9-11 - "Because You're Stupid!"

September 11, 2006:
Of course, today's the day. It's the anniversary of a U.S. Government pratfall not unlike that which occurred at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. On December 7, 1941, as on September 11, 2001, people of sense - even people whose positions were intended for the purpose of warning of impending attack by an enemy - saw their warnings go ignored. The watchdog barked, but no one would listen.
That's what we're supposed to believe. Actually, the watchdog the sleeping camp had put on guard duty either went to sleep, or permitted the enemy to sneak into camp and slit throats. There are, logically, only those two possibilities.
In the Old West, or any military but ours (ours is "kinder, gentler," more feminist), the watchdog would have been executed either way. The comrades, relatives, and families of the raiders' victims would have been given some measure of relief from their outraged psyches.
Not in the Land of the Fee. What the living victims get in the Land of the Fee is a torrent, an avalanche, of excuses. It's called "damage control." The wonder, of course, is that they dare something as contemptibly cynical. That defeated commanders no longer fall on their swords is singularly "American." As a matter of everywhere evident fact, they make "lemonade out of the lemon." We can't even get rid of them by throwing them out of office or bureaucratic position. They won't go. Their lethal and public malfeasance and dereliction of duty is not only mollified with the help of a conniving press and media, they get the Medal of Freedom from their Fuck-up Commander in Chief.
How do they get away with it?
Well, let's go back to my last here for some insight. I related that fully half of the electorate in the United States has an intellect - Intelligence Quotient - below average. That's 70, in other words. That's barely able to read and write, cogent only to the level permitting him to find his way to and from the job he may or may not have. His skill with mathematics is such that it will not enable him to reliably make change for a five dollar bill. To the sort exalted by corporate capitalism, our national religion, he is as malleable as clay or putty. He falls for any and every fad, fashion, or trend among his peers, from moronic hair style to idiotic dress (I'm reminded of the latest - wearing one's belt lower than his underwear). He - she, ninety six percent of the time (a friend of mine who works at a check-out counter in a super market has never in eight years seen a man buy one) - faithfully reads and believes tabloid magazines. These are the people who can't identify the outline of their state or nation on a map. Some years ago, when I used the expression "turn of the century," one of these intellectual giants and deciders of our nation's "leadership" asked, "When was that?"
These people are the human equivalent of sheep. Once disciplined and made socially useful by a caring society including parents, they are now nothing more than a crushing burden for everyone including themselves. Nowhere is this more evident than where our present topic is concerned. In the movie "The Mask of Zorro," a trio of bandidos, one the future Zorro, tricks a squad of soldiers and their leader, to get the upper hand. "I thought your hands were tied," the dupe wails. "That's because you're stupid!" Zorro smirks.
The Dog That Didn't Bark has gotten away with malfeasance or outright treachery because we're stupid. A few days ago, on "Imus in the Morning," the host or a guest asked why it was that where government is concerned the, "the wheels have come off the wagon." The wheels have come off the wagon because no one kept maintenance on the wagon. Too stupid. Too stupid, and greedy. Too stupid and desirous of creature comfort, including freedom from every kind of responsibility. Like duty to the nation.
Remember "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country?" Not if you're the typical "American," you don't.
Uh-uh. Neither do you remember any kind of training in logic or problem solution thinking. That's because you weren't taught. It's not part of the curriculum in any of out miserable school system. Of course, not having been taught to think by school system or parent (remember when they were essentially one and the same?), you wouldn't realize that, or its connection to the mess we're in.
You wouldn't recognize or realize when a television show like that of Bill O'Reilly was able to run its full length without once making a logically valid argument. You wouldn't have any way to recognize that literally weeks of broadcast and telecast time go by without a single complete truth having been told. You wouldn't realize that you are relentlessly subjected to the most massively voluminous and intensive mind and opinion control campaign ever levelled against a public (sit down one night and compare the time devoted to advertising and programming). It's the modern form of brain-washing, and only a fool could mistake it for anything else.
We don't know what went wrong on September 11 (people who read "Wake Up Call," by Kristin Breitweiser, wife of a 9-11 victim, will have a good idea). We don't know why "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is such a fiasco . We don't know why the Taliban are resurgent in Afghanistan. We don't know why the government can't stop illegal immigration from Mexico. We don't know why New Orleans and the Gulf Coast still languish in the misery wrought by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Oh, there's more we don't know. But it's not just the "why" we don't know. We don't even know that IRS, for instance, is still a Congressional Frankenstein Monster, raging and pillaging about the countryside. We don't know about the Veteran's Administration and its death-trap hospitals. We don't know about federal theft and fraud so mind-boggling that it would make any difference if we did know - it's beyond our pitiful math. We don't know about impending disaster in the form of global pollution, the accelerating gap between rich and poor, or the staggering increases in the number of homeless persons.
Even when we do know, things like the thunderously obvious fact that corporate oil company capitalism is strangling the life out of the economy, forcing prices higher and higher and driving more and more of the public into that poverty I just mentioned, we haven't the smarts to do anything as simple as slow down (it uses less gas, meaning reduces demand). There's more, but suffice it to say the wagon's wheels have come off and we don't know why.
WE DON'T KNOW WHY BECAUSE WE'RE STUPID! We'll believe anything, and we're having our noses rubbed in the fact that we will every day, all day, and every night, all night.
How many times have you heard that no one expected what has happened in Iraq? No one knew how many troops, weapons, and materiel would be required? How about that no one now has a plan for Iraq? Or that the only thing to do now is "stay the course" - all the while not knowing what the "course" is?
That's absurd. It's absurd, and the only reason you believe it, the only reason your "leaders' have the colossal chutzpah to tell you anything so absurd is the fact that they know YOU'RE STUPID! Let me show you what THEY know, and prove how stupid they think you are. Go to the following website, and read about a military mathematician who long ago - as early as 1958 - derived from the record of history a method not only to know the outcome of battles and wars, but - axiomatically - what was required to win them. http://www.dupuyinstitute.org
I had a small hand (the original argument that it could and would one day be done) in development of what was originally dubbed the "Quantificational Judgment Model Analysis." Anyone with either a thorough knowledge of military history or the Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model knows what was and is required to achieve any given goal in Iraq - or anywhere else. The TNDM is accurate with very small - five percent or less, either way - margins of error. To believe anything as absurd as the "we didn't know, we don't know" mantra liturgy now being recited by the government, national "leaders," and the co-opted and sycophant media simple betrays ignorance of military history. Ignorance. Stupidity.
To retain on pay any tradesman who doesn't know what has gone wrong, and admits not knowing what needs to be done next, is stupid, too. When the pilot of your plane delivers you to the wrong airport and destination, anyone who continues to fly with him is stupid. To follow a guide who keeps leading you into a swamp or quagmire like Iraq is STUPID!
No amount of ceremony and commemoration, no amount of pious pronouncements and political posturing, will change one absolutely inescapable fact. To ignore the fact of what happened on 9-11 is something akin to the behavior of the nitwit driving an SUV at ninety miles an hour, blissfully oblivious of the equally inescapable fact that he is accelerator-pushing himself toward poverty and the enslavement by the oil companies and "Corporate America" that means.
September 11, 2006 and the World Trade Center happened because the people of the United States are STUPID!
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