – any time they choose – ignores the law. They believe – frequently say so – that they ARE the law; and, moreover, our current de facto dictator has also made that very clear publicly. More, the failure of the U.S. Congress to impeach a president who in grandiose and smirking public statements both repudiates his oath of office and defiantly confesses breaking the law, makes assertions of de facto dictatorship in the Land of the Free incontrovertible. Things are what they are, not what they are called.
So, what can be done? Well, first learn the rules of the warfare game you’re playing. In fact, learn first that you are in a war. It is a dogma – one proven correct by success - of Alcoholics Anonymous that the drunk must first recognize his alcoholism. He must also recognize that his enemy is alcohol. To begin “guerrilla law” warfare against federal totalitarianism, we also must realize what has happened to us, and what, who, our enemy is.
Our enemy is greed - “the moral flabbiness born of excessive worship of the bitch goddess SUCCESS. . . with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success . . .,” as Father of American Psychology William James put it - and the people who out of a natural evolutionary mental aberration are unable to feel secure while they do not possess and control everything. The goal of the capitalist is to own everything and his life view is that of endeavor to exploit the earth and its people until he possesses and controls everything.
The embodiment of greed in the U.S. is the corporation. The corporation is a judicial fiction, one created by the U.S. Supreme Court in the now infamous case of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad. In that ruling, the court said that the fictional person, the corporation, had the same rights under the U.S. Constitution (the Fourteenth Amendment) as a living person. The corporation had come to be in 1819 when the court – Chief Justice John Marshall – upheld in the case of McCullock v. Maryland the right of the federal government to create corporations under its “implied powers.”
Lying legally fro the purpose of advancing greed was already well-advanced as a practice by 1819, you see.
The effect of the courts rulings was a Frankenstein Monster, endowed with all the rights of the individual, but unlike the individual, un-killable and invulnerable. The Frankenstein Monster had rights and powers that even the individual states of the union did not. Inevitably, the corporations moved toward the obvious – control of the government that had created them. In the late forties and early fifties, unwilling to surrender the Brobdingnagian profits they had reaped in World War Two, the military industrial corporations moved to seize power. With the Clinton and Bush Administrations, representative democracy in the Land of the Free Nation of Laws ended.
It was a process any rational and reasoning person would have anticipated, and a process I first perceived while a sophomore in high school. I wrote about it then, as a matter of fact.
Whatever. It has happened, and all there is to do now is succumb or fight. Make no mistake, you WILL fight. You’ll fight because the Frankenstein Monster that is corporate capitalism won’t let you do otherwise. That’s its nature. The question, therefore, is when you will fight – now, while you still have a chance of success, or later when you have no chance, but must fight to live. There is, as Sir Winston Churchill once observed, even a worse case.
You may fight because you would rather die than live the way the greed monster demands.
So. Let’s begin with Dr. Frankenstein, the monster’s creator. The courts. A court of law under our system of government has never been more than an arbitrator. It does not have governing power, either executive – law enforcement – or enactment – legislation. A court of law has power only when given it by two or more parties, and the power is that of regulating and settling equitably – they were once called “courts of equity” – disputes. The court might, and did almost immediately, set rules by which the argument before it would proceed, but the court’s rules for proceeding do not have weight outside the courtroom.
Continue, by the way, comparing what I say here with what you think, and ask yourself how you became so benighted. Ask yourself why, too.
“Guerrilla law,” however, is little interested in the courts except as tools against government and its outrageously biased machinations favoring the nation’s Frankenstein Monster, the stupendously greedy corporations. Faced with a topic so broad and voluminous, let’s simply consider by way of concise, but exemplary illustration the illegal alien outrage which pits the government and illegal aliens its corporate masters seek to exploit against the government’s own constituency. There’s really never been anything like this before in U.S. history, a situation wherein illegal aliens from Mexico are being openly favored by the Congress and federal government over native and legally naturalized U.S. citizens.
As the public seethes in anger over the contemptuous slap in the face – both by the aliens and the U.S. Congress – the latter, caught between its corporate masters and the voters (potential or otherwise) dithers cynically, hoping for the people to be distracted by a recently-generated and colossal blizzard of prurience-oriented “news” having to do with the likes of Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton or their meretricious like.
Meanwhile, the public, convinced by conniving media and its pundits that it can do nothing but wait to vote, that despite having already been shown by Democrat Party do-nothing-ism the power of corporate lobbyists to thwart their will, waits – and goes on paying the staggering costs of illegal immigration and all it causes. Nothing can be done?
Oh, yeah? Let us suppose that citizens were to begin filing lawsuits against the illegal aliens and those who hire them – in, for instance, small claims court. Each illegal alien is costing working and tax-paying Americans real money, “damages” that can be computed and are legally as real as any other. Look it up: from medical costs hospitals and health care providers recoup by adding to the costs of treating you, the long-suffering American citizen to gasoline prices being driven higher by illegal aliens from Mexico driving on our highways at ninety miles an hour (pushing on the accelerator is demand, you know – and demand drives the price higher), the illegal alien and the corporation hiring him are costing you big bucks.
And it’s “actionable” – meaning you have the right to sue. Think it’s not a powerful tactic? Well, put yourself in the shoes of the alien. One day, he gets fifty, or a hundred (or more – there’s no legal limit) “summons and complaint” papers served on him. What would you do . . .?
Or, suppose you are Screw the Citizen, Inc – the corporation hiring illegal aliens instead of you or yours. Let’s say the limit on small claims actions in your jurisdiction is $10,000, and five hundred people sue the traitor capitalist. That’s $5,000,000 (five million dollars) – think that’ll get his attention?
You bet – and notice that there is no reason you can’t get an attorney and sue in a higher court, or learn the law (try Nolo Press – Google it – and get all the forms, procedures, and what you need) and sue pro se. If you put up with this crap, you deserve what you get. Once a number of citizens have begun this kind of “guerrilla law,” the Congress and other principals to what’s been going on – the rape of the common man by the corporate Frankenstein Monster – will get the message.
But the important thing is to served notice that we are waking up, waking up to the fact that there are many more ways to deal with government than just throw a feckless vote into a toilet being flushed by the practice of lobbying. There’s more, much more to “guerrilla law,” and in the days to come, I’ll talk about it all. There isn’t any doubt at all that we can regain control of our country, something that anybody who has made that much study of history knows, or can learn. The only question remaining is how much Operation Mockingbird and its corporate designers have succeeded in doing to you and your civic behavior.
What will you do? Knowing history, I’m pretty sure – but it’ll be interesting to watch.
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