Monday, November 28, 2005

The President Lied - That Makes Him a Liar

Incredible! The bias necessary to say what a number of people said in response to my last "blog" is unbelievable. Evidently, this will be a newscast, but when someone lies, it is THAT which makes him a liar, not the political religion of the listener or observer. There is no doubt that our president lied, and I provide the following, incontrovertible no matter who you are, proof:

The following are Bush Administration statements having to do with weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I have highlighted certain of these. These are examples of statements made by a man who had to know he was lying. No way around it.

Vice President Dick Cheney
August 26, 2002
Veterans Of Foreign Wars 103rd National Convention
“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us. And there is no doubt that his aggressive regional ambitions will lead him into future confrontations with his neighbors-confrontations that will involve both the weapons he has today, and the ones he will continue to develop with his oil wealth.”

President George W. Bush
October 7, 2002
Cincinnati, OH
“[The Iraqi regime] possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. It has given shelter and support to terrorism, and practices terror against its own people…While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq stands alone because it gathers the most serious dangers of our age in one place…The danger is already significant, and it only grows worse with time. If we know Saddam Hussein has dangerous weapons today-and we do-does it make any sense for the world to wait to confront him as he grows even stronger and develops even more dangerous weapons?…Saddam Hussein is harboring terrorists and the instruments of terror, the instruments of mass death and destruction. And he cannot be trusted. The risk is simply too great that he will use them or provide them to a terror network…America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of our peril, we cannot wait for the final proof-the smoking gun-that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.”

Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton
November 1, 2002
Speech to the Hudson Institute
“Iraq, despite U.N. sanctions, maintains an aggressive program to rebuild the infrastructure for its nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile programs. In each instance, Iraq’s procurement agents are actively working to obtain both weapons-specific and dual-use materials and technologies critical to their rebuilding and expansion efforts, using front companies and whatever illicit means are at hand. We estimate that once Iraq acquires fissile material-whether from a foreign source or by securing the materials to build an indigenous fissile material capability-it could fabricate a nuclear weapon within one year. It has rebuilt its civilian chemical infrastructure and renewed production of chemical warfare agents, probably including mustard, sarin and VX. It actively maintains all key aspects of its offensive BW [biological weapons] program.”

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
January 15, 2003
Defense Department Briefing
“The intelligence community of the United States of America has assessed not that they have nuclear weapons, but that they have an active, ongoing nuclear program. That’s public. There’s an NIE, a National Intelligence Estimate, on that. And if it weren’t public, it now is. They have assessed that they have chemical and biological weapons.”

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
January 20, 2003
Speech to Reserve Officers Association
“There are a number of terrorist states that are pursuing weapons of mass murder today. But as President Bush has made clear, Iraq poses a threat to the security of our people, and to the stability of the world, that is distinct from any other. Consider the record: Saddam Hussein possesses chemical and biological weapons. He has used chemical weapons against foreign forces and his own people, in one case killing some 5,000 innocent civilians in a single day…His regime has large, unaccounted for stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, including VX, sarin, mustard gas, anthrax, botulism, and possibly smallpox, and he has an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons…No other living dictator has shown the same deadly combination of capability and intent-of aggression against its neighbors; pursuit of weapons of mass destruction; the use of chemical weapons against his own people as well as against his neighbors; oppression of his own people; support of terrorism; and the most threatening hostility to its neighbors and to the United States-as has Iraq. In both word and deed, Iraq has demonstrated that it is seeking the means to strike the United States, and our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction for a reason: so that it can acquire the territory and assert influence over its neighbors.”

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
January 23, 2003
“Why We Know Iraq Is Lying,” The New York Times
“Instead of a commitment to disarm, Iraq has a high-level political commitment to maintain and conceal its weapons, led by Saddam Hussein and his son Qusay, who controls the Special Security Organization, which runs Iraq’s concealment activities…And instead of full cooperation and transparency, Iraq has filed a false declaration to the United Nations that amounts to a 12,200-page lie. For example, the declaration fails to account for or explain Iraq’s efforts to get uranium from abroad…”

Secretary of State Colin Powell
February 3, 2003
“We Will Not Shrink From War,” The Wall Street Journal
“We will, in sum, offer a straightforward, sober and compelling demonstration that Saddam is concealing the evidence of his weapons of mass destruction, while preserving the weapons themselves…Iraq continues to conceal deadly weapons and their components, and to use denial, deception and subterfuge in order to retain them.”

