Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Corporate "Hostile Takeover" of the United States

Signs of presidential campaign desperation (Hillary crying, of course – but who wouldn’t have expected that?): Mike Huckabee promising to abolish the IRS (how many times have we heard that one - anybody happen to remember who the last one to do that was, hmmmm?). Damn, but these are tiresome people!

And the process is tiresome. Liars, particularly political liars, are boring people, boring because you always know what they’re going to say (unless, of course, you are among the public’s seventy-five percent who are barely bright enough to find their way home from work). You know - the people who think Pearl Harbor Day is about a shampoo, can’t name ten of the U.S. presidents, think the Beatles were great musicians, think that great music is whatever a whole lot of kids will spend their money to buy, and believe sticking a yellow ribbon with “support our troops” on it on their car is supporting our troops.

How about a red ribbon (symbolic of the red light district, you know) that says “support fair trials for those accused of rape”? Or, “Stop convicting the innocent of rape”?

On YouTube (I didn’t see the show), Larry King asks Michael Moore why his movie, “Fahrenheit 9-11” isn’t on television. Ha! Did King realize the cat he was letting out of the bag? Ten dollars says he’s heard from the White House or some other representative of the military industrial complex already. Can you say “Operation MOCKINGBIRD?” DARE you say “Operation MOCKINGBIRD?”

The thought occurs to me that I should publish the list of “Fahrenheit 9-11” things you won’t hear on our Freedom of Press media. Things like satellite technology once vaunted for its ability to read a car license plate from outer space, then somehow gone myopic over Iraq and about “weapons of mass destruction.” Things like a federal government capable of – and willing to - track, listen to the phone calls and bedroom conversation of one man – me – everywhere he went on the North American continent, yet taken by surprise on 9-11. Things like massive amounts of crime by officials of the government, crime like rape, extortion to commit rape, murder, embezzlement by the millions, even billions, and the like . . . Things like any of the literally tens of thousands of times a handgun or other firearm saves someone’s life, property, or freedom – from rape, for instance.

See if you can think about that and still believe the “free press” is still free.

Tell me, if the Duke University Lacrosse Team affair (by the way, when will Crystal Mangum be tried for any of her several crimes in that matter) was what it was, why would the rape of an immigrant woman by a member of the Internal Revenue Service receive not one syllable of publicity? Hmmmmm?

Why are the machinations of Internal Revenue Service so utterly disinteresting to the media? As a character in my book, “Jonatha’s Truth” avers, “Christ, anybody would have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid as a brick to believe that guys given that kind of power don’t use it to scratch their horny itch. Especially when they know they can give the broad the choice between putting out a little pussy or going back to some shit-hole like Iran, Iraq, Mexico, or some other banana republic. Jesus Christ. It’s a no-brainer. When you think about it, who in the public really gives a shit? It sure as hell doesn’t really rise to the level of national security, you know – or have you forgotten that that is also our business?”

“Perry Lotts,” that particular character in my book works for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The book is about his – and their – effort to cover up the slaughter of an American family in another of our “oops – wrong house” SWAT-style raids.

While I’m on the subject, why doesn’t the “Freedom of Press,” “public’s right to know,” Natalee Holloway, “who got raped this week” media tell us about the forty thousand (that’s 40,000, for you NASCAR, “Pearl Harbor is a shampoo, “George W. Bush is a leader” folks) murderously botched SWAT raids on private homes every year? The 40 – that’s forty - innocent people who’ve in the last twenty years been shot to death by runaway (you really think these are all mistakes, accidents?) or misguided SWAT operations?

Do you mean to tell me that if a young women having drunk herself to death is news, things like this aren’t?
“Last January, Fairfax, Va., optometrist Sal Culosi was shot and killed when a SWAT team apprehended him. He was under investigation for wagering on football games with a group of friends.”

“In 2005, for example, Baltimore's Cheryl Lynn Noel, a mother and churchgoing woman, was shot to death when she mistook raiding police officers for intruders. She was holding a legal handgun when they kicked open her bedroom door. That raid was conducted after police investigators found marijuana seeds in the family trash.”

