"That’s Because You’re Stupid!”

Controlled Demolition Theory and Uncontrolled Spending Theory - TweedleDee & TweedleDum.
During recent exchanges with the literally dozens of persons exploiting for profit the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the name Jim Hoffman appears regularly and prominently. Hoffman, as nearly as I have been able to determine by way of Wikipedia, his own Websites, and others is what some – he and others in that field - call a “software engineer.”
What is a “software engineer?” Well, while Hoffman has, indeed, been successful in developing computer software capable of providing visualization of certain mathematical functions, namely minimal surfaces, there is active debate among engineers concerning use of the professional designation “computer engineer.” According to Wikipedia and its contributors, typical attempts at formal definition of “software engineering” are: (1) "The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software;” (2) "An engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production;" and (3) "The establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to economically obtain software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines."
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies “computer software engineers,” together with “computer scientists,” “programmers,” and “network administrators,” as a subcategory of "computer specialists.” In the United Kingdom, the “specialsts” include and are called “Information Technology Professionals” and “Engineering Professionals.” Software engineering in Canada, according to Wikipedia, has seen some contests in the courts over the use of the title "Software Engineer."
Hoffman is a computer programmer.
More, and whatever Hoffman is professionally, any review of his productions concerning the World Trade Center attack soon make the reader aware that the gentleman is not above the use of amibiguity when it favors his argument, his point of view, or his personal agrandizement. “Software engineer” doesn’t in the remotest sense, on the other hand, make him qualified to hold forth on the World Trade Center attack, especially where supposed “controlled demolition” of the towers is concerned. I might in order to elucidate my meaning add that as a professional forensic investigator of twenty three years experience, I am technically and professionally far more qualified to make an investigation of the kind Hoffman purports to make or has made.
Further in that regard – and incidentally - in mathematics, a “minimal surface” is one with a mean curvature of zero. Examples of minimal surfaces are catenoids, helicoids, and the like. A “catenoid,” by the way, is described as “a three-dimensional shape made by rotating a catenary curve around the x axis. Put two wire circles in a soap solution, then slowly draw them apart, and surface tension will form a catenoid surface between them. Were one able to twist far enough in opposite directions the two wire hoops, he could make a helicoid – a kind of extended helix. An hour-glass shape, in other words. Computer programs – and people who like to play with soap bubbles, of course – can distort manifolds of all kinds into minimal surface shapes. Minimal surface shapes or manifolds can be described mathematically by coordinates on a graph, usually in the “x” and “y” form, into which one plugs numeric values, and a “parameterized” pair of equations are those which permit definition of points on a graph in terms of yet another arbitrary variable, usually “t.” Parametric equations, in short, are functions which permit one to use arbitrary values, called – mirabile dictu! – “parameters,” in place of the independent variables which in turn provide values for a dependent variable.
Not exactly rocket science. Physics, or forensic science, either. For years as a youth, endeavoring to understand Einsteinian physics, I myself practiced mental visualization of catenoids morphing into helicoids, and vice versa (among other examples of the same “manifold morphing”). In fact, it’s high school stuff, especially the math.
This guy is an engineer like Dr. Laura Ingraham is a doctor. Not quite, actually. The great, conservative talk radio political pundit does have a doctorate in something – art, I think (law, it turns out).
At any rate, I have just a few minutes ago dispatched the following e-mail to Mr. Hoffman:
Mr. Hoffman;
I find your "Text for slide presentation, The Twin Towers Demolition, by Jim Hoffman," together with what seems to be publications concerning the same, most interesting.
Why not have a public debate on the matter, you and I? We could even do it by means of the Web: a website specially intended for the purpose.
I, in other words, challenge you, sir. How about it?
H.A.L. von Luebbert
P.S. I will begin publishing this and my challenge to you on my website and the several to which I subscribe.
Of course, Hoffman won’t respond. He has no business in a debate with anyone more informed than the people he exploits for dollars, a fact demonstrated eminently by the caliber and quality of the dissertation to which I made reference in my e-mail. Its author would get a C or less in a high school physics class (which, it happens, I once taught only a few years ago). More, he isn’t interested in proving anything. He is interested in the lucrative business of exploiting the ignorant, something also made apparent by the staggering number of errors in his recorded presentations.
