The Border with Mexico - Exactly What's Being "Compromised?"

I’ve just finished the last of a dozen letters to congressmen and senators, my latest salvo concerning the execrably craven conduct of the U.S. Congress on the hideous situation that is the Mexico border and the controversy having to do with illegal immigration. In recent days, we are hearing again and again, ad nauseam, the term “compromise.” What, pray tell, will be “compromised?” Why are we, the people of the United States compromising with anybody?
Or, more to the point, why are we being compromised?
Isn’t it enough (referring to the latter sense of the term), that in the last several decades, we’ve been little BUT compromised by our cockamamie government? What aspect of our daily lives, or our basic rights as citizens of a free nation, has NOT been compromised?
Seriously – I do not speak rhetorically - name something. Prices, compromised to a corporate military-industrial oligarchy that would sell its mothers, sons and daughters, and those of others the same way it has pandered its soul to the street pimps of capitalism? Our once-sacred freedoms, infringed and stolen at every occasion and excuse? Our standard of living, slipping for decades and now in veritable free-fall? Our safety both at home and in the wide world, sacrificed one the one hand to the nitwit negativism of those who would have domestic tranquility at any price including virtual slavery, and on the other hand to those who roam the wide world like the plundering Vikings of old, now in search of neo-colonialist economic conquest or its neo-conservative ideological and political equivalent?
When, since, 1950, have we done anything but compromise with the military industrial complex and the corporate rich our freedoms and way of life? A hundred billion dollars, for instance, of oil depletion allowances, “set-asides,” and all the rest isn’t compromise of the taxpayer? Who else gets that kind of investment from the public without having to sell stock and pay dividends?
The U.S. taxpayer is the only investor on the planet who gets absolutely nothing – except, in this instance, higher and higher prices - for his investment. You don’t recognize in that a kind of slavery? Extraordinary!
What do you call what has been going on between the White House and the U.S. Congress concerning our “more honored in the breach than the observance” Constitution? Explain to me, when a few decades ago, a president was forced to resign when he covered for what amounted to a high school prank, how a president can now lie outright, publicly, and repeatedly, in order to justify committing our troops to invasion of another nation, violate both the Constitution and his oath of office almost without restraint (you tell me when he’s shown any restraint), cause the death of thousands of people, and remain free of impeachment?
Explain to me, parenthetically, how the public of this – or any other – nation can stand by indolent and impassive while its government – government it supposedly controls – commits mass murder, all the while pretending to have no responsibility? Those who know my story or that of nearly countless U.S. citizens similarly brutalized by this government might also explain how that same government was able without a single protest from the public able to justify and otherwise escape what happened to one of their fellow citizens – me.
When you sing your mindlessly jingoist litanies – taught you by the government-controlled media and its educational system – I remind you that my awareness of the U.S. government’s true character didn’t come by way of its media or the education system it controls, but by having lived it.
The president tells you – just about daily now – that he will do just what he damned-well pleases about anything and everything (“I’m the decider”), and you really think our Constitutional Rights, your security, at home and abroad, your very way of life and dozens of things additional are safe? Not “compromised?” Jesus! – now that’s even scarier than he and his Bush League administration is!
Try me something (analogy can be very informative): were you a maiden on first date with a George W. Bush or his administration personified, and he told you concerning your chastity and honor as a woman everything he has told this sleep-walking nation concerning its sacred Constitutional rights, what would you think? You’d do what he urged? Sure you would.
I could go on, but so could anybody who has managed to remain impervious to the relentless and massive CIA-military industrial corporation propaganda now inundating the nation’s public and controlling its collective mind. Tell me, which of “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare (save, that is, of the citizens of Mexico) . . . hasn’t been “compromised?”
Now - the latest sell-out to “corporate America” and the devil that is corporate capitalism - we have still another compromise, that of compromise with Mexico and illegal immigration. And – when has it ever been otherwise? – the compromise with a foreign (or domestic, for that matter) nation results in the compromise of everything supposedly protected by government here at home. This, the latest compromise (does anybody doubt that more are in the offing?), lets the sleaze of politicos in Washington and the White House get away with still another blizzard of monstrous mendacity and deception, a colossally conniving betrayal of both their constituents and their oaths of office, while we, the long-suffering victim public, get the every-damned-time loss of our security, our freedoms, and still another bill for hundreds of billions of dollars.
Some compromise. The woman held spread-eagled and naked before a gang of slavering rapists on a dumpster in an alley isn’t that “compromised.” We seem to be adding to the vernacular of politics another of those terms with peculiarly warped meaning. “Compromise” – in the U.S., a form of rape, robbery, or other malfeasance cloaked by Operation Mockingbird media and dissimulating deception, wherein one party gets everything he wants, the other only the costs.
Why the hell should the people of the United States accept that kind – or any kind - of compromise?! Why should the nation supposedly the most powerful in history or on earth compromise with a third-world cesspool like Mexico?
I want to know some things. Exactly, what’s being compromised? What’s the deal that’s been made? Who are the principals and parties? Specifically! What’s being swapped for what? You’re telling me that I wake up one morning to find the gardeners have moved into the house, they’ve begun eating me out of house and home, tearing up and soiling the furniture, they’re leering at my wife and daughter, and the cops I call say I should compromise? Why, god damn it?!
