The State of the Union Address, Rebuttal; Not From the "Other Side of the Aisle" - From the Street.

That, you'll remember, is Senator Phogbound, Jack S. He hasn't changed - his kind never do. You should remember that, too.
The CIA Operation Mockingbird-controlled media is still cramming down our throats its bilgewater concerning the State of the Union Address and the conniving rebuttal by the Democratic Party, so it seems only fair that we have a real rebuttal - from someone who represents the people who are really watching the state of the union, and really care.
First, everything uttered these days by the sleaze of politicians in the collective whorehouse on the Potomac that is our government reminds me of the old story I repeat here on occasion. That's the one about the guy who comes home unexpectedly, to catch the neighbor guy topping off his wife. The wife looks over her stud's shoulder at her cuckold husband, to demand, "Well, are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?!"
The President's speeches are like that, and like the wife in my story, you do have to give the man credit for one thing - chutzpah.
The state of the union is this (from one who has for the last twenty years traveled its length and breadth, observing and talking to more people than perhaps any survey ever done - and that on a level no other survey can match):
1. While the military industrial complex spends upwards of $760,000,000,000 a year on a military bigger than all the others on earth combined, the society struggles to pay taxes higher by forty-two percent than any other nation on earth. The result is 40,000,000 who live below what scholars call the "poverty level," and the middle class is being consumed by corporate greed with accelerating speed. Ninety-five percent of the nation's wealth and monetary power is owned by less than one percent of its population, and each year the chasm between rich and poor widens.
The crushing tax burden born by middle and lower class "America" - ninety percent of income taxation is levied against families with incomes below $35,000, and ALL taxes are paid by non-corporate interests and individuals (If the government took 100 percent of all taxable income above $75,000, it would get enough to run the government for approximately ten days. One hundred percent of taxes collected goes to pay interest on the National Debt—money owed the Federal Reserve (i.e., domestic and foreign bankers). The result has been nothing less than a breakdown in society - something as obvious as what's going on in the bedroom of the cuckold husband in my ribald story. Whereas families were once supported entirely by one bread-earner - when I was first married, my wife and I had a car, a house, television and the usual appliances all on my wages - it is now necessary for everyone in the household to have an income, and the family owns nothing but massive, enslaving debt.
The further result of the burden imposed by a military bloated to an extent beyond either credibility or description is the ruination of society's basic unit, the family. Together with the sociological mania known as feminism and its obsession with "career," forces imposed by the need of women to be employed outside the home have resulted in exponential increase in the number and percentage single-family homes, and for the first time in the nation's history, more than half of the nation's women live in a home without a man. Deprived of parentally derived normalcy, the nation's children have become - and continue to be at an accelerating pace - an actual threat to society. Stupid almost beyond belief, often as vicious and depraved as wild animals, they roam our streets in ravening packs, pillaging, terrorizing, and killing. Where once as a high school student I was permitted to take my shotgun to school on opening day of hunting season, the better to hunt on the way home, we have now turned our schools into veritable prisons where armed guards patrol the hallways and teachers must be taught self-defense and survival skills. Terrorist shootings, by children - "drive-by" and otherwise - have become a continual event nationally. Drug use and addiction have reached colossally epidemic levels, and sexual depravity among teenagers, even children, is a national disgrace.
The "single-parent" so vaunted by feminists family apparently hasn't succeeded.
2. Everywhere in the nation, small business and entrepreneurial endeavor burdened by destructive totalitarian taxation - the purpose of taxation, after all, is to re-allocate and re-distribute wealth - are crushed by corporations favored by no such burden. Everywhere, the "WalMart Assault" strikes communities, competitive enterprise being swiftly strangled. With the trade deficit soaring, corrupt government owned by corporations and lobbyists pandering to it continues to favor the giant corporations doing business overseas, the better to "maximize" profits. Efforts to maximize profits include domestic hiring and exploitation at minimum wage, or buying merchandise made by foreign workers at sweat-shops wages for sale here at inflated prices. More, the same lust for profits (shared by stockholders who, willing to see their neighbors impoverished in the process, demand it) has brought an massive exodus of the same corporate interests, exodus to places where cheap labor and other costs promise even higher profits.
Meanwhile, thanks mostly - and, for me, incredibly - to political power having been acquired by illegal alien workers, and to the necessity imposed upon small manufacturers, farmers, and businesses generally by destructive taxation, U.S. workers are forced to compete in their own country's labor market with aliens able to easily underbid them, aliens aided by government health care and social programs unavailable to the citizen. If that weren't enough, the aliens - people from what is perhaps the most murderous and crime-ridden society on earth, certainly in the hemisphere - pillage, rape and murder almost at will. The massive influx of illegal aliens across border with Mexico has produced with a vengeance the "great sucking sound" once warned of my Ross Perot when a presidential candidate.
That while the government sworn to "promote the general welfare" of its citizens dithers cynically, sucking up to its corporate masters and availing itself of the political power represented by the aliens and their cultural brothers who reside here legally.
Perhaps nothing so characterizes the state of affairs, as well as the state of the union than the fact that U.S. citizens must now, in order to get a job in their country, speak Spanish, the language of another. Worse, in order to obtain many of the services to which he is entitled by his citizenship, he must speak Spanish. A few years ago, in fact, my application for social benefits - food stamps - was rejected, while illegal aliens recently arrived from Mexico (I speak Spanish fluently, a fact unknown to the federal employees a the office in Del Rio, Texas) were given assistance immediately.
3. In the "Nation of Laws," law and order - especially its enactors and enforcers - have fallen into disrepute and ridicule. All but daily, courts hand down rulings so bizarre as to not only offend the sensibilities of the general public, but to assure contempt for the law among youth literate and intelligent enough to understand. Courts and legislatures brow-beaten and nagged by feminists, for instance, have made the charge of rape all but indefensible. To date, as many as one hundred, thirty men convicted of rape in court proceedings made spastic by feminist-inspired and extorted legislation and procedural rules have been shown innocent by DNA and other scientifically conclusive evidence. In the "Nation of Laws," few people give a damn about real innocence of guilt, only that their point of view, their bias - ideological, cultural or otherwise - be served.
Consider the O.J. Simpson trial of a few years ago, for instance.
A few years ago, a U.S. Attorney General estimated that our jails held as many as thirty thousand innocent men. He considered that an acceptable number, he said. "It's the price we have to pay for our system of justice." Obviously, I thought then, it's not HE who pays the price.
Edwin Meese may have been referring to the "price" of a "justice" characterized by cases like the Duke University Lacrosse Team embarrassment, officials repair for guidance and what would otherwise be legitimacy to the opinion and related demands of societal factions like feminism. Officials faced with political liabilities due this or that self-serving "ism" continually and with malfeasance inflict themselves on the helpless, while disinterested, citizen. On the execrable border with Mexico lately, a drug smuggler given immunity from prosecution has succeeded in having tried and imprisoned the Border Patrol officers who caught him in the act of smuggling and illegal entry into the country. At all levels of government, moreover, law has become a matter of politics, rather than justice.
Thanks to a media compromised by Operation Mockingbird and similar journalist-controlling methods, the many cases like that of the two Border Patrol agents are obscured, kept out of the public eye.
Unfortunately, perhaps, THIS state of the union address will of necessity occupy far too much space for one day's writing. Things are in a hell of a mess; rest assured, however - unlike the "analysis" provided by a national media squirming under the boot of government pressure - there will be no control, federal or otherwise, of what I say. Impossible to control by the power to destroy of taxation, I tell it like it is. And, "To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treasonous to virtue."
There’s Iraq, Afghanistan, and a whole lot more. I'll continue tomorrow.
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