Millet, Markham, "Man With a Hoe," and Unity08 - and Idea Whose Time Has Come

Several years ago, having first heard of the Internet and having had it explained to me, I exulted. When I said that one day in the not too distant future, the new communication would generate a candidate for the U.S. presidency, everybody listening that day laughed derisively. Now, having learned of the new Unity08 Party, they’re not laughing any more.
Basically a libertarian – I don’t capitalize because I refer to the life view and attitude, not the party (although I was once actually asked to run for office by the latter) – I see great hope for the kind of people among whom I grew up. It is a best kept secret of government not only here, but all over the globe, that libertarianism is growing with what must be for government here in the U.S. terrifying rapidity. Government, even in its democratic forms, has always belonged to the rich, and the one thing the rich have always feared more than any other is education of the commoner and poor. By “education,” I mean specifically awareness of history, and the truth it teaches.
As Ayn Rand, author of seminal works like Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead, once wrote, it is impossible to rule the innocent. Government owned by the rich – inevitably for the obvious reasons, it is always so – must therefore cause laws to proliferate until no free men, save they, are left. I’ve learned by way of my life and my struggle against government, that it is also impossible to rule those not indebted. The conditional sales contract, with its monthly payments, is an indenture contract, designed by the capitalist to assure control of the individual – “capitalize” him - by way of mortgage on his property and life.
Contractual agreements, you know, are, moreover, not governed by the U.S. or state constitutions.
And – as ironical it is that Ayn Rand, who worshipped at the altar of capitalism, should have assessed the matter so accurately – it is awareness of history - history whose study cannot be sequestered and controlled by the rich - that will make the poor fit to compete in a world that favors the fiscally powerful. It is ironical, too, that military industrial complex corporation programs like the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird should have been taken by surprise by the comparatively sudden birth and Brobdingnagian growth of the Internet. Where once it controlled radio, television, and much of the print media, the neo-conservative Mockingbird conspirators carefully contrived coup d’etat and its scheme to warp the consciousness and awareness of the public has been overwhelmed.
The horse that was the World Wide Web simply ran away before the government could bridle it.
True, Unity08 is a fledgling. More, the government is striving mightily to corral the runaway. With tactics like pumping pornography into the office of every home in the country, and using the religious – those zealots who are always willing to sell their souls to the right devil – and the far right, neo-conservative – willing to sell anything in order to protect government the own, together with the far left – always looking for an excuse for more law and government, the government is mounting an assault on the Bill of Rights and personal freedom unequalled by any in the history of our nation. I predict that – unless the people of the United States are even more effeminized, cowardly, and decadent than I believe - it won’t succeed.
More, no leader has yet emerged at this early date. I rather hope none does. “Power corrupts,” Lord Acton said, and it will ever be so. Now is the time for the lottery I’ve been speaking of since boyhood. The Internet alone makes that possible, and it is the way out of the long historic nightmare that has been class struggle.
The truth is that we are surrounded by competent leaders. The cynical and arrogant argument that one must be some kind of superior human being in order to operate government as simple as that prescribed by the U.S. Constitution is absurd, a creation of those who would preclude anyone but their class from high office. As I am continually obliged to remind my fellow citizens, the federal government of this country has constitutional authority over just three crimes – piracy, treason, and counterfeiting of money. It has four purposes: domestic justice, tranquility, common defense, and promotion of the general welfare.
Literally millions of men and women are capable of doing these things for this nation, as actually they already have done for centuries.
Nevertheless, the old-style leaders – the rich and the gentry – won’t just walk away. The people who conceived and orchestrated programs like Operation Mockingbird have control of the public mind. Their patrician ideas still thrive everywhere, including the minds of their victims, people who themselves aspire to one day enslave their fellows in the same manner they are enslaved. As Abigail Adams, our second First Lady, once observed, “All men would be tyrants if they could.”
The “common man” has never played a role in the administration of a nation or state, except as Judas-goat pawns used by the moneyed elite. Historically, in fact, the formation of any state has meant successful organization of a group of the most immoral and rapacious against all their competitors
And, of course – how on god’s green Earth does anyone doubt it (anybody hear a Mockingbird?) – the moneyed elite rule on whose behalf? What is the definition and fundamental doctrine of capitalism? More, in the entire history of mankind, there has been just one means by which the class of the poor have successfully converted their lot into something better, and that is capitalism. The slave enslaves his fellows as swiftly as he can, and mankind, too oblivious of history and too enslaved to his own concupiscence and greed to do otherwise, has mindlessly played this game of Russian roulette since time immemorial. That no one should have expected the same to happen in the Nation of Laws simply demonstrates man’s prostrate helplessness before his own foolish character and ignorance of history.
