Yes, Virginia, I DO Advocate the Overthrow of the Government - Honor Demands It.

A few years ago, during one of my many street clashes with the federal einsatzgruppen known facetiously as Internal Revenue Service, a lady scharfuehrerin sought to intimidate her supposed victim with the question, “Do you, sir, advocate the overthrow of the government of the United States?”
“Yes!” I shot back, “and as soon as possible. Anything else, and our children and grandchildren will piss on our graves.”
So yes, Virginia ("Jennifer," actually), I dissent. You’re damned right I “dissent!” A Bierkrug – you call it a “stein” – my grandfather had blazoned the motto, “Loyalty above everything – except honor.” You wouldn’t know anything about that, of course, having built a nation where most of your children can’t so much as define the word.
Speaking parenthetically, you can save the howls of protest. A few years ago, traveling the nation for the United States Judo Association, I did private several surveys, just to see how things are. I also taught school for a couple of years, for the same reason. Eighty-two percent of the kids I asked to define the word “honor” thought I meant medals, awards, and fame. Six percent knew that it had to do with right thinking and behavior. Q.E.D., and all you have to do is look around to know the conclusion is valid.
I dissent. I dissent to the nation’s lack of honor, and I dissent to government by conspiracy of military industrial criminals, in a capitol where currently 35,721 whoremongers called “lobbyists” negate the very concept of the democracy a sleaze of politicians cynically proclaim for purposes solely self-aggrandizing. How can the voter control his government and the course of his country in a nation where surpassing concupiscence, avarice, and ambition are the decisive prerequisites for election to office, and where access to those same officeholders is reserved by obvious circumstance to only those with money enough to corrupt even a nun?
I dissent to a political system wherein men of so little character and accomplishment as that of George W. Bush can rise to the highest office. As feckless as his predecessor was amoral, reared with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, totally without the fear of having to risk anything, protected from failure by power as corrupt as his own currently, he did not once in his life demonstrate anything remotely approaching the ability necessary to properly discharge his oath of office. That he has repudiated it recently should come as no surprise.
I dissent to a system that will pay one man five million dollars a year to play a really trivial and silly boys’ game like basketball, baseball, or football, while paying the same man what amounts to little more than a living wage for educating its children. I dissent to a system which pays a vapid teenager millions to sing or play childish music – and poorly, at that – while paying soldiers even closer to poverty-level wages to risk their lives and kill.
I dissent to and I resent most – a personal thing – supercilious men and women like late-night radio talk show hosts who archly self-aggrandize their own worth by way of denigrating the poor, to argue as do FoxNews pundits like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity that they have “earned” their wealth. A guy sitting in a climate-controlled studio, speaking into a microphone or television camera “earns” his salary, huh? That kind of obliviousness can only be due psychosis, utter stupidity, or ulterior motive. At any rate, that kind should just stay out of my way, or keep their mouths shut in my presence. I haven’t pounded the pavement with an arrogant and preponderant asshole like them for some time, now, and I’m about due. Since 9-11 took the federal goons off my trail, I haven’t had much excitement.
Speaking of soaring arrogance and self-satisfaction, I dissent also to the use by one nation, four percent of the earth's population, of thirty-five percent of the world's energy and resources, all the while posturing as the great friend of all nations and peoples. The FoxNews crew and their pundit brethren represent in their attitude toward the poor and less fortunate (they do not, of course, attribute their "success" to anything but their surpassing talent and stalwart effort) the same attitude and posture the United States takes towards its fellow nations. The United States is not only a bully, it is a condescending bully. I dissent as a kid who once suffered under similar cruelty and condescension by the bullies of my school and neighborhood - because it angers and disgusts me.
Yeah, I dissent. I dissent to a nation that couldn’t tell the truth if its life depended on it – which, for a nation whose way of life depends on the ability to do justice by means of law, it does. How can you have justice in a nation of abject liars without honor, where “due process of law” is dependent entirely on personal oath?
I dissent to relentless interference in the affairs of foreign nations, to economic hocus-pocus, political intriguing, assassination, and wars waged in the name of freedom, all actually in order to further “American interests.” Steal, that is. Why is “interventionism” and “colonialism” wrong for every other nation on the planet, but righteous when we do it – continually?
I dissent most strongly to the killing of innocents, even – no, especially; the hypocrisy inherent in the term makes it worse – when the dead are “collateral damage.” Hypocrisy? Yeah, like calling a 2,000 pound bomb or missile warhead a “precision munition.” How can you call the explosive effect of 945 pounds of H-6, Tritanol 80/20, or PBXN-109 “precision?” Detonated, the much explosive sends temperatures at ground zero to 8,500 degrees, vaporizing everything – and everybody – in a radius of 500 feet. The blast wave reaches several thousand pounds per square inch, spewing the 1,055 pounds of metal and what- have-you that is the rest of the bomb up to 1,100 yards with murderous and destructive effect. “Precision,” my ass!
The son of a bitch who uses a weapon like that does so because he hasn’t the balls to do what men of honor have always done. That, in case you can’t - corrupt as you are - imagine it, is to seek out one’s enemy, go to him with a weapon that is precise enough to injure or kill only him, and do it. The recent careless shooting of a hunting companion by our warmongering vice-president should have come as no surprise to anyone. The victim was just “collateral damage.”
Yeah, you’re damned right I dissent. I dissent to a government and educational system that provides no better than the schools we have today, the prison-like environments there, and the undisciplined rabble represented by their student bodies. In high school, I took my shotgun to school each day of hunting season, in order that I might be able to take game on the way home. I even took my .45 caliber Colt 1911 with me, and wore it everywhere about the little farming community during the months of summer vacation from school. No one objected, or even paid any mind, because everyone knew of my upbringing and, as a result, of my character.
I dissent to a nation and society that stands idly by while their criminal government spends their children and grandchildren into irretrievable debt, fearful of rocking with patriotic protest the boat that is their over-fed, self-indulgent, and craven existence. To go on living in oblivious, “after me, the deluge” comfort at the expense of children – their own children – is akin to selling them into slavery, an act even more despicable than firing 2,000 pound bombs into primitive villages. No, this isn’t a nation who knows much of honor, that’s for sure.
I dissent, although it has resulted in my being wounded by federal government rifle fire three times, being run down by motor vehicles six times (while on the sidwalk or in a protected crosswalk), poisoned twice, attacked by a martial arts espert assassin, rammed twice while driving, burglarized more that sixty times, and stopped for harassment on the nation's streets and highways more than a hundred, ten times in fifteen years. My cars and airplanes have been sabotaged with obvious intent. Dissent has a high price in the Land of the Free.
So, I do, indeed, dissent. Had I the power, I would stop it all. I would overthrow the government. That’s tit for tat, after all. Remember John Stuart Mill? “A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
Eighteenth Century Statesman and Political Philosopher Edmund Burke said it all for me when he said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
You live mindlessly, my country, surfeited and fat – it’s become a source of pride for a nation of ultra specialists and “information processors – but it’s time you take some time away from pizza and beer, football games, and other goofy entertainment – to learn something of ethics, morality, and – perhaps in the bargain – honor. An indignant world of nations and the ecosystem of a planet are about to bring you to your knees. Honor may be all that saves you.