Fidel & Cuba - Yardstick by Which to Measure U.S. Character and Credibility
The morning news yesterday says that Fidel Castro has resigned. The report brings back a lot of memories for me, among them the way I have long since learned to use U.S. relations with Cuba as a measure of my own benighted country’s character and credibility. The people of Cuba, Fidel Castro, and I, you see, have a great deal in common. Like that island nation, I have been the target of a favored U.S. weapon - that of blockade and siege; an effort to cause deprivation of basic life needs, even starvation.
I, too, like Fidel Castro, have escaped repeatedly U.S. Government attempts on my health and life.
I, too, have been for many years the victim of relentless U.S. Government vilification and lie. One blatant, evilly conceived and dedicated lie after another. Eternally the weapon most characteristic of a coward, the carefully-crafted and placed lie is still the most-favored tactic of the pusillanimous plutocrat, one still being wielded from the safety of wealth and privilege against members of the proletariat like Fidel Castro and myself. Does anyone remember President Bush’s mendacious report to the effect that Castro contributed to the global “problem” – the president’s choice of terms – by welcoming sex tourism? The U.S.’ embarrassment asseverated that the Cuban president did so in order “to bolster his failing economy.” You’ll no doubt remember, too, that the White House and its weirdo wannabe warrior found the idea in an undergraduate paper at Dartmouth University, then plagiarized it out of context.
Is THAT singularly typical of our son of privilege? How many people did this Little Lord Fauntleroy of the military industrial complex exploit, use, and abuse during his rise to the surface of the political cesspool and political power that is Washington, D.C. and the White House? This particular episode pretty much characterizes both the U.S. Government – the military industrial complex coup d’etat, that is - and its lying leadership since the 1950s.
The rise of the new King George, in fact, personifies in one man the rise of the military industrial complex corporate war on the common man, the middle class, and poor.
None of which, of course, is a real secret. Neither should it have been unexpected in a nation dedicated as this one is to the corporate capitalist ideal of exploitation and consumption of anything, everything, and anyone. The MOCKINGBIRD media simply spins the infotainment news in a behavioral manner sufficient to assure prevention of notice by its stupefied and stultified national audience. The propagandist device has the same effect as secrecy while being much more useful for political – and economic - purposes. It’s state of the insidious art, in other words.
A couple of days ago, the media promulgated another of its “hot and sexy” pieces, the tabloid, bilge-pump, FoxNews journalism demanded by the romance-novel reading, emotion-craving female and effeminized male segment of the public. That therein lies a microcosm of a nation that must cater to female issues and interests – no matter how maudlin and sentimental sappy the subject matter may be - is noteworthy, of course, but not my topic for the day. The story in question, that one Laura Todd’s life has been in turmoil as the result of federal tampering with her personal records, is one near and dear to my Patrick Henry heart.
The government, you see, deliberately and with that “malice aforethought” we so frequently hear about, tampered with public records having to do with me for more than twenty-three years. It’s one of their favorite “dirty tricks.” That, in case you don’t remember – or are like the typical U.S. citizen in that what you know of history wouldn’t make you blink if you got it in your eye - the Nixon era was the official term for criminal chicanery by the federal government, particularly the White House.
And, as Laura Todd explained to the CNN interviewer, it’s hell once you’ve been declared dead (you should pardon the expression). Mrs. Todd would also tell you what tampering with your record can do to all aspects of your life – your finances and ability to obtain credit, for instance. It’s crippling. But there’s a much more ominous face to the matter than just that, too. Falsification of police records, for instance, produces circumstances fraught with danger for the “subject” (among law enforcement personnel, a favorite – and telling one, when you think of it – reference to the citizen). It can, and often does, cost you your life.
While space constraints here prevent my telling just how much trouble it can cause, I will publish the story as I told it in my book “Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story” on my Webpage The following excerpt from “Letters” is a short one, and it explains well:
“The plain, demonstrable, fact is that the citizenry of the United States has no privacy. You are the most surveilled citizen, even creature, on the planet. Cross-referenced by the most exhaustive and swift accessing system known to man, all but everything about you is known to your invasive government, even your favorite entertainment, music, and food. That includes your government’s suspicions and inferences, together with rumors and fiction – gossip – authored by not only neighbors but people who don’t even know you. Credit reporting agencies, for instance.
“In fact, a great deal more than the truth has been made part of the “record.” The John Q. Citizen of the record is a caricature of the real thing, and when you are stopped by the ubiquitous traffic cop, all of the “record” is available to him. All that is necessary for an agency of government like IRS, for instance, to “reach out and touch” you is a notation in the “record.” With a false lien entered into the credit reporting “record,” the nation’s Gestapo both ruined my credit and prevented my gainful employment for years.
“Tough. Really hardball. But I knew the tactic was even more ominous than that. Consider that a notation in the “record,” true of false, may have turned the traffic cop who has just pulled you over and is approaching alongside your car into an avowed enemy. However well-intentioned, the “record” rules his opinions, such that he may view you with fear. Or, hate. All the record has to say is “suspected of,” and you are, in the mind of the cop, guilty and convicted. If the record says you are “dangerous,” you, in turn, are in great danger. He’ll shoot you for the least provocation.
“The fact is that since the advent of licenses to carry firearms, every confrontation between a law enforcement officer and a citizen is fraught with lethal potential. Coupled with the report that you are armed, almost any kind of additional information of negative effect turns a simple traffic stop into an armed confrontation.
