MOCKINGBIRD and Destruction of the Senses Essential to the Body Politic.
The election fraud continues unabated, a made-for-television soap opera designed in the state of the art for propaganda. Of course, anyone still existing in a behaviorally unaltered state has only to compare the cynical charade with the blizzard of advertising that has come to be essentially all the broadcast media nowadays does.
But the vast percentage of the citizenry in the Land of the Free does not exist in an unaltered state, and that’s that. All people like my friends and I can do is make plans to abandon ship when the proverbial last minute comes. It won’t be long now.
Still, there has remained the problem of what to do about the kids and grandkids. It was with heavy heart, and after intense discussion with older friends – persons able to remember the time before Operation MOCKINGBIRD had hit its mind-controlling stride – that Rita and I have decided there is little chance to do anything about what their corporation-owned government has done to them and their future.
The kids – I speak, of course, of young, even middle-age, adults – simply cannot throw off their long since behaviorally-induced and habituated behavior. Like women watching a soap opera, they speak of the election campaign and its tawdry theater as though it were real.
I am reminded how a couple (three?) decades ago I stopped as was my custom for coffee at the 7-11 next door to my office. Attendants and patrons were talking excitedly about the news that “J.R.” had been shot. There was speculation concerning whether the victim’s wounds would be fatal, who the assailant had been, and more. The concern and emotion among the discussion’s parties was earnest and concerned, emotional - even worried.
Wrack my brain as I might, I could think of no one named J.R. Walking into my offices, I stopped at the front desk to inquire of Judy, my secretary – “Have you heard that someone named J.R. has been shot?” Of course, Judy said, everybody knew that - where had I been? Who the hell, I asked – annoyed now – was “J.R.”
It went on. J.R. owned such and such company, lived in Dallas, and was rich as Croesus. He had so many enemies there was no telling who had tried to kill him. J.R.
I’m an investigator by profession, so I know how to ask questions. How did Judy happen to know J.R.? I saw realization hit her pretty face. “Don’t you watch Dallas?” she asked. “Watch Dallas?” No, I said – no more than I watch, for instance Chicago, or Los Angeles, or . . .
“Hal,” Judy said, “it’s a TV show! Kind of like the daytime soap operas.”
Enough of that – you may have gotten the point. On the other hand, inundated and conditioned by what is certainly the most powerful mind and behavior control tool ever devised by the power-mad and avaricious mind of man – television – you may not.
There is, parenthetically, a relatively simple way to detect how far gone – or already lost – you might be. Consider this: If you really believe that the colossal, Brobdingnagian corporations who control virtually everything in the nation actually intend to let the public choose a president, you’re too far gone to help. If you really believe that from among candidates of the caliber – note, please, that I have mentioned nothing suggesting anything even remotely resembling leadership ability as a criteria; I speak merely of ability to survive in the real world – of John McCain, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton you can pick someone capable of the U.S. presidency, you probably believe in the Tooth Fairy, too.
You probably think the same corporate power structure that picked George W. Bush actually intended for him to control anything – himself, for instance. You might even think he does control something. Look around a bit. If you still think that, it’s probably too late for you. You still think it was Sue Ellen who shot J.R. (or was it?).
A long time ago – at least relative to the history of this benighted country, a man named Samuel Johnson made the famous observation that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Times have changed. The last refuge now is the world of virtual reality – the Operation MOCKINGBIRD media.
The First Amendment to the Constitution says that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” The Founding Fathers, of course, had no idea that anything like Operation MOCKINGBIRD would occur, or that the fabulously, unimaginably powerful would manipulate the press until it was destroyed or destroyed itself.
People – especially those pundits who invariably, anymore, tell us what we just saw and heard - are often heard to say that the free press is democracy's first line of defense against corruption and tyranny. It’s more than that, actually – a lot more. In fact, the nation’s press is both in a manner of speaking and operative fact a critical part of what amounts to the nation’s thought processes. The nation’s mind – its people and the democratic process – are as healthy and functioning for the good of the body it controls, the body politic, as its news and information media.
The news and information media, as a famous old motion picture theater newsreel used to say, is the eyes and ears of the nation. It serves as the public’s senses, without which, like the individual, little or nothing can be known; and, just as the individual mind deprived of sensory input goes crazy, loses its memory, and dies, the democracy deprived or its news and information media does the same.
