Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"Somebody should DO something . . ."

If you watch the evening news, you probably know that Jack McClellan is a pedophile. He is the guy in California (where else?), who not only admits stalking children, but posts an Internet website in which – to quote a lawsuit by Santa Clarita, California parents for an injunction preventing his activities – “The activities of McClellan are undertaken for the purpose of promoting, advocating and undertaking lewd and lascivious conduct with non-consenting minor children, ranging from arousal by virtue of so-called legal 'cuddling' and 'touching' to inter-generational sexual contact for the purpose of McClellan's sexual gratification and the sexual gratification of those engaging in similar practices."

McClellan provides other pedophiles with data intended to help them share in his odious pursuit and activities.

The police, however, are powerless to do anything about McClellan. According to Santa Clarita Police Captain Joe Gutierrez, "We have no active criminal investigation involving Mr. McClellan. I can only say we are aware of his Web site. We have visited his Web site and determined it does not rise to the level of a crime."

Of course, many who read this will share the sentiments of Richard Patterson, one of the attorneys representing the Santa Clarita parents:

"Here's the problem from my perspective," said Patterson, who has five daughters and three granddaughters. "With impunity, this guy lets you take his picture, put it on the front page and tells people 'I'm coming to take a picture of your little girl and I'm going to put that picture on a Web site and I'm going to let other sick people look at it.'

"My primary concern here is that we have: A. a person who is psychotic and, B. he's a drug user and, C. he's acting out his prurient fantasies," Patterson said. "It doesn't take much of a psychology degree to know what happens next - that what he assumes is harmless action usually, quickly, escalates to physical action."

I predict nothing will come of the civil suit. This is California, let’s not forget, home of the functionally demented Ninth Circuit Court and others like it – “others” including a socially-paralyzing segment of the society. It is in California where the U.S. flag had been, and is being, flown upside down under that of Mexico, and where Mexican criminals parade brazenly in public. California – the San Joaquin Valley - is also the home and base of operations of columnist Ruben Navarette, the columnist who wants not only to leave the border open to his people from Mexico, but to legalize illegal immigration.

In short, again, Jack McClellan and his pedophile brethren and Ruben Navarette and his illegal alien brethren from Mexico are both thumbing their noses with impunity protected by the U.S. Constitution at the U.S. Government and the people of the United States.

Neither does the analogical and microcosmic comparison(s) stop there. In Washington, D.C., another safe harbor for those thumbing contemptuous noses as the rest of the nation, another group of sneering reprobates operates in like manner. These, of course, are the conspiracy of criminals who rule the United States, that being now as brazenly openly as the Jack McClellans and the Ruben Navarettes.

I remind the reader regarding the latter that to suborn or misprision a crime is a crime equal to the crime being suborned or misprisioned. Ruben Navarette is, therefore, a criminal.

Most archetypical of the ilk is none other than the un-impeached – the proper documents are absent, in other words – President of the United States, George W. Bush. The three elements and their archetypes have much in common. All hold in contempt and flaunt the law and the society it protects. McClellan, Navarette, and Bush – together with all those who support their evil activities – suborn and misprision criminal activity, crime against even the people who support them. Bush and Navarette encourage, support, and ignore illegal immigrants and the depredations of the latter against the citizenry of the U.S.

All of this is incontrovertible logically or legally. Yet, we the people of the United States, the victims of the people in question and their ilk, are told by court, lawyer, political pundit, and media expert that we can do nothing – except wait until the obviously inevitable happens. Then, we are told, the law will act.

Sure. We’ve seen the law “act” all over the @#$%& place. It’s the reason that a week or so ago, two men with criminal records as long as both your arms broke into a home, murdered three women and beat their husband and father nearly to death, before setting fire to the house. Operation of the law is the reason that that very sort of things happens again and again. Dru Sjodin (remember?) and literally hundreds like her were raped and murdered by rapists and murderers released from prison by the law. And on, and on, and on. Ad Nauseam. Ad fury.

That’s what the law will do when the inevitable where Jack McClellan is concerned happens. Will the law hold McClellan responsible when someone he has encouraged by way of his hideous website rapes and murders a little girl? What do you think (spend some time on the Internet or at the public library, read up on the history of such matters)?

While you’re thinking, ask yourself if the law will hold Ruben Navarette or George W. Bush responsible when one of the one hundred and twenty three hardened criminals arriving over the border from Mexico daily does his thing? Remind yourself, since it’s kidnapping, and the rape and murder of children and women we’re talking about, that Mexico is the breeding and nurturing ground of the worst crime rate on the planet having to do with that very sort of thing.

