" . . .And the Elements So Mixed in Him . . ."

In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Antony says the words, "His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world 'This was a man!' I watched the president's speech tonight with something like the same sentiment. My thought, actually, was "This is a man?"
It never ceases to amaze me that the nation of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Eisenhower could so demean itself as to choose such a pitiful excuse as a national leader. But you are what you are, doing what you're doing. Amazing!
Like I say, a few minutes ago I listened for my first time to a speech by George W. Bush, the corporate criminal currently installed in the nation’s highest office by the nation’s ruling military industrial military complex. Normally, I wouldn't have - I can't stomach the man. This time, though, I knew what was coming, and I wanted to see it for myself. Sure enough, the Mexican fifth Column in the White House has sealed the border, in order to assure that no one can force any of the illegal aliens being exploited by corporate "America" to leave. Twelve thousand (yeah, I know you heard six - don't forget that this guy is the biggest liar who has ever occupied the highest office) troops will assure that no one can make any of the twenty million Mexicans already here leave, and they will now fan out even further, to infest the nation, stealing jobs and services like a heard of locusts devouring a countryside's crops. In time, they will have bred sufficiently, and the United States of American will have been annexed by Mexico. Soon, everything will function here as brilliantly and efficiently as it does there, a swift and peaceful take-over. Wonderful, huh? Learn your Spanish, folks - it'll soon be the only way to petition your government.
Among all the emotions popinjay panjandrum guys like George VII evoke in men like me, one comes to the fore through all the others. There’s no need to explain, inasmuch as our ruling monarch's personal history is well known. To all the people who matter to me, so is mine. They will have no trouble in understanding why I hold the opinion of George W. Bush that I do. This guy wuldn't make a pimple on a real man's ass.
Orphan kids like me, you see, especially those who brought themselves up in a sod hut by a river while fighting for every morsel of life sustenance, haven’t the respect sufficient to make you blink if you got it in your eye where rich boys born with the proverbial silver spoon and assured success in life by patrician parents and a class conscious society are concerned. What we have, in fact, is contempt, utter contempt.
But another matter, nevertheless, remains, one to put the entire matter of illegal immigration in perspective. I want to apply to whomever holds such authority for illegal alien status. Had I been given the same amnesty that our pandering President offers them, I would have been able to get one of those jobs “American” don’t want to do. I would have been able to enjoy all the free medical care, protection from the authorities and exemption from the laws of the land, and freedom from taxation illegal aliens enjoy. I would still be with my family, too.
I, too, like the alien Mr. Bush cited so lovingly, served the country and took wounds for her. It was about the same time he came (actually, it was twenty-eight years ago for me) here that the Internal Revenue Service first destroyed my business, broke up my marriage and family, and took steps to assure that I would never again be gainfully employed. During the time Fulano de Tal was working in the fields and joining the Marines, the IRS repeated their performance on a second business, marriage, and family, this time driving a son to three attempts at suicide.
This time, the United States made absolutely sure I not only couldn’t get any of those jobs “Americans don’t do.” More, they took careful steps to assure that I was prevented from so much as receiving food stamps.
Some months ago, a daughter went through Hurricane Katrina. For days, I was unable to get any word. I’m homeless, you see, kept that way by the federal government and several of its “programs.” When I was able finally to learn that she and her family had survived with only a devastated home as damage, I was prevented from going to her assistance by the same factors which have kept my family and me apart for all these years.
Those factors are the everywhere evident and promulgated fact that the U.S. is utterly vicious towards the families of its victims, attacking and destroying them relentlessly, "collateral damage" in the great wars of political convenience and necessity.
A few days ago, when nephew took his own life, I was again prevented by my circumstances from going to my sister and her family.
So I contemptuously apply for the same consideration Mr. Bush is so anxious to extend to Illegal Mexican aliens. I haven’t the slightest expectation of anything like that kind of consideration or justice, nor would I accept any kind of beneficence or gratuity from a man of such low character, but I seek to make the point I hope will soon have become apparent.
That is that the nation of laws is a cynical and disgusting fraud, a murderous marauder and exploiter of people who hides behind a mask of sanctimonious reasonableness and piety. Watching the speech tonight had one reward. That was the realization and awareness that a nation able to do no better than this for a leader cannot have long to endure. You’ll get yours, and soon now. As for me - in case you thought I was surrendering, I will change my name to Hernando Lubberto, and I will apply for work at the local Wal-Mart as an illegal alien from Mexico. I speak Spanish, and I'm beginning to pick up a pretty good Mexican accent. Instead of paying the spate of bills I incurred recently when I got my annual medical checkup and Medicare refused to pay, I will inform the doctor and several "health car providers" that I am here illegally, and not obligated to pay. That should complete my transition to privileged status.
Meanwhile, excuse me while I go vomit.
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