That is something that singularly pisses me off, as the reader may have gathered.
The wonder of all this – and I confess more puzzlement in this regard than with anything else in question here – is that he manages to evade or avoid the obvious. I mean challenges like mine. Any competent construction engineer would tear his nonsensical pronouncements concerning the WTC towers construction and matters so related to pieces. Any airline pilot, aeronautical engineer, or aviation expert would mangle his claims concerning the aircraft, as would anyone who has investigated aircraft crashes and related failures. Any metallurgist – Hoffman must be the cause of much mirth among these people – knows better than the bilge being pumped by this charlatan fraud and his ilk. And it goes on in like fashion where logicians might be concerned – one inconsistency, non sequitur, and irrelevant conclusion after another.
And that brings me to something of a great deal more importance than the ubiquitous and inevitable “capitalist” who, like those who a few years ago sold “pet rocks” to empty-headed faddists, seeks to exploit the tragedy on “9-11.” People like Jim Hoffman, in other words, have come to personify something that has for a long time continually puzzled me (the social sciences, so called – history, psychology, sociology, anthropology and the like – have obsessed me during most of my lifetime), resembling another kind of spurious pundit, today’s politician and the execrable media who serve him. Day after frustrating day, these supposed mental giants spew verbal garbage, malaprop upon solecism, logical fallacy upon innumerate and mathematical pratfall, all swimming in a witch’s brew of outright falsehood.
How do they get away with it? How the hell have these painfully obvious mental mediocrities gained wide, even national, appeal - appeal sufficient to permit them to come to leadership and celebrity in a nation as once great as the United States of America?!
It all reminds me of the Beatles. The first time I heard the “Fab Four,” I had just come back from a mission wherein I was damned near killed. At a relative’s home for the Christmas holiday, one of my friend’s children was playing “their music.” It was bad, damned near intolerable, such that I could only assume the group playing – and, sort of, singing – was that of Sandy’s high school classmates. Imagine my surprise to learn that a foursome of long-haired, barely-able-to-play-at-all musicians had captivated a continental, even world-wide, audience. They were millionaires, by dint of having sold figurative tons of utter garbage – musically speaking.
It was, of course, the time of “Naked Came the Stranger,” “Fabian” (the singer – sort of [he was so bad his voice had to be electronically “doctored”), “pet rocks,” and – co-incidence? – the CIA and U.S. Federal Government program called Project MOCKINGBIRD. I shouldn’t have been surprised. The objective of MOCKINGBIRD, after all, was to deceive, confuse, and stupefy the people of the United States - having seen the theory developed for political reasons, the corporate capitalist could, apparently, not resist its exploitation elsewhere.
Have you ever read a Harry Potter Novel, really listened to “popular” music (consider that for a moment – how is something that lasts two weeks then is forgotten popular compared to music played and listened to for centuries?)? Do it! – and learn the power of the MOCKINGBIRD, “big lie,” propagandist media turned commercial.
Consider its original originators and the corollary they represent. Consider public education in the U.S., in other words - the elementary, grammar, and high schools of the republic, those chiefly - but not necessarily exclusively - maintained at the public expense. Consider, in other words, the horrendous record of chicanery and imbecile stupidity, of wasted money, picayune parochial politics and otherwise criminal false pretenses. Consider the very theory behind that of public education, a Brobdingnagian boondoggle that costs the U.S. taxpayers hundreds of billions each year, in order – from the corporate government’s point of view – to manufacture voters “stunned, stupefied, a brother to the ox” (to quote from Markham’s ‘Man with a Hoe’).” And, in order, in turn, to somehow safeguard a virtual-only “democracy” made up of an electorate so stupid that it will buy for a pet a stone (or patronize “Naked Came the Stranger” compositions like that of the Jim Hoffman and his “controlled demotion” of the World Trade Center theory).