President George W. Bush
March 6, 2003
National Press Conference
“Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people, and to all free people. If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force, even as a last resort, free nations would assume immense and unacceptable risks. The attacks of September the 11th, 2001 showed what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction. We are determined to confront threats wherever they arise. I will not leave the American people at the mercy of the Iraqi dictator and his weapons…So more time, more inspectors, more process, in our judgment, is not going to affect the peace of the world.”

President George W. Bush
March 17, 2003
Speech to the Nation
“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
March 30, 2003
Interview on ABC’s “This Week”
“The area in the south and the west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial. It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed. We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
April 10, 2003
White House Press Briefing
“The fact of the matter is we are still in a war, and not everything about the war is yet known. But make no mistake, as I said earlier, we have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about. And we have high confidence it will be found.”

President George W. Bush
May 29, 2003
Interview on Polish Television
“We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They’re illegal. They’re against the United Nations resolutions, and we’ve so far discovered two. And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong. We found them.

My Note: This is the most obvious lie. It could not be true, it could not have been true when spoken, and the man speaking had to know it was a lie. There were no weapons of mass destruction, let us not forget. How could he have found them?

President George W. Bush
October 7, 2002
Cincinnati, OH
The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his “nuclear mujahideen”-his nuclear holy warriors. Satellite photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that have been part of its nuclear program in the past. Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons.”

My note: Again, this is an indefensible lie. “Satellite photographs” obviously had not - could not, else we would have gone to them immediately or bombed them - have revealed “facilities.”

Vice President Dick Cheney
March 16, 2003
Interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”
“But we also have to address the question of where might these terrorists acquire weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons, biological weapons, nuclear weapons? And Saddam Hussein becomes a prime suspect in that regard because of his past track record and because we know he has, in fact, developed these kinds of capabilities, chemical and biological weapons. We know he’s used chemical weapons. We know he’s reconstituted these programs since the Gulf War. We know he’s out trying once again to produce nuclear weapons and we know that he has a long-standing relationship with various terrorist groups, including the al-Qaeda organization…We know that based on intelligence that he has been very, very good at hiding these kinds of efforts. He’s had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons. I think Mr. ElBaradei frankly is wrong.”

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
July 7, 2003
White House Press Briefing
“I’m sorry, I see what David is asking. Let me back up on that and explain the President’s statement again, or the answer to it. The President’s statement [during his January 2003 State of the Union address regarding Iraqi attempts to obtain uranium from an African country] was based on the predicate of the yellow cake from Niger. The President made a broad statement. So given the fact that the report on the yellow cake did not turn out to be accurate, that is reflective of the President’s broader statement, David. So, yes, the President’s broader statement was based and predicated on the yellow cake from Niger.”
Q: So it was wrong?
FLEISCHER: That’s what we’ve acknowledged with the information on—
Q: The President’s statement at the State of the Union was incorrect?
FLEISCHER: Because it was based on the yellow cake from Niger.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
January 7, 2003
Defense Department Briefing
“With respect to chemical weapons, we know they not only have had them but that they’ve used them. And with respect to biological weapons, we have clearly—the Central Intelligence Agency has said what it has said, and there’s no doubt in my mind but that they currently have chemical and biological weapons.”

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
February 23, 2003
Interview with Detroit News
“He may do something that will fool some people but if it’s the old game of cheat and retreat, it’s not acceptable. And just fiddling around on the edges while you continue to threaten scientists with talk of death while you continue to hide your anthrax and your botulism, that’s not cooperation, and you can’t say well they’re cooperating more when in fact they’re fundamentally obstructing the whole process.”