Shaking his head in what seemed to me to be bewilderment, the second attorney for the Santa Clarita parents said, “Someone’s go to do something.”

Hmmmmmm! How many times have we heard that one of late regarding illegal immigration? The hideous tactics and death toll in Iraq? A president who more than seven hundred times during his term of office has arrogated to himself the power to not only ignore the law but to publicly flaunt it?

As many as eighty percent of the public detests the president and his hatefully bellicose policies toward Islam and Iraq – to say nothing of the asinine tactics he has presided over in the latter. About the same number of people detest the president’s criminal policies concerning illegal immigrants and immigration. Co-incidentally, about the same number of Americans would imprison for life or execute those who rape and murder children.

Isn’t it weird, parenthetically, that as many as twenty percent of the public holds some kind of sympathy for pedophiles? You think I exaggerate? Have you considered the Northeast, where several states and their judges openly encourage pedophiles with light sentences and early release after conviction?

Perhaps pedophile Jack McClellan can be driven to one of those sanctuaries for the criminal pedophile. Now that I think of it, illegal aliens are also being given sanctuary in the Northeast . . . A judge in Pennsylvania, as I mentioned recently, has ruled in a manner encouraging illegal immigration – and all that it entails.

Judge James M. Munley, like Ruben Navarette, George W. Bush, and the U.S. Congress, knows full well that illegal immigration means immigration of tens of thousands of Mexican criminals.

“Somebody should do something.” When has that not been true - ever? Of course, somebody should do something! The parent of a child who is raped and murdered should damned well have done something. The father, brother, husband, fiancé or boy friend of a young woman like Dru Sjodin, who was taken by someone like Alfonso Rodriguez, Jr. (the fifty year old registered Level Three sex offender who had already raped one woman at knifepoint and pled guilty to the rape of another) should damned well have done something, too.

The people of the United States should have “done something” when it became clear that George W. Bush had deliberately and willfully lied in order to convince the people and their representatives to attack Iraq. Somebody should have done something before more than four thousand, four hundred and seventy of our soldiers, and more than six hundred, fifty thousand Iraqis were killed, and the nation of Iraq torn to pieces.

The Congress of the United States should have done something, too. They, like the American people, should have done something when atrocities being committed by Americans in the name of the American people and at the order or with the complicity of the president of the United States were discovered.

And, of course, it all goes on; and for the Congress to hold feckless hearings, for the media and its asinine analysts to hold forth with their absurd bloviating on the various “issues” in question, is not “doing something.”

If you’ve been reading my essays, you know what that “something” must be. Like I once was when the United States rewarded my long life of law-abiding civic responsibility – including military and clandestine special operations service – with treasonous treachere, you have been, and are being, HAD. The law – and morality - of the United States is now de facto law – that of the corporate mind. President Bush and his eminence gris, Dick Cheney, practice the new, corporate, version of law.

The corporate form of law? You know it – you know it all too well. It must be familiar to all who have lived for a time in our country. That law is the is the Ford Pinto Rule. The Ford Pinto Rule says go ahead and do it, see if you can get away with it, then practice “damage control” if and when you don’t.

That, moreover, pedophile Jack McClellan practices a variant of that same law and morality demonstrates how prophetic were the words of Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis when he said, “Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”

McClellan, Navarette, and Bush won’t stop until they are stopped, and there’s only one way – guerrilla law.

Suppose that the pedophile were to have a “vigilante” “tail” everywhere he went, that he residences and associates should come under relentless, twenty four/seven surveillance. Suppose that everyone and anyone who did any kind of business, or hired him were to suffer immediate downturn in business - picketing, even. Suppose that the mailman should one morning deliver to his house or hole tens of thousands of lawsuit papers? Fear, you know, is “injury,” and actionable. Suppose that his website, including his pictures – as many as possible – were to label him with his own statements a pedophile and spread everywhere on the Internet. Suppose his picture were published - not only on the World Wide Web, but in each and every newspaper edition in town – for as long as he persisted there?

Of course, the public is entitled to treat the same way judges and others who encourage the Jack McClellans of society. Judges and public officials – parole officers included – who are responsible for the realise or molly-coddling of known, admitted, and convicted crimes against society must be held responsible. Newspapers who publish the criminal writings of journalism’s Ruben Navarettes should be shunned. A Congress and the political parties who have stood by since March 20, 2003 while the President and the military industrial complex corporations he serves represents killed hundreds of thousands should be shunned – totally. A vote, for anybody in either major political party, is subornation and misprision of the crime being committed in Iraq

“Somebody should do something.”

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