9-11, Katrina and Rita, the Latest Nitwit Nostrums Concerning Security, and You Still Believe? You Should Be Eating Hay - You're a Jackass.

Before reading what follows, it might be appropriate for the reader to remind himself that the picture here is that of a wound inflicted by a federal hireling sniper on a man without criminal record, one never so much as indicted or questioned regarding any crime, and a retired veteran of long service to his community and country. The wound was inflicted in an effort to prevent my doing what I do here - tell the truth about the criminal conpiracy that rules here in the Land of the Fee.
This will be pretty short, because I'm rapidly losing my ability to believe that the public here in the Land of the Fee is capable of persuasion. You have to have a a mind sufficiently unfettered for that, and that's evidently no longer the case. In fact, it would mean that the most massive campaign ever mounted for the purpose of shaping and controlling public opinion - that's propaganda - has failed. And that a nation who has watched the utter fecklessness of FEMA, the federal government, and the White House in the face of Katrina and Rita's devastation while continuing to expect better in the face of what's coming from all the foreign enemies those same people have made is decisive where I'm concerned. You're too far gone to help with advice or proof. I wonder if, even when the we have been dealt the blow we've been begging for, it will changed minds turned to stone by behaviorist-designed controls.
Recently, a congressional think-tank investigation gave marks that normally - not that our schools are "normal," anymore - get a high school kid sent to remedial education to our presidentially vaunted Homeland Security Agency. No, I thought. Gee - really? Two borders literally thousands of miles long are so wide open that old ladies walk across. Our ports and harbors are not only more wide open than that, the clown in the White House has decided to hire Arabs to guard them. Arabs! That - in case you have somehow (somehow: with the left wing's 'celebrate diversity' tripe and the like, he says "somehow?") the same people who are daily screaming for our blood. If that alone doesn't shake you up, nothing I could say will.
The Whiz-Kids of the White House solution to it all is to ignore the Constitution and join our enemies in savaging our civil and human rights.
But New Orleans - and all those other people along the Gulf Coast nobody ever seems to consider - ought to be enough. You really think that when an army of wised-up terrorists decides to REALLY (you think a couple of buildings knocked down is a WAR?) bow their necks, the KeyStone Kops menagerie in Washington, D.C. will do better than their demonstrated FUBAR response? People who didn't know what a Force Four Hurricane would do to New Orleans and its levees will handle smoothly a biochemical or nuclear attack?
That's religion. And religion is the reason all those devout Moslems blow themselves to bits, expecting to merit thereby seventy-two virgins. Is that what George VII, our own Mohammed, means to you? I hope so, because this is one lesson you may learn by being dead - splattered dead.
My friends and I are hoping to find a way to emigrate to Chile or Cuba. If anyone who reads this can and is willing to offer assistance, or if we can be of mutual assistance (we speak Spanish, for instance, and I am a survivalist of proven skill), please contact me via e-mail. Time grows short. More, I am not willing to be part of U.S. "foreign policy" that has become a euphemism for war crimes like "collateral damage" to innocents, torture of prisoners, and mass murder in general. This is not the United States of American I once served; it is a nation that permits government by criminal conspiracy to spit on its traditions and the memory of its heroes, repudiates the very concept of its founding, and tolerates torture and murder in the name of its security. Even when this same cabal of criminals deliberately sought to destroy me, breaking up my marriages and attacking my family, I stayed. Even in the face of attepts at cold-blooded murder, I stayed.
But this is too much. Then, I could keep my honor. No longer, if I stay. Enough is enough.
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