An old adage known to most fighters is that a man fights with his mind. An electorate fights – rules and controls – its government with its individual and collective mind. To defeat him totally and to subjugate an opponent, the fighter must control – even destroy - the opponent’s mind. The same can be said – it is the tactical doctrine of the CIA and the corporate powers that created it – of government and its collective adversary – the public. To rule totally – in a totalitarian fashion now being urged upon us and demanded by government in the U.S. – government must control minds.
Operation MOCKINGBIRD – control of the public mind - was, is, therefore, the cornerstone of the new “conservatism.”
There’s always a word, or expression, isn’t there? It is always, no matter how repressive the regime, no matter how many are starving and living in squalor, no matter how many are being imprisoned, maimed or killed, the “people” who rule. Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the like are “conservative.”
They are also the voice of the media.
Oh, yes, there are others. Lots of them. The media may be – it is: lock, stock, and barrel – owned by the corporations (and only a few, at that) who own nearly everything else in the nation; it may have the character of all corporations – meaning it has only one purpose, profit – and it may be as averse to risk as any of its corporate masters. But journalists and reporters in our country strive every day, here and around the world, to do the work intended by their profession, their society, and their nation – to uncover and tell the truth.
They not only believe the truth will make their audience of the public free, they are willing to risk their lives in order to get the truth. In any given year, dozens, even scores, of journalists and persons engaged in finding and recording the truth are wounded and killed.
But no totalitarian-leaning government wants a free press, and government is despotic to the degree that it co-operates with a free press. That simple - the “fruit by which you shall know them.”
Were the media – the sensorium of a democratic nation – healthy, there would be nothing more necessary to say. The mind having felt its wounds, sensing its sickness, would take steps to recover. Ah, but here it is the mind itself that is sick. Confused and bewildered by deception, the mind knows neither its own state or that of its body. An Alzheimer’s patient, it is totally institutionalized, dependent upon its keepers for even the most basic life necessities.
Of course, the last thing the owners and operators of the institution that is the Land of the Free want is for the inmates – the euphemism here, further of course, would be patients – to recover from their dementia. Their corporate purpose, profit, after all, depends upon the “patients.”
So, were you still possessed of natural mentality, and a tactician, what would you – faced with a national media protected by the First Amendment – do? If I intended to take over a nation – the term for that in this case is “maximize profits” – I would first destroy the credibility of anyone who might blow the proverbial whistle. That is what – Operation MOCKINGBIRD – has done, and today, that is what the neo-conservative right wing is in the continuing process of assuring. So perniciously successful has the process been that however often a member of the U.S. Government is caught lying, cheating, or stealing, the effect is negligible, even advantageous. Depending upon his identification with one political faction or the other, he may use and sell drugs, prey upon children, accept bribes, or anything of corrupt character imaginable, and not only escape public opprobrium, but rise in political popularity.
All of it has been provided for and politically nurtured by the Operation MOCKINGBIRD and the media it controls. There is no disputing that historically – you have only to read the record of what has happened.
Destruction of the media as the sensory organ vital to the body politic has been on-going since the time of the industrial military complex coup d’etat in 1948. From the first suggestion that the news and information media was biased – the now accepted (repeat a lie often enough) "liberal media" – to today’s openly, blatantly apologists for scrapping of the U.S. Constitution (“fair and balance” Fox News, for instance), the media engages in Newspeak orchestration and outright falsehood intended to destroy the public’s contact with reality – create, that is, a national insanity not unlike that of nineteen thirties’ Germany.
Today, in fact, the once vaunted “free flow of information” exists only for those willing to assiduously pursue factual data concerning what is happening in the nation and world. While every state-of-the-art device is employed, none is a better, more easily discernible example of what has happened to than “national” news like the disappearance of a teenager from a small town in Alabama.
Of what national significance was Natalee Holloway? How would news and information services critical to the maintenance of a democracy equate her disappearance – receive equal stature, even precedence, over news the gravitas of a day in the Iraq war’s casualty count? Only with real effort, hours of research, phone calls, and the like every days is one able to learn concerning national events affecting his life and those of his family.
“Free flow of information,” indeed.
The fact is, the nation’s media has now become complicit in its own murder. I am reminded of Vladimir Lenin’s cynical promise that he would not only hang the capitalist U.S., it would lend him the money for purchase of the rope with which to do it. Stupidly arrogant – how does anyone who obviously can’t do simple, high school mathematics and statistics, erring again and again where anything mathematical is concerned, have the temerity to posture as “expert analysts?” Hyper-protective of their real interest, profit for the mega-corporations who own them, personally obsessed with individual and personal “perks” and career advancement, journalists and the media they crew have been as easily bought and sold by their corporate masters as their congressional counterparts have been prostituted by corporate lobbyists.
