The Fantasy World of the U.S. - The Presidential Election, for Instance
As I've remarked here repeatedly, it absolutely flabbergasts me that the people of the United States seem unable to see through a scam as thunderously, cataclysmically obvious as the latest presidential "election" campaign.
Now we have Rush Limbaugh, the Jubilation T. Cornpone of today's political pundits, urging his two clicks to the right of Attila the Hun followers to support Hillary Clinton! Apparently, Limbaugh and his fellow blowhards of talk radio are even more intent than usual upon making the orchestration of this tawdry spectacle that of a soap opera. Ann Coulter, Nancy Grace, and the like weren't enough, we now have - I had to repair quickly to the Internet to find an example of something I find so appallingly devoid of intellectual content that I've never seen one - "As the World Turns" as a model for politics.
The power of feminism to reduce the individual to doll-play is indeed wondrous.
Meanwhile, the nation - like the soap opera IT has become - goes on deteriorating while all the child-minds play house. While the crew and passengers of the ship of fools that is the nation indulge their infantile fantasies, posturing and cavorting through their make-believe roles, those of us who live in the workaday world that keeps one pressed hard against cold, hard, reality, together with those who are actually and personally (not researched and handed them by a propagandist production staff, that is) familiar with telltale history since nineteen forty-eight endeavor with increasing urgency to find something with promise for coping with it all.
On a ship like this one, people who are wise check to see where the life rafts are.
Today I live in a country where daily I either hear on the news or receive news from a friend like that concerning the maniacal murder of a family by a gang of teenage nutcases. Across the border with Mexico a few miles away, a torrent of hardened, murderous, Mexican criminals pours, and this mornings news includes that concerning the intent of prisons in the U.S. to begin releasing domestic - even more, in other words - criminals into the general populace. That's while rabid, invective-hurling "activists" like the woman who appeared last night to call efforts to curb illegal immigration "gestapo tactics" demand open borders. Lou Dobbs and those who want the border controlled are "racists."
Because, in other words, I want the burglars I've caught in my house removed and arrested, and because they happen to be Mexicans here illegally from Mexico, I am a racist. (Okay, I'm a racist. I still want them out of my house and arrested.)
If, as Bill Cosby used to say, that's not enough to shake up your spinal cord, the current election campaign promises either to elect a quasi-psycho nutcase who will continue not only U.S. occupation of Iraq, but U.S. efforts to dominate the world and bend it to our corporate will, or a quasi-psycho nutcase of the messianic variety intent upon not only bankrupting, but disarming me.
That's in a nation where the president - and by virtue of its utter failure to exert the balance of powers prerogative provided them by the U.S. Constitution (yes, that "old document") - and congress spend nine billion dollars a month on a war returning the nation absolutely nothing, a nation whose political pundits and public alike still profess to see no connection between the war and a deepening recession. That - just incidentally - is while two presidential candidate are promising "programs" that also promise expenditures of almost $800,000,000,000 (eight hundred billion) on social programs people like my wife and I will have to fund, and another promises (in a nation where killing is "abortion," trouble or difficulty is "issues," male is "chauvinist," and fifty more the solecistic like, why don't we say "promisers" instead of "politicians" or "candidates") to go on spending that nine billion a month for a hundred years.
And the cost of filling my car's ten gallon tank this morning was thirty bucks; it'll be forty by the end of the year. The cost of the groceries I buy every morning has increased by ten percent in just a few months, too - all of it thanks to the @#$%! incompetence and fiscal policies of this @#$%&! government!
Does anybody really think I will buy a god-damned house, or invest in anything? In a coast-to-coast and border-to-border economic looney bin like this one? They must be as crazy as the megalomaniacal menagerie that runs this country.
Of course, I've been expecting all this for a long time - twenty-two years, matter of fact. Everything that so pisses the rest of the world off about the United States happened to me 'way back then. I lived, for instance, a personal version of what happened to Cuba, one eerie in its parallel similarity. From economic sanctions and efforts to end my productive life, to libelous and slanderous falsification of records, and outright attempts a murder, I knew first hand the tactics of the plotters of the corporate coup d'etat under which the U.S. languishes.
Why is it so damned, incomprehensibly, hard to see that what the corporations who rule here want in Cuba is the same thing they want in everything they do, the same thing things they want everywhere else in the world, the same things they want from each of their own citizens? Why is the ages-old scenario of the Snidely Whiplash villain and the rich widow so hard to recognize when the principals are nations (one thirty times the size of the other)?
It, like these "As the World Turns" elections, is a thing so blatantly, so thunderously, apparent that the mind boggles at the likewise apparent failure of the nation's public to realize what has happened. Reading still another of the books written by an obviously disgruntled former employee of the government, that of one Michael Scheuer, I can only recall ruefully my own bewilderment at learning the truth about my country. The twenty-two years plus agent of the CIA, also the author of a book originally written under the sobriquet "Anonymous," first warned that we were losing the so-called war on terror. Agreeing with Congressman Ron Paul, a candidate, still, for president, Scheuer was quoted some time ago as having said, "I thought Mr. Paul captured it the other night exactly correctly. This war is dangerous to America because it's based, not on gender equality, as Mr. Giuliani suggested, or any other kind of freedom, but simply because of what we do in the Islamic World – because "we're over there," basically, as Mr. Paul said in the debate."
That's putting it mildly. Everyone seems to have forgotten what everyone raged about even earlier, Professor Ward Churchill's observation that, the "chickens had come home to roost" on 9-11. The public also seems to have missed the fact that the furor was raised most eminently and Operation MOCKINGBIRD-like by none other than FoxNews, who on September 7, 2007 accused Congressman Paul of "taking marching orders from Al Qaeda," and neither does the brain-dead public remember comedian George Carlin's similar observation, or FoxNews' phony outrage at his remarks. How convenient, that.
