IRS - Everything the Candid World Needs to Know About the U.S.

Yesterday once more, citizens of the Land of the Free turned Land of the Fee were herded to be sheared like the sheep they so resemble. On each April the fifteenth, the corporate rich government of the United States Shylock exacts its “pound of flesh nearest the heart,” destroying for the vast majority of the public any chance of economic ascendancy they, themselves, enjoy.
Income taxation, after all, is nothing more than an elitist economic device by which to re-distribute wealth. No one conscious and thinking is unaware of that simple, obvious, and incontrovertible fact. In an economy where any segment thereof operating in the stead of plebiscite government can spend at will, to pretend that taxation is anything but a device by which to redistribute wealth is logically and reasonably absurd.
And “redistribute wealth” means exactly what has been happening since 1945, and the end of World War Two. That the Internal Revenue Service has succeeded in doing exactly that is so thunderously, so tornadically, so historically, right-in-your-face, and knock-you-on-your-plebian-ass obvious that nothing could better demonstrate the mindlessly oblivious state of the public here in the Land of the Free.
Inundated and immersed in behaviorist-conceived, state-of-the-art dispensed technology, a nation three hundred million strong has been behaviorally conditioned and indoctrinated until it believes both viscerally and mentally what is naturally and rationally absurd, and behaves in a manner ineluctably and decisively destructive to its fundamental doctrine of god-given rights and self determination. “Free” and “freedom-loving” people rush like stampeded cattle not only to hand over to the herdsmen the fruit of their lives, in so doing condemning their progeny to lives of even worse virtual slavery, but to empower their totalitarian corporate masters to savage and enslave the rest of the planet.
And it is all happening in plain sight of its victims, who somehow hypnotized like the snake’s prey stand in a kind of stupor to watch fascinated as death approaches. In plain sight!
No nation in history, after all, has extended its brutally acquisitive and colonialist hegemony over so much of the world. More, even were it not so globally, so cataclysmically, apparent, only economic muscle derived from taxing the incomes of a public as productive as this one, and in the Brobdingnagian proportions such taxation has been done, could otherwise explain such historically unprecedented power.
The supposed taxation system of the U.S. is literally, actually, and obviously absurd. That a nation which purports what this one does to include a satanic avatar of the government like IRS holds both the nation and its people up for world ignominy, contempt – and, yes - hatred. Yet, in a nation pretending to be a democracy, it persists. That it does is not only a contradiction of proportions impossible to go unnoticed to a populace in natural mental state, it is a contradiction that shouts to the wide world the cowardice of the “American” people.
The stupefying, suffocating hypocrisy of the U.S. public beggars description, but nowhere could there be a more appropriate example than in recent disclosures concerning yet another truth concerning the Land of the Free, the Nation of Laws, Protector of Individual Rights, and historic humanitarian, that of torture by our government. After decades of disclosures concerning IRS brutality and criminality, with “corporate America” infamous for its Love Canal, the Ford Pinto tactic, the Karen Silkwood Affair, the Tobacco Companies conspiracy, and many, many more the like; with the siege of Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, the immolation of the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas, the fire-bombing of the Move Compound in Philadelphia, and literally dozens more the like, the U.S. public pretends that “water-boarding” is something new for the government by corporation ruling here.
The U.S. Tax Code is on its hideous Medusa face unconstitutional. Impossible to interpret uniformly – a fact demonstrated year after year, decade after decade, by courts, lawyers, tax consultants, and even the IRS itself – it is not legally enforceable, either as statue law or as a matter of contract, whether marine or otherwise. That courts, lawyers, tax consultants, congressmen, and senators know this – could not possible be unaware – yet permit to continue what has happened and has been happening in their full view puts once more the lie to everything the United States pretends to be.
The much-vaunted U.S. press and information media, too, has known for nearly a century. How many times have you heard them say what I have just said concerning the constitutionality of the federal tax system? CBS? NBC?, ABC? CNN? Fox News? The New York Times?
To expect that these same people, the sages and governors of the nation, will behave in any manner dissimilar toward other nations and peoples, or that they will demonstrate different behavior regarding any other issue so fundamental is plainly absurd.
