Because You're Stupid . . .

My website continues to be blotted from the internet by federal interdiction methods. It's a common technique - ask Cuba, for instance - and one growing precipitously in practice now in the U.S. If you don't like what someone is saying, especially when it is hard or impossible to discredit or gainsay, destroy it. My greatest sin, of course, seems to be having written to Fidel Castro all those years ago (January, 1961) to warn that the CIA was planning to kill him by assassination. Today, though, it has more to do with the fact that I point out things any normal mind - one not behaviorally conditioned and addled by massive state-of-the-art propaganda (translated media) - would recognize.
In the movie "The Mask of Zorro," future Zorro Alejandro Murrieta and his brother Joaquin, dupe a Royal Army of Spain soldier, Corporal Armando Garcia by appearing to be the captive of a rapscallion character named Three-Finger Jack. When the brothers have used their ruse to get the drop on the soldier, the latter laments "I thought you were tied up!" "That's because you're stupid," Alejandro smirks.
I mention my trouble with the government frequently, don't I? I mention Zorro frequently, too, but for another reason, the same reason I've never been able to get any real help with my one-man war against a nation. I've always felt, you see, like Zorro. Like him, I've fought a lot of skirmishes with the king and his soldiers. That I mention it is because I still hold out hope, against the certainty of what I know, that my country will one day come to its senses and wise up. Not likely.
That's because you're stupid.
But I talk about more than my own enmity with government by criminal conspiracy. I also mention things like the fact that you believe that an industry given $350,000,000,000 in the last ten years by the nation's taxpayers is participating in a "free market." You still call that "capitalism." I note that for years prior to our announcement that Saddam Hussein possessed and was developing "weapons of mass destruction," UN investigators (remember the ex-Marine UN investigator who came back to say there were no WMDs in Iraq?) said he wasn't, and that a nation who has for years boasted being able to read a car license plate from space, the same nation that forty-five years ago spotted missiles in Cuba as soon as they began arriving, could not provide the public with a single shred of photographic evidence.
I note that you don't create biochemical weapons in your bath tub, or ballistic missiles in your garage. Factories of the size required for such things are quite a bit bigger than a license plate. Building a factory like that, above ground or otherwise, also raises a lot bigger fuss than even a Hollywood car chase. Longer, too.
I point out that a military being attacked by an enemy whose most successful - and just about only - tactic is "I.E.D." bombs planted along roadsides could stop that entirely with appropriately designed and situated mine fields. A retired private eye, I also mention that surveillance equipment like the kind used on me by IRS, now improved a thousand times and one-tenth to one hundredth as large an detectible would easily deny "insurgent" sappers the opportunity to plant the I.E.D.s.
Come on, people - NOBODY is as stupid as the Bush Administration is making us all appear.
Wait a minute, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you are that stupid. Or corrupt. That's always a possibility, isn't it? Sure. It's somebody else's kids who're being maimed and killed. Why do I care? Everybody knows that without the $760,000,000,000 we pay the military industrial complex every year, the economy would crash. You'd lose your job. Have to give up the SUV, and the mega-size TV set. You like building a military a hundred times bigger and better equipped than the next closest one. You're willing to attack and rule the world, if that's what it takes. Just so long as you don't have to do more than your job.
But let's give us the benefit of the doubt. Just stupid. Gullible enough to believe that military commanders, guys with two, three, and four stars, don't have brains enough to stay off roads vulnerable to people digging in hundreds of pounds of explosives - often in the form of artillery shells - and all the electronic equipment required for detonation; or to lay mine fields alongside roads so vulnerable.
Let's say you're so stupid you don't notice the absence of any mention or comment in the "news media" about a thing as obvious as that. Let's say you believe we're trying to win a war, and get out of Iraq, as quickly as possible. With that kind of tactics (whew! - who helps you dress and undress, in and out of your underwear, find your way to and from work?).
Let's say you actually believe our congress stays honest, clean, and honorable - uncorrupted by 34,781 lobbyists financially well-heeled by the biggest corporations in the country and on the planet. Let's say you believe Dubbaya and his pratfalling administration didn't lie about WMDs.
Why? How can an adult bright enough to rent a house, buy a car, have a checking account, and hold a McJob believe such nonsense, or a lie as flat obvious as that?
Well, a few years ago, I taught in a high school for a couple years, and today I often help a high school English teacher grade papers. Occasionally, for a few bucks, I tutor high school and college kids in math. I spend a lot of time in chat rooms, coffee shops, and places where people gather to talk. I conduct private psychological and sociology (remember that subject before "political correctness" outlawed it?) surveys. And I've got news for you: you ARE that stupid.
Recently, I wrote a number of articles for a site called Useless Knowledge (yeah - except "useless" wasn't exactly the right word). I did that just in order to relate with the other contributors there. In the military, the tactic is called "reconnaissance by fire." You shoot, see if anyone shoots back. I, when, they do, you note how much, how many, what kind, etc - Kipling's old "six honest serving men." I learned a lot, and I owe the guy who created the site a debt of gratitude for inviting me to contribute articles. UK is a microcosm of the society.
In same way that I learned all these years before that a Cuban not under threat of certain death for failure can't keep a secret, I learned that "Americans" (there are thirty-four other nations in the hemisphere, you know) can't think. Paralyzed or contained in a straight jacket by bias, the "Yankee" simply parrots what he has been programmed to parrot. He says whatever, and only whatever, the parrot flock he identifies with. So complete is the behavioral syndrome he exhibits that he even drinks the same beer, eats the same food, and enjoys (one wonders, huh?) the same avocations and entertainment as his fellows.
More interesting, however, and more ominous, is the following:
He seldom knows what he is talking about, even when posing as an authority. Questioned even casually and cursorily, he is quickly exposed. He may even admit his ignorance; that doesn’t deter him, however, from holding forth, bloviating in most transparent, though stentorian, of tones. Frequently - all but always - he will repair quickly and just as cursorily to what he believes is an authority - ignorant of the subject, he doesn't really have any way to know - in order to obtain camouflage, trappings and deceits of language with which to enhance his Lilliputian intellectual weaponry. He will even to demand a forum and that others listen. It's his right (search as hard as you will his barbaric yawp and blabber, you will not find the word "responsibility").
Almost invariably, once exposed for the intellectual Barney Fife that he is, he will become insulting and vituperative. You are an idiot, a traitor, and a scoundrel - the opposite of whatever side and extreme of the political spectrum he occupies, of course - and you should be silenced.
Recognize anybody? Like just about the entire corps of the nation's politicians? Like any of fifty self-interested (it's been a long time since JFK and his "ask not . . ., hasn't it?) Pressure groups from religious nutcase to feminist and abortionists? Like about eighty percent of "Americans?"
You don't agree? Go back and read what I've written. Then tell me what would it require to prove you're wrong. In science, epistemology, and related disciplines, any proposition that cannot be falsified - in other words, one that is its own proof - is religious. That means, by definition, illogical, nonsensical, irrational, a matter of faith or superstition. It means biased in all its several forms.
Ask yourself how you know. As for me, for example, I've traveled the U.S. for twenty years, investigating the subject and question. Those surveys, remember? The literally hundreds of people I surveyed, the thousands with whom I related and associated leave little scientific doubt about either the validity of my conclusions or what they mean. You'll believe anything, from the utter nonsense and virtual reality in and of the movies and television dramas you dote upon to today's "politics," the Bush Administration, democracy, free market economy, and the "war on terror." You'll believe anything.
You're stupid.
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