The King is Naked, But There are Few with the Courage to Say So.

The rampant and raging destruction of the United States of America and the dream of its forefathers by a society who sees it as nothing more than a sow to be suckled from continues relentlessly. The people asking what they can do for their country have long since been supplanted by those who only demand that their country provide for them. While people so unaware and desperate to share in the dying dream pour into the country across borders neglected by traitorously self-serving and self- aggrandizing government watchdog, those grown rich on the dream while it lasted seek refuge and protection for their wealth elsewhere.
Daily now, people who have grown familiar with my story and are being forced to realization about its veracity, ask, "Why do you stay? You know what's happened, you know what's happening, and you know what will happen. Why do you stay?"
WHY DOES HAL LUEBBERT STAY HERE? The fact is, I've been planning to leave for some time now. Friends and I have designed a a boat, and searched the sources for boats we could buy, suitable for moving ourselves, our families and friends. The process goes on. I get up every morning, moreover, to the sound of the news on NPR, expecting to hear the grim news I know is coming. It won't be long now. Yesterday, I took from the trunk of my only recently (as I've related here, I lived in the wilderness without such niceties for almost a decade) my survivalist back-pack, to wash, recondition, and replenish it. Things like medicines, Cyalume tubes, and fire-starting gear, for instance, deteriorate with age and have to be replaced.
But the truth is I probably won't go. In a manner similar to what I did when the IRS and its militarist masters first attacked, I won't run. I just can't do that. I fight, I always fight. That started in boyhood, with bullies only intent upon humiliation and food for their crippled egos, and it fostered in me behavior that will not accept less where the bully is a nation's government by criminal cabal. I'll stay. Even if I leave long enough to see my friends to safety in Chile, Cuba, or elsewhere, I'll come back. When I die, it should be in a fight, and I should have the taste of the enemies blood in my mouth. Everything less seems to me to be dishonorable.
But, as I alluded on the Home Page here, the evidence and signs of demise where the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave are concerned are unmistakable. However apologists like Dr. Bruce Mick of the Useless Knowledge website protest - and his most recent writing is a classic example of the mental aberration causing it - the world outside has seen the truth about Weapons of Mass Destruction, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, Hurricane Katrina, and the rest. It will begin to recall Gordon Kaul, Ruby Ridge, The MORE Compound, Waco and the Branch Davidians, San Luis, CO, and hundreds more the like. It may even remember me, and my own "war on terror" - US Federal Government terror.
But Dr. Mick and people like him as many and as powerful as the news media establishment will distort and dissimulate like that good, but probably hopelessly misguided gentleman does. We should ignore trivial matters like the accidental shooting the other day (to see how inconsistently bizarre that is, check the rest of his postings on UK). That's however the nearly impossible clumsiness and stupidity of such a thing reflects upon the nearly impossible clumsiness and stupidity of things like Afghanistan, Iraq, New Orleans, the World Trade Center, and more. No one else should notice that Mr. Cheney and his henchman George VII have also winged a number of our friends who are foreign nations and governments. A war with Islam not only is a misguided shot of colossal proportions, it will wound a lot of people. Would that when guys like this get off a stray round, it wound them in the foot, not others.
Faced with evil as Brobdingnagian in proportion and implication as this one, I look for an epitome, a microcosm or example that will tell it. For me, that was the agonizing footage revealing the extent of US torture of Arab prisoners on last weeks GalavisiĆ³n broadcast. The Mexican media have never been fastidious or squeamish about such things. When the victim of an auto accident's head was torn off, or his body torn in half to strew its intestines about, the papers and TV blazon the literally gory details with close-ups and half page photos. This was like that: men burned with cigarettes, cigars, and whatever-have-you in the hands of the torturers, men beaten within an inch (and, both presumably and evidently, some right up to and including) their lives; men sexually humiliated as only Arab men can be humiliated, and men suffocated in the time honored fashion of crucifixion. Images of Belsen, Buchenwald, Sobibor, and the rest flashed before my mind's eye, and I literally sat cringing with shame and revulsion.
In case there are those who have not lived long enough, let me remind them that during my youth the news media of none other than the United States of America maintained a stead drumbeat of photos and headlines depicting the savage brutality of Nazi Germany. Their crimes were termed "crimes against humanity," and the people who committed them less than human. No one who committed torture was fit to live, much less be lived with. I cringed then under the barrage of indignation and contempt. I, after all, was German, too.
Now this. This is the method of Reinhard Heydrich, not George S. Patton, Nazi Germany and the Sicherheitdienst, not the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
But it's what we've become. Oh, that low form of life represented by torturers has always been among us. It's historically pretty certain that they're there in every society. But that protest and outcry are and have been what it has . . . Well, it says a great deal. Just as you cannot accept violation and desecration of the Constitution and its sacred Bill of Rights and remain an American, you cannot be a torturer and remain "American." The things are antithetical. When you do that, you become something else. The United States of American is the nation where the citizen has "certain unalienable rights," where he cannot, for instance, be covertly watched, covertly overheard, or invaded by government without rational, reasonable, and thereby legal warrant. For instance. When that can happen, the nation is no longer the United States of America, it is something other. You can't have it both ways.
So there we are. We have become something else. In an earlier writing, I noted that we have too long worshipped the Bitch Goddess Success, with the squalid cash interpretation put upon the word; that's true, but it makes no difference. WHY you are a rapist, a murderer, a torturer, or a bully means nothing to the victim. I know - I once faced down your kind again and again, and again. Neither does it make any difference where what you are is concerned. WE ARE ALWAYS, IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, WHAT WE DO. Nothing else matters to our fellow human being and person.
I detest with every cell in my body (it is three A.M. as I write this, because the disgust and revulsion of what I saw the other night on GalavisiĆ³n has become bilious to the point that I simply MUST puke it up) what we are doing both at home and around the world. THIS IS NOT MY COUNTRY! This is not what I took wounds, writhed in pain, and bled for. God damn you, George W. Bush and your toadying sycophant henchman sons of bitches, you have made of us a thing that will "live in infamy." I hope you die drowning in you own shit.
And as for the rest of you, if you do not throw these Reinhard Heydrich clone bastards out of the sacred halls of our government, where once walked and deliberated men like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, and George Washington, if you dishonor our soldiers and military, men and women who now represent the heroes of Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima, Chosen Reservoir, and literally hundreds more, by permitting them to be used for oppression and shameless atrocity like what is going on publicly worldwide, if you stand by idly and cravenly while our Bill of Rights is used for ass-wipe, you are nothing! You are no more than the obese by a hundred pounds, Coke-swilling, face-stuffing, SUV-speeding slattern woman that has come to personify you for the rest of mankind.
THE TIME IS NOW, "AMERICA!" Live up to your heritage, or die like the syphilitic whore you have become.
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