The Fifth Profession, the Samurai, and the Guerrilla Lawyer - Society's REAL Protectors

As I type, a Cuban expatriate demands by way of the “fair and balanced” media that no matter what might benefit his new country - the one to which he speciously professes undying loyalty – that it do whatever is necessary to satisfy his hatred of Fidel Castro (and, incontrovertibly, everyone else in Cuba). He demands – ever wonder where the hell people like him think they get the right to do that? – that the United States continue its economic blockade of the country and people to whom he once presumably also professed undyingly loyal. Do you have any doubt that inasmuch as he has great political clout these days, and many lobbyists in Washington among the sleeze of politicians there, he will get anything of your property and life he demands?
Yeah, I know you are a native citizen, and that you have been paying taxes all your life – but born not so long ago of humanism, feminism, and liberalism, this is the sort of thing that controls our nation, now.
I’ve just finished reading Al Gore’s latest, “The Assault on Reason.” I’ve just finished reading George Tenets, “At the Center of the Storm,” and before that, I read Gerry Spence’s “Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious Pimps of Power.” A Before those two, I read Bob Woodward’s “State of Denial.” It’s hype-able, money-making stuff, but for a guy who said it all years – that’s years – before, more, it’s little more than annoying.
Let me repeat that: I’ve been saying all this for literally years. As a matter of fact, I said decades ago something I will say here in a minute, and it had the same result. Nothing.
Parenthetically, what is usually the Paula Zahn Show features two (or three) “experts” or “analysts” who are of such stature and credibility that they both (or all – who the hell can tell) talk at the same time, babble like six-graders of marginal intellect, and set up a cacophony interesting only to a psychologist interested in deviant or retarded child behavior. This is the Big Leagues of public discourse in the Land of the Free Press, folks. From these people, the public opinion which supposedly decides the fate of us all, citizens of the United States, and the world, is formed.
We could also, of course, decide to vote and determine the proper course of the nation by divination on the movements of Britney Spears (did I spell that right?) belly button. Don’t laugh – a considerable portion of our political opinions are so determined. Danny Glover’s view of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is currently deciding much of U.S. public opinion regarding that matter (whatever it is).
Also tonight, we saw still (my god – this rivals the capitalistic, Christmas-time promotion orgy exploiting the death of Princess Diana) another “documentary” on the assassination of President John Kennedy. Still thunderously – hydrogen bomb blast thunderously – obvious by its absence is any of the otherwise de rigueur “re-creations” that might show how you can blow off the back of a man’s head with a gunshot from the same side.
You’ll see that the same day you see an object fall to the ceiling or sky.
But you’ll see the rest of the speciously tawdry “facts” and “analysis” (by those geniuses of the media known as “expert analysts”) again and again, at strategically determined intervals, on television. You’ll see it whenever the government and the military industrial establishment corporations who own it need to distract public attention from something like Iraq and the massive lie now being revealed concerning the national budget (that’s the fact that the corporations stole five hundred thousand, five hundred dollars from each U.S. household last year – five hundred thousand, five hundred more than they’ve admitted stealing).
Have you never wondered why it is that when the government or one of its “officials” steals, even billions, it is something less than a crime? In a nation where a woman who writes a bad check for a hundred dollars in order to feed her kids can – and often does – go to jail for ten years, while a plenipotentiary in SleezeWorld on the Potomac who steals millions not only goes to jail seldom, he often gets re-elected. That makes sense? Yeah, in the Land of the Free, it does.
Al Gore’s book is specifically about my favorite topic of the past four years, the spastic, self-defeating, and totally feckless state of the public discourse. It’s entitled “Assault on Reason,” and if you don’t recognize in that what I’ve been saying, you haven’t been paying attention. The former Vice-President and popular vote for President winner in 2001 cites in his new tome everything we have discussed here months – indeed, years – ago. It has wife Rita is repeating her assertion, “These guys have to be reading your “blogs, Hal. What are the odds against anyone duplicating at random and word for word as many as three consecutive sentences?”
Well, I tell her – at least it wouldn’t be the first time.
