Put Up or Shut Up Time in the Home of the Brave

In 1988, I held a press conference on the State Capitol steps in Denver, Colorado. I held the press conference to announce that I had come to Colorado to begin a war. At the time, I had just filed suit in U.S. District Court, a suit to obtain evidence of wide-ranging criminality in the federal government, and one that might well result in sweeping changes in our government. Had I succeeded, there is little doubt that government would be different today.
That no changes resulted is due one thing, and one thing only. The wolfpack of citizens I hoped to lead turned out to be a flock of sheep. "People have the government they deserve," Michel de Montaigne said. In the Home of the Brave, we have what cowards deserve.
But current events say that time is running short. Now we find the courage to do what is necessary, or we get what we deserve. We'll see.
Today, we see whether "Americans" will "Walk the Walk," or just "Talk the Talk." It's put up or shut up time. Today, you see, I begin to draw up my lawsuit against the United States Government, the suit that will begin a demonstration of what is right or wrong with "America." "We, the People," have, in my experiences as related in the book "Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story," an absolutely unique opportunity to radically change our arrogating and criminal government; i.e., to bring it back under control of the people it is supposed to serve. We'll never get a better chance. This may be our LAST chance.
The citizen of the United States, you know, has - still has - power to control his government unique in all the world. Several of the powers given him by the nation's founders have been co-opted and bastardized by the "federal" government in Washington, D. C. That's something any rational person would expect, given the near total dereliction of its civic responsibilities the country's populace and electorate has committed. The Grand Jury, for instance, is now a tool of the state, used by the state's prosecutor whenever he can't get a case by means Constitutional and legal.
The on-going matter of the Duke University Lacrosse Team is a case in point and an object lesson. Save the word of the state's witness, there is no evidence of crime. Unable to obtain the corpus delecti required by Constitutional due process, the prosecutor has obtained the "ham sandwich" indictment of a captive Grand Jury. "Due Process" has now devolved to the point that testimony by a single witness can mean prosecution and conviction.
Perhaps worse, the petit jury of peers is now controlled by the court, forced unconstitutionally and illegally to follow the court's direction. With the word of a single witness co-opted and colluding with the state, an accused person can be brought before a jury controlled by the state. Due process? It is according to the government.
But all is not yet lost. There remain to the public and in their control two of the basic Constitutional controls, those of Citizens Arrest and Access to the Courts - the right to sue. I intend to do both.
To do that, I've built a massive body of evidence - more, even, than that laid out in the book "Letters." I want more. That's because the typical "American" has now been behaviorally conditioned so exhaustively, indoctrinated so completely by government and its media that he is all but useless where defense even of his own freedoms is concerned. As I noted in my last essay, John Q. Citizen believes only what he wants to believe. That means, of course, what his indoctrination permits - what he is permitted to believe, in other words. He'll therefore be of little use here. It will take years of de-programming to restore to him his normal powers of thought and reasoning.
I don't need him. To make a corpus delecti of overwhelming evidence requires far fewer "Americans" than does an election. What I do need is for numbers of the hundreds of people who witnessed the hundreds of incidents that make up my story and my case against the government to come forward and testify. Instead of walking away as you did then, your eyes averted or deliberately unseeing, I ask that you call me and make a record of what happened. Many of the incidents I refer to are discussed here on this website. More are in my book. I will begin listing more here, and they will of course, be included in the suit paper I will publish here.
In short, "We, the People," will make my case - and it is OUR case - right here. For all the world to see. As the legal proceeding goes forward, everything will be published here, too. We'll see our government the way it really works, in a trial that is REALLY public. With the case on the U.S. District Court docket, I will have subpoena power. And I know where to look. The government will again run for safety behind it's national security shield, of course; but I have a hell of a surprise in store for them this time.
Want to see? Send me an e-mail, or write otherwise. Use the phone. If you have a website, link to this one. Have your readers contact me one way or the other. I - we - need to reach as many people as possible. Some of the faces of people I want to hear from I will remember. I have pictures of some, too.
Additional to that, I will begin contacting - I'll send them a copy of the book they tried to suppress, or were instrumental in suppressing - members of the U.S. Congress I once wrote to. That's several senators and congressmen who are still in office, still covering for a criminal President intent upon destroying what's left of our freedoms. Let's see how they explain their subornation and misprision of what happened to me. There, we'll see something a little like Iraq and those weapons of mass destruction that weren't there, or the connection with al Qa'ida and the September 11, 2001 attack that wasn't there, either; except this time there'll be no room for all that "plausible denial" or the "dog ate my homework" excuses.
I'll also send copies and summaries to all the newspapers, magazines, television stations, and radio stations who's cowardly cowering before government and its IRS Gestapo assured my torment. They can explain to us all how it was that the latest rape case or disappeared teenage beauty queen was more newsworthy than repetitive attempts by the government on the life of one of its citizens. We'll learn a lot about how the media protects our freedoms, too.
And more. I'll get shot at again, of course, and I'll have to watch my back every minute. The place I stay is booby-trapped, recorders everywhere, too. I'll ride my bike on the sidewalk like before, but that still doesn't assure safety from cars like those they sent last time. I'll have to watch it in when I'm walking from the car in the parking lots, too. I'll have to keep my electronic surveillance gear, the tape recorders and the rest, in top-notch working condition. All a prosecutor needs now is one witness, you know. And there's always what happens once you've been arrested to be concerned with. Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and fifty more aren't aberrations, you know. It's standard procedure in the Land of the Free.
A couple of things have been added, too. Last time, there was no news of things like the little village in Pakistan, Haditha, and the rest. This time I won't be able to hide in the crowd.
And neither will you. Our oligarchy of military industrial corporations will go on metastasizing, continuing its drive to make you a slave to constantly increasing taxation. Government does not downsize, ever; it grows relentlessly - until, like cancer, it has taken everything. You'll fight because the choice will be the classic one - to die on your feet or on your knees.
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