Quis Custodet Ipsos Custodes; When the Government Scratches Its Horny Itch

If you read my book, "Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story," you'll recognize "Jane Brown," the IRS Hearing Officer who used federal power to "scratch her horny itch" (actually, that picture is a snapshot, and "Jane" is nude - I put this one here to give you an idea of what the real pic looks like). Today's pandering by the media to the White president and the putrescence of politicians on the Potomac regarding the U.S. District Court ruling that says it's unconstitutional for the government to randomly tap you phone and electronic communications reminded me of the one time I managed to screw the IRS. Man! You are being used like Charmin, people - wake up!
Oh, I have an ulterior motive, all right. It's like the price of gasoline. Because the decadent morons who are my fellow citizens keep driving 90 miles an hour, driving the price higher and higher with the damned accelerator, I have to pay at the pump. And because those same Bush League and Company ass-kissers kow-tow to illegal wire-tapping and electronic surveillance, I also have to bite the bullet that is tolerate federal "domestic spying."
It's the drizzly shits. On August 3, 2006, three days after wife Rita and I moved into our new residence, an agent or agents of the federal government of the United States – Land of the Free – entered the place surreptitiously and searched, then planted listening and eavesdropping devices. The burglars were recorded by the listening devices already here – mine. Having been obliged by my unexpected return – I do that regularly, just to see what it turns up – to leave abruptly, they were also unaware that the automatic lights in the garage would announce the fact of their having been here, by remaining on for five minutes after their departure.
Today, as I remarked a minute ago, news has come that a U.S. District Court has ruled the Patriot Act eavesdropping being done by the government is unconstitutional. We knew that, of course (you don't have to be a Judge Learned Hand or Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. to read and understand the Fourth Amendment), but the news media is spewing out the blizzard of blatherskite and pseudo analysis they always do at times like this – a cynical smokescreen of language and rhetoric designed and intended for just one purpose - deception. It’s a lie.
Recall that for weeks on end after purported enactment of the Patriot Act, the same sycophant media left and right “analyzed” the “damage” done to the Bill of Rights by the so-called “Patriot Act.” Talk about deception!
In the first place, there was NO damage done to the Constitution and its Bill of Rights by the Patriot Act. That’s because that can’t BE any such thing. CONGRESS HAS NO POWER TO CHANGE OR AMEND THE CONSTITUTION. All laws which contravene the Constitution of the United States are nugatory, without effect, stillborn. There has never been any doubt about that legally. There is only one way to change the Constitution, and that is amendment ratified by the states. Read it - Article Five. It's plain English, you know.
All doubt resulted from the specious and legally meaningless Patriot Act, therefore, comes from the effect of the kind of “analysis” being done by the treacherous media and their tawdry and phony “experts.”
That’s true, too, of the latest version of the federal Smoke and Mirrors tactic. The government of the United States has been illegally violating my rights under the Fourth Amendment for twenty-seven years. I caught them again just the other day. More – to demonstrate the cynical mendacity of the Bush Administration’s claptrap and pretense of protecting national and public security – I am one man. Impoverished by Internal Revenue Service and a Tax Code as specious and legally unenforceable as the so called Patriot Act, I am not now, nor have I ever been a threat to the national security. That the government dares not appear on the matter in court proves that, as does the ruling of a U.S. District Court in 1988.
In that matter, the court sustained the argument by the U.S. Department of Justice that my records were exempted from the Freedom of Information Act by its national security exemption. The court refused to give me the record our government has fabricated and falsified for its nefarious purposes. Interestingly enough, one of the things my record would have revealed is that the government had no justification for its illegal surveillance – the illegal surveillance they are still committing. I will file suit today in the regard, by the way, a suit intended to show the deceitfulness and mendacity.
Two of the complaints in my suit will be relevant and of interest here. First, of course, I will demand that they government stop its illegal spying on me. I will contend that the Patriot Act being used to justify the government’s violation of my Fourth Amendment rights is NOT a law, inasmuch as it contravenes the Constitution. Secondly, I will argue under Flast v. Cohen, 392 US 83 (1968), that the United States has may not use tax money to violate the Constitution, and should be enjoined from doing it any more. In Flast, the case had to do with violation of the First Amendment and school funding. If the government may not use tax money to fund schools teaching religion, it may use tax money to do illegal wiretapping.