President George W. Bush
March 6, 2003
National Press Conference
“Iraqi operatives continue to hide biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors. In some cases, these materials have been moved to different locations every 12 to 24 hours or placed in vehicles that are in residential neighborhoods.”

My note again: What’s the truth? Well, remember a guy named Scott Ritter? Ritter, you may remember (and it you don’t, ask yourself why not) was one of the UN Arms Inspectors roaming around Iraq looking for the WMDs our president was telling us we had found. Ritter had this to say: “My government is making a case for war against Iraq that is built upon fear and ignorance, as opposed to the reality of truth and fact." That quote is by UPI - September 08, 2002.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
March 11, 2003
Defense Department Briefing
“Saddam Hussein claims to have no chemical or biological weapons, yet we know he continues to hide biological and chemical weapons, moving them to different locations as often as every 12 to 24 hours, and placing them in residential neighborhoods.”

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
March 21, 2003
White House Press Briefing
“Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly. This was the reason that the President felt so strongly that we needed to take military action to disarm Saddam Hussein, since he would not do it himself.”

Neither is Iraq the only thing our president lies about. In July, during a speech about the travel restrictions, President Bush told an audience of Florida law-enforcement officials that Fidel Castro was promoting sex tourism to Cuba. “The dictator welcomes sex tourism,” Bush said. “Here’s how he bragged about the industry. This is his quote: ‘Cuba has the cleanest and most educated prostitutes in the world.’”

That’s a bald-faced lie, the kind - in view of circumstances including the ease of being found out - you’re amazed anyone would tell.
The quote was from a paper written by a Dartmouth undergraduate, Charles Trumbull, in 2001. Interviewed Trumbull could only guess that Bush was “paraphrasing” (of late, the new White House euphemism for their man’s prevarications) of comments Castro made in 1992. At that time, Fidel told the Cuban parliament that “there are prostitutes, but prostitution is not allowed in our country. There are no women forced to sell themselves to a man, to a foreigner, to a tourist.”
Caught “con los manos en la masa” (red-handed, sort of), Bush got away with his falsehood when the media handled it adroitly (including the “paraphrase” characterization). What else is new? Who cared?

This is, after all, a nation of liars, such that a mendacious president should come as no surprise. But contempt for and the inability to tell the truth is a fatal flaw for democracy. It has been said, for instance, that perjury is the worst of all crimes, inasmuch as it strikes against the very heart of justice. There is a worse crime, then, that of a president lying to the electorate. This lie strikes at the heart of democracy and the democratic process itself. It is, therefore, treasonous. For a Commander in Chief to lie to the electorate and the Congress in order to persuade them to declare war or permit war, in my system of ethics, is a crime demanding the death penalty. If a soldier who commits treason or is derelict in his duty during time of war may be executed, why should the same not be true of his Commander in Chief? Some animals are indeed more equal than others.

There is one more thing: WHY HAS NO MEMBER OF THE MEDIA AND PRESS WRITTEN AS I HAVE? There is no reasonable doubt of what I say here, yet no one has said a word - choosing instead to participate in what can only be viewed rationally as “damage control,” and obfuscation. Why does this president and government get away with a crime that could very well destroy the republic? That liberal and conservative supposedly opposed vehemently to one another are complicit in covering for a treasonous liar is a very ominous thing. If you’re a citizen of the United States, and you care about your country concerning more than just what it can do for you, you need to begin thinking about what it means to have a cynical liar for Chief Executive and Commander in Chief of the most powerful military ever.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Nation of Abject Liars

The mind boggles at the truly astonishing, almost demonic (if I believed in such nonsense, I'd have to call it that; nothing else seems to fit) ability of the United States government to lie and get a way with it. I once said Bill Clinton could turn the White House into a house of ill repute (yeah, I suppose it has come to be that, but that's beside the point here), and the public would let him get away with it. The public's control of their government, after all, is next to nothing.

