"And there's Not Gonna Be a Damned Thing You Can Do About It"

Does anybody remember Billy Jack? "One Tin Soldier?" How about the old "saw" that goes, "here we go again." "Again" is yet another crazily-prosecuted war, a war that makes sense only to the people who profit in the billions as a result, people who contribute not a damned thing except the Operation MOCKINGBIRD propaganda promotion necessary to make the slaughter continue as long as possible.
Today comes news that the U.S. is sending more millions to Pakistan in order to rig elections in favor of those "U.S. Interests" we hear about relentlessly - SURPRISE!
Did I say "surprise?" What's surprising, considering that we are in the midst of the most obviously rigged, charade presidential election ever. For Chr--; no for your country's sake - wake the hell up and smell the skunk there in bed with you! Four or five times an hour, all day long, the television set delivers the same dissimulatingly orchestrated "news." Over and over, the canned, boiler-plate recitation concerning the latest missing woman presumed raped, murdered, and thrown away like a used condom. Interspersed through it all, on an every five minutes or so schedule, are the commercials I should think would serve as thunderous demonstration of what the politically-slanted "news" is really about. Each week, the missing women will be found dead; whereupon, the disappearance of another woman will in turn be featured until she is found dead, and the advertisers will advertise until the new missing woman is found dead, and until the stultifying process can be repeated.
The specious election "campaign" will proceed apace, with the same, hypnotizingly monotonous scripting and rhythm. Over and over and over, we will hear the same cynical promises, the same great ideas that will never come to fruition (how many times have you heard one of these fraud thespians promise to control or do away with Internal Revenue Service and a tax system as thunderously obvious in its intent and purpose?), the same pious pontificating (like George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton and the list of millionaires who run for President of the U.S. "understand" the working class and the poor) about "social justice," getting the government off the taxpayers back, and the litany of lies become as traditional (and similar in their perfunctory nature) as Christmas Carols.
Demagogue actors in a fraud farce production will promise to "bring us together," and to "unite" us, all the while participating as eagerly willing players in a massive media effort to assure divisive hatred and polarization of public opinion.
Remember Billy Jack? "I'm going to take this right foot, and I'm gonna to whop you on that side of your face, and you want to know something? There's not a damned thing you're gonna be able to do about it." It's a line to which I would refer repeatedly during instruction I gave prospective police officers at North Iowa Area Community College years ago, and I would repeat it again and again during seminars given for the Deputy Sheriffs Association and Federal Flight Deck Officers in more recent years. Each time, I would suddenly disarm or otherwise incapacitate (simulating near instantaneous killing) a man standing tactically too close to do anything about it. The demonstration had what I thought was an obvious point, and the aftermath during the rest of the seminar would demonstrate just as obviously that I had not succeeded in making the point. No matter how explosively sudden, no matter how spectacular, nothing I did could penetrate the armor of habituated illusion worn by my students.
I must have seen that smug grin - the one worn by Billy Jack's antagonist in the movie - a hundred times. Since I was a kid, I've wondered why it is that someone who knows almost nothing about a thing, will nevertheless acquire somehow the illusion that he on the contrary knows a great deal of it - even to the point of risking what is very important or dear to him. Even his life. When a minute ago I asked wife Rita about it, she noted that citizens of the U.S. have come somehow to the state that they may not admit or concede error. The phrase, "I was wrong" is tantamount to surrender, crushing defeat. For the political candidate in today's sham elections, the "flip-flopper" epithet label is the worst conceivable.
Even shown clearly and in advance (even in slow motion) the particular maneuver I would use to disarm and defeat the subject of my seminar demonstration, the latter would invariably insist each time that he was "ready." Meaning he expected to successfully resist (never, ever, did anyone ever do the obvious - move out of range of my attack). Initially damned at once as "lunacy" by life's real Sheriff Coles (the sheriff was the target for Billy Jack's Hapkido kick) "experts," "The Mongoose Tactic" was my 1958 contribution to law enforcement and security forces everywhere. In the hands of the L.A.P.D. becoming the "S.W.A.T." team tactic in 1967 and in 1972, after the terrorist attack on the Olympic Games, that of specialized anti-terrorist teams like S.A.S. 23 Regiment, Delta, SEAL Six, and others. Its paralyzing speed, of course, is its decisively conclusive character.
Smugly complacent stupidity in the opposition is important, too.
Today's meretricious election extravaganza, of course, is the political and historical equivalent of Billy Jack's "spiel" monologue. The corporations who rule in the Land of the Free stand before the sheriff public (we are to believe, in this scripted scenario, that that people like Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton are the "good guys," we the smugly overconfident authority of democracy), announcing knowingly what they mean to do to us. When the MOCKINGBIRD media have water-boarded the truth and the public's conception of the same to post-traumatic syndrome mental derangement from which they can never recover, the U.S. taxpayer and electorate will find that nothing in fact has changed, a realization as sudden and stunning as a kick in the head.
Water-boarded by the propagandist MOCKINGBIRD U.S. media, the nation's public and electorate will have been stupefied to the point of believing the incredible, that the "presidential" election and all the promises made therein were real.
For many - some, like the twenty or so percent who still support our current presidential charlatan - disillusionment will come with brutal swiftness. Lying stunned on the ground like the Billy Jack villain, the public will likewise resolve to "kill the Indian son-of-a-bitch" that is the nation's governing plutocracy. Ha! In a matter of months, even weeks, the victim of Operation MOCKINGBIRD will slip back into its behaviorally-induced stupor like a woman suffering from battered wife or Stockholm syndrome. MOCKINGBIRD will have succeeded, and what was perhaps our last chance of freedom will have vanished.
The depredations of today's version of the Frankenstein Monster, the military industrial corporations, will continue (these guys are so above it all, they haven't even seen fit to abate their marauding raids on the U.S. Treasury during the elections and lobbying in Washington has gone on without pause) will continue to grow in degree and rapacity. The corporations who rule in the Land of the Fee will intensify efforts to weaken border security and to cripple efforts to stem the avalanche of illegal aliens, abandoning whole parts of the country and culture to the third-world character and culture of Mexico. The health care system, already the object of contemptuous scorn of "totalitarian" socialist (why does no one ever notice the contradiction in terms that is?) nations like Cuba, will break and collapse under the weight of free-loading by Mexico. The education system, in similar condition (and likewise victimized by political demagogue slick-talk) to that of national security, will do likewise. Lobbyists will proliferate, and abandon all pretense of their now barely disguised animosity toward the concept of representative government. Halliburton and their corporate siblings will proceed toward power equivalent or superior to that of nations, greedily gutting nation's economy and demolishing its business structure. The nation's identity crisis will reach its sociologically predictable conclusion, the patient morphing into the national equivalent of Alzheimer's dementia and amnesia.
And that won't be all. Perhaps - as far as I am personally concerned the "unkindest cut of all - the most odious of all the outrages foisted upon us by the political charlatans in Washington and our state capitols will be humiliation by the hordes of refuse humanity pouring over the border with Mexico. When Mexico has occupied California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and the rest of "Aztlan," the citizenry of the conquered places will be forced to the equivalent of economic slavery, providing by dint of their work, talent, effort, and investment the health care, welfare, and social benefits the invaders' own country and society would not give them. While busily ruining and laying waste their new country as they have done their own, and sending home to Mexico and elsewhere billions of dollars embezzled here, they will fly their foreign flag over us, in contemptuous insult.
And we - having listened to and tolerated the mendacious bilge being spewed by the MOCKINGBIRD media and its political farce actors, having long since lost (sold out) to corporate power our honor and the prerogatives of free people living in a representative democracy - will deserve it.

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