A Declaration of War

On the Survivalist Pages of my www.judoknighterrant.com website, I have published my declaration of war against the corporate plutocracy now in power in the U.S. Rather than repeat it here, I suggest that you go there and read. You see, I have come to the considered conclusion that John McCain's fatuous announcement concerning his "running mate" signals yet another crumbling from the rock that was once the strongest governmental and economic system extant. In a couple of years a woman with two years experience as a governor might be the nation's chief executive; more, that is a very strong possibility - in a nation as bankrupt for intelligence and useful knowledge as this one, the greater majority of the distaff side of the electorate would vote for a woman - as one politician famously noted recently, Lindsay Lohan might be our next president - even though she were an idiot. And ninety percent of black citizens will vote for Barack Obama because he is black, if you need more of the same in order to see what I mean.
"Corporate America" and its Operation MOCKINGBIRD have succeeded, succeeded in so fracturing the electorate into groups competing for the most trivial, asinine, and impractical reasons imaginable that they may rule without question. The mile-marker at which I years ago decided that I would get off the train has come, in other words. There is only one place for an honorable man at a time like this and that is in a war (or, as Thoreau said, a prison). I propose to fight using effective tactics, however - the way I have always fought since the bullies of my youth made fighting necessary. I will attack the walls that hold the people of my country prisoner: the walls that are our economic system. The people are controlled because their money is controlled. All of the nation's great problems - health care, global warming (a cynical, "limited hangout" euphemism meaning corporate pollution), Iraq, and the rest are all matters made of plutocratic control of the nation's money. It's that simple!
As I said a minute ago on my Survivalist Page, a nation whose economic system is so chaotic that it will pay a basketball player more than it will pay all the teachers in an entire school district will not only pay almost anything for almost anything, it will pay for the reconstruction of another country before it will pay for maintenance of its own. Fill in your own examples of oxymoronic and moronic prices, and it will all fit in the same frame - an economy and money supply controlled by plutocratic corporate government. If that, incidentally and metaphorically, were exemplary of an individual mind, rather than that of a nation and national policy, it would be called a "fixation" - insanity.
So I will fight. I will make our cars here first highly efficient energy-wise - increase mileage by fifty percent - then completely independent of gasoline. I will publish all of it, including plans, and I will offer the service of assistance in making the systems and achieving my results. I will do the same with my home, the idea being to make a percentage of the public independent of both corporate oil and others the like. Only people who are financially independent are free of government and the incorporated rich who inevitably control government. That simple. Starved of the one thing government lives on, the one thing it lives for, it will fall - become manageable again by the people.
There is no other way! There is no other way, and that has a corollary. Anyone who is not willing to make himself independent, unwilling to throw off his monetary chains and fight by starving the ruling corporations of their power, anyone who is desirous of continued virtual enslavement by Operation MOCKINGBIRD government is, de facto, a traitor to a nation "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." These people have either no desire to be free or they have a new - I suggest feminist-humanist - definition of the word freedom. They have, too, a new, special, definition of democracy or republic.
That issue is one that merits brief comment. There are traditionally - the argument has raged for literally thousands of years - two views of freedom. One holds that the individual is free so long as he feels free. What that essentially means is that so long as he is unaware of any outside forces being exerted upon his life, he is free. If you recognize the female need for nurture and repair to the perceived security of the group, and that the security of the group constitutes freedom, you are a comrade of mine. If you recognize in that view the cancerous forces that have driven us to our present condition, you are a comrade of mine.
The other point of view - the reason for my use of the word "issue": ideological and governmental tampering with the meaning of words is a pointed example of the way one may be ruled without his being aware - is that one is free only when his actions are determined and decided by him and him alone. Actually, I am in both camps. My guerrilla Mongoose Tactic depends upon people willing to do what I will do - assist anyone who desires to be free in being so. Were everyone to do that - of his own, free will, because he wanted to - we could again control our own lives. WE are in the fix we are because in our decadent, selfish desire for surfeit and security, we have first relegated to government our responsibility for our own lives and our responsibility to our neighbor, then sat stupidly by while that government was taken over by the rich and their corporations, in order to do what the rich have always done, enslave and exploit their fellows. Presto, change-o, here we are - U.S.A., 2008.
The new Mongoose Trick, a new kind of guerrilla war, is therefore simple in concept: we reverse the process that led us toward ruin. We return the only real power there is in politics, money, to the people whence it came. WE take it away from the corporations by not giving it to them. WE stop saying "yes" to economic slavery.
For one as tough, as disciplined as me, it'll be easy. I've done it before. For others, it'll be hard - very, very hard. How hard? As hard - for an archetypical example everyone might understand - as letting up on the accelerator by which you push the power of the oil companies and your dependence upon them higher, and driving fifty-five miles an hour. As hard as turning off the engine while you wait for traffic lights to change. As hard as accelerating slowly once the light has changed and you have re-started the engine. Et cetera (that's "etc.," for the semi-literate and products of our corporately-ruled education system otherwise).
That's how hard. That - the almost total inability to control ourselves and our actions; all of it pandered to and engendered by corporate exploitation of our undisciplined desire for surfeit and security - is the one, great reason we're in the mess we've made for ourselves. Do you want "out?" Do you want to control you own life, your own destiny, again? Do you want government and the corporations who own it to march to your music and at the cadence you choose again.
Then, follow me!