Thesis and Antithesis - Freedom and Operation MOCKINGBIRD

When one realizes that, regardless of how this or that ideology may view it, the individual’s life is essentially a dual game played against society and nature, a fact that means a continual demand for decision, he realizes the further need to think critically. More, in any adversarial situation, the good tactician follows a rule once enunciated by none other than Abraham Lincoln – that of preparing his opponent’s case just as though he were the opponent. Indeed, the one essential reason for “intelligence” – to use the military term – is understanding of what the opponent both might do and is capable of doing.
Indeed, “Be Prepared,” the Boy Scout motto with which I began my productive life quickly meant “know your adversary.” To know the adversary that is Operation Mockingbird means to recognize that in the first place that all forms of government are the people’s adversary. The democratic forms of government are no exception, for unless kept under the auspices and controlled by the people, even democratic government is an enslaver. “All men,” Abigail Adams observed, “would be tyrants if they could.” To be a good and loyal citizen of the United States requires that one view the as an adversary, citizenry as a dual game played by the individual against his government (and society).
Government, and those who would make you live as they choose for you to live, are NOT your friends.
To be country does not mean loyalty to government; in fact, to so much as trust government is antithetical to democracy, and relentless demand for sycophant loyalty by any government is to be taken as evidence of totalitarian leanings. The duty of a citizen is to be very critical, and very demanding. Measure a Sean Hannity in those terms and see what you get. Failure to be critical of what we have for government is the reason we are in the desperate straits we are.
Consider that for a moment. Only yesterday, news came that a nationally known and respected columnist, Patrick Buchanan has published a book in which he expresses openly belief that the U.S. will collapse, and cease to be as a nation. Welcome aboard, Mr. Buchanan – my friends will tell you I’ve been saying that for several years, now.
For instance, I remarked yesterday that few citizens of the U.S. have not been arrested. One in thirty-one of us is in prison or jail, on parole or probation, or awaiting sentence. The United States imprisons more of its citizens per 100,000 than and other nation extant, and that in multiples. U.S. citizens likewise pay, again by multiples, more taxes to their government than the citizens of any other nation. The U.S. citizen is victimized by government larceny and fraud more than any other citizen of any other nation on earth, and that – still again – in multiples of the next most preyed upon.
Federal larceny, fraud, and waste since World War Two alone have amounted to trillions of dollars.
THAT is an adversary!
And, of course, the Federal Government of the United States knows that were the public to somehow realize the extent to which they are being bilked, imprisoned, and enslaved, the “jig would be up.” U.S. government has become what is essentially a protection racket, its propagandists using massive and state-of-the-art electronic technology to create a virtual reality wherein the benighted citizenry lives effectively disarmed and in relentless fear.
By “effective” I mean that equally relentless court rulings, together with confusion spread by the media concerning the individual’s right to self defense and continual polemics by pacifist individuals and groups have resulted in individual uncertainty concerning when he may fight for his life or limb. Each time, for instance, that a citizen defends his person or property with a weapon, the hue and cry of the pacifists rises. Here in Texas as I write this, for instance, the freedom – even life: he is now under death threat – of man who prevented the burglary and looting of his neighbor’s house by shooting the burglars hangs in the balance.
This despite Texas “Castle” law which says he may do exactly that.
In fact, each time a U.S. citizen – Constitutionally empowered to exactly that – prevents by citizen’s arrest a crime, the same hue and cry goes up. To the news and information media and the federal auxiliary that calls itself “liberal,” only the elected government may enforce the law. All others are “vigilantes.”
To a critical thinker, all this is pretty obvious. In the first place, if such things as “rights” exist, what is the most basic of them all? Which of the several rights given by god and possessed by man is, even, shared by all life forms on the planet? Of course. Any creature that does not enjoy the most fundamental of all prerogatives, that of fighting to keep his life, is a non-entity. No such thing exists, anywhere.
