Fight or Die - Soon, Now.

With the President of the United States in near total contempt of the U.S. Constitution, violating as many as 750 separate statutes on the nefarious premise that a President can do as he pleases - as Richard Nixon once averred, "When the President does it, that means it's legal" - and a congress obviously intent only upon filling the pockets of its individual members, with millions of aliens nationals marching in our streets waving their foreign flag, depriving our own of employment and business opportunity, and bankrupting our welfare and social institutions by obtaining benefits while paying no taxes, we resemble Ancient Rome in her final days more and more. History repeats itself.
More, "Americans" - there are thirty-four other nations in the hemisphere, you know - have become to decadent, surfeited, and effete to care. Shades, again, of Ancient Rome.
It's been several days since I posted that last. More a group named Impeach for Peace has begun a movement to impeach George W. Bush, our President and dictator wannabee. Their URL is The group also posted an essay on website. These people are serious, and they answer an increasingly pitiable outcry from those being oppressed by the apparently mindless and bewildering policies of the administration I have long since referred to as the Bush League. The death toll for U.S. Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan is already fourteen for this month, and it is of course, not the sons and daughters of the rich who are dying. Still, the Impeach for Peace article on Truthout has garnered TWO comments. A total of six hundred and twelve hits above that which is normal for this site have been registered here. While my friends think that remarkable, I don't. Life and death is more important than that when its your country, even when its somebody else's kid who's being killed.
I posted the following quote from one of my life's heroes, Sir Winston Churchill, of great Britain. He was speaking of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, of course, but his words have never been more meaningful. Consider:
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
My friends and those who read my books and writings know already my opinion where the courage of the current edition of the public in the Home of the Brave is concerned. It is not high. I believe you will do just what Churchill warned against, and what I am willing to bet on. You will wait in your slovenly cowardice until the military industrial complex coup that seized control of you government by coup d'etat in 1963 brings your country to ruin. The pace with which the corporate cabal loots both the nation's economy and the rights of its citizens accelerates every day, and palpably. Had you not been turned into the collective version of the Manchurian Candidate by massive MKULTRA-funded mind-control science, you'd notice. Feeding yourselves toward three hundred pounds each, surfeited on every conceivable drug and vice, consuming at a rate six times the citizenry of any other nation, you don't. Even the deaths of more than twenty-four hundred of you sons and daughter in a war presaged by months of relentless lying, a war during which borders are unguarded and security agencies permitted to dither endlessly; with a major city left still in ruins after a hurricane, the public's tax monies being squandered in a fashion which beggars description by a congress that is not one whit better than a criminal conspiracy, you do nothing. Home of the Brave, indeed!
Do you ever feel as though the United States were little more than a great super-market, a mall where other nations come shopping? With citizens of foreign nations, Mexicans especially, marching in the streets waving their flag, and Mexicans among them celebrating the national holidays of Mexico, and all utterly ignoring our laws; when every second phone call these days is answered - even when the call is received somewhere in the U.S. - by a person who barely speaks English, or none at all (twice in the last year, it has been necessary to speak Japanese, once Spanish, to conduct business - and nothing a U.S. citizen buys in his own country is made here, how does one identify the nation where we live as being that of the United States of America? On what basis? It doesn't occur to you that in your own country, you should be given preference over illegal aliens to receive services you paid for with your taxes? No, I don't suppose - whatever Oprah says is right.
A while back, I suggested that perhaps the way to learn the loyalty of all those people speaking a Spanish and fifty other languages in our streets, in our stores and businesses, and in our seats of government was to declare war on Mexico. Let's reconsider:
The reason, we are told, that we declared war on Iraq was that it's government was fearfully corrupt, and a threat to our national security . . . That doesn't remind you of anyone just a little south of us? Who's government is more corrupt than that of Mexico? How long has it been that way? That's not a threat to our national security?
We were told that Iraq was capable of terrorism and of supporting it. What do you call a multi-billion dollar drug traffic over the border from Mexico? Millions of men who are already convicted criminals there? If the Mariel Boatlift was an invasion and crisis, what's going on across the border with Mexico isn't? Millions of criminal aliens pouring into the country in time of war isn't a threat to our security?
The Mariel affair, may I remind you, was about a hundred, twenty-five thousand people, compared to as many as twenty million from Mexico.
Before we invaded Iraq, we were told the government there was brutal to its citizens, hundreds, even thousands of people being killed. How we can say what's going on now that we've deposed the "brutal dictator" is an improvement on that score escapes me somehow, but have you been watching the news of Mexico over the past several years? What's the tally of dead women in the Nuevo Laredo, Cuidad Juarez, and the Paso del Norte region of the border. How many of its citizens has the government itself killed in the last twenty-five years? And a nation who has as many as three thousand kidnappings for ransom a year, where people buy insurance against having a family member kidnapped, isn't a threat to our security during time of war?