But the lie perpetrated to justify the war in Iraq defies any ever gotten away with in US History - or any other, for that matter. Let us go back to the time sixty years ago when the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned so urgently about created the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency empowered by law to spend as much as it wanted for anything it wanted. When it had immedately "orchestrated" (the favorite expression of one early CIA plenipotentiary) the Cold War, our government's new masters began boasting of their ability to do things like read a license plate from outer space. As early as 1953, planes called U-2s cruised at the edge of space, doing just that over the Soviet Union and anywhere else they found interesting. In 1960, a U-2 found as soon as they were delivered there medium range missiles and their launchers in Cuba. Photos taken from space were able to identify individual Soviet Technicians on the ground. That, you will recall, was 1960.

Swiftly, funded in a manner as equally unprecedented as the technology, the government became able to track a single human being all over the nation and planet, demonstrating the astonishing capability a number of times in full public view. Several times, the media reported that the government was mapping underground rivers - from outer space. Individuals, one a rapist-murderer who travelled nationwide and killed indiscriminately, another a hostage taken in the middle east, were located, found, and taken by means of satellite surveillance technology.

Fantastic? Nope, I know it for truth personally, I myself having been the subject and victim of federal high-tech surveillance and hounding during the years 1977-1998. Using state of the art technology including satellite observation, the government tracked me all over the US, Canada, and Mexico (Uh-uh - save it; I have incontrovertible proof including literally dozens of witnesses). Several times, federal panjandrums boasted that there was nowhere for me to hide. Time and time again, I was able to prove that was true, and being done. Once, I actually discovered the marking method providing the government the ability to track me by satellite.

Now the "Weapons of mass destruction" myth. Our government and the CIA that controls it insisted to the nation, the United Nations, and the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons like those found in Cuba decades before, and was developing the capability to make nuclear weaponry. The hubris, the gargantuan size, of the lie is rivalled only by its transparency.

For pity's sake, you really believe that UN inspection teams that roamed and ranged over the nation of Iraq for literally years couldn't find installations that would have to be as big as small cities? Satellites that can read a license plate, map an underground river, and identify a single human being from outer space couldn't find nuclear weapons facilities, ballistic missile factories and installation, chemical plants capable of making biochemical weapons?

My god, people - you don't build medium range ballistic missiles in your garage, or chemical munitions in your bathtub!

We didn't know Saddam had no weapons?! Search my mind and memory as I may, I can't come up with a more blatant, obvious, astonishing lie than that one. In the future - if our children and grandchildren manage one out of the hideous prospects we're leaving them - "Tell it to the Marines," "Yeah, and pigs fly," and the like will be replaced by another old canard. "Yeah," the doubter will say, "and Saddam had WMDs."

Anyone who believes a lie the size and in-your-face apparent as this one does so because he wants to. Only bias - or insanity - can explain his condition.

And, of course, one lie demands another. Now we have the "getting out of Iraq would result in more terrorism" canard. Let us be sure that we understand the reasoning behind that one. We will be safer against the guy who intends to sneak into the bedroom and attack the missus and the kids if the man of the house heads across town to pick a fight over there? The wagon train headed west will do better in hostile territory if the men leave the wagons uncircled to go raid the Indian village miles away - the village they are pretty sure (that's what they tell the folks, the women and kids, they leave behind) is hostile? The cavalry will be more successful against Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, and the boys, if they split their forces several times?

Oops - gave myself away. And, yeah - NOBODY would do anything as stupid as what we're doing about the lastest edition of "hostiles." The householder and husband who left his family just when a maniac had been reported roaming the neighborhood would find mom and the kids gone - left home - when he got back. The wagonmaster would be out of a job, and the colonel - well, he'd have been demoted, had he not been killed.

Let's see - where was I? Oh, yeah. We're sure al Qa'ida is plotting more mischief, maybe even a "dirty bomb," biological or chemical - even nuclear - attack here in the US, but we're leaving the borders open to anyone who wants to walk - by the millions - across. It will cost billions (actually, less than one nuclear carrier or submarine) to build a fence along the borders, so we're spending it in Iraq and Afghanistan. We're far too short-handed to check shipping and ports, or train and prepare for prevention of an terroist attack, so we maintain seven hundred and fifty bases, one million, two hundred thousand military personnel, and who knows how many covert operations all over the world. Not exactly what a wagonmaster of old would call "circling the wagons."

