Pacifism, Historical Prelude to Slaughter

Since the latest round of warfare between Israel and the Arabs screaming "Death to the Jews" and trying to destroy her, my friends her in Texas and on the internet have been asking me what I think will happen. I'm an ardent historian by avocation, and I know history. I was also a military tactician by profession, so I have some idea. It isn't good, and the picture here is why. And how what will happen will happen.
That barrel-like thing between the skydivers legs is a W-54 SADM - Small Atomic Demolition Munition - and it has an explosive yield equivalent to that of 1.9 kilotons of TNT. There's a bigger picture of it on my website Here's another:

In a letter this very morning to a friend here in Texas, I made the prediction he sought. If the world negotiates still again with terrorists, I said, rather than do what it knows damned well is tactically right and righteous morally, it will happen this way.
The w-54 SADM, by the way, weighs 87 pounds. This was my letter to my friend:
"Actually, I'm dead certain Iran already can make and is making weapons grade uranium. This old, old technology and anyone with enough money can do it. Fifty nations would do it for you, for enough money. Just about any nation with good machinists and machine technology (that's the hardest part, once you've got the gas centrifuge or other means of enriching uranium). I could do it. It's done. They have it.
"The U.S. and Britain - probably France, too - have warned Iran that they will turn her into a radioactive dump if she makes a conventional - missile or aircraft borne - attack with a nuke. Iran knows it's true, and that Russia and Red China won't help (money, money, money). This is poor against rich again, and the populous rich nations aren't going to screw up a good racket with another damned fool war. Too profitable to keep a lot of little ones going.
"The Middle East right now is proof. Just tactical and strategic nonsense, its only possible purpose to draw out the conflict as long as possible. The "War on Terror" is a creation of the same military industrial culture and mentality - a substitute for the marketplace that was the Cold War. This sort of "war" will go on as long as war is extremely profitable.
"What will happen is an attack like you suggest, except it won't be with one backpack nuke, it'll be with several. Probably placed in strategic locations about a major city - St Louis or Omaha come to mind - and designed to create the equivalent of a super hydrogen bomb. I think the bad guys are doing that right now.
"They might also plant twenty or so around the U.S., intending to get the maximum panic effect. The Arab mind makes the first attack more likely. The government will tolerate the first attack, too. It serves their purposes just like 9-11 did. The second attack doesn't, so the first is more likely. Also, the government will tolerate - and permit - the first attack, too. It serves their purposes just like 9-11 did. The second attack doesn't, so the first is more likely.
"Of course, corporate U.S. pig-headedness where exploiting Mexicans is concerned also means the terrorists can simply walk across the border with a nuke on their backs. That's least likely because of satellite radiation detection capability and the need for speed it necessitates. It might happen that way, but the need for speed means the attackers will probably be using small planes, equipped for extreme long range (remember Max Conrad?), flying in from countries amenable to their presence, or countries too weak in security to do anything about it. It's even possible for a small plane to fly nonstop from the Middle East to the U.S. Remember my book and how the Baron might have attacked with the little Rutan planes. When they have a hundred or so W-54 type bombs in place, they'll do their customary, de rigueur theatrics, then explode the bombs. All hell will break loose.
"The attacks will come as soon as the ground support and the organization necessary are ready.
"Dismal, but that's how it is. The corporations Eisenhower once dubbed the Military Industrial Complex want the peace talks. That's how they assure continued fighting and war - and sale of weapons. Their coup d'etat in the fifties was about WW-2 profits they'd be losing, and the Cold War that followed was all about building weapons. When the big bugbear they made of the Soviet Union was gone, they needed another war. They got it - the War on Terror.
"The militarists and warmongers hide among the pacifists and peacemakers the way Hezbollah hides among the people of Lebanon. That way, the two murders get to kill while putting the blame on the people they're trying to destroy. It's been going on for a long, long time historically, and the VietCong served up an object lesson in that kind of appeal to the pacifists in the Vietnam War. The pacifists will have their slaughter, because the tactically correct way - do whatever it takes to end the killing as soon as possible - is hard. And the public here in the U.S. wants nothing that is hard. As the Ayatollah Homeini's foreign minister once observed, 'The will of the Americans is directly proportional to the availability of central air conditioning.'
"If we negotiate with terrorists like Hezbollah, tens of thousands, even millions, will pay for the lives of a few Lebanese saved now. Those suicide explosive vests will become SADM nukes."
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