What, therefore, can we say about anyone, any government, who would infringe or deny that right? In the game that is living, what must one recognize in an opponent who would arrogate to himself a right as absolutely fundamental as the right to fight for one’s life? You’re damned right – he is an adversary, and one who intends, at the very least, to make you a prisoner or a slave.
Of course, if he can accomplish that without your awareness – have Delilah cut Sampson’s hair while he sleeps – he will not have to endanger himself. Weakened, stopped, castrated – or left without male strength dedicated to your defense – you are a pet, a kept animal intended for use (you don’t, in that, recognize your state as a citizen of the “land of the free?”).
Sometime in the late sixties, I heard a federal think-tank representative address that problem in a lecture – I mean that of effectively enslaving three hundred million people without violent rebellion. He said that in order to accomplish what would be necessary would require something much more than conventional law enforcement methods and organizations. It would be necessary to “deceive, confuse, and bewilder” the public under the guise of providing for public safety while assuring continued public order. There isn’t the slightest doubt that he was referring to a federal operation already in progress, that of “Operation MOCKINGBIRD.”
Already here, we have considered certain of the MOCKINGBIRD methods, most recently those having to do with behaviorist technique and technology – including hypnosis. There are more; many more. See if you recognize them.
All propaganda is a kind of persuasion. It sounds innocent, doesn’t it? After all, the brainwashing we spoke of yesterday is the involuntary break-down of the individual’s mind, even nervous system, in order to take control of his mind and thoughts. Pavlovian and similar conditioning are more subtle, more of surreptitious nature, and – while the favored method of the Operation MOCKINGBIRD technician – they less cruel and fearsome. The techniques of studied persuasion are even less so.
But that doesn’t mean they are either less insidious, or less effective. Consider what they have accomplished; what, in other words, they have done to you:
1. They have permitted the military industrial complex corporations to spend since World War Two upwards of $15,000,000,000,000, a major factor in inflationary spending that has multiplied the cost of life in the nation by ten, twenty, even thirty times. Under the crushing weight of federal government, U.S. citizens have gone from a basic unit of society, the family, supported by one person, to a family wherein everyone – even children - must find some kind of gainful employment. Deprived thereby of normal rearing, our youth largely have devolved into fearsomely ignorant, illicit drug-consuming animals who despise their parents and teachers, rove in ravening packs in order to seek victims for their savage cruelty and instant gratification for a dozen new kinds of neurotic and psychotic addictions.
Under the relentless pressure of repressive and punitive law, arbitrary and totalitarian taxation, and waves of media and entertainment industry promoted lewdness, promiscuity, and immorality, the relationship between the sexes has been broken, with more than half all marriages failing in the first few years.
The new wave of “If it feels good, do it!” morality fomented by taxpayer-funded (of course) federal programs providing support for all manner of concupiscent depravity, together with ethics and morality-destructive rulings by federal courts, has provided for a cheapening of and contempt for human life.
2. They have squandered, and continue to squander, in wars fought solely for the purpose of profit for those same corporations, the lives of scores of thousands of our military personnel. The undeclared military intervention in Vietnam cost – utterly without benefit or profit to the U.S. citizen - 58,000 lives, 350,000 casualties, and $130,000,000,000; the wars in the Middle East have cost more than 4,700 lives, 35,000 casualties, and, thus far, $750,000,000,000. Again, the U.S. citizen has received absolutely nothing but a staggering bill for services supposedly rendered the citizens of other nations.
3. Hundreds of U.S. corporations desirous of even more profit than that already made due patronage by the U.S. citizen, and while remaining in control of their government, have gone overseas in search of greener pastures, taking with them hundred of thousands of jobs.