Whatever the court’s ruling, it will be still another smokescreen. In the same manner it will ignore the ruling by the court having to do with illegal wiretapping and internet eavesdropping, the government will go right on doing whatever it chooses to do. The fact that in a particular case against a particular individual the defense might argue successfully that evidence against him and gained by illegal surveillance is inadmissible means nothing as far as continued surveillance against the public is concerned. Do you really think all lying thieves like our politicians want is information about terrorists? I don’t believe you. Nobody is that stupid.
But, WHY CAN’T THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES GET IT THROUGH THEIR THICK HEADS THAT THEIR GOVERNMENT DOESN’T OBEY THE LAW? Men like George W. Bush, our president, are contemptuous of the law. When has a man like that – or any of the filthy rich like him in government - ever had to fear the law? What is the fine you have to pay to someone who makes as much as your monthly income in an hour? How many times does a George W. Bush – or an O.J. Simpson - go to jail? You’ve been listening to that “equal under the law” horse manure until you’re so used to hearing it that you actually believe it (tell a lie often enough . . .)
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Johanna, the heroine of my novel, “Jonatha’s Truth,” is a woman who was rescued by the story’s protagonist from being raped continually by an IRS agent. The idea came from a client I ultimately helped leave the U.S. in order to escape that very thing, together with information obtained from a “bug” I planted in an IRS regional office. As another character in the book “Jonatha” remarks, “Christ, anybody would have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid as a brick to believe that guys given that kind of power don’t use it to scratch their horny itch.”
Wake the hell up! What on god’s green earth will it take to convince a nation whose law libraries are whole buildings filled with proof that the government holds the “Supreme Law of the Land” in utter contempt? Man, every ruling by a court reported in those libraries and having to do with a civil rights case represents yet another assault on the Constitution. In every case, in other words, a cop - federal, state, or local - knowing damned good and well what he was doing sought to stretch the law a little further.
This will stop when and only when the people being affected by it put a stop to it. Seventy years old, I’ve watched our nation become a virtual prison, where only the rich have the prerogatives that mean freedom. What can you do? Do what I’m doing, and what I did. Get a book on lawsuits from Nolo Press, and file a lawsuit.
And then there’s application of the Second Amendment. During a press conference on the capitol steps in Denver, Colorado twenty years ago, I warned federal agents standing above the reporters and me there that I would one day catch a federal agent in my house and kill him. I should have done that on May 6, 1985 when I held the sights of my pistol on the head of first one IRS agent, then another, as they burglarized my house. Had I pulled the trigger, the agony of the war waged on my by people like our contemptuous patrician president wouldn’t have happened.
Finally, you can do what I did after federal burglary of my residences became to frequent and so bad that I could no longer pay for everything stolen and all the damage done by the intruders. From 1990 to 2001, I lived in an old (1971) Ford Camper, without heat or air conditioning. When a contact poison like that used to kill pigeons was put in my vitamins and damned near killed me, I retaliate by planting fish hook and razor blade traps everywhere in the vehicle. The result was more damage, blood all over the place, but the intrusions stopped. Too late to save the truck’s wiring, but sweet revenge, nonetheless.
I’ve also taken steps to stop federal “messing” with my internet website. You can do the same. A good hacker can leave booby traps for the pen trap and other forms of eavesdropping there (in fact, this is a solicitation for help from anyone willing help with that kind of counter-attack). Plant phony information to send the feds off on wild goose chases. Be careful, of course, by assuring that you have airtight alibi and other protection.
The Constitution of any nation is enforced by its people, or the government there is lawless. It is utterly insane to expect that the most avaricious, power-maddened and corrupted people – the kind sine qua non in a capitalist nation like this one – will enforce the law written to control them and their greedy depredations.
That's why some of us like me are wondering when the rest of you will get off your dead asses and do something besides whine. People always have the government they deserve.
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