This, by god, is too much! The congressional doctor’s advice to his national patient, now that it’s discovered that the latter is suffering of a massive infestation of disease, is to compromise – forego shots to kill the invader and immunize against its return? Incredible! If this doesn’t smack to you of misprision of crime (that, I remind the reader, is the concealment of knowledge of a crime by someone other than the culprit) or giving aid and comfort to the enemy, you’re a zombie. You’re so comatose that by way of your representatives – who in fact represent no one but the horde of lobbyists pandering to them - you’ve compromised where national defense is concerned (can you say World Trade Center). When an emergency like Hurricane Katrina occurs, you compromise with the Federal Emergency Management and its lack of response to the very thing that is its reason for being.
The National Transportation Safety Board doesn’t think before 9-11 that a knife with a four-inch blade is a weapon. A gang of raggedy clowns theatrically worshipping Allah blunders about all over the nation while noisily seeking instruction on how to fly airliners, and a government too stupid to recognize that a Boeing 757 is a three hundred thousand pound cruise missile lets them steal the same kind of airliners and do just what that same government was warned literally decades before would happen – and you don’t realize there was a compromise? Jesus!
The federal authority supposedly governing banking lets the savings and loan industry and its bunco artists (one – remember? - a brother of the president; and ain’t that a co-incidence) embezzle and steal billions from the public, right under their plenipotentiary nabob noses, and you don’t think something or somebody was compromised? And on, and on, and on.
My god, people you wouldn’t recognize a bacchanalian sex orgy if it took place in your living room on Christmas morning! Where the hell is your mind?! Tell me something the federal government of this benighted nation has done right in the last forty years. One thing - one responsibility to us all it didn’t F.U.B.A.R.
As I remarked a minute ago, the task of compiling all the compromises made on your behalf and compromising everything you have and hold dear is prohibitively daunting, impossible here. It constitutes a set of books the size of a set of encyclopedias. It should suffice to anyone rational to look around; where do you see anything in federal government but this new kind of compromise? You’re “compromised” to people like Halliburton, too. Some compromise (think again about that dumpster)! Whatever they charge, even when it’s ten or a hundred times anything near reasonable, your representatives compromise – pay them, in other words. Everywhere you look, you find more of this alley-and-dumpster “compromise.”
The difference is the woman on her back on the dumpster in the alley knows what’s happening; you’ve been fed the date-rape drug that is propaganda by the rapists’ government’s meretricious media and its own megalomaniacal messiah complex, and you’re a compliant victim.
How much more obvious – this is as thunderously obvious as that hurricane of which I just spoke – can the truth of what federal government has come to be than where the matter of Illegal Immigrants is concerned? Inasmuch as nothing is more representative – that word again – of all the compromises being thrust upon us by malfeasant and malicious government, I suggest that history will call it the Great Mexican Compromise. The sell-out this time, after all, it not only to our corporate slavers, it is to the nation of Mexico and its slavers.
When are you going to wake up? How long are you going to willingly swallow the Rohypnol being fed you by the neo-conservative corporate capitalists? How many times do you have to have been “had” before the pain and degradation of what’s happening finally reaches your anaesthetized brain? How many people have to have become impoverished, how bad does the national health care system crisis have to get? How may elderly people have to be eating pet food? How many kids have to come out of high school still functionally illiterate? How many people have to become homeless? How bad does the national highway and bridges system, the power system, and the crumbling infrastructure have to get? How bad does the energy system crisis have to become?
How many soldiers and Iraqis have to die? How many nations, cultures, and peoples have to become our enemies?
How many people – to say nothing of pets, livestock, and animals generally - have to have grown sick as the result of infected, contaminated, and poisoned crap imported by the corporate greedy from places like China before you get rid of the Food and Drug Administration people who are interested in everything but the nation’s health? How long do you have to watch our children, derelicted by the educational system you have derelicted to government, devolve into the state of dumb beasts and orgiastic animals? How many millions of infected and infested, murderous, criminally insane, and/or sexually aberrant aliens have to have reached “compromise” safety here in the U.S. before you demand some kind of coherent action from the federal government and the Naturalizaiton and Immigration Service it holds bridled and reined in?
And I can’t, in passing, help noting what should long ago have been the harbinger of it all, a decades-long and incontrovertible demonstration of character where the conspiracy of criminals in power here in the Land of the Fee is concerned. I speak, of course, of the federal Gestapo known cynically as Internal Revenue Service. Hundreds of thousands, even millions of victims, an agency of government FUBAR as anything possibly Jeffersonian, doing long ago everything your execrable president and his cohort of cutthroats is now doing.
Long the Red Ball Express supply train for the military industrialist corporations and their Frankenstein Monster, the CIA, the IRS and its depredations were long ago the proverbial handwriting on the wall for the U.S., the federal government doing essentially everything it is now doing. That you were willing to compromise then by looking the other way as the monster tore your neighbor to pieces has come to a poetic kind of justice. Illegal Immigration is just the latest of many, many federal “operations” wherein your “establishment of justice, …domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare” – to say nothing of your pocketbook – have been compromised.
I suggest you learn to speak Spanish, and suck up to anyone who does – especially a Mexican. That’s the federal government version of “Compromise!”
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