4. Meanwhile, their subsidiaries import millions of immigrants, both legal and illegal, stealing not only millions of jobs but hundreds of billions in social and other services arrogated to themselves by the illegal aliens. While two percent of illegal aliens actually work in the profession Mexico claims is essentially the only work “undocumented workers” do, forty-one percent are on one kind of welfare or the other, ten percent of babies born in the U.S. are born to illegal aliens, and thirteen U.S. citizens are killed daily by uninsured and drunk driving aliens. More, the average illegal alien imprisoned here has been arrested eight times, and committed thirteen felony crimes. In any given year, there are as many as 230,000 (two hundred, thirty thousand) illegal aliens in our prisons, at a cost to the U.S. taxpayer of $9,200,000,000 (nine billion, two hundred million).
And, of course, there is more. Every year, as I noted yesterday, the various legislatures state and federal continue their all-out assault on our freedoms, that while handing our tax money to 56,000 publicly-operating and legal lobbyists and thousands more of the covert and criminal kind. Daily, the U.S. President and his Executive Branch bureaucrat minions continue their assault on our privacy, eavesdropping on every conceivable aspect of our lives; that while having suspended even the right of Habeas Corpus.
Next (but not necessarily in the order of danger it represents where MOCKINGBIRD propaganda is concerned, of course), we have censorship. Mind you, state-of-the-art censorship is not done in the old, blatant manner of the Nazi stormtrooper. Oh, no. The purpose of censorship is the same as that of propaganda – to hinder critical thinking. And without adequate information, judgment and evaluation of political issues will be biased, prejudiced, and slanted. The purpose of censorship is to control the thoughts and actions of the public. The government of the U.S. and its information media treat the citizen as though he were a child, prohibiting him the material that would permit him to think critically. Operation MOCKINGBIRD government – like the think-tank “wonk” I spoke of a minute ago – insist that the citizen not only should not but cannot think and act for themselves.
Neither is there any longer doubt that they have accomplished to a large degree what they believe. One need go little further than Jay Leno’s “Jay-Walking” – or a White House press secretary who didn’t recognize reference to the Cuban Missile Crisis (do YOU?).
In the aftermath of the JFK assassination, a CIA inter-agency memo concerning conspiracy theorists was revealing of MOCKINGBIRD (to say nothing of proof of its existence). “The aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other country. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments.” Agents were instructed to contact members of the media - “liaison and friendly elite contacts (especially editors),” in order “to instruct these persons that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition.”
Further, the order read, “Employ propaganda assets to answer and refute the attacks of our critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”
There was more - much, much more – but it is singularly interesting to someone like me that even today, when the lawlessness and immorality of the Central Intelligence Agency is, like the now infamous WMDs in Iraq that never existed, as obvious as the Rocky Mountain range, an open-and-shut case any lawyer could make in any court, the history of everything I have discussed here remains the subject of debate. Think about it. Ask yourself why you believe the CIA’s original purpose and reason for being was to combat and deter communism, when in fact its real mission – what have we been talking about here? – was to deter democracy.
Isn’t the reason for the free press they have co-opted and seized by means of Operation MOCKINGBIRD the informed public necessary for maintenance of democracy?
THINK! Hasn’t the history of the CIA reflected relentless effort – successful effort – directed toward assassinating leaders inimical to “U.S. interests” and installing murderous dictators like Augosto Pinochet and the like? Hasn’t the CIA since its inception been run by the military industrial complex corporation, businessmen whose animosity toward democracy is almost legendary? Each and every one of the democracies overthrown by the CIA were places where the people tended to vote for policies the multi-national corporations didn’t like – labor unions, land reform, nationalization of industry, regulation protecting workers, and so on.
Look around at what’s going on today in Latin America. Iraq. You name it – name a place where the U.S. doesn’t have “interests.” If you can’t remember Cuba and Fidel Castro – or Che Guevara – look them up. See if you can figure out why we hate Fidel Castro so.