Ridiculous? Yeah. Otherwise, you'd have to wonder about all that technology, huh? The kind that can track a gnat though a buffalo herd. 'Course, then you'd have to admit that you knew there were no WMDs or factories to build them in Iraq. You'd have to admit that Saddam was a sitting duck killable any time we chose. Ditto the other guy, Osama. You might even have to explain why "the dog didn't bark" at the guys getting ready to take down the World Trade Center.

Folks, this is the guy married and sleeping with two women who live only a block apart. If he gets away with it, there's only one explanation. The women are both blondes.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Because You're Stupid . . .

My website continues to be blotted from the internet by federal interdiction methods. It's a common technique - ask Cuba, for instance - and one growing precipitously in practice now in the U.S. If you don't like what someone is saying, especially when it is hard or impossible to discredit or gainsay, destroy it. My greatest sin, of course, seems to be having written to Fidel Castro all those years ago (January, 1961) to warn that the CIA was planning to kill him by assassination. Today, though, it has more to do with the fact that I point out things any normal mind - one not behaviorally conditioned and addled by massive state-of-the-art propaganda (translated media) - would recognize.

In the movie "The Mask of Zorro," future Zorro Alejandro Murrieta and his brother Joaquin, dupe a Royal Army of Spain soldier, Corporal Armando Garcia by appearing to be the captive of a rapscallion character named Three-Finger Jack. When the brothers have used their ruse to get the drop on the soldier, the latter laments "I thought you were tied up!" "That's because you're stupid," Alejandro smirks.

I mention my trouble with the government frequently, don't I? I mention Zorro frequently, too, but for another reason, the same reason I've never been able to get any real help with my one-man war against a nation. I've always felt, you see, like Zorro. Like him, I've fought a lot of skirmishes with the king and his soldiers. That I mention it is because I still hold out hope, against the certainty of what I know, that my country will one day come to its senses and wise up. Not likely.

That's because you're stupid.

But I talk about more than my own enmity with government by criminal conspiracy. I also mention things like the fact that you believe that an industry given $350,000,000,000 in the last ten years by the nation's taxpayers is participating in a "free market." You still call that "capitalism." I note that for years prior to our announcement that Saddam Hussein possessed and was developing "weapons of mass destruction," UN investigators (remember the ex-Marine UN investigator who came back to say there were no WMDs in Iraq?) said he wasn't, and that a nation who has for years boasted being able to read a car license plate from space, the same nation that forty-five years ago spotted missiles in Cuba as soon as they began arriving, could not provide the public with a single shred of photographic evidence.

I note that you don't create biochemical weapons in your bath tub, or ballistic missiles in your garage. Factories of the size required for such things are quite a bit bigger than a license plate. Building a factory like that, above ground or otherwise, also raises a lot bigger fuss than even a Hollywood car chase. Longer, too.

I point out that a military being attacked by an enemy whose most successful - and just about only - tactic is "I.E.D." bombs planted along roadsides could stop that entirely with appropriately designed and situated mine fields. A retired private eye, I also mention that surveillance equipment like the kind used on me by IRS, now improved a thousand times and one-tenth to one hundredth as large an detectible would easily deny "insurgent" sappers the opportunity to plant the I.E.D.s.

Come on, people - NOBODY is as stupid as the Bush Administration is making us all appear.

Wait a minute, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you are that stupid. Or corrupt. That's always a possibility, isn't it? Sure. It's somebody else's kids who're being maimed and killed. Why do I care? Everybody knows that without the $760,000,000,000 we pay the military industrial complex every year, the economy would crash. You'd lose your job. Have to give up the SUV, and the mega-size TV set. You like building a military a hundred times bigger and better equipped than the next closest one. You're willing to attack and rule the world, if that's what it takes. Just so long as you don't have to do more than your job.