More, on account of Mockingbird-style behavioral indoctrination and opinion control, the enslaved are made to participate willingly in the processes that hand over to the elite the product of their labor, skill, and intelligence. The societally indentured ignorantly participate in what has come to be called – guess by whom – politics and political parties. When the patricians have chosen one of their number, the plebeians stupidly validate the situation and choice by taking part, voting for the latest manufacture foisted upon them by their chicaning masters
How can anyone rational deny that today’s political parties exist as quasi-official agencies of the government? The political parties here in the U.S. exist all but entirely for the purpose of deception, the appearance of free entry by the individual into the nation’s power structure. Just as there is no algorithm provided by our political and electoral process by which the opinions and desires of the individual or small group of individuals can become the choice of the society and nation, no one outside the equivalent of Orwell’s Inner Party has ever in fact been able to crash the great party of the powerful in government – unless, that is, he has agreed to play along with the Nation of Laws, Land of the Free, myth controlling the public mind.
For the first time in history, a new factor may alter that. The factor – no, not Bill O’Reilly – is the Internet.
No part of the struggle between the military industrial complex corporations and their auxiliary and the poor they have sheared like sheep since forming of the nation has been more interesting to me than that of federal elite Divide and Conquer tactic. Year after year, election after election, decade after decade, we are fed – veritably inundated in - the relentlessly similar and cynical balderdash of the military industrial corporations and their sycophant fellow corporate capitalists.
Keep it simple, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels, instructed his fuehrer and Nazi officialdom, and repeat it endlessly. Remember? What do you see, hear today?
The same chicanery is continued relentlessly, night after night, in the U.S. media – a charade comprised of just two points of view paraded as the only ideas and solutions available to a nation increasingly desperate for answers. Like Al Capp of L’il Abner cartoon fame’s General Bullmoose, the industrial oligarchy offers its two-choice selection or nothing. It is rationally and logically absurd to call this democracy, yet the mind of the public has been so debilitated by media propaganda that it never awakes from its stunned walkabout to become aware of what’s going on.
Like a bird birthed and reared in a cage, the U.S. baby-boom citizen has never known anything else. Cut off from parents and forebears who might tell him by Mockingbird media and societal indoctrination, living in an orchestrated virtual reality, he doesn’t know what his isolated mind has no way to conceive. Even people running honestly and altruistically for office are and have been taken in by the Mockingbird media and the virtual reality it maintains. The result is that even the many good people who run for office begin to think of themselves as competing for power. A few years ago, debating with a friend and defending my point of view when I scoffed at the idea of elected representatives with power, I framed an analogy.
“Let’s assume you and I form a company,” I said. “You control everything, location of the business, purchase or design of the building, hiring and firing, what we sell - everything. You control everything except the money – which I control. Who is in power?” My friend, a reasonable man, conceded the point.
I suggest, my benighted friend, that you do, too.
Internet Libertarians – have I coined a new political term? - can draw constituency from the right, the left, and the middle. They must, however, offer ideas and solutions better than those offered by the masqueraders commonly known as the Democrat and Republican parties. There are many such ideas and solutions, all of them dangerous to the status quo and those who impose and enjoy it, the reason our government by corporation is so fearful of it. As I once observed in another essay, government must fear thought more than they fear anything else on earth. Thought is on all levels and to all interests subversive and revolutionary; thought is merciless to all manner of privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; it is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, and careless of even the “everybody knows” wisdom of habit.
But, then, too – I hasten to add - if thought is to become the new process of government by democracy, and the possession of the common and the many, rather than the privilege of the chosen few, we must have done with fear. Fear will stand in our way like the great wall of the Rocky Mountains or the barriers once formed by the Mississippi river and the Grand Canyon, We have too long been held captive by fear that our cherished beliefs might prove delusory, fear that our traditional institutions should prove harmful, fear that all the things we profess and hold sacrosanct and unquestionable should prove less worthy of respect than we have supposed them to be.
But we can breach any wall, cross any barrier. We now have a forum largely unreachable and beyond the distortion of Mockingbird and Mockingbird-like “orchestrations” (the term favored by Mockingbird author Frank G. Wisner) by the federal protection racketeers. At long last, we can have a real debate instead of the rehearsed and canned, written by professional speech-writer, bloviating and nonsensical, demagoguery.
Many years ago, nineteen twenty-nine, matter of fact, an economist named Ludwig von Mises said that the reason old liberals – his terminology – were so misunderstood is that they stood for the general interest instead of particular interest. Still true today, the condition is far more advanced. Try to imagine anyone really more concerned for the general interest – their country, for instance – than for special interest – themselves or their group’s “single interest.”