“In my own situation, I was aware of this almost from the beginning. After Cedar Falls Patrolman, later Detective, Les Dempster pointed his sidearm at me for utterly no reason ostensible, I realized how vulnerable I had become and what might happen. I was never in doubt thereafter about the tactical purpose of IRS’ blatant tampering and falsification of the credit, public, and police record. Events rapidly confirmed my fears. In seventeen years, weapons were pointed at me by police eleven times. Coincidence, of course. One of those convenient mistakes.”
It is, I think, noteworthy that none of the surpassing geniuses of the media will mention any of this in their discussion of Laura Todd and her troubles. That, were you studied in propagandist tactics, might endanger one of the government’s favorite extra-legal devices for avenging or otherwise dealing with those it wishes to destroy. Were it not for federal Operation MOCKINGBIRD tactics, it might even have occurred to you. If you think the forty-odd citizens killed by SWAT raids on the wrong house, or the continual stories of unarmed citizens shot to death by panicky cops, are mere foul-ups by incompetence, you’ll want to think again about the stories of people like Laura Todd. You’d better read my story, too.
You might also read my novel, “Jonatha’s Truth,” a story based on actual events about the occurrence and aftermath of just such a thing.
So concerned was I concerning federal harassment by police proxy that I endeavored by way of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain my records. To no avail, of course. So concerned was a U.S. District Court about the effect of my having possession of the truth concerning federal crime and criminality that it raised income tax collection to the level of national security in denying to me my own, “public” records. As I also said in my book, Scelus semper timidus est – “crime is always fearful.”
A criminal is always recognizable as such on that account, too. Fearful of the exposition and the truth, he is invariably a relentless liar. And the nation ruled by corporate criminals was thunderously apparent this morning. Nowhere else in the world is the truth – it’s politically incorrect” - so widely feared and hated. Long ago, when in 1961 I had arrived in Cuba with the mission to assassinate Fidel Castro and – if possible, too – Ernesto “Che” Guevara, I first became aware of “politically correct” truth – the legislated lie, that is.
Since that time, the government of the Land of the Free turned Land of the Fee has made the truth about Cuba and Castro “politically incorrect.” No favorable or positive thing about Fidel Castro is acceptable. Even his early prowess as an athlete and baseball player must be pejorated – one “news” item this morning said that Castro “claimed to have tried out with the Washington Senators.”
Meanwhile U.S. President George W. Bush spoke from Africa about “real elections” in Cuba. The United States’ despot, the man who condones and wields criminal cadre like the Internal Revenue Service, said he hopes the Castro resignation “signals the beginning of a democratic transition.”
It’s breath-taking. How the despot who has trashed the Constitution of his own nation can say things like that with a straight face again demonstrates the bizarre, Newspeak character of our “politically correct” nation. More, how a nation, itself currently engaged in a Trojan Horse election process as thunderously specious as this one, can swallow such paltry propaganda is again the stuff about which future historians will shake their heads in bemused wonderment.
But we’ve had lots of practice. I made reference the other day to a new book delineating in some detail the way the Operation MOCKINGBIRD media has co-opted and controlled the nation’s supposedly free press. Two decades of personal research has shown me much in the same manner I once learned the truth about Fidel Castro and his revolution the strangely numb manner in which the MOCKINGBIRD media benighted U.S. citizen interfaces with reality. The stunned, stolid stupidity of the “American” in public is amazing – and not a little fearsome.
Last night, for instance, I was shown a clip of an adult woman being asked by a quiz host – “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” - what Hungary’s capitol city is. The woman – as I said, an adult – stated that she thought Europe is a nation. She had never heard of Hungary. She didn’t know that France is a nation.
Jeff Foxworthy, I’ve been asking “American” questions like that for decades. I can tell you that seventy-five percent of U.S. Citizens are so stupid that were any of them to become lost in any kind of wilderness, they would die in a week. These people read and believe the tabloids. They are entertained by today’s soap opera dramas, read romance novels the grist of which is an insult to the intellect of a child, and idolize television “personalities” like Nancy Grace, Kimberly Guilfoyle (Guileful?), and their vapid virago like.
And let’s not forget that 59,054,087 of them voted for George W. Bush, as monumentally obvious a fraud as there has ever been.
So Fidel is stepping down (odd, that – dictators step down?). I feel a loss, as I imagine the MOCKINGBIRD media must also. I will miss the yardstick for measuring U.S. Government pronouncements and behavior its relations with the Cuban leader have always provided. I imagine that Hugo Chavez has steeled himself to become the target for all the vilification and the like once reserved for Fidel. And, of course, one presumes that the media will have to look for another bugaboo whose “threat to peace in the hemisphere” persona can provide grist for their Jubilation T. Cornpone redneck, Man With a Hoe, audiences.
Fidel and I are both, perhaps, in our dotage. But I hope the old revolutionary lives long enough, and remains lucid enough, to see those who have sewn the whirlwind reap its harvest. If, as Lord Byron implied, nature has a “wild kind of justice,” he and I will see the nefarious behavior of those who rule the United States wreaked upon themselves. Disoriented by insidiously evil programs like Operation MOCKINGBIRD, those at the controls of the great airliner that is the once-great Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, Nation of Laws have flown it into a death spiral that won’t take long to reach its conclusion. And, in the words of everyone I could find all these years ago in Cuba, history will say:
Viva Fidel!
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