"The Prisoner" and a Nation of Number Sixes

Today launched another page on the Judo Knight-Errant website, one dedicated to the impeachment process against George W. Bush. Frankly, this is something I never dreamed in my wildest nightmare of doing. Hell, I voted for Barry Goldwater, that after having been reared among post-depression, Roosevelt Democrats, many of whom kept a picture of FDR in an honored place in their homes.
But I voted for Jimmy Carter, then Ronald Reagan. Then I stopped voting. Those who know of my war with the IRS and the U.S. Government probably won’t be surprised at that, but my reasons might. You see, the vicissitudes of war included covert intelligence gathering against my enemy – the federal government of the United States. I bugged federal offices across the country, most often by the simple expedient of a cheap briefcase full of listening equipment, inserted into the target by the even simpler device of making an appointment over some imaginary issue or question, then “absent-mindedly” leaving it behind once having visited the place. With the car radio tuned to the appropriate FM station, I would sit and listen or using a voice activated recorder, record the conversations of the bureaucrats doing what comes naturally for their kind.
What I learned shook me to the core. That you’re learning about it daily today, and responding nevertheless in a manner so puny and feckless shakes me more. It’s astonishing. Why is it so hard to understand that people who steal millions, even billions from the working men and women of their country are criminals. The fact that the criminal thieves are in government, charged with the people’s business, welfare, and security just means the crime is worse, not lesser. That’s because most of us can deal with crime by the run-of-the-mill criminal element, but when the crooks are in government, when that “organized crime” we used to hear about so much when that meant the Mafia is now the government, that’s exponentially worse.
Have you ever stopped to think that when congressmen, senators, judges, and presidents are owned by corporate powers comprising an all-powerful military industrial complex, it constitutes a criminal conspiracy? Uh-uh. Crime in government is intolerable, cancer of the heart for the anatomy of the nation. Want an example? Take Iraq, a war bought and paid for by the corporations who own our conspiracy in Washington.
Yet the public of the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave satisfies itself with voting for candidates selected by the corporate criminal conspiracy, an exercise of stupefied sleepwalking like something from a science-fiction movie; and by protests, protests that are perhaps the ultimate in childlike, puerile fecklessness, in their castrated futility more than anything else a source of reinforcement, encouragement, and assurance for the already power-mad corporate powers.
What Makes Sammy Run today is what made him run in the novel, except that the movie industry of Schulberg’s story is now the virtual reality a nation lives in, kidnapping the public mind to transform it into a collective Number Six character on an island of subjugating illusion. That is the behavioral enslavement of a society, and it is a crime akin to genocide – the destruction of all the mentality in a country.
Having been made aware by the eavesdropping I speak of that our nation’s ruling forces intended to subjugate the public by the “deceive, bewilder, and confuse” methods recommended by policy and think-tank wonks like those from the Fletcher School and RAND Corporation, I spent much of my time during my struggle against crime by government in an effort to learn how effective my enemy’s methods had become. If I was stunned to learn what the government really was and what it intended, I was flabbergasted to the point of terror at what it had accomplished. Allow me to elucidate.
“Divide and conquer,” Julius Caesar said. Any visit to an internet forum will reveal the degree to which that has been accomplished. There is, of course, nothing wrong with public debate; it’s a democratic ideal. But just as Japanese Judo uses opposing force to control an opponent, so does state of the art propaganda methodology avail itself of strident and hysterical polemical nonsense to the detriment of its opposition, the public. Using the massive power of electronic media, the ruling powers mold and structure, distort and intensify, public opinion until it has become something akin to the chaotic thought processes and ideation of a lunatic.
While the collective lunatic - excited by trivially nonsensical “info-tainment” “news” like that of disappeared young women, abductions, rapes, and the lurid like - mumbles, roars, slobbers and slavers, cavorts, “parties,” and masturbates, the corporate masters go about their devious ways. Where “The Prisoner” knew full well that he was that, the Number Sixes of the United States of America island have no idea.
You doubt? Consider as an example juxtaposition of the ill-conceived and ill-fated war in Iraq and the social war being waged upon society here by the ideology known as feminism. Recently, I wrote on a blogsite to deplore the dodo-like mentality of women who go into occasions of extreme danger obliviously, encouraged – ordered, in fact – to do so by the doctrines of radical feminism. The “blog” drew knee-jerk, incoherent and self-contradictory outrage, not a little of which was colored with very un-feminine vituperation and invective.