Mexico doesn't have "weapons of mass destruction?" They don't have Armed Forces?
Our solution was to invade Iraq, and to install a government of our liking (even construction and make-up) there. Wouldn't that solve all our problems with Mexico, too. And don't they have a lot of oil, besides. Obviously, if everything we were told about Iraq was justification for our being there, we should also invade Mexico. We'd only have to cross a river, rather than an ocean and seas, besides.
I'll tell you what I think, I think we're being sold out - and that's lock, stock, and barrel. I've already mentioned here how impossible I found it to start a business against outrageously prohibitive taxes, license requirements, permits, minimum wage laws, mandatory employee insurance, and social security withholding, and the rest where illegal alien Mexicans had to have nothing of the kind, and could easily underbid me on every job. How long do you think it will be before an citizen of the U.S. will be unable to get a job or own a business in his own country? How long, with the invasion from Mexico at the pace it is, before culture, business, commerce, law enforcement, and government are all controlled by Mexicans? How many will that take? With fewer than thirty-five percent of U.S. citizens voting in elections, it shouldn't be that long, should it?
And how long before a congress already so corrupt as to beggar imagination becomes one made up entirely of foreigners? Which would be worse, and why are we in such a pickle that we have no choice by to choose between the two? Doesn't it sound like our own President has gone over to the side of the illegal aliens and Mexico? Amnesty for twenty million criminals? When has that ever happened before?
Oh, yeah. I can hear all the apologists for each and every one of our enemies. It's another sign of our national decline. The Dodo mentality. "Let's wait and see what happens" as the danger any other sane nation would recognize as a lethal threat approaches. From massive pollution of our environment, global warming, and the like, to an educational system that won't discipline and can't teach a kid to read and write in twelve years, it's all that way because the nation's people have found better - less demanding, more fun, sexier and self-gratifying, usually - to do.
Remember the fat, old broad I told you about the other day - the one who drove around and around the parking lot in her SUV, burning three dollar and twenty cents a gallon gasoline while waiting for a parking place nearest the super-market door? That's you, my country. How do you think that fat, slovenly, old whale will do when the U.S. has come to resemble Mexico exactly, made that way by a populace comprised in the majority by Mexicans - illegal ones, at that?
Like I said, you'll fight someday - when you have no choice and it's far too late. And you'll get what you deserve!
ly upon filling the pockets of its individual members, with millions of aliens nationals marching in our streets waving their foreign flag, depriving our own of employment and business opportunity, and bankrupting our welfare and social institutions by obtaining benefits while paying no taxes, we resemble Ancient Rome in her final days more and more. History repeats itself.
More, "Americans" - there are thirty-four other nations in the hemisphere, you know - have become to decadent, surfeited, and effete to care. Shades, again, of Ancient Rome.
It's been several days since I posted that last. More a group named Impeach for Peace has begun a movement to impeach George W. Bush, our President and dictator wannabee. Their URL is The group also posted an essay on website. These people are serious, and they answer an increasingly pitiable outcry from those being oppressed by the apparently mindless and bewildering policies of the administration I have long since referred to as the Bush League. The death toll for U.S. Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan is already fourteen for this month, and it is of course, not the sons and daughters of the rich who are dying. Still, the Impeach for Peace article on Truthout has garnered TWO comments. A total of six hundred and twelve hits above that which is normal for this site have been registered here. While my friends think that remarkable, I don't. Life and death is more important than that when its your country, even when its somebody else's kid who's being killed.
I posted the following quote from one of my life's heroes, Sir Winston Churchill, of great Britain. He was speaking of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, of course, but his words have never been more meaningful. Consider:
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
My friends and those who read my books and writings know already my opinion where the courage of the current edition of the public in the Home of the Brave is concerned. It is not high. I believe you will do just what Churchill warned against, and what I am willing to bet on. You will wait in your slovenly cowardice until the military industrial complex coup that seized control of you government by coup d'etat in 1963 brings your country to ruin. The pace with which the corporate cabal loots both the nation's economy and the rights of its citizens accelerates every day, and palpably. Had you not been turned into the collective version of the Manchurian Candidate by massive MKULTRA-funded mind-control science, you'd notice. Feeding yourselves toward three hundred pounds each, surfeited on every conceivable drug and vice, consuming at a rate six times the citizenry of any other nation, you don't. Even the deaths of more than twenty-four hundred of you sons and daughter in a war presaged by months of relentless lying, a war during which borders are unguarded and security agencies permitted to dither endlessly; with a major city left still in ruins after a hurricane, the public's tax monies being squandered in a fashion which beggars description by a congress that is not one whit better than a criminal conspiracy, you do nothing. Home of the Brave, indeed!