But let's give us the benefit of the doubt. Just stupid. Gullible enough to believe that military commanders, guys with two, three, and four stars, don't have brains enough to stay off roads vulnerable to people digging in hundreds of pounds of explosives - often in the form of artillery shells - and all the electronic equipment required for detonation; or to lay mine fields alongside roads so vulnerable.

Let's say you're so stupid you don't notice the absence of any mention or comment in the "news media" about a thing as obvious as that. Let's say you believe we're trying to win a war, and get out of Iraq, as quickly as possible. With that kind of tactics (whew! - who helps you dress and undress, in and out of your underwear, find your way to and from work?).

Let's say you actually believe our congress stays honest, clean, and honorable - uncorrupted by 34,781 lobbyists financially well-heeled by the biggest corporations in the country and on the planet. Let's say you believe Dubbaya and his pratfalling administration didn't lie about WMDs.

Why? How can an adult bright enough to rent a house, buy a car, have a checking account, and hold a McJob believe such nonsense, or a lie as flat obvious as that?

Well, a few years ago, I taught in a high school for a couple years, and today I often help a high school English teacher grade papers. Occasionally, for a few bucks, I tutor high school and college kids in math. I spend a lot of time in chat rooms, coffee shops, and places where people gather to talk. I conduct private psychological and sociology (remember that subject before "political correctness" outlawed it?) surveys. And I've got news for you: you ARE that stupid.

Recently, I wrote a number of articles for a site called Useless Knowledge (yeah - except "useless" wasn't exactly the right word). I did that just in order to relate with the other contributors there. In the military, the tactic is called "reconnaissance by fire." You shoot, see if anyone shoots back. I, when, they do, you note how much, how many, what kind, etc - Kipling's old "six honest serving men." I learned a lot, and I owe the guy who created the site a debt of gratitude for inviting me to contribute articles. UK is a microcosm of the society.

In same way that I learned all these years before that a Cuban not under threat of certain death for failure can't keep a secret, I learned that "Americans" (there are thirty-four other nations in the hemisphere, you know) can't think. Paralyzed or contained in a straight jacket by bias, the "Yankee" simply parrots what he has been programmed to parrot. He says whatever, and only whatever, the parrot flock he identifies with. So complete is the behavioral syndrome he exhibits that he even drinks the same beer, eats the same food, and enjoys (one wonders, huh?) the same avocations and entertainment as his fellows.

More interesting, however, and more ominous, is the following:

He seldom knows what he is talking about, even when posing as an authority. Questioned even casually and cursorily, he is quickly exposed. He may even admit his ignorance; that doesn’t deter him, however, from holding forth, bloviating in most transparent, though stentorian, of tones. Frequently - all but always - he will repair quickly and just as cursorily to what he believes is an authority - ignorant of the subject, he doesn't really have any way to know - in order to obtain camouflage, trappings and deceits of language with which to enhance his Lilliputian intellectual weaponry. He will even to demand a forum and that others listen. It's his right (search as hard as you will his barbaric yawp and blabber, you will not find the word "responsibility").

Almost invariably, once exposed for the intellectual Barney Fife that he is, he will become insulting and vituperative. You are an idiot, a traitor, and a scoundrel - the opposite of whatever side and extreme of the political spectrum he occupies, of course - and you should be silenced.

Recognize anybody? Like just about the entire corps of the nation's politicians? Like any of fifty self-interested (it's been a long time since JFK and his "ask not . . ., hasn't it?) Pressure groups from religious nutcase to feminist and abortionists? Like about eighty percent of "Americans?"

You don't agree? Go back and read what I've written. Then tell me what would it require to prove you're wrong. In science, epistemology, and related disciplines, any proposition that cannot be falsified - in other words, one that is its own proof - is religious. That means, by definition, illogical, nonsensical, irrational, a matter of faith or superstition. It means biased in all its several forms.