Also in 2005, “Stockbridge's Roy and Belinda Baker were startled from their sleep by a raiding police team that destroyed the couple's front door with a battering ram. The Bakers were handcuffed and made to stand on their porch at gunpoint. Police had mistaken the Bakers' home for the house next door.”

The tyrannous, “Kristalnacht” (look it up, it’s about a Nazi atrocity before World War Two) affair that takes the cake, however, was the fatal shooting of Kathryn Johnston, eighty-eight years of age. The Atlanta, Georgia woman was shot 39 – that’s thirty-nine – times by three undercover police in her home on Neal Street in northwest Atlanta on November 21, 2006. The old woman opened fire on the officers when they had pried off burglar bars on a door, the broke it down in serving yet another of those “Land of the Free,” ‘Nation of Laws,” “no knock” arrest warrants The old woman, incidentally, fired one shot – which hit no one.

The cops, further by the way, were wearing bulletproof vests and carrying riot shields. The aftermath investigation noted that police injuries sustained in the raid were due to friendly fire and not fire from Johnston's gun.

Reason for the small equivalent to the Normandy invasion? “In an attempt to justify the no-knock warrant, the Atlanta Police Department initially claimed that the police were searching for drug dealers after a police informant was said to have bought crack cocaine at Johnston's home earlier in the day.”
That – SURPRISE! – turned out to be a lie (geez, I can hardly believe that – a cop who lied about shooting an old woman!).

Does it all remind you of anything? Must I say “Iraq?” Okay – IRAQ! And now you tell me why the rest of that story – Paul Harvey, anyone? – has been so hard to come by on the news. Operation MOCKINGBIRD, maybe?

The Supreme Court obviously hasn’t heard any of this, either. Not long ago, one of the societal sages, Justice Anthony Kennedy, in Hudson v. Michigan, June, 2006, remarked in his ruling on “no knock” searches, "If a widespread pattern of [knock-and-announce] violations were shown . . . there would be reason for grave concern." One can only wonder what the justice thinks is required for something to be called “a widespread pattern.” Obviously, the old boy – like our patrician president who “understands how people feel about things like Iraq and Hurricane Katrina victims” - speaks from the ivory tower of his social class and employment. Too bad someone can’t arrange for a SWAT raid on his house.

Of course, the comatose deaf, dumb, and blind state of the media means also that we can’t know about the factual number of SWAT team and similar outrages against James Otis’ “a man’s home is his castle” doctrine. Researchers like the Cato Institute estimate the number at fifty thousand – oops, for the redneck, Budweiser, pizza, and rap “music” crowd, that’s 50,000. Five, zero, comma, zero, zero, zero.

Jeez, judge, fifty thousand raids a year isn’t “a widespread pattern?” Maybe not, but it certainly tells the rest of us something about the widespread state of media non compos mentis doesn’t it? It tells us also about how widespread the “open society” myth is, doesn’t it? And if it doesn’t demonstrate Super Court bias toward the government, nothing will. One of these days, a cop will sue the family of his victim for the trauma he suffered – all that blood, you know - when he shot the wrong person, and the courts will hear the case. The victim was negligent for having been where the cop was shooting.

The media will go silent on the matter – because the White House demands it.

There’s more, for the critical thinker. If this is the kind of right-in-your-face, “up close and personal” obvious news media bias we get from those watchdogs of freedom and liberty the media, what can we expect during an election year (well it used to be that way) and presidential campaign? Yeah – think about that one a minute.

I mentioned this the other day, but it bears repeating. As of this morning’s news, the media now has morphed the guppy-gullible public’s reality down to a duel between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on one side and John McCain on the other. No one else is part of the media – and, hence, the public’s – reality. Ron Paul, the only resolutely realistic (that, right there, makes anyone diametrically opposed to the MOCKINGBIRD media), straight-talking individual in the crowd, ISN’T in the crowd. Anyone polling the Internet (me, for instance) knows that as high as sixty-one percent of the public favors Paul. And I’ll tell you something else:

Anyone who does any kind of objective review of the media’s performance where accuracy and truth during the past three decades are concerned is in for on hell of a shock. Thomas Jefferson once said he’d rather live in a nation with a free press and no government than in one with a government and no press. He considered that there was security in knowledge, and that for most people the press were its first source. That is exactly why the first thing tyranny wants control of is the media, and why it was the first thing military industrial complex corporations coup d’etat plotters went after once the Central Intelligence Agency had been accomplished. Operation MOCKINGBIRD was the sine qua non keystone of it all.