The success of CIA Operation MOCKINGBIRD not only turned the media into willing tools of the government and benighted the nation, it further crippled the media as a sensory device for the body politic, it destroyed the confidence of any citizen remaining unaffected by its behavior modification oriented propaganda. Behaving with its Newspeak “newscasts” exactly like those who swamp television broadcasting with acquisitive commercial messages, the media resembles nothing so much as P.T. Barnum, Elmer Gantry, and Sergeant Bilko – with Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh in their tawdry steads.
The supposedly liberal media is no better, and the continual bickering between the two likewise supposed opponents is nothing more than a cynical Mutt and Jeff routine (often, more like Abbott and Costello – who’s on first?) designed to keep the public distracted from real trouble like our colossally corrupt and incompetent government.
Our much-vaunted media has now taken on the collective character of a used car salesman no one mentally competent would trust. Neither can there be better proof of the public’s staggering scholastic stupidity and pratfalling political dystrophy than the fact that it continues to enrich these swindlers by their patronage.
With the nation’s sensory organs, the media, deadened, the government is now free to wield and govern by means of the Big Lie. How, or instance, could an alert, competent, and knowledgeable journalist – much less the media as a whole - have been taken in by the ridiculous pack of lies that led to invasion of Iraq? How could a media that had been sycophantly ballyhooing – this time in order to justify for the government colossal spending – the national defense capabilities of space-based spy technology, fail to so much as mention it during the weeks, months, and years of inspections in Iraq?! How could any journalist have failed to consider the thunderously obvious implications of U.S. discovery by nineteen sixties’ technology decades before of missiles in Cuba?
How did the media miss any of at least fifty more indications of White House – and government – lying?
Well, now! How did the public miss it? Not once in all the time of the run-up to the invasion of Iraq did any of the bloggers on the Internet mention the obvious. Neither has anyone but yours truly mentioned since that you can’t build missiles guided or ballistic in your garage; neither do you mix up chemical or biological weapons mass destruction in your bathtub.
The Bush Administration’s claims concerning “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq were as patently, obviously false as its incompetence having to do with the attack on the World Trade Center and its kid-caught-with-his-hand-in-the-cookie-jar excuses in the aftermath. They were as false – obviously to even a bright eighth grader – as the excuses made by the same administration in the aftermath (the continuing aftermath) of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the dithering and bloviating concerning the border with Mexico, and the Bush League’s utterly bald-faced lying concerning reasons for and the enactment of the Patriot Act and legislation the like.
Any journalist worth his salt could – as I could – go on and on. How about the spastic reasoning behind “No Child Left Behind?” How much intellect and reasoning power does it take to recognize as a corollary to “No Child Left Behind” “everybody waits until everybody catches up,” or “everybody is as educated as the stupidest – or laziest – among us”?
How did it all happen? I call your attention - and that of your short, oh, so, short memory - stories like that of “columnists” like the woman who was found to be writing propagandist pamphlets for the White House. Margaret Gallagher, in other words, is what is called a “CIA writer,” a practice instituted by Operation MOCKINGBIRD’s directors soon after creation of the taxpayer-funded program (anybody remember Lenin’s comment about the rope paid for by the people upon whom it would be used for a hanging?).
Then we have one Armstrong Williams. You remember him, don’t you? Supposedly a conservative Afro-American political commentator Williams was paid a quarter of a million dollars by the Department of Education to shill in writing and otherwise for the president's execrable “No Child Left Behind” boondoggle. Lenin again: the White House used our money to pay a guy to lie to us. Even worse, this guy would have done it all for nothing (check his Website).
Then, we have people hired and paid – your money, again – to pose as newsmen in order to serve up for the president or one federal agency wonk or the other the questions the government wants to answer.
And on, and on, and on – and still the public doesn’t get it. In the face of it all, with unadulterated truth from the press and electronic media as rare as hen’s teeth, and the presidential candidates just as truthful and real, the addled public believes we’re having an actual presidential election campaign, and that by participating we will actually affect our lives for the better.
How MOCKINGBIRD bewildered can you get? We'll see - oh, will we ever see!
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