Ask yourself how you know. As for me, for example, I've traveled the U.S. for twenty years, investigating the subject and question. Those surveys, remember? The literally hundreds of people I surveyed, the thousands with whom I related and associated leave little scientific doubt about either the validity of my conclusions or what they mean. You'll believe anything, from the utter nonsense and virtual reality in and of the movies and television dramas you dote upon to today's "politics," the Bush Administration, democracy, free market economy, and the "war on terror." You'll believe anything.

You're stupid.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Galleys Are In and This Is a Press Release

November 9 is a red-latter day for me. It's the day I first looked my country right in the eye and saw it for was it is. I guess it's just bitter co-indidence that this morning, "bright and early," the galleys of my book cover came in. The book tells the story, as does my press release:

"For immediate Publication

"November 9, 2005

"Should anyone else find Alabama Governor Bob Riley and Alabama State Senator Richard Shelby asking Alabama residents and citizens of the United States to refrain from visiting Aruba cynical hypocritical, so do I.

"Should anyone find effort by “American” media - somehow, the United States always finds it impossible to remember that there are thirty-four other nations in the hemisphere - like Fox News to likewise pressure Aruban authorities and the Netherlands similarly hypocritical, so do I.

"Twenty-eight years ago, at approximately 11:30 in the evening, I had my first streetlight with goons sent to maim or kill me by the federal government of the United States. That was to continue continually until September 11, 2001. Should anyone find that date interesting by implication, so do I.

"You see, I know that the United States of America, my country, is a lying hypocrite. I’ve been aware of that since I was sent to Cuba in January, 1961 with orders to shoot or kill otherwise Fidel Castro. I’ve also been aware of that during all the years that the United States government and its lapdog media have suppressed the story of what the Federal Government and its IRS did me and to my family when I refused to surrender to their tyranny.

"I’ve been made aware of that since a United States District Court ruled in 1987 that to give me access to records that would have corroborated my story “would irreparably damage the tax collection system of the United States.” I’ve was made aware of that during all the years that I sent to U.S. Senators, to Congressmen, and to television and newspaper media incontrovertible evidence in the form of tape-recordings of felony crime by state and federal employees, only to get no result whatever. The crimes included rape, extortion to commit rape, and murder.

"That the United States and its media now choose to make the disappearance of a young woman from Mountain Brook, Alabama a cause celébre and matter of requiring international disputation is, however, not surprising. Not to me. The Bush Administration and its sycophant media desperately need a diversion powerful enough to draw public attention from the mendacious pretenses it used for aggression against Iraq. What could be better than a lurid tale like this one?

"The story of my hot and cold war with the U.S. Government is told in my soon to be published book, 'Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story'."

So the book whose publication the government did everything it could to prevent - a US Dictrict Court ruling that information petitioned for in a 1987 FOI suit must be quashed on the grounds of national security - is in book form. It will be on sale soon - as soon as I can get my website back up and running after the latest federal cyber-attack. I seem to owe that to whomever it was that gave us 9-11 and the World Trade Center Attack. It seems the government has better things to do nowadays. Too busy killing Iraqis and whomever else they needed the excuse to get out of their way. It's a wonder they didn't label ME a terrorist - maybe that's still in the works.

Anyway, the "randori" (judo for "scrimmage") in the Cedar Falls, Iowa apartment complex parking lot, 1977, was a long time ago, and it's been a long, long war. Will the public ever wake up to what the "Land of the Free" and the "Nation of Laws" has become? I doubt it. Who, for instance, would ever have thought that we'd have a U.S. President reserve the right to torture prisoners - that while he's already doing it? More important that a girl from Mountain Brooks, Alabama is missing. Can't you just imagine an FDR Fireside Chat? "My fellow Americans, it is my duty to inform you that the Japanese Empire has attacked Pearl Harbor. But that's not the worst of it: a pretty blond girl from Mountain Brook, Alabama is missing in Aruba . . ."

Or JFK: "My fellow Americans, we have learned that the Soviet Union has placed medium-range nuclear missiles in Cuba. More about that in a minute, but there is even worse news. A young woman named Natalee Holloway has apparently been kidnapped in Aruba . . ."

Yeah, it's been a long, long time. A lot of things have happened. Especially to our "Free Press."