More From the Queen of Hearts Court

Let’s imagine for a minute that our national affairs were all conducted in the manner of the Duke University Lacrosse Team affair – because, in fact, they ARE.
Think about it. How has the history of the United States since the rise of feminism been? What part of our national life is not modified – ruled, even – by the kind of political correct, emotion-driven and devoid of reason nonsense like the Duke University Rape Case and literally hundreds more to which we have been subjected since the rise of people like Marilyn French, Elizabeth Stanton, Catherine MacKinnon, Andrea Dworkin, and the like?
In case you’ve forgotten, French was the professorial genius who said, “All men are rapists, and that's all they are” (how’s that for a fair trial?). Stanton, a nineteenth century feminist sometimes credited with having started the whole “sexual revolution,” delivered this bon mot for history: “The prejudice against color . . . is no stronger than that against sex. It is produced by the same cause, and manifested very much in the same way.” We’re all slave-masters, in other words. Then there is Catherine MacKinnon, largely responsible for invention of sexual harassment doctrine: “Pornography is sex discrimination . . .;” and, “Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination.”
Note that by then the language had become so spastic in meaning that it’s hard to know with certainty what the hell she actually meant to say. Obviously, sex itself “discriminates.” Its original, Webster’s (but he was a man, of course) meaning is “to observe or make a distinction; to distinguish one thing from another.” Yup, sex would sure do that. So, I take it, to notice that you’re a woman – frankly, in the instance of Ms. MacKinnon, that would require close observation – is “discriminatory.” But even that doesn’t take us far enough to know what the hell this bubblehead means.
Oh, well – we also have stuff like “male chauvinist” (look those up and see where you come out), and a dozen more feminist raids on the language and the societal sanity to which it necessarily relates. Remember when “women’s issues” was ubiquitous in the national discourse, and how any kind of difficulty, trouble, problem, or the like became “issues?” “I have issues?”
We sure do. Urine is an issue; so is shit - both the natural and the language kind. How about “sexist,” “racist,” and odious turn (twist?) of phrase the like? Only under the threat of cannonade comprised of verbal missiles like that can the strange machinations of North Carolina District Attorney Mike Nifong be explained. Nifong, we will all recall – the tabloid-aping news media has spent billions in million-dollar-a-minute air time to assure that we never forget it – is the seemingly duress-motivated prosecutor who was obviously (unless you’ve paid no attention whatever to everything feminism has been saying for four decades) forced to take the word – and that’s just as obviously all he had – of stripper (it gets worse and worse, doesn’t it?), three-time illegitimate mother (ditto), one Crystal Gail Mangum ("Crystal Mangum" - if that's her real name, and she didn't misspell "Magnum," I miss my guess).
You may have noticed that I didn’t offer a quotation from feminist Andrea Dworkin back there a minute ago. I had a reason. You’ll get it when you read, “I made a vow . . . that I would use everything I knew, including prostitution, to make the women's movement stronger and better.” That's Andrea. The emphasis on "including prostitution" is mine.
A while back (sixties and seventies), when I was a working PI, another women not only “used” prostitution, she sent four young men to jail with it. In this instance, however, the “prostitution,” was to feminism itself, not men. Investigation subsequent to conviction of the victims revealed a feminist plot aimed at restoring funds cut from those being allocated to something called “The Rape Crisis Center.” The accuser, who had once a short time before (a fact that, on account of a local feminist legislator, was inadmissible at trial) entertained sexually the entire football team at the local college, had not only offered her body to the young men, but as a sacrifice to her new god (or goddess), feminism. When the "rape victim" had entertained yet another team - this time one short of a basketball quintet - she calmly and (dare I say) disingenuously, not only obtained the names and telephone numbers of all her victims before they dropped her off at her dormitory entrance, she waited until morning ten hours later to walk calmly to the campus police station to report the terrible thing that had befallen her.
Once of the men in question, incidentally, was impotent, physically incapable of what theretofore was considered rape. He got the same forty year sentence as his friends (and that to the satisfaction of all the women brain-washed by the then new feminist ideology). What was feminist singer Helen Reddy’s song line – “I am woman, hear me roar”?
Remind yourself, where the Duke University Lacrosse players are concerned, of what would have happened, were they all destitute, poor. While you’re at that, recall the scores of men who have been falsely convicted, almost entirely due the weird forensics and laws having to do with rape trials, laws of late imposed upon society by people like the feminists I mention and their sisters.
Then, too, recall the O.J. Simpson case.
Now we have the kind of society where last night’s harangue by FoxNews’ Sean Hannity is possible. Hannity, of course, is an avaricious, ratings-craving demagogue first, a propagandist apologist for the White House second. All but frothing at the mouth, Hannity snarled that the latest teacher to have sex (ask yourself how the hell this kind of thing became national news, news on the same footing as the death toll in Iraq) with her student “raped” him.
The entire discussion over the last couple days has not included the weight, size, or comparative strength of the principles, only their ages (17 and 29). Neither is there any asseveration of any kind of duress on the part of the teacher. Maybe the teacher threatened to give the kid an "F?" Does anyone wonder why the teacher just doesn't say she was raped? Wouldn't that shift the direction of everything? Can you imagine the confusion of feminists, should that happen?