That, in turn, is the reason that in the U.S. today, most journalists barely know two and two is four, and their knowledge of statistics is abysmal. Their knowledge of physics and science, laws of logic and reasoning, even economics, history, and the behavioral sciences is worse. They are, in fact, little more than actors who read lines handed them by corporate interests whose propaganda is designed to distract with lurid sex, and control with fear.

Posturing and posing as intellectuals, the news media delivers a relentless cannonade of Alice in Wonderland – strike that; make it Hollywood-inspired - falsehood. During one stretch of checking the veracity and validity of news having to do with science, physics, economics, education and a half-dozen more, I found nearly seventy percent of the data and information reported as fact by the journalists and pundits of the media in fact erroneous. Once again, I was forced to wrestle the old dilemma that goes, “crazy or crazy like a fox?” Can anybody be this stupid without intending to be?

Ask yourself how arch-conservative and arch-liberal commentators can be so “arch” on every issue. Everything is that black and white? Tell me, then, why it is that real geniuses, scientists, mathematicians, physicists, and the like are NEVER that certain about anything. Einstein wasn’t as certain about his General or Special Relativity as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and whoever their counterparts on the left are about, for instance, anthropogenic global warming. Scientists who refuse to be religiously dogmatic all but invariably have their carefully honest and objective calculations twisted into dead-certainty by these clowns, and both sides use the same data to be dead certain concerning opposite points of view of the same issues.

And notice that, in the case of anthropogenic global warming, none of these supposed mental giants has ever so much as mentioned the obvious implications of Pascal’s Wager reasoning where the matter is concerned (even John McCain, to his credit, has finally reached realization in that regard).

Kind of reminds you of those KeyHole Satellites over Iraq all these years, doesn’t it?

But the media doesn’t know a polar ice pack from a skating rink, or an arctic blizzard from a Zamboni Machine. Ask any of these clowns to explain how the Coriolis Effect results in weather, climate change, and the like, they haven’t information sufficient to make you blink if you got it in your eye. Handed news of an incident like the Duke Lacrosse Team “rape” case, the media does what it did (quick - how much were all the settlements paid by the Kimberley Guilfoyles, the Nancy Graces, the Greta VanSusteren, and their like in the aftermath of their slanderous slop-feeding frenzy?) How many of the harpies keening like banshees for the players’ blood has admitted their outrageous wrongs or apologized. How many of major networks and their pandering pundits, analysts, and all that have taken the Reverend Al Sharpton to task for his demogueing attitude and pronouncements during that same media feeding frenzy?

Nevertheless, on every and any issue, these same “journalists,” “analysts,” and pundits - and all the morons who buy and borrow their pratfalling, Keystone Kops expertise have an opinion. It’s ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

I – someone who first sensed what was being done by the media to the nation’s mind while still in high school and has watched intently all his seventy-one years of life - think the frequently astonishing stupidity of the United States’ citizenry has been orchestrated. Nobody – no populace, that is - is this stupid by accident. Operation MOCKINGBIRD wasn’t an experiment. Frank G. Wisner “orchestrated” – it was a term characteristic of the man who invented “The Mighty Wurlitzer,” Radio Free Europe. He believed, he knew from experience, that like Josef Goebbels had constructed and shaped the opinions and attitudes of Nazi Germany, he could use modern technology like television to do the same in the U.S.

(Our ill-lucid leader is on television, defending his invasion of Iraq by saying that we have a right to defend ourselves. Great defense for a burglar, isn’t it? The cops nab him and he says, “I have a right to defend myself and I’m here defending my place against the people who own this place.” Well, I was talking about “stupid.”)

I started questioning the new media’s accounting of events in the nineteen fifties. I found few stories that were entirely accurate, and there were those so erroneous as to make me wonder why. It didn’t take me long to sense the political factors (think about – look it up, if you have to – how Hoover and the FBI fed and fattened on people like Pretty Boy Floyd and the like). With television, and careful, assiduous attention and study during the Cold War, I grew more and more suspicious. With continued association with the C.I.A. and with the “orchestrator” of it all himself, I lost all doubt. Everywhere I went subsequently, I did impromptu surveys designed to assess the media’s effect on public opinion. Even so, and although the method gave me my first awareness, I didn’t realize the fundamental goal of the MOCKINGBIRD propagandist - public stupidity.

