Congress, and the Nation, Goes on Metastasizing

The latest biopsy, proof of how sick we are, is labelled the Abramoff Bribery Affair. Hard on the heels of revelation that the president has - and goes on, it's plain - repudiated his oath of office, the latest will hardly draw a glance from the public. "Corrupt politicians" is like "birds with feathers."
The condition used to be called a coma. Brain dead. Formerly, and in individuals, it was due trauma of some sort, disease or injury. Now, in its societal form, it's a condition induced by behavioral scientists paid to study and produce it by government and those in control of government. Originally, its master and principle purveyor was a man named Joef Goebbels. Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin were pretty good at it, too. Goebbels' protogee, a guy named Adolf once observed that with the "proper use of propaganda, it is possible to make one living in hell believe he is in heaven, and one heaven believe he is in hell."
The science of propaganda is far advanced, now - like science and technology generally. We're cloning animals, transplanting organs, examining the surface of asteroids far out in space, and the like. The mind of the public is putty in the hands of government willing to do that.
And they're willing, believe me. That they are successful with Dr. Goebbels' science is very clear, too. Putty, like I said. How else would anyone - in the face of all that has gone before - that the Bush White House is only bugging computers owned by suspected al Qa'ida associations? You believe that a man with the record for mendacity this one has is telling the truthy about this?
You believe that a Congress with the record for honesty and integrity this one has can be trusted to do the right thing about protecting our Constitution? You trust with your Constitutional Rights people who take bribes like a kid takes candy? For all the behavioral conditioning you're subjected to these days, I don't believe that.
I think your representatives represent you in more ways than one. I think you're too corrupt - just like they are. I think you'll let them go on stealing us blind because you think they're stealing from everybody else - not you. I think you don't give a damn about Bush "data mining" because you think it doesn't affect you. It doesn't endanger you.
I've got news for you. Have a look at that picture. That wound was inflicted in 1986, October the sixth. It was inflicted by a federal government sniper, shooting from ambush after elements of the local sheriff's office put up to it by the feds endeavored to make sure that I was unarmed. It was inflicted because I had provided a U.S. Senator with cold, hard proof of things like what Emperor Bush just did and is still doing. It looked like I might appear at hearings to offer more proof. To cover up the shooting, the U.S. District Court for Colorado in 1988 ruled that to provide records "would irreparably damage the tax collection system of the U.S." (IRS, you see, was the subject of my prospective testimony).
If you think a government, a congress, and administration as corrupt as this one, comprised of people like Randy Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, George W. Bush and the like, will stop at stealing your money and your privacy, you're a fool. These people do things like break up my family, ruin my business and make sure that I can never work again, and drive my son to three attempts at suicide. They do things like Ruby Ridge and Waco; like The Murrah Building, the World Trade Center, and Iraq.
So do you - you put them in office. They stay there because you let them stay there.
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