Cease-Fire, Bargain with the Devil

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” John Stuart Mill, 1862.
The "Cease Fire" in Lebanon has begun. The ravening beast who has been roving the neighborhood killing indiscriminately, has been permitted to find its lair, and recover from the wounds it suffered at the hands of its victims.
If there has ever in history been or most despicable, more cowardly, act of appeasement, I'd hard pressed to say what it is. The United Nations and the world's pseudo-pacifists make Neville Chamberlain look like Audie Murphy.
What we have decided is to provide for an nuclear attack, or worse. This is beneath contempt.
Whatever the number or designation of United Nations “resolution” that results from the world’s cowardly clamor for cease fire in Lebanon, it will go down in history as the betrayal that precipitated the first nuclear terrorist attack. Or worse. This, for moral beings, is unconscionable.
Hezbollah and the rest have as much money as they need to buy biochemical weapons from somebody as greedy as they are vicious, you know. Avid avocational historian that I have been since boyhood (I’m seventy), I can find no more egregious example of political pandering or contempt for human suffering. Thousands, even millions, will pay with suffering and their lives for this, the nadir of U.N. pandering to what is the most despicable and base ideology on the planet.
What’s next – assuming that events overtaking us will give us time for anything worse – a U.N. program to spread the ebola virus? Hemorrhagic fever?
Will the U.N. and the world's morally bewildered pacifists demand next that the United States cease fire in Iraq and Afghanistan, and negotiate with al Qa'ida and Osama bin Laden? Speaking of "morally bewildered," will someone explain to me why, if Israel has "over-reacted" in Lebanon to the murder and kidnap of its soldiers, the United States and its "Coalition" hasn't "over-reacted" in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the "War on Terror?" Why isn't the U.N. demanding that EVERYBODY cease fire on terrorists?
If ever there were a reason for the abolishment of the United Nations, and disdain for specious pacifism and those who would disarm those who care enough about peace to fight for it, this is it. Let’s imagine that another organization or group conspired to loose upon mankind a source like Hezbollah, Hamas, or the like. What it they were to spawn and support another Nazi Germany, the Gestapo, and the rest? How many times have the modern Neville Chamberlains of the United Nations announced more “peace in our time?”
WHY IS IT SO DAMNED HARD TO RECOGNIZE THE LOGICAL FALLACY IN DISARMAMENT AND PACIFISM IN THE FACE OF MURDEROUS TERRORISM? If we recognize the stupidity of putting down one's weapon at the approach of a ravening animal, what the HELL is different about this?
My god, people – WAKE UP! THIS KIND OF PEACE-MAKING IS AN EVIL GODDAMNED LIE! I'll tell what this really is. This is just one more international “protection racket” plot, a work of the devil intended to justify the sale and use of more arms, and the maintenance and funding of more armies. It’s a corporate operations plan to assure continued slaughter of innocents – both combatant and non-combatant. "Mankind," in the words of General and President Dwight Eisenhower, "hanging on a cross of iron." Militarist - and pseudo-pacifist - iron.
Had I the space and time (or patience), I would publish a list of the terrorist atrocities committed by Islamic extremists since the partitioning of Israel. I can't do that here, because it's pages and pages, thousands and thousands of incidents of cold-blooded and indiscriminant murder of innocents.
You think war ugly? Let me show you something REALLY ugly:

This miscreant savage sonofabitch is a Palestinian, and he is being cheered by a crowd of his miscreant savage sonafabitch kind. That’s the blood of an Israeli man captured a little while before. This hero of Islam is showing the crowd that he has washed his hands in another man's blood. For Allah. This is a demented, depraved animal. A devil. You need to think about that, folks. He, and those like him, will celebrate the same way when the blood is yours - or that of your children.
On October 11, 2000, Yossi Avrahami, the Israeli father of three small children, and Vadim Norvich, married four days earlier, were on their way to their yearly army reserve service, when they were unfortunate enough to take a wrong turn and end up in Palestinian police custody. They were taken to the police headquarters in Ramallah.
In a little while, the townspeople had learned that there were two Israelis in custody, and a mob of bloodthirsty savages like the guy in the window formed swiftly outside the police station. The mob, egged on and led by Palestinian policemen, beat and stabbed to death the two Israelis. When the atrocity had been accomplished, the lifeless body of one of the Israelis was thrown from a window in the police station, to be beaten to am amorphous pulp by the ravening barbarian mob. As it that weren’t enough to satisfy the satanic urges of the crowd, the body was dragged behind a car to the center of town, to be set afire.
That’s what the U.N. is protecting, encouraging, and providing for. Do you really think a rabid animal like the guy in the picture here has any compunction about whom he kills? Armed with a nuclear, or a biological, weapon, what do you think a guy who washed his hands in the blood of another man would – will – do? How about the Arab mob that day?
In the all the vicissitudes of history, I predict that never will there have been one like this. It is a betrayal of the thousands – and, god forbid, millions – who will pay for it with their misery and their lives. There’s never really been one like it, ever. The shear cowardice of the capitulation to demonic evil being arranged in the United Nations - in the name of PEACE! - is sickening and criminal, mind-boggling in its depravity. It is, in fact, a thing malum in se – evil in itself and in its essence. All who support it would be liable to a just god.
If the nations of the world have come to a moral state so decayed and degraded that they think nothing worth war, they will soon learn to their consternation otherwise. People who have nothing for which they are willing to fight, nothing more important than the specious and treacherous safety of cringing and belly-crawling passivity, are miserable creatures who have no chance of being free from men like this savage with blood on his hands unless made and kept so by the exertions of those far better than himself.
If the Israeli Defense Force honors the UN and its craven capitulation to barbaric terrorism, and fails to eradicate Hezbollah and extremist Arab savagery, it will never live down – and maybe not survive – its dereliction of duty to its nation and people. If the Israeli Knesset and Prime Minister yield to base cowardice, not only might Israel very well pay with its life, the human race will pay dearly for its abject amorality.
The captain of the legendary ship Flying Dutchman rolled dice with the devil. He lost, and his ship sails stormy seas - forever. The nations of the world, and their people, had better hear and heed the legend - and get through their thick heads that to bargain with the devil is to lose.
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