More of Schroedinger's Cat Reality in the Land of the Free

We were absent there for several days, due to a computer crash accompanied by a forty milli-rem spike on the dosimeter here in the office. All the rest of the dosimeters in the house, seven in number, register nothing. That's zip. Zero. Nada. Bupkis. Someone, who somehow obtained all the passwords to all the systems, programs, and files - odds against random accident being 2.0923 X 1013 (20,923,000,000,000) to one - captured all my files and folders. They also obliterated one of my computers memory. With purchase of a new computer Saturday, we made another effort to return to blogging. No luck - the new computer crashed this morning. This back-up will, no doubt, do the same soon. I have two more, shielded by systems designed and intended to show incontrovertibly and as a matter of forensic evidence what is being done and by whom.
Incidentally, the lawsuit filed September 26, 2006 and published here the same day, has not yet been acknowledgement from the Clerk of Court - except, of course, for the U.S. Postal Service certification of delivery signed by the recipient. The process will now follow that encountered by the author repeatedly and invariably whenever he has attempted anything having to do with government at any level during the past twenty-nine years. Drivers, P.I., concealed handgun, and other licenses that required from seven months to a year to obtain, for instance. Mail, UPS, and other deliveries that simply could not be made - those numbering literally in the hundreds. Electronic banking - social security, for instance - and ATM machine transfers that mysteriously became impossible under my name, yet simple and immediate under a new pseudonym. Et cetera.
The court will report that all manner of irregularities have caused delays. Litigious in character, of course, they will nevertheless parallel unmistakably all that has gone before.
The week saw me listening as per usual to the newspeaking media. I mentioned White House Spokesman Tony Snow's Schroedinger's Cat version of truth, wherein violence in Iraq was both up and down, depending upon which lie was being promulgated. With four more today, the death toll of U.S. Servicemen continues to climb daily. But the level of violence, according to the White House, remains down from somewhere only the White House knows. On election day, the nation's electorate proved itself willing to give aid and comfort to the the enemy - that according to criteria set by FoxNews - by failing to support the White House - and, therefore, the troops in Iraq. So everyone who voted to throw the Republicans out of office and return the U.S. Congress to Democratic Party control is a traitor. That's why the level of violence that is down in Iraq is also up.
Saturday, the stock market seers wondered aloud about what the Democratic Party victories would mean for the markets, inasmuch - and I paraphrase - as the reduction of arms spending could prove very damaging.
Did you catch that? Massive arms spending is good for the markets. Here comes Schroedinger's bewildered and bewildering cat again. See, since WW-II there has never been a reduction, much less a cessation, of staggering expenditures for arms and the military. Fifteen trillion, closing in now on sixteen trillion. If there has ever been one of those "growth" stocks, those military industrial complex shares have been it. Read magazines like Aviation Week, and you will see the future. The military industrial complex takes absolutely for granted that they will receive scores of billions scores of billions to design, build, test, and then each and every weapon of which the mind of man can conceive.
But the Nostradamuses of finance warn that decreased arms spending could hurt the markets. We'll get richer by spending more. Does this remind anyone of the same violence that is both up and down at the same time?
Britt Hume has just fired another of his propagandist, "is there a chance that the Democrats want us to lose in Iraq questions." "How many more will the terrorists kill" if we do whatever he and his mentors at the White House don't want us to do, in other words. Well, pal, the terrorists sure as hell won't kill as many as WE will - they're nowhere near as well equipped for the job as we are.
During the week that was I also had another object lesson in why I have since high school and boyhood avoided groups and the groupthink that invariably results. There was the matter of the three web server support people who, when I called to learn why the new computer would not access my website, neglected to tell me that a password had been changed - that without notice. Then, once that little matter had been accounted for and I was still unable to access my site, still a fourth "support" expert advised that Microsoft has stopped, as of several days ago, "supporting their FrontPage program." What the hell does that mean? Try something called "DreamWeaver," he suggested.
The folks at Circuit City were not different. Having left my computer there for repair, new memory, etc., and having been told the matter would require two or three days, I began calling on the fifth day. I left messages asking that my calls be returned. On Saturday, I drove the two hours to Corpus Christi to learn that repair of the computer would cost more than a new one. The reasoning was interesting. The repair, I was informed by one technician, would cost $350. The cost of the new computer, when all was said and done was well over $750. Hmmmmmm.
The latter, incidentally, is the one that just "crashed." What do you want to bet that repair will cost more than another new one?
I now have a telephone that has a camera in it. Owing to the really asinine design and composition of the thing, it is all but impossible to hold the phone without pushing a button that causes everything but what I intend to happen to occur. The thing cuts out regularly, leaving both parties speaking to wonder what the hell they are talking about. And that's just REALLY annoying stuff. Unless you consider the fact that every time I try to make a call, I get a message from someone trying to sell something like this god-damned phone. Does that remind anyone of trying to watch the news or a movie on TV?
Am I the only one who does not want to watch a movie chopped into a hundred pieces by commercial messages? Or the morning news? The same happens when I get a call. So I have a telephone that will take pictures, but not make a phone call. What's next a camera that makes phone calls? Or is that what I have?
We have a government that can't maintain order even among, much less govern, themselves, and sells us out to every business interest there conceivable, including foreign nations like Mexico. We have a $460,000,000,000 a year military, armed with every gee-whiz, Star Wars weapon known to the mind of man, but can't defeat a nation the size of Iraq, armed with I.E.D.s and small arms. And our troops are the best ever, led by military geniuses of the first rank. You don't find that suspect?
How about the fact that we are not only supposedly spending more scores of billions on security, but giving up just about all of the civil rights that once made us exceptional in all the world, that while leaving our borders so wide open that literally hundred of thousands, even millions, of illegal aliens are pouring into the country? When the next terrorist attack happens, as it inevitably will, the newspeaking minions of the White House, guys like Britt Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and the rest will make Big Lie lemonade of the lemon. Everyone who didn't want to give up his Constitutional rights will have been the cause, even though loss of those same rights will have done nothing to prevent the new "terrorism." More, the financial experts will be sanguine, because the promise of new spending for defense, new super high tech - super high expensive, that is - weapons and technology with which to compromise the security, safety, and privacy of the citizenry will be great for the nation's economy. We become prosperous by making ourselves prostrate before the terrorists. Logically, that's how that comes out, isn't it?
But, of course, our freedom will be saved by putting us all in prison. We'll save all the Iraqis from tyranny by killing them.
Schroedinger's Cat - both alive and dead. Quantum reality is a lot like things politically correct, isn't it? It all depends on whose looking and reporting. We decide on the basis of what most people like what's true and what isn't. Women warriors (last night a movie - "Basic" - wherein a woman is a U.S. Army Ranger) and pigs that fly. At that rate, things may one day fall up. And if you don't believe it, you'll be a traitor.
If you have trouble understanding it all, just ask Sean Hannity. Or Anne Coulter.
Then tell yourself you're sane.
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