Typical was that of a women who styled herself “ravenqueen.” Caution of the kind I recommended was “imprisonment.” She wrote - capitalization, syntax, composition, paragraphing, spelling, and the rest verbatim:
“so you want to send the innocent to jail forever to protect them? And the power abusers can walk around out there, free as God, because we fear them? Under this approach we Afghans stand back and let the Taliban ruin our society, or we US citizens stand back and let Bushco do whatever it wants out of fear? What right do they have to our acquiesance? We give them the right by agreeing to be afraid of them. If you are serious in your views of women, then you are mentally ill. I'm sorry to break it to you. Everyone has a right to some risk in order to live fully. Everyone has a right to make these decisions for themselves. In your mind women are property and have no right to make choices, because they are vulnerable. I am so glad i am nowhere near your life, i kiss the feet of my wonderful parents that i am not your daughter. In your head, women never get to grow up and become independent adults. You get to grow up, the women don't. Not because they are natural victims or incompetent (despite being raised to be vulnerable by fathers like you) or have done anything wrong, but because you are doing the wrong thing by them. YOU are doing the worst thing to them, yourself. You cannot call this love. I have a burning sympathy for your wife. I hope she's not so fearful and brainwashed that she doesn't realize she can walk out of her prison at any time and there will be people who don't know her, who still care more about her than you do, if we are honest with ourselves now. really honest. Who are you to tell another human being whether they can go out alone? You belong in the can, Spock, for depriving others of their rightful lives.
Now you've pushed that button you've been searching for in my heart, congratulations, you are so clever and the world is a better place. If you can't see what is wrong with your take on women, you are unsalvageable. If you dismiss everything i have said until now, please consider these three words: you are wrong.”
The lady followed her original response and remarks as follows, syntax, composition and the rest again verbatim (I’ve no idea what the “thankyou’ is for):
“thankyou. i needed that. Spock spouts off about believing in equal opportunities for women, but i know people better than that, and i have read his other comments. I recognise a misogynist in clanking armour, in sheep's clothing. He thinks he's a big man headf*cking people as 'research' for his masterly book. I once met a film director who did the same thing to his actors, especially the actress, he was something to see in action. what a sleazebag. It says something about the state of things when people with such dubious agendas to push have such unbalanced access to powerful machinery like publishers and film distributors. Notice how the funding has dropped out of feminist research, and suddenly we're getting all these expensive surveys and research papers about how the higher status of women is responsible for the breakdown of society? Women are paid (traitors, Anne Wolfe i'm talking to you, you disgust me) to do these papers because it looks better. But the money is always handed out by men. Spock thinks a woman is naive if she thinks she doesn't need a man. But what does a woman need a man for if she has her sisters to stand beside her? big kiss, TW. But i'll take a good man in my arms anyday. I don't hate men. Right now i hate Spock because men like him will see my granddaughters reduced to livestock once more. And i have every right to hate him for that.
i don't know what i'm talking about. trust me.
Ravenqueen then followed with this, still verbatim and un-corrected:
“this is not radical feminism. If you think it is, i question the value of your book-in-progress. I wouldn't waste my money on it. I'm no Shakespeare, but even i, on this brief acquaintance, can see your mind is a touch below the standard i expect from authors. Good luck with that monkey on your back. It's so attractive to women.”
There was more, without change, tenor or tone – the rest. Whether her constant use of a lower case for the first person singular pronoun denotes a psychological problem or admiration for e. e. cumings I will leave for the reader’s conjecture. What is apparent here - interesting and useful, too - is the singularly and saliently oblivious fixedness of view, something very typical of today’s supremely self-interested public. It does not occur to ravenqueen that feminism’s war on society – especially its males – parallels the war on terrorism and those in Iraq in several important features.
First, its adherents are willing to accept casualties, sacrifices for what they perceive is the great cause. The casualties, of course, will presumably come from persons other than the most fervent supporters of the war. “Leaders” and theorists for great undertakings like these do not pay the price of either their fervor or its result, whether resulted from error or otherwise.