It all happens at the same time, and a discussion on Internet website TagWorld demonstrates the degree to which that same public mind has been addled and incapacitated. It also demonstrates the overwhelming success of a 1950s program called Operation Mockingbird.” Mockingbird’s stated mission, in case you are among the typically un-informed of the Land of Guaranteed Free Press, was nothing less than to co-opt and take over the information media of the United States. Using a dictum first promulgated by Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels, then wielded mightily by Russian Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, the Central Intelligence Agency made its mission nothing less than control of the nation’s mind. More, and representing literally millions of his kind, one TagWorld man has demonstrate there the anaesthetized state characterizing victims of Operation Mockingbird-addled media. Living in a supposed republic, a guy name Scott demands of the public that it accept everything being told them by the media and its federal overseers. Anything less, he implies, is treasonous. “Why,” referring to the incredible-to-anyone-awake-and-rational blunder (to give the liar who lied to get us inextricably involved the benefit of “innocent until proven guilty”), he asks, “don’t you just cheer?”
You tell me how much more biased an attitude or opinion can be.
Despite its obvious psychological implications, Scott sees no contradiction in his asseverations. Were he to do the same regarding his family, his property, bank account, or the like, he could easily be committed by his family, found by a court of law incompetent. That his tormented mental processes (face it, this country has become a great treadmill, wherein people labor desperately and hopelessly to stay ahead of corporate slave-masters who demand more and more exploitable effort from them) might decide the fate of a nation is something else again, and while protected by the Constitution, is evidence of the a segment of the people becoming more and more dangerous.
The rats in this cage are beginning to show all the classic signs of stress.
This guy isn’t the only one playing with a deck short several cards, either. Gore’s latest book explores the near-paralyzed state of our national reasoning. There isn’t any rational or reasonable doubt about the truth of what he says. The question remaining has to do with what to do about it.
During a recent polemical exchange on TagWord, I said that I had several times before attempted to do what is the only logical way to avert the disaster now looming before the United States. “Guerrilla Law,” a term coined by a friend and one time publicist, James Frazier, avails the public of the Four Powers given the public for control of their government. It’s our last hope.
The series of four “chapbook” pamphlets were once an underground best-seller; and as I noted on TW, they once made me the target of federal snipers. The industrial military complex corporations who rule in the Land of the Free want you to believe that the only way you can legally do anything about your government, things like the children of the poor being cruelly shanghaied into military “service” designed to enrich the governing rich and their corporations, is to vote in its cynically rigged elections. To vote for one of two sons of the ruling plutocracy is promulgated – and by the propagandized accepted – as democracy.
Frankly, you amaze me. Nobody, psychologically, sociologically, anthropologically, is that stupid. Only scientific intervention in the form of propaganda can explain that kind of self-defeating, self-injurious, irrational and nonsensical behavior.
Yes, I’ve already attempted to teach the public “guerrilla law.” While nothing about it is debatable in fact, those determined that the United States should again become politically a European-style democracy or plutocracy will insist that to do what is eminently legal under actual and existing constitutional law is anarchy. Legally, we should, they asseverate, elect what amounts to a dictator every four years, then shut the hell up. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth.
The first of the Four Powers provided our system of government is that of access to the courts. You are, of course, expected – it is demanded of you; everything else is “vigilante” action – to believe that only by hiring an attorney (licensed to represent you by the government you might sue) and paying the staggeringly prohibitive costs of the same can you petition the courts to protect your rights against the government. You sue the king and make your case against the king in a court where the judge is . . . the king.
That, when the government is your oppressor, may even mean that all the funds you must have to hire a lawyer have been seized by the government oppressing you. When the governing law is that of the U.S. Tax Code, that’s fair. “Legal.”
Hopeless? No, that’s where the “guerrilla law” comes in. A case I prosecuted a number of years ago may illustrate. This was among the first of those Eminent Domain affairs; the filthy rich corporation – maybe one guy, but fat financially enough to be a corporation – decides that, like Al Capp’s General Bullmoose, whatever is good for him is good for the nation. He wants to force you to sell your property for ten cents on the dollar (capitalism, after all, is about making money and the capitalist makes money by exploiting – that’s impoverishing - other people).
In this case, the public circulated a petition – think about how convenient that is for people who own the law, lock, stock and well-lobbied barrel – intended to stop the corporate government take-over of their property. When number of signatures required by the law had been obtained and handed over to the recording government authority, the government authority blithely – “they looked suspect” - disallowed thirty percent of them, just enough to make the “initiative” by the public invalid under the law. On a radio talk show a few nights later, I answered one caller’s question by asking what she thought would happen, should the petitioners on the now deceased petition have signed instead a small claims court action. Since a small claims action in that jurisdiction was limited to ten thousand dollars, I asked, what did she suppose would have been the effect of the same number of signatures required on the petition had they been on small claims court forms? Fifty thousand (the number of signatures required on the now dead petition drive forms) times ten thousand is $500,000,000. – five hundred million dollars. Did she think that would get the government entrepreneurs’ attention?