Then, we have the Paula Zahn program, wherein apologists for Islam argued that Islam is no more violent than Christianity and that Moslems should not be singled out for scrutiny by society. The entire discussion was had without mentioning the number of murderous terrorist-style attacks made by Moslems in the name of Islam.
Why do I compare the two? I compare them because in both instances, “evidence” and the basis for proof of contention was made up entirely of language. Reality – the real world and how it works – are not mentioned.
Whatever her name is is a rapist entirely on the basis of language – in teacher-student case nitwit legislation, and in the argument of the Moslems pure polemics. We might as well be talking about a King of #$%@&! Or the Queen of Hearts. Neither exists, of course, but we can say anything of them, create saint or sinner, just as we please. Anything is possible.
So has it become with our benighted society. Yesterday, I mentioned Soledad O’Brien’s recent Malaprop on nationwide TV, “issues in bed.” Last night, during a conversation, a friend (obviously an “American” bewildered by today’s feminist-warped diction and speech) asked if I – being seventy years of age, yet still a formidable athlete - ever had “penis issues.”
When I had stopped laughing, it was only when I noticed that I was the only one present sharing my mirth. Wondering at my companions’ wondering looks, I answered the apparently ill-considered question. “Well, sure,” I said, “every time I urinate there is an issue – when I come, too.” There was laughter, of course – my friends aren’t that obtuse – but it was less than hearty. Everyone, it seems, likes that asinine expression. “Issues.” Jesus!
Maybe I need to seek new associations.
The Moslem apologists, Sean Hannity (to say nothing about FoxNews and the media generally), and pundits these days generally all use rhetoric and language to create reality the way Hollywood uses light and movie technology to create it. The result is that a religious creed and ethnic ideology yet to offer any palpable objection to more than eight hundred incidents of brutal and terroristic murder in the past three decades may theatrically create the rhetorical impression that another such religious creed and ethnic ideology (white, Anglo-Saxon, and male) is equally violent.
It can turn into rape the extreme – the greatest a human being can have - orgasmic pleasure of a seventeen-year old male, who is twenty five or thirty pounds heavier and three to four times stronger than his sexual partner. That’s rape by the woman!
Good grief! Folks, we’ve lost it. When we as a nation permitted a relatively small segment of society’s distaff side to commandeer the language, we permitted nothing less than the high-jacking of thought, a new kind of reality. I’ve never been religious, viewing all of such scripture with an eye jaundiced by science and reason. But the story of creation says that Eve listened to the Devil, ate from the tree of knowledge. I think that knowledge was language.
Language, you see, is really the only place man can rival god. With language, man can create a kind of reality – pseudo, but apparently real. A king in France, for instance. With words, he can make a twelve ton chocolate sundae, with a one ton, Maraschino cherry on top.
He can create a Brobdingnagia, a Lilluputia, or a Superman (Superwoman, too). He can make, especially with Hollywoodian special effects, a one hundred, ten pound woman who is heavyweight champion of the world (or an U.S. Army Ranger, a Delta Team Trooper, or a Navy SEAL). He can make a Karen Hultgren a great pilot, a Jessica Lynch a war hero.
He can create a world, color by Technicolor, reality by feminism.
And here we are. But why am I complaining? After all, the government of the United States – and by natural extension, the United States itself – are my enemy. They said so. I want the government to fall - I want you to be slammed back into the world of reality. Yes, decline, defeat, if necessary. You need to be taught the lesson of history. Only that will save mankind – that people "America" seeks to enslave to its power-madness, its insatiable avarice, and its scrofulous decadence - and the planet.
I haven’t voted in an election since I voted for Barry Goldwater and the nation enthralled with feminism elected the peace candidate, Lyndon Johnson. But when Hillary Clinton (or Rodham, just to show how far this mania has gone) runs for president, I intend to vote for her. I’ll vote for every female on the ballot, too. I’ll vote, in other words, to accelerate our steepening decline as much as possible. We need to get this over with. Otherwise, what started in the Garden of Eden will end in the Queen of Hearts Court, the place where reality has become language, and where – because no one can know with certainty what is being said – all reality is subjective. Subjected to effeminate emotion.
Where rape, for instance (and for instance only), is determined by the ages of the people engaged in sex, or by the political climate of the time, with debate using a language whose meaning is vague, insanity – chaos - rules.
Excuse me, but a young women just walked into the room. She's naked. She's built like Britney Spears - looks like her, too. Her name is Sue, and - mercy! - she wants to have sex. So. So, I have to check her ID, call the court house for her record of birth, and all that. I'd just tell her "no" (sure I would), but if that pisses her off and she decides to take revenge, well, you know.
We'll have another Mike Nifong. And another tabloid talk orgy by FoxNews, Greta Van Susteren, Nancy Grace and their media sisters. I'd better check Sue, here's, racial origins, too. And ethnicity. She's obviously a woman, too - female, anyway. Now THAT's trouble. Let's see, I think I'd better call my lawyer . . .
“Off with his head,” cried the Queen. “First the sentence, then the trial.” Or weren’t you listening, during the first few weeks the Duke University Lacrosse Rape Case, to all the REAL “sexists” and the “racists?”
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