Secondly, wars all have “collateral damage.” Feminisms’ verbal equivalents to “collateral damage” are many and vague in a manner singularly characteristic of female vernacular. especially its pseudo-intellectual wing. The “collateral damage” of “a woman’s right to choose” is dead babies. The collateral damage of “single parent” families is broken homes and metrosexual wimp males. And so on (you’ll have no trouble with identifying others – militant feminism is very loud). Suffice it to say that perhaps no social movement in history has ever delighted more in euphemistic obfuscation like that. Terms like “dead people” are bad for the troops’ morale, you know.
It is not my purpose here, mind you, to discuss feminism except as to its effect on society. My issue with feminism has to do with the apparent inability of the individual feminist militant to relate her ideology and the ideation it results in to the rest of the world and events there. Feminism, for one and only one of many ideologies extant at the time of its birth, seems to have been totally disinterested in what would result, either from the war being declared, or what winning and losing might mean for their society. How would women prepare for something they had no way to know, nor any way to know?
Like General Motors of the time, its seems, whatever feminism wanted it assumed was good for the country
Does that remind anyone of something else facing our “deceived, bewildered, and confused” nation? Just as the “war on sexism” now finds itself in an inextricable – you can’t psychologically reconstruct and re-educate generations of children – situation, the war on terror now has us mired in an ineluctable struggle in Iraq (and Afghanistan).
And the propagandists for the new version of rule by the new royalty have succeeded eminently. "A State which dwarfs its men,” wrote J.S. Mill, “in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes -- will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished; and that the perfection of machinery to which it has sacrificed everything, will in the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish."
That the character of society in the Unites States has changed is everywhere evident. Many of its factions boast of their contribution, none more that that of the feminist. Examples abound, one a study recently reported in Newsweek.
“Boys across the nation,” the article said, “and in every demographic group is falling behind. In elementary school, boys are two times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with learning disabilities, and twice as likely to be placed in special-education classes. High-school boys are losing ground to girls on standardized writing tests. And on college campuses, men who 30 years ago represented 58 percent of the undergraduate student body now make up only 44 percent. This widening achievement gap, experts say, has profound implications. What are these implications? How do they affect the economy, society and families? How do they affect democracy?”
Ask a feminist if she ever thought of that. Don’t expect an answer better than the remarks of ravenqueen. In fact, in subsequent letters to Newsweek, feminists made their concern for“. . .ask what you can do for your country” very apparent. Tough shit, most said. We want it all.
That “all” might mean sawing off the limb they’ve put themselves on – destroying the nation that made their supreme selfishness possible in the first place - obviously has still not occurred to feminism. A man will always stand at the door of the cave, and drive the wolves away. Sure, they will. Just like the women of Berlin drove away the Soviet troops, once all the men in the city had been killed. I wonder if there was ever a bigger orgy of rape in history, something that has never once crossed the mind of women today in the U.S., I doubt it.
At any rate, who doubts – well, in this intellectual and ideational climate, some might - a nation of women and effeminate males is far easier to dominate than a nation of natural males and females. If you think all this a co-incidence, you may be naïve. You must believe all the tens of millions your corporately controlled congress has spent to fund studies having to do with how to accomplish just that were spent on congressional junkets instead.
The single most insidious aspect of the Prisoner scenario has to do with an education system bent on programming children like computers. The computer programmed to run to contradictory programs simultaneously can do that. It can do that because there is no way for the computer to see the relationship between the two programs. Incapable of self-awareness, it is easy for a computer to do things insane.
Anybody noticed how our programmed kids dress, behave, think?
How do we blunder from one result of spastic mentality nationally to another, the “war on terror” being just the latest? Why?
Well, could it be that we have lost, as a nation, our ability to think logically and productively, whether deductively or inductively? Could it be that we no longer can solve problems, deal with trouble? Hell, we can’t even CALL a problem a problem, or trouble trouble. Now, you know, they’re an “issue.” A problem or trouble is something that must be dealt with, repaired, straightened out, replaced, handled. Really. Physically. An “issue” is something you resolve by talking. Remind you of anything, or anyone?
Yeah, I’ll bet you can. Roughly half of us deal with everything that way. Anything you can’t deal with by talking, you deal with by picking up the phone and calling somebody.
Fine. Just remember that thanks to the same folks who brought us the little boys who act like little girls, the metrosexual male, and all that have also brought us the safe and secure society, the prison where women don’t have to feel like a prisoner because she can do everything SHE wants to do without responsibility.
In that prison, everyone is watched – and listened to – all the time.
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