Stupid or Evil – “America” and Its Twisted Truth.

"He & She" - In a Nation That's Decided There's No Difference
Many years ago, a student of Dr. Stewart Holcomb at the University of Iowa, I wrote this in a research paper that would one day become the blueprint for what we now call the SWAT team: “Any purely logical analysis of tactical concerns where hostage (and armored car seizure and/or robbery) situations are concerned must be characterized by recognition of its own strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include rigidly objective examination and emotional distancing from the event. Weaknesses may on the other hand also include over-objectification of the incident or event in question, with inherent loss of that emotionally empathic framework of shared meanings necessary for full understanding. “Get knowledge, indeed – but above all, get understanding.”
Quite a mouthful, but each evening of late as we sit watching the “boob tube” in fascinated astonishment, simply amazed at the singularly monumental stupidity of the nation’s leaders (my god – the shear mediocrity of these people is appalling!), pundits, and “personalities,” I remember it.
And, witness, my last observation there, I can’t help parenthetical reflection that some of these media and politician “personalities” have all the personality of a robot.
Which, of course, is what they effectively are. Ratiocination – logical thinking – seems a thing totally foreign to any of them. From the mindless recitation of jargon solecisms like “issues” – we’re still laughing over Katie Couric’s Little Annie Fannie bubblehead remark that she was having “issues in bed” – to bimbo-babble like that being blabbered nowadays by whatever miniskirt promising a panty or pussy “flash” happens to strategically occupy the center of the television screen, we have tabloid tripe served up in mind-numbing Orwellian hate-rally fashion by people like Nancy Grace, Greta Van Susteren, Kimberley Guilfoyle, and their Jezabel like.
Thanks to the militant feminists of the PMS-hysterical sixties, the nation and its media – the latter striving mightily to behaviorally condition the former – lives in what is only virtual reality, a reality constructed of and determined almost entirely by words. “Let’s talk,” the distaff side of any relationship from couple to nation always says – “We need to communicate.”
And talk we do, from the specious and petty intellectualism that spawned the feminist psycho-blabber of a few years ago, to the mindless bimbo-babble I spoke of a minute ago. It is enough to make archetypical men like my grandfather roll over in their graves. While the Titanic that is the U.S. ship of state bears down hard on the iceberg that is economic, ecosystem, military, and political leadership collapse, we have these haranguing harpies yammering about matters so damned trivial as to rival the vapidity of Marie Antoinette’s infamous “let them eat cake” remark. We’re headed for utter disaster, and half the populace is nattering about women’s “issues” (Aaaargh - that execrable word, again!)
God-a-mighty, girls - shut the hell up, already!
Even worse, even more cancerous to what is the essence of our form of democracy is the now nearly complete devolution of the societal mind represented by the widely held belief inherited from militant feminism that the right to speak somehow lends credibility, even validity, to what any moron may choose to declaim.
Does THAT, by the way, remind any old, married man – perhaps, like a friend of mine, the father of four daughters - of his last heavy discussion with the missus or daughter?
People, the right to speak does not mean what you say is worth anyone’s listening to; more, it sure as hell doesn’t mean you have the further right to demand that anyone listen. A warrior, for instance, I just don’t want to hear what Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, or Condoleeza Rice have to say about military tactics, intelligence, or weapons; and I sure as hell don’t want to be represented among the Arab nations by a diminutive black woman (my god, “America,” you don’t realize how freaky fatuous that is?).
Oh, shit – NOW I’ve done it. Look, I abhor sexism – the real, the viciously stupid thing - as much or more than anyone. Probably because I hate bullying with a passion few who read this will be able to appreciate without having endured what I once did at the hands of those who will use their superior size. strength, or superiority in numbers, to inflict themselves on others weaker, I would smash with the same compunction I’d step on a bug a man who bullies a woman. Rules and laws that prohibit a woman earning the same for performing the same service or doing the same work are just, plain, wrong.
Now, please, go back and read that carefully. Note the emphasis.
And it is also wrong – just as wrong - for a women, by virtue of legislation and the societal sea-change that was generated by insane (that means, I remind you, detached from the reality) feminist hysteria of the sixties and later, to arrogate themselves to positions they cannot possible handle, and to demand pay they can’t possibly earn.
That is sexism, too, you know.