For anyone who believes the government will stop illegal immigration and the staggering burden on the economy and legal system it represents, or believes that the government will protect its citizens from the torrent of vicious criminals pouring over the border with Mexico, let him look to Internal Revenue Service and its criminal depredations, and to the Congress that supposedly oversees it.
For anyone surprised at the impossible-to-believe (“the dog didn’t bark”) dereliction of duty represented by World Trade Center Attack, let him look to the oversight of courts, lawyers, tax consultants, and the congress regarding IRS. In the years 1985 to 1995, I personally forwarded to members of congress, to all of the major media, and to every possible source of assistance for the individual about to be destroyed (“the power to tax,” said Thomas Jefferson, “is the power to destroy”) evidence of rape, extortion to commit rape, embezzlement, wrongful appropriation of funds, and felony crime after crime – everything the vaunted media publishes about anyone and everyone else in the nation – and more.
Result? Nothing! Nada. Nichts. Zip. Bupkis (save it – a tape recording of a man boasting about the way he uses income tax liability to “get me some pussy” is impossible to interpret any way but the way it is).
For anyone surprised that the citizens of New Orleans continue to languish in the devastation of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, let him look to the congress, the courts, and the White House – and the public’s – oversight of Internal Revenue Service.
For anyone nonplussed and perplexed at the utterly asinine matter of Iraq, let him look to IRS, and the congress supposed to oversee it.
For anyone amazed and disgusted about “waterboarding” and the treatment of persons seized as terrorist s everywhere – look to cases like that of Kay Council of High Point, NC, 1988. Mrs. Council came home one night to find a note from her husband, Alex: ‘My dearest Kay - I have taken my life in order to provide capital for you. The IRS and its liens against our property have dried up all sources of credit for us. So I have made the only decision I can. It's purely a business decision. You will find my body on the lot on the north side of the house.’
There are more, hundred, thousands, of case histories like this one: “Jasper and Lucille Gates of Denver, CO received a letter from the IRS stating that they had overpaid their 1972 tax by $1,197. However, they never received a refund. Instead, in June 1974 they were notified, without explanation, that they owed $4,451. Soon another letter came, claiming the deficiency was $4,206. In October, the IRS claimed the Gates owed $13,700, in November it was $15,000. By October, 1975 the alleged deficiency had grown to $16,000 - all without explanation. Then, in August 1978, still without explanation or warning, the IRS seized the Gates bank accounts worth about $13,000 and their home worth about $100,000. They sold the home for $16,000. Mrs. Gates, in a wheel-chair, was evicted, the Gates' furniture and personal effects were thrown into the street. When the news media contacted the IRS, the U.S. Gestapo cited the Privacy Act, and refused comment.”
In my book, Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story, I cited a number of examples (why were you never told – if Natalee Holloway, or Anna Nicole Smith and the like were news, why wasn’t Kay Council, or Mrs. Lucille Gates?). I told, too, about the young mother who was forced by an IRS agent to provide sex in order to prevent confiscation of her meager bank account and property.
If the U.S. Government, in the person of and empowered as is the Internal Revenue Service behaves like this toward Kay Council and Lucille Gates (and Hal von Luebbert), why would a rational – and, therefore, honorable – U.S. public expect them to behave more honorably concerning all these other matters?
The powerful mock the law. They mock the individual, whether singlely or en masse. A nation and public, however, that raises its grito concerning a judiciary, a congress and a president running amok, after having cravenly tolerated for decades the predatory outrages of the U.S. Tax Code and of Internal Revenue Service has no credibility; neither will it be heard.
The plain fact, using the archetypical rule of law that is the paradigm of the reasonable individual, is that no people having tolerated the U.S. Tax Code and the Internal Revenue Service has the moral strength or authority to protest anything else, much less any of today’s “issues.”
Feminism notwithstanding, the alleged victim who lives with and tolerates for decades her supposed oppressor, acceding to any and all of his demands, however outrageous, need not be surprised or indignant once she has cried “rape,” and everyone ignores her.
The rule of the reasonable person is based on atavistic and historical experience, not ethics, religion, or law.
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