Not even those who first plotted Operation MOCKINGBIRD could have foreseen how completely deceived and taken in the U.S. public would be.
Michael Scheuer's premise is that we are losing the "war on terror." More, he warns in his latest book that we are headed toward a war with all of Islam (funny - I said that, in print, months before the the invasion of Iraq - where was Mr. Scheuer then?). He is incontrovertibly right. I disagree with Scheuer, Paul, and the others on one point, however; more, I am totally nonplussed to explain how people otherwise as intelligent can apparently have missed what is even more obvious than the status quo where the phony "war on terror" is concerned. I mean that we are "losing the war" on terrorism because the corporate rulers of the United States want exactly that.
Come on, people! Nobody is so stupid that they conduct wars like we have conducted them since 1945. NOBODY!
What kind of jackass general attacks any enemy while leaving his own rear un-secured? What kind of moron infuriates everyone in his neighborhood by all manner of trespass, trashing, insult, theft of property, arrogation of rights, and more, then leaves all of his own doors unlocked and open? What kind of Tinker-Toy tactician avoids destroying and killing his enemy, attacking him with a force so small that it assures continued resistance; what kind of soldier or army uses weaponry in a manner obviously intended to assure survival of the enemy and in numbers sufficient to do just that? What kind of fool proceeds as we have in Iraq?
This is exactly equivalent to the fighter pilot who attacks an apparent sitting duck target without a wingman and without "checking his six o'clock" - looking to see what's behind him.
You have to believe the people in control in our nation are that stupid, or you have to believe they have an ulterior motive. Now what might that be? Well, while you're "checking your six," I suggest you "check your Cuba," too. Check the methods by which we collect taxes and Internal Revenue Service. Check the history of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (the latest there is the story of the mobile homes - the poisonous mobile homes - provided by FEMA to survivors). See if you can imagine the people of Iraq being treated like that - publicly and without media cover-up, I mean (it would definitely not be okay for the world to know, should we begin treating the people of Iraq like we treat our own citizens).
You could also - as you could have when it happened all these years ago - check the history of how the "Nation of Laws" dealt with U.S. citizen Hal von Luebbert.
But, of course, you didn't. You like your news in soap opera, action adventure form. You like your truth in Hollywood, made-for-television, "special effects," form. If a Tomb Raider, G.I. Jane movie heroine can knock the snot out of candidates for World's Strongest Man, pro-football interior lineman types, and the Neanderthal Man like, why shouldn't they do the same in military-style combat? Why shouldn't Hillary be president (who cares if, when that phone rings at three in the morning, she has a good cry before she does anything?).
But if you really think you can stand a straight dose of the truth concerning how we've come to be in a situation as surreal, and as asinine at how we come to be in Iraq, check, for instance, the commentary by readers appended to martial arts movies on YouTube. Consider that ninety-five percent of the expert wannabe warriors there have never been in a real fight - organized, street, military, or otherwise - in their lives.
Amusing, huh? Next, consider what these authorities say, and what they would appear to be. Compare them with the Rush Limbaughs, the Bill O'Reilly', the Sean Hannitys, and the honor roll at the bottom of the page here, too. Note the bravado, the frequency of the insult equivalent to the middle finger salute from a passing car. While you're smiling, or laughing, stop to realize that these are at least to some degree representative of their gender, their society, and their nation. Now, for good measure, go back and review the history of our invasion of Iraq - see if you can still wonder how we came to be there, and why - having discovered that the wingman of the guy we flew obliviously up behind with intent to blow him out of the sky is perched right behind us at with his thumb poised over the firing button - that we're still there.
Next - oh, no; we are definitely not finished - consider how we have come to be ruled by women and by feminist "issues." How have we let our schools be taken over by the students (you really see no connection? - well, now there's another explanation for how that guy came to be perched on our "six" with his thumb poised over the firing button)? How did we come to accept anything as utterly, stupidly, schizoid - divorced from reality - as the Tomb Raider chick, G.I. Jane, and women in combat?
Maybe the same way we came to accept "Hillary for president?"
Finally (not really, but this is getting longer than I intended), how did we come to be so damned stupid, so gullibly so, as to believe this is a real election? Who, for instance, would have believed two - even three - years ago that the Republican Party could survive George W. Bush and his pratfalling blowhard warrior wannabe president (if you didn't find George's type there on YouTube, you're either one of the kind or you didn't bother to read the commentary). Well, see what you think now. Rush Limbaugh would otherwise - were this all real, that is - have a point. When the Democrat Party has made a total caricature, bad-guy-in-a-pro wrestling match ass of itself, the industrial military complex corporations and their Operation MOCKINGBIRD media will have accomplished another "impossible."
They will both have their man in the White House and the nation believing "the system works" - it was a real election. All the morons who are now clamoring and lining up to vote will go home to face soaring prices ("a hundred years" at nine billion a month - and if you think it will remain there for a hundred years, you really are "out of it"), a war with Islam - with, mind you, open borders (wouldn't want to be called "racist" now, would we?), and the growing probability of being murdered by the kids in the neighborhood on a lark (or, of course, your own kid being beaten to death or raped by his fellow savages). That's if the hundreds of rapists, murderers, white slavers, kidnappers, drug lords' servants, MS-13 marauders, and Typhoid Marys pouring over the border with Mexico don't get you first.
Aren't you tickled to know that we've become so enlightened that a woman can run for president? Good for you – you’re not a sexist (hand me the map, Rita – I think when the shit hits the fan, if we can get to the mountains, we’ll be able to get to Canada and British Columbia . . .).
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