We are in point of thunderously obvious and therefore undeniable, fact watching our business and economic systems dissolve before our very eyes, with corporations on the one hand fleeing the country to escape bizarre social nostrums which include the infamous Title IX which feminists inflicted upon university athletic programs (businesses, I remind you), or being forced to import and hire illegal aliens in order to keep pace with the tax collector who also services this ideologically self-serving crap.
From Sears having been sued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission because more men than women held jobs like selling appliances, to ruling that free drinks and cheap food on “ladies night” was “unlawfully discriminatory,” to ACLU horse manure like threats against public building owners concerning number of women’s toilets, business and the economy in the U.S. have taken a pasting from feminism.
And that’s not to excuse the craven male cowardice that is the only possible explanation for the nation’s pantyhose polemicists to have succeeded in their lemming-like, “I am woman, hear me roar” migration to the implacably natural sea.
Neither is scrofulous feminism’s Typhoid Mary effect on the nation’s business and economy its only effect. Everywhere one looks nowadays, one sees natural sanity under attack where other societal considerations are concerned. Each time feminist lawyers force down the society and nation’s throat another of their ideology’s mindless arguments like that having to do with actual physical and mental gender similarity – another example of reality made entirely of words, that of “equal under the law” having become equal otherwise - the society and nation’s psyche and character take another weakening cut.
The feminist’s “death of a thousand cuts” attack on the national mentality means, for instance, children who no longer realize – have, even, internalized an induced reversal of conceptual gender roles - life facts as basic as the difference between male and female. Imagine being a child in a nation wherein one must actually listen daily to – in fact, be technologically inundated and saturated in - a contentious debate concerning anything so monumentally obvious as the difference between a boy and a girl. While it is stupefyingly incredible that one writing as I do here should have to offer probative refutation concerning anything so primordially basic – and in reality there are too many to enumerate here or even in a shelf-full of books – I offer this archetypical one:
Consider a child made to actually believe Hollywood, television movie fare nonsense like that a one hundred, ten pound slip of a woman knocking the daylights out of several pro-football linemen sized men, a GI Jane, a female U.S. Army Ranger, or U.S. Navy SEAL.
My god, “America” - you really want your kids to believe nonsense like that? You don’t recognize that this claptrap is hurting your children? Think about this: you really want your child to simply accept without thought that employers hiring a men and women with identical skills and utility to their company pay the men more? Just because they are MEN? Tell me, do you really think – free of your own moronically biased indoctrination – that your kids are so stupid they will believe that any one who can buy for less the same product – labor or skill, in this case – will willingly pay more?
YOU may be that stupidity-biased; don’t expect the kids to be.
Let’s change the subject – at least where the societal mental seizure due feminism is concerned. The nation’s nannies and their nitwit nattering aren’t – by far – the only example of ideology run wild to the nation’s detriment. Let’s try another of the country’s mendacious myths and the religion spawned and sprung up around it, that of another “equality.” I speak of rich and poor under the law.
Let one of our clamoring conservative apologists like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, or Rush Limbaugh explain on nationwide television some night how it can be fair that a Bill Gates pays the same fine for speeding as a senior citizen obliged to live on social security. Let me show up some night during O’Reilly’s phony propagandist palaver, to debate his recent excoriation of billionaire Warren Buffet for pointing out that among all the billionaire’s employees, Buffet pays the smallest proportion of his income in taxes.
Incidentally – speaking of spastic ratiocination and thinking – you don’t related things like this and the chaotic mess that is health care and related insurance, the Three Stooges state of education, or the “Girls Gone Wild” bedlam of the national whorehouse on the Potomac? REALLY? There – right there – you may find any proof of my contentions here concerning the national thought processes.
Let’s discuss, too, how under the present scheme of tax things one makes a corporation pay taxes it doesn’t hand – with all the costs for the wherewithal in so doing - immediately back to the consumer. As Ricky Ricardo of the old “I Love Lucy” Show used to say, ‘Splain dat to me, Lucy!” ‘Splain, too, Mr. O’Reilly, on what part of your income you pay that “thirty percent“ you ballyhooed with such ostentatious indignation the other night. “Thirty percent” means absolutely nothing until one know thirty percent of what – and how much “what” represents of your entire income. “No Spin,” huh?
That’s just, plain, stupid – or crooked.
