"Dancing with the Stars" and the Bush League "Administration"

To watch "Dancing with the Stars" the last couple of weeks has been excruciating, at least where one P. Miller and his evidently long suffering partner are concerned. The guy is supposedly a NBA basketball star, but he dances like a bear in concrete boots. This guy has all the grace of an "Imperial Walker" in Star Wars. Still, he remains in the competition, and on the show, because half the criteria for keeping him there is television audience response. The fact that the show's experts have been telling Miller to go home, that he dances like a drunk on stilts, isn't enough.
But the situation is much - damned near identical - to what we have in the White House and on the dance floor that is U.S. Foreign Affairs. George W. Bush and the Bush League he obliviously calls an administration handle things like the War on Terror, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the rest in a manner very much like the way P. Miller "dances." More, these Keystone Kops stay in power and on the dance floor for much the same reasons as the ponderous basketball player Miller has stayed on "Dancing with the Stars." It's time to get over the sophomoric, "support your team" mentality, folks. This is a lot more serious than loyalty to a sports hero. You may think the f------ Super Bowl or whatever the hell the call the NBA version of the same is more important than war and the vicious killing of innocents it entails, but it isn't.
And while I'm on the subject, the next mental midget jackass who tells me that because I know better than what the Bush League and its clownish machinations mean for Iraq, Afghanistan, and the rest of the world I don't "support our troops" may damned well get his arm torn off and being beaten unconscious with its gushing stump. If we chose to invade the Switzerland - or the Vatican - would that mean that my disapproval also meant I didn't support our troops? We're wrong, and to support our troops means to demand that they come home. You do not support me by sending me into a fight I can't win. You REALLY piss me off when the reason I can't win is because you won't LET me win - especially while all the while you are tying my hands - and feet - you insist that you're supporting me.
On to another subject (that one pisses me off so, I can't type): If anything pisses me off more than the way we were lied into war, it's the latest Big Lie, that having to do with the illegal and unconstitutional - that by a guy whose oath of office says he won't do that - surveillance of citizens. They are reading my e-mail and regular mail, and listening to my phone calls as I write this, they have been doing that for the last twenty three years, and this twisted son of a bitch dares stand in front of us and make speeches wherein he says the only eavesdropping is on suspected al Qa'ida operatives and associates. I haven't made an overseas call in fifty years, and have never in that time corresponded by e-mail or otherwise with anyone outside the U.S. THE MAN AND HIS "ADMINISTRATION" ARE LIARS!
Added to the monumental frustration of it all is the cynical lying of the media
as regards the matter. It's similar to the way that congressmen, senators, and the media ignored FOR YEARS continual proof of high - that's felony - crimes by the Internal Revenue Service and other federal bureaucracies and bureaucrats. I mailed proof of rape, extortion to commit rape, wrongful conversion of property, and much more, again and again, and to no avail. THIS NATION'S NEWS MEDIA AND ITS GOVERNMENT ARE A CYNICAL, DECEPTIVE, PROPAGANDIST FRAUD. It's a lie. The dissimulating partisan "debate" between Conservative and Liberal, between Republican and Democrat, is a Mutt and Jeff, Bad Cop-Good Cop fraud, designed and intended to keep the public stupefied and stopped.
ONE, MORE, TIME: The "military industrial complex" President General Dwight Eisenhower warned of is in power. LOOK AROUND YOU! See if your normal mind will let you interpret what is going on any other way. The fate of our Jeffersonian Democracy is being decided as we speak. If Bush gets away with this, we will become a totalitarian state in a very, very short time. The Constitution of the United States. I remind you, must be enforced by the people because it is a law intended to control government. Now we are being told that the President is the sole judge of how the Constitution applies to him, and what power he has. To leave enforcement of the law - any law - to the people it seeks to control is utter nonsense.
More, the arguments being put forward by supporters of the President are stunning in their incoherent and bewildered rationale. The President is a good man - he talks to god! He needs to be able to listen to your private conversations because there are evil people trying to hurt us. That's while the borders are LEFT so open that literally droves of people pour into the country hourly. HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID?! It goes on, and on.
So we have it. While experts look on aghast and impotent at the guy who dances like an elephant, the public votes him back again and again. Watching the President and his FUBAR Bush League wallow about like a beached whales makes one wonder what will happen once P. Miller smashes his partners foot, or crushed her when he topples. Will the TV audience demand that someone supply him another victim?
And doesn't this clown know what he looks like?
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