The host on the talk show nearly fell off his chair.
In the weeks that followed, I also published my intention to avail myself of the citizen’s right and duty to arrest anyone caught in the act of crime. A government that is essentially a criminal conspiracy reacted as anyone rational might expect. The story is that told in my book, “Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story.”
No, there is no doubt that the public’s right and duty to control their government has been prepared and lies waiting to be used. Several times, including that during the time of formation of the Colorado Militia and arrest of FBI agents seeking by way of entrapment to bring about its ruin, I was able to demonstrate the power of just one of these rights – that of citizens arrest.
But that isn’t all. Imagine what would happen, were every citizen who knew of an illegal alien having been hired by a corporate entity in his town or county, enlisted the aid of all persons affected personally and financially by the hire, and filed a small claims court action against the alien and his deceitful, slave-master employer. Multiply the ten thousand – or whatever the limit is in your jurisdiction – by the number of suits. Imagine the result of your action.
And, no, you can’t be sued for having filed your suit. The worst the court can do is dismiss as “frivolous” your action. Neither can you be sued or prosecuted for false arrest of anyone caught in violation of the law. You merely have to be able to swear or testify that you saw a crime being committed. That is any crime in some states, felony crime in others. The standard for determination of what is a serious – felony – crime is that of a reasonable person. Would, in other words, a reasonable person believe what happened was a serious crime.
The incident recently – I wrote about it here – wherein a ninety-one year old man was being beaten by a man stealing the old man’s car is a classic example of a crime whose perpetrator a citizen not only may arrest but has a duty to do so. I should be forgiven a parenthetical digression to point out that nothing, perhaps, more suggests the root causes for our national decline than a public willing to stand idly – and cravenly by – watching heinous crime being committed. How can such a people pretend to respect the rule of law and the order it purports to maintain? It can’t. That’s “let-somebody-else-do-it” nonsense, and when only the government enforces the law and maintains order, the tyranny is the inevitable result. In fact, it is a reasonable definition of tyranny.
Oh, I can hear it now – I’ve been hearing it for years. “What can I do?” Now, I am not licensed anywhere to practice law. The government would love for me to stick my testicles in a vice like that. But I can tell you what I have done, how I did, it, and what the result was, and I have practices pro se (for oneself) law for decades, appeared in court again and again, and kicked the government’s ass from pillar to post (that’s why they started shooting, something else any reasonable person would expect of thugs like those who rule in the Nation of Laws). I suggest you read, as I have, Flast v. Cohen, 392 U.S. 83 (1968). Just Google it, and read it. If you don’t see what I’m talking about, and get the idea, nothing can save you (which wouldn’t surprise me, either).
The biggest criminal element in the United States, let us not forget – and this is a matter of relentless fact, reported daily (even if in its immensely and deliberately diminished and under reported form) by the nation’s media. When have we not had one or the other embezzlement, bribery, corruption, or other similar scandal in Washington, D.C.? What do you suppose more than fifty-five thousand pandering camp-follower lobbyists do there? And are you really so naïve that you believe the crime being reported by the IRS-controlled media is all of it? Be serious!
Let’s not forget, either, that during the decades that I infiltrated federal offices everywhere I not only uncovered literally hundreds of crimes by our “public servants,” I forwarded incontrovertible proof of the crime to U.S. Senators, Congressmen, and all the major news media. Absolutely nothing happened, and it’s what any reasonable human being would expect. When you hire the most greedy and power-mad people you can find, you have to expect them to do what they wanted to do once in control of the nation’s money and in power. Anything else is utter nonsense.
For some reason, I’m reminded again of the priest’s flabby ass pumping up and down as he cannonaded the wife of my home town’s leading citizen in the sacristy of St Peter’s Catholic Church all these years ago. Maybe I’m just cynical. On the other hand, it might be what any of us should expect (at least, the good father was screwing an adult female, not a boy like all those were would one day learn of). You might say that I expect little of people given power without restraint, and as the French essayist Michel De Montaigne once observed, societies invariably have the government they deserve. A people that will not avail themselves of the power granted them by the right and duty of Citizens Arrest, to say nothing of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution, in order to maintain law and order have what they deserve.
Keep watching, folks - I’ll tell you what I wrote in my book, you won’t even have to buy a copy, and you might even save your county. How can you beat a deal like that?
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