Which brings up another point, one speaking more directly to Operation Mockingbird media of today like FoxNews and its utterly phony and meretricious punditry like the guys I just mentioned. Like all but the very few among the dozens of persons with whom I have debated today’s issue, the media’s supposed experts occupy the airwaves with logic of the kind that seeks to prove a point by destroying the argument of their just as speciously supposed opposition. Seemingly desperate to avoid any presentation of facts tell-tale of their own real purpose or the validity of their position, these muddle-heads resort to what logicians recognize at once as irrelevant conclusion - blissfully unaware, it seems, that by picking apart the opponent’s argument one does not prove the validity of one’s own argument.
Proof that someone is a liar does not prove his is a thief.
Now, one of my fondest memories of my grandfather was his advice that one day I would find the most difficult determination concerning my fellow man to be that of “stupid or crooked.” This is an example of that. Surely, one would think, people promulgated as experts by national news media organizations would not be so stupid as to be unaware of classic logic and the rules of debate. One finds it reasonable to attribute to the typical Website pundit of today simple sloth; too lazy to look up his sources or proof, he resorts to the “everybody knows,” rhetorical ploy, or makes up data and information out of whole cloth (the bald-faced lie, that is).
In a recent exchange having to do with the World Trade Center attack of September 11, 2001, I asked (as I have repeatedly and without remotely reasonable answer) how persons who might have brought the towers down by controlled demolition would have accomplished the Herculean task or preparing for and setting without notice and exposure the literally hundred of charges. I received responses like “invisibility” (no, I am not kidding), and the charges having been placed during construction (no, I’m not pulling your leg about that one, either).
Even more astonishing (and depressing – this is symptomatic of the appalling state public reasoning and dialogue have reached) was one arguer’s assertion – that supported by others on the same site – that his opinion was as good as anyone else’s and shouldn’t, therefore be “attacked.” Think about that one. Of whose argument – which side of the gender divide - style does that remind you?
Once again, in fact, we have the suspiciously spurious attempt to equate the right to speak with validity of the speaker’s opinion. Reality made of words. For conclusive identification, review the rhetoric of militant feminism, circa 1966.
It goes on, this “stupid or evil” conundrum. On CNN – Fox is the federal flagship, but the rest of the media is the fleet - we have a woman – one Dianna(?) West - holding forth on “what is torture?” I stare at the stunningly detached theatricality of it all. The utter, diabolical, absurdity of nonsense like this staggers me. Thirty years old, expensively coiffured, wearing apparel that would, no doubt, cost a “McJob” employee a year’s pay, in her Gucci shoes and wielding her Gucci pen, she’s been reared like a hot-house flower – to tell us about torture!
Some years ago, at the outset of the “women in combat” – strange, isn’t it that even Hitler’s Nazi Germany eschewed stooping so low – fantasia, a woman “expert” lecturing at the Pentagon recommended a “kinder, gentler military – patterned more on the example of the Salvation Army.” In a roomful of what we might have hoped military officers who were men, no one – that’s not one – objected. I spoke earlier of cowardly male capitulation to feminists, didn’t I?
We are, I remind you again, talking about the societal form of schizophrenia that is feminism in the United States. It’s as irrational nationally as any mental disease among individuals, and, since its effects are multiplied by the population of a nation, it’s that much more lethal. You imagine that I exaggerate? Go to this Website – hell, there are hundreds like it – and read. See – assuming you persist in a relatively pre-Orwellian state - the fixated, group-think mentality that has steered us into the chaotic, mentally deranged, non compos mentis state in which we presently find ourselves. Like whatever causes muscular dystrophy in the individual, this kind of diseased hysteria is making our national psychomotor responses spastic.
Next, considering the “Stupid or Evil” – does anybody remember the “all Cretans (or whatever) lie” conundrum? Check the recent appearance of someone - I started to say “guy;” how the hell do you know, these days – on the Wolf Blitzer, “Situation Room” (who the hell dreams up this Dell Comics schlock?), one Penn Jillette:
“I believe that there is no God. I'm beyond atheism. Atheism is not believing in God. Not believing in God is easy -- you can't prove a negative, so there's no work to do. You can't prove that there isn't an elephant inside the trunk of my car. You sure? How about now? Maybe he was just hiding before. Check again. Did I mention that my personal heartfelt definition of the word "elephant" includes mystery, order, goodness, love and a spare tire?