“In the land of the blind,” after all, “a man with one eye is king.”

And now, fifty-six years later, I have watched the airplane that is my country slowly but perceptibly bank into the diving turn that becomes a death spiral. Pilots know, you see, that the fatal maneuver begins with pilot disorientation, sometimes very slight. You had to be paying attention to see it begin. The victim of disorientation in flight never thinks to learn what is happening, or where he is attitude-wise. As the descending turn accelerates, deceived by what he thinks he knows from his senses, he is even more unaware. Finally, the turning dive becomes one from which no recovery is possible without destroying the airplane, and he crashes – destroying the airplane. Often, however, the pilot crashes without ever coming to realization of what is happening.

And when it all began, I was already a pilot. And I watched. I watched as Congress was first insidiously co-opted by the military industrial complex corporations and their capitalist allies, then completely bought out, handing over to the coup d’etat conspirators (the same people, history will say, who killed John Kennedy) their law-making and national affairs oversight responsibilities to corporate boardrooms and managers. Slowly, incrementally, like the proverbial frog being boiled to death without his notice or natural suspicion, the people of the Land of the Free became the people of the Land of the Fee, and in the process lost - sold out - all their freedoms.

As the nation’s chief executives slowly eroded the constitutionally derived prerogatives, duties, and responsibilities of the people’s representatives, the nation spiraled down toward autocracy. We have now nearly reached the zenith of the White House’s power, and the nadir of representative government.

Nor is that all. With creation in 1948 of the Central Intelligence Agency, the military industrial complex corporations birthed, reared and strengthened by two world wars seized power. In the U.S. money is equivalent to power, and the C.I.A. had the legal power to spend – secretly and without accounting - as much of the taxpayer’s money as it wanted, and for any purpose. Give me a better definition of power. The corporate rich and government by the rich grew to god-like proportions. And prerogatives. No king, no dictator ever had so much power.

“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Remember?

For any reasonably intelligent observer, it all happened in plain view and was easily discernible. With the “hostile takeover” that was the nineteen fifties coup d’etat, the United States, in fact, became a corporation, one run by a board of governors who were in character and purpose essentially pirates. Gutted for everything the military industrial complex pirates required, bankrupted, and over-run by illegal aliens eager only to pick the carcass clean, the national corporation is now effectively in receivership. The corporation-style pirates, having fed on the succulent vitals of the carcass and willing to leave the vultures the rest, are moving on to more colonializing conquests; certain with the colossal arrogance of the capitalist that their still stunned and stupefied victims will provide and pay for the military forces necessary to further their next “hostile takeover.” The figurative death spiral has reached its corporate equivalent, which is liquidation. Corporate, and historic, death is very near.

Yet, somehow, the public remained through it all blissfully unaware. Operation MOCKINGBIRD had succeeded in a manner that would have made Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels green with envy.

Stockholders in the corporation that was the United States of America are being left with Brobdingnagian debt, and without resources with which to so much as attempt repayment. More, they will find themselves with an educational system incapable of producing citizens with anything like the intelligence and resourcefulness that once built the nation. Softened by easy, gluttonous, hot-house living and incapable of competition with Mexicans for the menial labor employment remaining of all the opportunity of which the Land of the Free once boasted.

For me, however, having watched it all happen with frustration matching in inverse manner the swift acceleration of the death spiral, there will be one, small consolation. That is that adherents to the first of the social cancers created by Operation MOCKINGBIRD in the Petrie dish of the nineteen sixties - feminism, I mean - will go on babbling their mindlessly oblivious credos to the end. Then, in order to survive as once their prehistoric sisters did, they will give themselves ignominiously to the illegal immigrant Mexicans who have become the nation’s only dominant males. Like its “I am woman, hear me roar” faction, the U.S. will stand before the world shown to be as stupid in its shame as it once was in its arrogance.

And a woman will be president.


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