Do you ever feel as though the United States were little more than a great super-market, a mall where other nations come shopping? With citizens of foreign nations, Mexicans especially, marching in the streets waving their flag, and Mexicans among them celebrating the national holidays of Mexico, and all utterly ignoring our laws; when every second phone call these days is answered - even when the call is received somewhere in the U.S. - by a person who barely speaks English, or none at all (twice in the last year, it has been necessary to speak Japanese, once Spanish, to conduct business - and nothing a U.S. citizen buys in his own country is made here, how does one identify the nation where we live as being that of the United States of America? On what basis? It doesn't occur to you that in your own country, you should be given preference over illegal aliens to receive services you paid for with your taxes? No, I don't suppose - whatever Oprah says is right.
A while back, I suggested that perhaps the way to learn the loyalty of all those people speaking a Spanish and fifty other languages in our streets, in our stores and businesses, and in our seats of government was to declare war on Mexico. Let's reconsider:
The reason, we are told, that we declared war on Iraq was that it's government was fearfully corrupt, and a threat to our national security . . . That doesn't remind you of anyone just a little south of us? Who's government is more corrupt than that of Mexico? How long has it been that way? That's not a threat to our national security?
We were told that Iraq was capable of terrorism and of supporting it. What do you call a multi-billion dollar drug traffic over the border from Mexico? Millions of men who are already convicted criminals there? If the Mariel Boatlift was an invasion and crisis, what's going on across the border with Mexico isn't? Millions of criminal aliens pouring into the country in time of war isn't a threat to our security?
The Mariel affair, may I remind you, was about a hundred, twenty-five thousand people, compared to as many as twenty million from Mexico.
Before we invaded Iraq, we were told the government there was brutal to its citizens, hundreds, even thousands of people being killed. How we can say what's going on now that we've deposed the "brutal dictator" is an improvement on that score escapes me somehow, but have you been watching the news of Mexico over the past several years? What's the tally of dead women in the Nuevo Laredo, Cuidad Juarez, and the Paso del Norte region of the border. How many of its citizens has the government itself killed in the last twenty-five years? And a nation who has as many as three thousand kidnappings for ransom a year, where people buy insurance against having a family member kidnapped, isn't a threat to our security during time of war?
Mexico doesn't have "weapons of mass destruction?" They don't have Armed Forces?
Our solution was to invade Iraq, and to install a government of our liking (even construction and make-up) there. Wouldn't that solve all our problems with Mexico, too. And don't they have a lot of oil, besides. Obviously, if everything we were told about Iraq was justification for our being there, we should also invade Mexico. We'd only have to cross a river, rather than an ocean and seas, besides.
I'll tell you what I think, I think we're being sold out - and that's lock, stock, and barrel. I've already mentioned here how impossible I found it to start a business against outrageously prohibitive taxes, license requirements, permits, minimum wage laws, mandatory employee insurance, and social security withholding, and the rest where illegal alien Mexicans had to have nothing of the kind, and could easily underbid me on every job. How long do you think it will be before an citizen of the U.S. will be unable to get a job or own a business in his own country? How long, with the invasion from Mexico at the pace it is, before culture, business, commerce, law enforcement, and government are all controlled by Mexicans? How many will that take? With fewer than thirty-five percent of U.S. citizens voting in elections, it shouldn't be that long, should it?
And how long before a congress already so corrupt as to beggar imagination becomes one made up entirely of foreigners? Which would be worse, and why are we in such a pickle that we have no choice by to choose between the two? Doesn't it sound like our own President has gone over to the side of the illegal aliens and Mexico? Amnesty for twenty million criminals? When has that ever happened before?
Oh, yeah. I can hear all the apologists for each and every one of our enemies. It's another sign of our national decline. The Dodo mentality. "Let's wait and see what happens" as the danger any other sane nation would recognize as a lethal threat approaches. From massive pollution of our environment, global warming, and the like, to an educational system that won't discipline and can't teach a kid to read and write in twelve years, it's all that way because the nation's people have found better - less demanding, more fun, sexier and self-gratifying, usually - to do.
Remember the fat, old broad I told you about the other day - the one who drove around and around the parking lot in her SUV, burning three dollar and twenty cents a gallon gasoline while waiting for a parking place nearest the super-market door? That's you, my country. How do you think that fat, slovenly, old whale will do when the U.S. has come to resemble Mexico exactly, made that way by a populace comprised in the majority by Mexicans - illegal ones, at that?
Like I said, you'll fight someday - when you have no choice and it's far too late. And you'll get what you deserve!
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