“So, anyone with a love for truth outside of herself has to start with no belief in God and then look for evidence of God. She needs to search for some objective evidence of a supernatural power. All the people I write e-mails to often are still stuck at this searching stage. The atheism part is easy.”
This wise man, this seer of the society, is of national television caliber?
Think about that. Imagine your interests, your property, the fate of your family, decided by a midget mentality like this. Stop and think that it’s this kind of genius that explains the state of national health care insurance, the absolutely cockamamie arguments and theorizing surrounding it, and a government that supposedly can’t formulate a plan to correct the problem. It’s this kind of genius that explains matters like how we have come to be bemired in a hopeless quagmire – we’re among other things there to “stabilize the region,” don’t forget – like Iraq, and why we have a tax system like that czar-ed and Gestapo-ed over by a monstrosity like Internal Revenue Service.
New Orleans years after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita is as it is on account of leadership like that. For crying out loud, LISTEN to the Penn Jillette candidate-for-president morons as they “debate” (did I happen to mention reality made of it’s-whatever-I-say-it-is words?)
I think - were it not for the Pavlovian state of the booby-hatch bedlam society – I should just say, “I rest my case.” This is – all of it - so logically absurd that it’s “over the top” – such meaningless equivocation and childish (heretofore) word-play” that it beggars description scathing enough.
But, just for fun, let’s see how many of the genius “Americans” who read this knows, can say, why. It’ll tell us a lot about where we are. This Jillette guy appeared on national television, a show that treats with things like the war in Iraq and all manner of societal and national issues, don’t forget.
“But,” Jillette said, “this ‘This I Believe’ thing seems to demand something more personal, some leap of faith that helps one see life's big picture, some rules to live by. So, I'm saying, ‘This I believe: I believe there is no God.’"
There’s an all-star of our Ph.D. Pantheon, for you.
Just for very short rebuttal (in no way intended to deal with the whole matter, but intended to characterize the depth of this CNN sage and sagacity laureate’s brilliance), in order to “believe” (assuming he means “think” – highly unlikely in itself) there is no god, Jillette would have to be able to be everywhere in the universe at once. That applies to his “prove a negative” remark, too.
Jesus! – “stupid or evil?” Say anything, no matter how nonsensical or absurd, and as long as it strikes a chord sympathetic with the cretin listening, it’ll be accepted as wisdom.
Next, we have the once-sycophant State Department employees who are part of the cabal sending young (middle aged, even old; even female – god, that’s despicable) citizens of their country to Iraq, but now waxing indignant because they might have to go where they’re sending others. Do I REALLY have to discuss this? Stupid or evil-wise, I mean? These swine so sicken me I may have to skip my evening whiskey. They do, though, represent a vast number of the public who stand by sheep-like as their Uriah Heap elected representatives watch George W. Bush feed their fellow citizenry into the meat-grinder of Iraq.
Aaaaaaargh! God damn it – I once went to war against outrage by government; I may, even in my dotage, do it again. How can men stand by and let this happen?
I may, I think, have answered my own question there, that when I asked what kind of men it was that capitulated to militant feminism. Abortion, for instance.
Oh, well. Next in news so mountainously portentous that only the dumb-as-a-fence-post could fail to relate it, we are informed that citizens of that utopian paradise known as Mexico are flocking to their own Tabasco state – in order to LOOT flood victims there. Wonderful people! And, according to the CNN’s Cafferty Report, recently, there are already six hundred thousand of this kind – that’s outright, already-convicted Mexican criminals – right here in the U.S. Since we have no way to know, can you help but wonder how many of these wonderful people descended upon New Orleans – or how much of the millions FEMA gave away to anyone willing to steal from the U.S. taxpayer went to people of the kind willing to steal from the drowning?
Next time, let’s talk about the national debt; maybe THAT will wake you up.
I doubt it. With New York’s nitwit governor willing to help illegal aliens with phony identification, and a presidential candidate talking out of both sides of her mouth on the matter, can anyone imagine matters couldn’t be even worse? you’re telling me you’re willing to let this kind of “leadership” rule here? Well, I’ll be damned. “Stupid or crooked.” More and more it’s the crucial question being asked by a nation of people likewise too stupid or evil to do anything but wait to see what happens to their country.
One of those “death by a thousand cut” cuts was obviously castration.
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