The state and condition of the education system of the U.S., in point of everywhere-evidence fact, is a microcosm of the nation, a kind of motley menagerie comprised of talented, dedicated – even brilliant - teachers, governed by a hopelessly mindless system stupidly – or evilly; you can never be sure, can you? - dedicated to reducing the nation’s children to similarly mindless consumerism. U.S. “education” has now, in fact, become a system of behavioral conditioning; and as such it is a societal and national Judas goat, leading the sheep-like nation to economic and political slaughter.
Time was – when I was there, for instance – that even a high school class generally representative of the nation would have laughed a Jim Hoffman and his puerile productions off the stage. But it’s not funny now. Prosecutors and defense attorney’s the caliber of this secular Elmer Gantry have put literally hundreds – probably thousands, even tens of thousands – of innocent men in jail. Teachers and professors like this have graduated from college people who couldn’t read and write. A nation now subsisting mentally on bloviating balderdash like that being peddled by WTC “controlled demolition” theorists (god – talk about a solecism!) and their counterparts in government, education, and the national structure of the U.S. had produced military leaders of the kind that led us into a strategic and tactical Little Big Horn like Iraq.
My god, people, another “9-11” “theorist” named Bush has talked you into surrendering the right of habeas corpus! Because terrorists knocked down one building and killed three thousand of three hundred million people!
While you’ve been oblivious in your addict’s nodding, he and people like him have stolen nine point eight trillion dollars of your country’s – that’s your – money. They have slick-talked you into almost every nitwit nostrum of a social program conceivable – thank god most people in Congress are only a little brighter than you are – by the mind of evil man. You not only believe a Jim Hoffman when he says the government (or anyone, for that matter), without notice by a city of people the size of New York City, somehow managed to prepare for controlled demolition two buildings the size of the World Trade Center towers, you believe a government telling you that while it can build a four lane, divided, highway from coast to coast, it can’t close the Mexico border with a fence.
It can find money sufficient to pay for fourteen nuclear aircraft carriers and sixty-five nuclear submarines, but it can’t find the money for a god-damned fence? It can go to the moon, land, and return, learn the physical composition of the rings of Saturn, the asteroid belt, and the like, but not detect a Mexican outlaw when he crosses the border or find him once he has reached any of our cities? The U.S. can hit with a missile a rock flying past Jupiter, bring back sand from the moon, but it can’t spot illegal aliens entering the country by the horde, or catch them?
The conspiracy theorists – theory, hell; these people don’t just theorize, they steal – who are also your U.S. Congress and President spend your money – eighty million dollars from 1981 to 1984 - for things like “Health Care Financing Administration for Medicaid payments to psychiatrists for ‘unscheduled, coincidental meetings with patients’ who just happened to be attending basketball games, watching strippers, sitting on stoops, and the therapeutic like.
They have money for a two million dollar police patrol car – “the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration received two million dollars for a prototype police patrol car that was never completed. The car was loaded with gadgets and would have cost fifty thousand dollars each.”
The Congress’ Office of Education found funds for spending two hundred, twenty thousand dollars to develop a curriculum to teach college students how to watch television. How’s that for higher education you’re always talking about?
Then there was the one, point two million the Environmental Protection Agency spent to preserve a Trenton, NJ sewer as a historical monument.
Social security, we’re told by our representatives (they’re representative, all right; representative of frauds like the Jim Hoffman conspiracy theorists and George W. Bush protection racket peddlers – that social security is in trouble. Not enough money. But the Congress’ National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism can get millions of your dollars in order to find out if drunken fish are more aggressive than sober ones, if young rats are more likely than adult rats to drink booze in order to reduce anxiety, and if rats can be systematically turned into alcoholics. That’s millions, mind you.
To bad those Iraq vets in Building Eighteen at Walter Reed weren’t drunken fish or rats.
In the movie, “The Mask of Zorro,” when a Spanish soldier hornswoggled by a ruse perpetrated by the future Zorro and his brother utters a surprised exclamation, Zorro Antonio Banderas replies, “That’s because you’re stupid . . .” You, John Q. Citizen, have bought all this because, like that soldier, you’re stupid.
Anybody who will buy the “9-11,” “controlled demolition” theory will buy the government we have, too.
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