For every one time you hear a U.S. citizen murmur the word “responsibility,” you will hear him scream “rights” a thousand times. When John Kennedy importuned his inaugural address audience to “ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country,” he may have had little idea of how few listened with sincere intent.
Von Mises, that long ago, would have imagined that his “old liberals” were misunderstood for the reasons I cited earlier here. Today’s liberal, however, is not a liberal in the economist’s terms (is there anything more un-liberal than today’s “liberal?”). He is a Rosie O’Donnell, Al Franken fraud, working with his opposite number in the conservative (look up the word – Ann Coulter is “conservative?”), to “deceive, confuse, and bewilder” the wannabe, would-be electorate. Spewing hate from supposedly opposite ends of the political spectrum, they work their industrial military complex masters’ divide and conquer strategy.
The Goebbels-inspired thespians of the corporate theatre we call debate and elections provide a play – as I noted, year after year, election after election – in which when the right is in supposed control the left seems attractive to the libertarian, and when the left is in supposed control, the right looks better. “Deceive, confuse, and bewilder,” Operation Mockingbird doctrine said.
The result, among a host of other things similarly cockamamie, is a supposed libertarian – just about everyone, to hear them tell it until their pet “issue” comes up – who wants freedom without markets and commerce, civil liberties without the right to property or to carry a gun, and peace without free trade and travel.
Utter nonsense, nonsense believed by the vast majority, and what it all means is that supposed libertarians are bought as easily as their totalitarian-leaning brethren on the political right or left. Worse, as long as political demagogues right and the left cynically and meretriciously preach “liberty” and “freedom,” the wannabe libertarian goes along. Standing now on his tip-toes, nose barely above the water that is relentless federal regulation, he gurgles out his mindless mantra, “we’re free, we’re free, we’re free!”
Nothing perhaps would provide a better example of such nitwit nonsense than juxtaposition of illegal immigration from Mexico and minimum wage laws. Think of it. With the criminal alien willing to work for far less, the U.S. worker must receive at least minimum wage. As the politicians lobbied by the corporations who will benefit massively from the conniving deal stack the deck against them, the U.S. worker, listening to the siren song of higher minimum wage, sells himself down the river with his own vote and participation in the system that is ruining him. Jesus!
The U.S., for instance, has been in a severe recession for several years. With our corporations leaving the country in droves for greener pastures in order to colonialize there just as they did here in the nation’s beginning, companies remaining here eagerly invite illegal immigration across a border their lobbying efforts hold open wide; this while an industrialist-reared and made president buys with the currency of young lives hideous profits for the military industrialist corporations who secured for him his office, profits which eviscerate the national economy and deepen its recession. The poor, of course, grow poorer, the middle class grows relentlessly smaller, all of it while the national media maintains the corporate oligarchy-mandated illusion of national prosperity.
“Tell a lie often enough,” said Vladimir Lenin, “and it becomes the truth.”
Anyone who needs to realize the power of the media to generate and maintain a virtual reality need only look at a populace cutting back everywhere, working as many hours as possible, yet falling further and further behind the economic curve, and watching as the gap between them and the fabulously rich widens inexorably every year, yet still reciting nevertheless their mindless freedom myth mantras. The recession will continue to deepen, into depression, driven by sky-rocketing gasoline prices. When the average price of a gallon of gasoline reaches five dollars, everything essential to the vaunted “American” standard of living will freeze. It will be interesting to listen to the Mockingbird media, then. For a refresher, go back to Germany, 1945 and listen to its radio and press media.
Like a bull in the arena being caped by the matador who will eventually destroy him, the nation’s otherwise insuperable public stands exhausted and bewildered, unable to understand what is happening to it.
The depression will be inflationary, parenthetically, with the U.S. dollar forced to surrender its status in the world. The people who gave you 9-11, New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, then Rita, Iraq, and the like, have nothing in their “administration” to prevent or deal with any of it. The same morons who exhort the nation that it must “win” in Iraq, while having no idea what “win” means, are not likely to do better when “win” means “stay afloat economically.”
Faced with economic disaster like the military - and economic – disaster of 9-11 and Iraq, the “leaders” will do as they always have done, pass more legislation tightening controls, gin out more propagandist reality in the form of nostrums and blame-slinging back and forth between Mutt and Jeff political extremists, and arrogate to themselves more emergency powers. The poor will pay the price of it all, of course.
But, however, if the new Unity08 Party or one generated by the Internet like it is ready and seizes the opportunity, and its leaders do not make the tactical blunder that is collaboration in the system and the powers that be it has created, the corporate oligarchy created by the military-industrialist coup d’etat will fall. The revolutionary nation will have the revolution Thomas Jefferson urged free people to stage regularly.
And our children and their children won’t, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Piss on our graves.”
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