Operation MOCKINGBIRD has literally hundreds, even thousands, of journalists on its payroll. It owns dozens of media organizations for the purpose of disseminating CIA propaganda. It owns controlling interests in foreign newspapers, radio, and television networks. In fact, in 1985, a proprietary company of “the Company,” Capital Cities, bought ABC news. WHY?
Why does the United States Government want to own a major news network?
Well, for one reason, the fact that you don’t recognize the incontrovertible truth of what I’m saying. The fact that things like the evil of the CIA and the industrial military complex corporations is still a matter of debate. And the fact that political and economic power generated by “deceive, confuse, and bewilder” – fragment and set one against the other – has permitted the CIA corporations to completely subvert and seize or control otherwise all of corporate business in the United States. By creating literally hundreds of foundations with which to finance domestic operation – Capital Cities, for instance – the CIA co-opted others like Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller.
With each new success of the kind, the Operation MOCKINGBIRD agents added to their propaganda arms – “news” services everywhere, “news” services and networks that clamored for new corporate power. And guess what . . .
Out of the funding resulted from the “new businesses,” the New Right – neo-conservatism grew. SURPRISE!
Are you paying attention? All of this has been done right in your face. Begin a study of what I’m saying, the evidence is incontrovertible. THE PEOPLE IN QUESTION ARE SAYING SO!
But I digress. Censorship is also done by law, law resulted from the demands of a public totally “bewildered” – remember the think-tank guy? – by MOCKINGBIRD propaganda. Hate mongering extremists from either end of the political spectrum use every verbal tool in the behaviorist’s repertory in an unrelenting effort to divide and conquer the electorate politically, and to encourage lawsuits silencing dissent and ruinous to the public’s interests in controlling government and the corporate powers that own it.
Efforts to gain control the Internet, for instance, are beginning. The CIA already posts on behalf of the federal government as much as half of the pornography there, pornography that, of course, CIA writers and television pundits will rail against in order to demand federal government control. Rather than instruct the viewer to simply push the buttons necessary to turn off the computer, or otherwise control what children watch (strange, isn’t it, that in a nation so concerned for its children that for every penny it spends in, for instance, and effort to recover those missing, it spends $100,000 on munitions?), the extremist pundits and talk show hosts plead and inveigh for the government to do it.
More, the duplicitous ACLU – “American Civil Liberties Union” – strives just as mightily to confuse matters even more (talk about “limited hangout!”). Have you ever looked into what happened to any of the seemingly bizarre “civil rights” actions they prosecute? DO it – and be prepared for an eye-opener.
Consider, while you’re thinking critically about the ACLU, all those heroic patriots (with their lapel pin flags, and the unctuous “thank yous” to the troops) of yellow network journalism. I mean, in case you’re so MOCKINGBIRD benighted that you missed it, those fulminating firebrands of television who would set everybody against everybody. Consider, too, that in the last few years free speech has come under such scheming scrutiny that we have also had speech-censoring lawsuits intended to stop Oprah Winfrey from “libeling” beef – that by the State of Texas – a suit by the State of Florida aimed at making it illegal to criticize citrus growers (you should just drink your pesticide-laden juice and shut the hell up), and more.
Presumably, anyone who speaks up to warn against lead in Chinese toys will be sued by corporate “America.” Sweat shop owners in India, China, and fifty more places will likewise sue to silence their critics (in the new Land of the Fee created by the CIA and its MOCKINGBIRD Operation, the guy with the enough money can silence anyone – how good and attorney can you pay for?).
In closing this time, I can’t help but mention Mika, the de rigueur female on the “Morning Joe” program, who - when “Joe” averred that had there been no one armed present at the time of the latest lunatic hunting expedition into a crowded place, as many as hundreds might have died - labeled the remark “inane.” Think – critically - about that one. What kind of biasing mental condition could make an otherwise apparently intelligent (I concede the possibility of PMS) adult say something so impossibly stupid?
Tell us, honey – what do you think would have happened?
Labels: CIA, critical thinking, mockingbird propaganda, newspeak
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